80 Gallon Planted Tank Update Episode 5

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80 Gallon Planted Tank Update Episode 5 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 29

Discus 9 years ago 18,475 views

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Most popular comments
for 80 Gallon Planted Tank Update Episode 5

JAumis m
JAumis m - 7 years ago
Would love to see an update on this tank bro
_Paws_ - 7 years ago
From my experience, brown algae and cyanobacteria are fond of new setups. Sand seems to be a factor in my experience, besides the usual case of diatoms. Over time the brown algae and diatoms disappear or gets under control after some amount of time.
freshlyunreal - 7 years ago
Jey jacob where did you get the natural river rock you use to seperate the substrate?
Allyson Chains
Allyson Chains - 7 years ago
I used to get excited thinking my plants were pearling in my low tech tank. Nope! It was cyano....haha:)
Serpaelover XD
Serpaelover XD - 8 years ago
Jacob, I have no idea if you would know about this but is there any chance you know how to color up serpaes so well :)
Aidan Seow
Aidan Seow - 8 years ago
Water Circulation ? Does a fan makes the water circulation better? Maybe putting more shrimps will eat up the aglae. So are so many types of crystal shrimps in the market.
Marvin Jones
Marvin Jones - 8 years ago
can you talk about how many cherry shrimp can fit in a gallon?
jessumano al
jessumano al - 8 years ago
thank you for taking us along with the 80g-journey and thank you for being so honest about it. anyways, we have seen your other successes in your other lush and beautiful tanks. and yes "never give up" as i too am facing a great problem with my new tank with some of my plants melting, but hopefully they will adapt to this new environment which is super hard water with high calcium and magnesium carbonates. and maybe you can post a video of plants melting due to transplanting them to a new tank. again, thanks for your videos.
Spencer Steffes
Spencer Steffes - 8 years ago
Maybe add siamese algae fish

10. comment for 80 Gallon Planted Tank Update Episode 5

juscallmej - 8 years ago
been checking out your videos for a while. very informative. would really love some feedback on my planted aquascape 50 gallon. good luck to you man.
25Aditya25 - 8 years ago
Do an update on this tank please!!!
US Citizen
US Citizen - 8 years ago
Is there already a episode 6 ?
MrKevin Le
MrKevin Le - 8 years ago
+US Citizen he might of given up on the tank.. havent seen updates in ages.
Francis Poon
Francis Poon - 9 years ago
sae works really fast on every kind of algae. 2 weeks with 5 fellas
Jack P
Jack P - 9 years ago
Haha dude you're hilarious I dont think you'll ever be satisfied! Thats part of the fun though in my mind.. chopping and changing.
Turtly Murp
Turtly Murp - 9 years ago
hey jacob! Been loving your updates.As a beginner, im wondering about why you say that there's no need to siphon the substrate? it'd be so wonderful if you could help me out :) subscribed!
Jon Ramer
Jon Ramer - 9 years ago
Anyone know how to make those trees in the tank on this video?
MrKevin Le
MrKevin Le - 9 years ago
Update 6?
Michael Gumm
Michael Gumm - 9 years ago
Jacob, I'm sure it's extremely time consuming to maintain your sale tanks and pond, but we really want to see your skills on a show tank! Please setup a nice show tank with a good hardscape! Great vids, keep up the good work.
Mel Waters
Mel Waters - 9 years ago
Again, an informative video. thanks J.

20. comment for 80 Gallon Planted Tank Update Episode 5

94110mission - 9 years ago
It seems one will have trade-offs regardless of the type of substrate. I have Eco complete too and while it's an excellent growing medium, and does hide fish waste well, over time it just looks so dark and boring. When I muster up the energy to change, I'm going with something lighter.
adrian1311 - 9 years ago
Why not add a lot of Ceratophyllum demersum to a tank? you dont need to plant it to the substrate, just throw a lot of them to the water.
Nik Khatri
Nik Khatri - 9 years ago
Love your channel man
Robin`s aquarium
Robin`s aquarium - 9 years ago
Great video, subscriber nr 24 999 :)
Betta Fish
Betta Fish - 9 years ago
I like the tree-like plants you have going on in background tank :D
Michael Wells
Michael Wells - 9 years ago
What about trying Siamese Algae Eaters.
fish tanks
fish tanks - 9 years ago
Hey Jacob, I was wondering if it was a good idea to order from your website since you are located in California and I in Chicago. I thought that the long trip wouldn't be so good for the plants. Love your website by the way!
fish tanks
fish tanks - 9 years ago
Hey Jacob, thanks for the reply. I will definitely look forward to ordering from your website! Happy Holidays!
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+fish tanks Hi. We have been shipping to the east coast all throughout winter and have not had any problems. However, I always recommend to my customers that they do not leave their packages out on their door step or in their mail box for prolonged periods of time. Either have them delivered to your place of employment that way they're not exposed to the weather or have someone present at your home to receive the package as soon as it arrives. Thanks for your comment and watching my videos. Have a great day my friend and happy holidays!
Jakes Fish Tanks
Jakes Fish Tanks - 9 years ago
You should add some ottos.
kevin jones
kevin jones - 9 years ago
And Merry Christmas
kevin jones
kevin jones - 9 years ago
try an interrupted light cycle.

30. comment for 80 Gallon Planted Tank Update Episode 5

Nathaniel Graff
Nathaniel Graff - 9 years ago
Love the shirt its awesome lol.
LY O - 9 years ago
Hi Jacob. first of all, i love your videos and love your tank. how do you get the driftwood to stand upright? and is this the same type of wood that you sell on your website?
Joseph Pinkston
Joseph Pinkston - 9 years ago
just wondering how well the sock filter is doing for water polishing. really interested in its effectiveness. thanks for the great videos
Joseph Pinkston
Joseph Pinkston - 9 years ago
+JacobsAquarium thanks for the update was really interested in the application of them for freashwater polishing. you turned me on to the idea and was really looking forward to an update. I am thinking of adding it to a sump design for mechanical/water polishing. thanks for the update and keep up the good work.
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Joseph Pinkston Hi. The filter sock works beautifully. It pulls out every micro particle in the water, making it crystal clear. Of course I still have to follow all the rules when it comes to maintaining water clarity. However, the micron sock is a highly added benefit. Thanks for watching my friend.
Claus Tjørndal
Claus Tjørndal - 9 years ago
Hi Jacob,
Might be a stupid question, but what is it you have in the upper left corner at the front of the tank? Is it a CO2 "reactor"?

Thanks for your videos

Best regards
Claus Tjørndal
Claus Tjørndal - 9 years ago
No, that part you described in your previous video, it is the black/grey "water flow" thing that releases bubbles every 1-3 min. I was thinking about.
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Claus Tjørndal Hi. That would be my filter sock. I have the outlet of my canister filter going into the sock to filter out all the fine particles in my aquarium so my water remains crystal clear. Its a 5 micron sock. Not traditional with the hobby, most use 200 or 100 micron socks but I chose a 5 micron because its much denser and filters out finer particles. Thanks for watching my friend.
Bart Newell
Bart Newell - 9 years ago
What's up Jacob. I just went through the same issues you are going through, so I've got some solutions. Generally algae blooms like this happen because there is an imbalance in the trifecta of planted tanks : Light, CO2, and Ferts. I've found the best thing to do is to tone the lights down a bit (generally around 6-8 hours max) per day. As others have said, add more Amano's in, maybe some Ottos for the brown hair algae. My Ottos wrecked the black beard/ black hair in my 55g within maybe a week and there's only 5 of them. Obviously as you said, the pearl weed will help outcompete the algae after a while. And as much as people hate on it, a bit of floating plants (frogbit, duckweed, etc) are, in my opinion the best algae controllers.
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Bart Newell Hi. Thanks for the tips. I will keep them in mind. Thanks for watching my friend.
Daniel Tebor
Daniel Tebor - 9 years ago
Get a Siamese algae eater
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Daniel Tebor (Spaztasm) Hi. I would. I love SAE's. They're the best algae eater in my opinion. But I have shrimp in my tank already and they would eat them. So I can't. Thanks for watching my friend.
ICOOKIE69I - 9 years ago
Just use a UV Sterilizer. That will stop the growth of the algae. It maybe an expensive and/or unnecessary option for some, but it is worth it in the long run.
ICOOKIE69I - 9 years ago
Try something that lowers phosphate like Seachem Phosguard or Seagel. High phosphate level is one of the reason why algae appears. I had Phosguard on day one for my aquascape tanks and never had algae. If you do happen to keep your phosphate levels low, then add more plants and algae eating fish. Or the chemical route. Or just wait and observe what happens later.
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+ICOOKIE69I Hi. I currently have a UV sterilizer installed on this aquarium. Its not helping as much as I thought it would. So I'm focusing more on my nutrient level. Thanks for watching my friend.
DMAN D - 9 years ago
Get a showpiece fish!
cicco - 9 years ago
chit plant bro i am really sorry for this alge but dont give up you can do it
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+peter verrone Thanks for watching my friend.
bigtroublenj - 9 years ago
thats a shame jacob, your tank look awesome, I have everything to make it like what you had, so you think its not worth doing it with the sand?
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+bigtroublenj After what I've experienced, no its not. However, if you can prevent algae growth on the sand, I think you can avoid the problem I was having. But that can prove to be very difficult. Thanks for watching my friend.
James Bon
James Bon - 9 years ago
Not enough plants = algae problems, especially a new planted tank. And you took out the other plants.
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+James Bon Thanks for the recommendations. I will keep them in mind. Thanks for watching my friend.
James Bon
James Bon - 9 years ago
Also it usually takes about 2 months for the initial algae problems to solve itself for a new tank with regular water change and maintenance. Adding Amano, sae, Otto also helps.
SuperNinja - 9 years ago
Its just an imbalance, Jacob. Once you figure out lighting ferts and co2 vs plant load it'll clear everything! Keep it up man:)
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+dannifasho Thanks for watching my friend! :)
Don Suomi
Don Suomi - 9 years ago
Great video! And it's great you mentioned algae and not giving up....

Question of a different sort: What's that white bag hanging in the aquarium from which bubble come out?
Don Suomi
Don Suomi - 9 years ago
Cool! Thanks for answering! :)
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Don Suomi Hi. That would be my micron filter sock. I have the outlet of my canister filter going into it to filter out all the fine particles in my aquarium. Thanks for watching my friend.
stormet54 - 9 years ago
I have to say I liked your tank decor before, but I like it much better now. It really has a forest look. Good luck fighting your algae. I know you'll win this battle, eventually. I watched one of your videos where you had added either otos or siamese algae eaters to your tank and they devoured the algae you were fighting at the time. Can't you do the same again?
reefUltrahk - 9 years ago
Fresh water needs a standard PO4 level to retard the nuisance algae. I use a PO4 absorber to fulfil the job.
reefUltrahk - 9 years ago
+kai PAXpress (PAXpress) Well, to my personal experience, I do use common products by Seachem as what other general forks do; from Seachem Prime (to detoxifying Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate), to Seachem's Flourish Iron. I do 20% water change every 7-10 days. I'm using a little CO2 monitor (by color transformation from blue (TOO LOW CO2), to green (OK), to yellow (too much CO2) on the glass, to inform me about previous CO2 level in 1-2 hours ago. I also use Marinepure's biofilter media ball in my canister to build up plenty of nitrifying bacteria. (Phosban reactor) Phosphate reducer in filter bags/socks is kinda effective in lowering the nuisance algae level. I use PO4 test kit by Salifert, as we can see on the packing that shows its widely used in freshwater's PO4 perimeter.
From the above personal (or/& common) settings, I do not see there's a need to get more advanced method, as the plants in my cube tank have been doing well, and I'm satisfied with the sight results. Thanks for your sharing!
kai PAXpress
kai PAXpress - 9 years ago
+HigherAlpha Its funny because when you add things like monopotassium phosphate as fertilizers(KH2PO4) sometimes if the phosphate isn't being used in as high amounts and like with PPS-PRO you probably don't do large water changes ever if at all, there can be a buildup of that nutrient which could cause problems. I always read that cyano (bluegreen algae) is caused by low O2 levels in the water among other things. I'm curious what the algae looks like. Feel like I've dealt with every algae known to man in my fw tank! Keep up the good work Jacob. Good luck with the algae sometimes inbalances of adding fish/changing up substrates can cause nutrient overloads that subside with time. It may be that you need your tank to settle a bit. Just my 2c
DMAN D - 9 years ago
Nice !
reefUltrahk - 9 years ago
+DMAN D Btw some folks out there claims after adding this kind of phosphate remover/absorbers to their filter system according to instructions, they can get 0 nuisance algae even appropriate amount of ferts's are being dosed.
DMAN D - 9 years ago
+HigherAlpha thanks
reefUltrahk - 9 years ago
+DMAN D Check out Fluval ClearMax phosphate RX via the net, and ya ll find out more info. about it, cheers.
reefUltrahk - 9 years ago
+JacobsAquarium Your welcomed. Glad to share the awesome hobby with ya!
DMAN D - 9 years ago
+HigherAlpha What is a PO4 absorber?
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+HigherAlpha Thanks for the tip! I will consider that. Thanks for watching my friend.
Eric - 9 years ago
What happened to your AP700?!?
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Eric Nelson I don't understand...nothing happen to my AP700. I still have it. Its a light made specifically for saltwater aquariums. My tank is a freshwater planted aquarium, it can't be used. Thanks for watching my friend.
BolivianFishKeeper - 9 years ago
Why give up so quickly ....its part of the process and u til the tank balances itself .

I guess we all look for instant gratification
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+BolivianFishKeeper That's the problem. People new to this hobby expect a planted tank to just work, instantly, without any issues at all. However, its just something we learn, the longer we remain in the hobby. As I said in the video, I've learned to just be patient. It took years for me to realize that. Thanks for watching my friend.
JourneyWithW.S.A - 9 years ago
hey man can u make a video of what filtration is good for planted tanks
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+DaDonut11 You're welcome. Thanks for watching my friend.
JourneyWithW.S.A - 9 years ago
+JacobsAquarium ohhhh alright thx man
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
Dominic Guarino
Dominic Guarino - 9 years ago
Add some Amano and some Cherry's!
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Dominic Guarino Hi. I have ten Amano and Cherry shrimp in my tank already. I will be adding more though. At the rate the algae is growing, the amount of shrimp I have is not enough to consume it before it takes over. Thanks for watching.
Damion Markham
Damion Markham - 9 years ago
Dude how's your shrimp?
any way ,listen to your self,your dosing for a heavily planted tank that's well established .
you have a brand new tank that is sparsely planted with super dope lighting and sweet co2
what would you expect
so stoked to see your update ,hoping to make a order soon your my plant guy and I'm jonesen for some anubias

50. comment for 80 Gallon Planted Tank Update Episode 5

Mad Caleb
Mad Caleb - 9 years ago
I hope their tanks crack and burst on their living room floors; to the people who dislike Jacob's videos. Assholes.
FishTanks704 - 9 years ago
Good video I had brown alge to I've just manually removed it and it kept coming back even stronger so I manually removed it again then I kept the lights off my tank for a little over 24 hours and it's been gone ever since
Matt NYC
Matt NYC - 9 years ago
Jacob can we send you fan mail?
Obey One Shinobi
Obey One Shinobi - 9 years ago
Also JACOB, try floating some water wisteria in your new tank. guarentee it will soak up your excess nutrients in the water colum. then you can chuck it (or sell it) once your tank dials in.
Obey One Shinobi
Obey One Shinobi - 9 years ago
Hey JACOB!!!! do you think the dry Ferts kit u added could be contributing to your algae problem. also do you really need Co2 injection this early in the tank's life cycle? legit questions, would to hear your feed back.
gnovincejr2 - 9 years ago
+Obey One Shinobi Co2 is not the problem. Most liking too much ferts, or not enough of certain ones. I think maybe if he was dosing his normal schedule and then he removed a bunch of plants there possibly could be excess of nutrients. IDK his dosing so just a guess. It's all about that balance to keep plants out competing algae.
Robi Dawn
Robi Dawn - 9 years ago
totally the same with the never satisfied issues with the tank, i do the same
Luke Stephenson
Luke Stephenson - 9 years ago
what happened to all the plants thought they were growing well? So its just going to be pearl weed? Also could you not turn the lights down so its not so intense?
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Luke Stephenson I addressed that in a previous update video....As far as turning down my Kessil lights. I don't think that would have much of an impact on algae growth. It would only further stunt the growth of my plants, which would not be good because that's currently what I'm relying on to take care of the excess nutrients and deplete the algae's food source. Thanks for watching.
Timm Lombardo
Timm Lombardo - 9 years ago
Love the tank!
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Timm Lombardo Thanks my friend :)

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