60 Gallon Discus Tank

Our new 60 gallon aquarium. We placed our 6 discus in this tank about a week ago. They are very shy right now and only really come out and swim a lot when all the lights in the room are turned off. I'm sure they will eventually get used to the new tank and become more social. The tank is lightly planted with only 2 pcs of driftwood. The substrate is sand, which I hope will make cleaning the tank easier. We took a trip to the local fish store today and were amazed by how much bigger our discus are compared to the ones that are still in the tank we selected these from. I would say that our discus are about 25% larger than those. The colors are not coming in as fast as I hoped but that will come in time.

60 Gallon Discus Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Discus 13 years ago 5,491 views

Our new 60 gallon aquarium. We placed our 6 discus in this tank about a week ago. They are very shy right now and only really come out and swim a lot when all the lights in the room are turned off. I'm sure they will eventually get used to the new tank and become more social. The tank is lightly planted with only 2 pcs of driftwood. The substrate is sand, which I hope will make cleaning the tank easier. We took a trip to the local fish store today and were amazed by how much bigger our discus are compared to the ones that are still in the tank we selected these from. I would say that our discus are about 25% larger than those. The colors are not coming in as fast as I hoped but that will come in time.

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Most popular comments
for 60 Gallon Discus Tank

Frank Brinson
Frank Brinson - 11 years ago
I have kept discus in a 29 and have bred them in a 29. I'm not comfortable doing that again. They didn't show signs of discomfort in a 29 so I think a 38 should be fine.
Frank Brinson
Frank Brinson - 11 years ago
Live blackworms. The container has a small amount of gravel in it. the worms partially bury themselves in the gravel and this allows the discus to pick at them one by one over a period of time. Discus like to rummage for food.
Diego Montoya
Diego Montoya - 12 years ago
Hey i Have a 38 gallon tank is it ok to put discus in there?
Frank Brinson
Frank Brinson - 13 years ago
I feed the discus live blackworms. Recently I have been feeding them frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp. They will eat flake foods as well but I try to feed them REAL foods and supplement with the flakes only a couple times a week.
Dario Galvan
Dario Galvan - 13 years ago
what do you feed them?
Frank Brinson
Frank Brinson - 13 years ago
The plastic container is for feeding blackworms. There is about 1/2 inch of gravel in there for holding down the container so that it does not float and it also gives the live blackworms a place to burrow. The discus love to pick at them throughout the day.
adammak47 - 13 years ago
what did u put in the plastic container?

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