75g Aquarium - Almond Leaves from Amy's Ketapang Store (ebay) - Royal Spotted Discus and Co.

I've been using Amy's Ketapang Almond leaves and barks from ebay for the past 4 years. I'm continuing using them in my 75g Discus tank. I find the almond leaves and bark to be very beneficial for my home aquaria as it helps leach therapeutic tannins and humic acid into the water as well as help lowering the pH in my tank. The yellow tanic water is natural and the smell of it is woody. I have never had any issues with these leaves or bark. You can see in the video that I'm using more than the recommended dosage from Amy's. Amy's very great to deal with and always communicates well. Check out her ebay store here http://stores.ebay.com/Amys-Ketapang-Inc Considerably well priced and affordable for normal Joe's like myself; a bag of 200g lasts me about 1 year. I've always stocked up. My testimonial for Amy: "Thank you Amy for offering these Almond leaves and almond bark products for us hobbyists at an affordable price. It have been buying and continuously using your almond leaves for the past 4 years for my South American themed fish aquarium. Whether the leaves are A+ grade, B, C, or D grade, it still does the job providing a natural habitat for my prized fish. I have found that the fish are much healthier in behaviour and health. I have noticed a big difference between when I use it and when I don't use almond leaves - I find the fish to be more proned to illness when NOT using the leaves. There is definitely a benefit for using the leaves in a home aquaria. It provides healthy tannins and humic acid for the health of my fish and plants; and helps lower the pH of the water. Best of all, it provides additional shelters for my ground dwelling rare corydoras, dwarf cichlids, and fancy plecos (L134). I have referred my other fellow hobbyists to try Amy's almond leaves because I really do stand by Amy's almond leaves.. In my 33 gallon tank, I use 10 leaves and 10 almond bark, never had an issue. For my 75 gallon tank, I use over 25+ leaves and over 20+ almond barks, no issue. My dosages are not as recommended but every home aquaria is different, see what works for your tank. For the few negative feedbacks given, I would just take with a grain of salt, I would say it's not entirely the leaves that was the cause. Fish can die due to many different variables or just natural causes. Like anything in the home aquaria, your fish needs to be acclimatized slowly even with the leaves. I'm keep discus and still use a lot of almond leaves and barks. I am confident enough to put the number of leaves and bark into my tank because I trust the leaves and bark. I just think the buyers and hobbyists need to know what they're doing first and stop blaming the leaves. A bit unfair to Amy when there's many variables that may attribute to the death of a fish - most likely from a sudden drastic change in water parameters. Nonetheless, thank you Amy and I look forward to receiving my next big order of your quality almond leaves and almond barks."

75g Aquarium - Almond Leaves from Amy's Ketapang Store (ebay) - Royal Spotted Discus and Co. sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Discus 12 years ago 4,515 views

I've been using Amy's Ketapang Almond leaves and barks from ebay for the past 4 years. I'm continuing using them in my 75g Discus tank. I find the almond leaves and bark to be very beneficial for my home aquaria as it helps leach therapeutic tannins and humic acid into the water as well as help lowering the pH in my tank. The yellow tanic water is natural and the smell of it is woody. I have never had any issues with these leaves or bark. You can see in the video that I'm using more than the recommended dosage from Amy's. Amy's very great to deal with and always communicates well. Check out her ebay store here http://stores.ebay.com/Amys-Ketapang-Inc Considerably well priced and affordable for normal Joe's like myself; a bag of 200g lasts me about 1 year. I've always stocked up. My testimonial for Amy: "Thank you Amy for offering these Almond leaves and almond bark products for us hobbyists at an affordable price. It have been buying and continuously using your almond leaves for the past 4 years for my South American themed fish aquarium. Whether the leaves are A+ grade, B, C, or D grade, it still does the job providing a natural habitat for my prized fish. I have found that the fish are much healthier in behaviour and health. I have noticed a big difference between when I use it and when I don't use almond leaves - I find the fish to be more proned to illness when NOT using the leaves. There is definitely a benefit for using the leaves in a home aquaria. It provides healthy tannins and humic acid for the health of my fish and plants; and helps lower the pH of the water. Best of all, it provides additional shelters for my ground dwelling rare corydoras, dwarf cichlids, and fancy plecos (L134). I have referred my other fellow hobbyists to try Amy's almond leaves because I really do stand by Amy's almond leaves.. In my 33 gallon tank, I use 10 leaves and 10 almond bark, never had an issue. For my 75 gallon tank, I use over 25+ leaves and over 20+ almond barks, no issue. My dosages are not as recommended but every home aquaria is different, see what works for your tank. For the few negative feedbacks given, I would just take with a grain of salt, I would say it's not entirely the leaves that was the cause. Fish can die due to many different variables or just natural causes. Like anything in the home aquaria, your fish needs to be acclimatized slowly even with the leaves. I'm keep discus and still use a lot of almond leaves and barks. I am confident enough to put the number of leaves and bark into my tank because I trust the leaves and bark. I just think the buyers and hobbyists need to know what they're doing first and stop blaming the leaves. A bit unfair to Amy when there's many variables that may attribute to the death of a fish - most likely from a sudden drastic change in water parameters. Nonetheless, thank you Amy and I look forward to receiving my next big order of your quality almond leaves and almond barks."

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Most popular comments
for 75g Aquarium - Almond Leaves from Amy's Ketapang Store (ebay) - Royal Spotted Discus and Co.

Kathleen Monsegue
Kathleen Monsegue - 7 years ago
What should i do if i see my angelfish flicking or flashing against plants? I dont see any white spots or ich on them. It looks like they are trying to get rid of something thats itching them. My 3 angels also have finrot that im treating them for...btw can i still dose the tank with melafix if i placed the indian almond leaves in the hang on the back filter?
Jobber - 7 years ago
Kathleen Monsegue there are many reasons as to why the fish are flicking against the plants. Even though you may not see ick, they may still have them at the early stages of ick. When you see ick with your eyes, then its already into the ick cycle. Juat make sure your tank has clean water and perhaps look into a UV sterilizer to help prevent/minimize ick outbreaks. I tend to ensure my tank water is clean by doing regular+ water changes. Good luck.
Kathleen Monsegue
Kathleen Monsegue - 7 years ago
Hi i have a 55 gallon partially planted tank with freshwater angelfish cichlids. I just got my order of indian almond leaves. How much do i put in without making my tank's water too dark to see the fish and plants? Somebody told me 5-6 leaves. My leaves are medium sized.
Jobber - 7 years ago
Kathleen Monsegue I had to experiment the right clarity. I did want to get the water more yellow and put maybe 4 leaves in my 75g along with all the driftwood and barks. Start of slow.
Kathleen Monsegue
Kathleen Monsegue - 7 years ago
Jobber i actually added 2 leaves but they are still too big to fit inside of the media bag, so i broke them into quarter pieces and stuck them inside the bag and placed the bag inside my fluval aquaclear hang on the back filter. I'll let you know how the water turns out. Hopefully it will lower my ph from a 8 to a under 7.
Kathleen Monsegue
Kathleen Monsegue - 7 years ago
Im going to place the leaves inside a filter media bag and inside of my hang on the back filters.
Kathleen Monsegue
Kathleen Monsegue - 7 years ago
Jobber ok so 1 leaf first then add 1 more if its too light :) but would the medicinal properties be the same with 1 leaf?
Kathleen Monsegue
Kathleen Monsegue - 7 years ago
Jobber i have 2 hang on the back filters no carbon in it just the ceramic stuff to grow beneficial bacteria and the sponge thing it came with. Also, i have a sponge filter inside of my tank.
Jobber - 7 years ago
Kathleen Monsegue it's all a matter of personal preference. use 1 leaf first. Let the leaf release tannins over the week and you can gauge if you like the water clarity and colour. There is no set number of leaves to put in the tank - just don't put too many (25+) as the decomposing leaves may decrease the pH ot the water. Cichlids love pH on the acidic side (less than 7.0).
Kathleen Monsegue
Kathleen Monsegue - 7 years ago
I just dont want super dark yellowy water...i like how ur tank water is still clear enough to see the discus and plants.
Kathleen Monsegue
Kathleen Monsegue - 7 years ago
Jobber so 1 leaf for a 55 gallon? Will just one leaf be sufficient enough to treat my 3 angelfish's finrot and lower the ph from 8 to 6.5 or 7?
Jobber - 7 years ago
Kathleen Monsegue Hi Kathleen, thank you for your message. It all depends on how much and what type of filtration you may have - if you have chemical or filter pads that may get rid of the tannins.The almond leaves only leave a slight yellow tinge to the water. I would suggest using 1 leaf. I try to follow the 1 leaf for every 25 gallons of water. But as you can tell in my 75g tank, i have a lot of driftwood and leaves which made the water a bit more yellowy.
Jack Snarls
Jack Snarls - 10 years ago
Dang, your discus seem to be doing great. I just have 1 question, how good are the leaves at lowering ph?
Jack Snarls
Jack Snarls - 10 years ago
+Jobber Yeah, i have heard the same thing, that keeping ph stable is more important than actually changing it rapidly.
Jobber - 10 years ago
I had some growing pains with the discus from the time I got them until now; but I think i've dialed in on how to keep them with the lowest possible maintenance schedule while keeping them happy and healthy. Regarding the leaves, they're good to lower the pH but I find they sometimes will rot whereas the driftwood does just as good to lower pH. For discus, the important thing is to keep a stable pH - that's the key. You don't need to have a super low pH etc.  As long as it's on the acidic side and STABLE.
Jobber - 12 years ago
Thanks. It does take a lot of work. Investment of time, money, and wet arms to get it all done. You should check out my other videos and ensure to click on the ads.
Jawigalah - 12 years ago
nice work. great looking aquarium.
Nathan Butler
Nathan Butler - 12 years ago
The whole tank is awesome that pleco just caught my eye. Thanks!
Jobber - 12 years ago
Thanks for checking out the video so soon, just finished uploading too. The pleco inside the tube is a L134 Peckoltia Compta (Leopard Frog pleco). They are very nice fish and great looking pattern.
Nathan Butler
Nathan Butler - 12 years ago
Tank looks great!! What kind of pleco was that in the tube?

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