hi could you give me the names of the plants you have in the aquarium al my plants died because of the heat in the aquarium
David Yamarick- 13 years ago
@patrickplomp Thanks, I'll consider doing this as well.
Patrick Plomp- 13 years ago
Thanks. They are all still alive, even though the video I posted over 1 year ago!
I always purchase them fully raised, as in my experience when you have some adults swimming around, the picking order prevents juviniles to get enough food to grow as well as they do at the breeders stations. THey are fully equipped to feed the fish several times a day, and keep water quality in excellent conditions, as I have to go to work during the day, hence not being able to feed 5 or 6 times...
David Yamarick- 13 years ago
Beautiful fish. I'm curious, did you purchase these as adults or raise them from very small and young?
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