80 Gallon Planted Tank Update Episode 5
Discus 9 years ago 18,475 views
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10. comment for 80 Gallon Planted Tank Update Episode 5
20. comment for 80 Gallon Planted Tank Update Episode 5
30. comment for 80 Gallon Planted Tank Update Episode 5
Might be a stupid question, but what is it you have in the upper left corner at the front of the tank? Is it a CO2 "reactor"?
Thanks for your videos
Best regards
No, that part you described in your previous video, it is the black/grey "water flow" thing that releases bubbles every 1-3 min. I was thinking about.
Question of a different sort: What's that white bag hanging in the aquarium from which bubble come out?
From the above personal (or/& common) settings, I do not see there's a need to get more advanced method, as the plants in my cube tank have been doing well, and I'm satisfied with the sight results. Thanks for your sharing!
I guess we all look for instant gratification
any way ,listen to your self,your dosing for a heavily planted tank that's well established .
you have a brand new tank that is sparsely planted with super dope lighting and sweet co2
what would you expect
so stoked to see your update ,hoping to make a order soon your my plant guy and I'm jonesen for some anubias
50. comment for 80 Gallon Planted Tank Update Episode 5