90 Gallon Discus Tank (3)

Here is my 90 gallon tank, with my two new additions. I added a large discus to the group, as well as a Red slider (turtle). Both seem to love the place! sea turtle snapper box fresh water lake creek catskills pennsylvania poconos mountain river bay ocean shark eel fish salt water tank aquarium deep water stone deep sea dive underwater scuba jamacia sand beach island cold hot warm sea salt gravel aquatic aquarium fish tank snails frogs rock sand gravel pleco bait parrot gouramis jewel lobster crab snail olive apple fruit food beta discuss cory cats catfish flower drownd whale dolphin walrus reef surf dive swim

90 Gallon Discus Tank (3) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 34

Discus 17 years ago 28,952 views

Here is my 90 gallon tank, with my two new additions. I added a large discus to the group, as well as a Red slider (turtle). Both seem to love the place! sea turtle snapper box fresh water lake creek catskills pennsylvania poconos mountain river bay ocean shark eel fish salt water tank aquarium deep water stone deep sea dive underwater scuba jamacia sand beach island cold hot warm sea salt gravel aquatic aquarium fish tank snails frogs rock sand gravel pleco bait parrot gouramis jewel lobster crab snail olive apple fruit food beta discuss cory cats catfish flower drownd whale dolphin walrus reef surf dive swim

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Most popular comments
for 90 Gallon Discus Tank (3)

tiggerny88 - 12 years ago
Wtf dude you don't deserve any of these animals. Plus you put fucking "dolphin" and "whale" in your video tags. That poor turtle.... Just the fact that you called it a sea turtle shows how dumb you are.
angelfish4life - 12 years ago
Dude read about discus fish b4 you decide to raise them bro you killing them by freezing them I can tell the tem in that tank is maybe around 78 f. Or lower cos they look fking freezing bro hurt my feeling to see this kind of video
HolySasquatchTurd - 13 years ago
That's no sea turtle. It needs a little resting area above the water. Those id sharks are going to eat every fish that fits in their mouth at night time.
miles aiden
miles aiden - 13 years ago
Discus thrive in slightly acidic, soft water. What's your kH? That tank is big enough for 4 discus and maybe a few cardinal tertas. A closed system of that size is impossible, the bioload is far too large. This is not an opinion, it is a fact. Additionally, discus are never to be mixed with fish that may be dominant/competitive. IR sharks and turtles are amonst the worst possible tankmates for this fish. This tank is completely unsustainable without drastically shortening fish lifespans.
goleafbudsgo - 14 years ago
@Ingiequeen I think the queen needs a time out! lol
David Setser
David Setser - 14 years ago
no basking dockfor red ear?not to kool :(
Mushareb Mehar
Mushareb Mehar - 14 years ago
WOW cool tank mayn i liked it......
terrorfrank9 - 14 years ago
ure still a big noob, first find out wich fish need wich water.. u have fish from all regeons wich cannot live 2gether because they need different water types;) and dont try to talk urself out because it is like what i said and nothing else;) the temperature of ure tank? what is it? black mollys max 24 degrees, discus about 28 29... how can u run this shit man, its crap
terrorfrank9 - 14 years ago
bad combination;) look on forums to get more info about the fishes and next time set it up better with fish who like the same PH & KH en temperature... good luck

10. comment for 90 Gallon Discus Tank (3)

gdubale - 14 years ago
why dont you add a CROCADILE too?? lol.......
gdubale - 14 years ago
Aqua Disaster!!! :D
Korbert - 15 years ago
1/5 due to your bat crazy choice of keeping that kind of fish together in the same tank.. and a TURTLE??? Btw that discus is in terrible shape and will die within a month.
redandbluebeater - 15 years ago
cool mix, i also have a black eel. there are very cool to watch.
Edwin Pau
Edwin Pau - 15 years ago
A seaturtle woulda eaten all the fish long ago hehe =)
Edwin Pau
Edwin Pau - 15 years ago
hahahah, messed up mixed XD
Chris Pecora
Chris Pecora - 15 years ago
regardless of what "the dude at the store" told you, do some research for yourself. unless u have an enormous system with pristine water conditions... turtles and discus aren't going to workout. you cant expect every employee in the store to know everything, use sites like cichlidforum to read up and decide a proper mix of fish for your tank. good luck
hartge16v - 15 years ago
sell all your fishes and the turtle, buy a book, decide which fish group you want and then decorate your aqarium like there natural habitat... just an idea from me..
李 萨姆
李 萨姆 - 15 years ago
That turtle really needs a baskingdock as a place to rest above water.
Trastlol - 15 years ago
If you saw a video of a dog outside locked in a steelcage with 3 other dogs with this kind of music, you would be just as upset as most of the people here. What he has done, is put a turtle, that is not a underwater one, in an aquarium where the turtle cannot rest on land. He has mixed discus, a fish that requires care, with 10 different species of fish, that are from all over the world, and that needs so many different water temps and ph levels, and they are fast moving, wich stress the discus

20. comment for 90 Gallon Discus Tank (3)

Trastlol - 15 years ago
How dare you. I hope you dont have an aquarium any longer.
Noam DeFacto
Noam DeFacto - 15 years ago
the prison down the street from me has: 697 Mexicans 701 Blacks 489 Whites 217 Asians 409 Italians 48 Ntaive Americans and 62 staff.
FUNK949 - 15 years ago
You're a fucking idiot! that poor turtle is trying to lay on that fake plant because it's tired of swimming all fucking day and wants to rest. They don't have gills so they need to breathe air which means they need a piece of land to rest.
SilentNinja - 15 years ago
my discus are 2 pigeon bloods around 5inch blue cobolt 4inch blue diamond 3.5inch and red marbol 3.5inch :P nice tank tho, loved it
hartge16v - 15 years ago
dude your tank is beautiful but... the other fishes aren´t good for the disucs. they need more quiet fishes... you can see at their fins that they are "scared" about the deft fishes like the paradise fish a.s.o
Miguel Gaspar
Miguel Gaspar - 15 years ago
That wasn't a sea turtle, it was a red eared slider turtle (fresh water turtle) . It doesn't just need water, it needs a little peace of land where it can climb on to get dry and get sun and heat from bulbs.
Landstalker - 15 years ago
Can sea turtle live in freshwhater as opposed to salt water? Anyways, too many sarcastic wannabe smart people replying.....
Josh Mittelsted
Josh Mittelsted - 15 years ago
your turtle needs the following 1. 2 different typesof heating lamps 2. a basking area so it can get out of the water and dry off yeah.... and it'll also eat your fish..O.o Just informing you. :)
Josh Mittelsted
Josh Mittelsted - 15 years ago
oh and your turtle isnt a sea turtle.
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 16 years ago
SOme fish are good for some reasons while others are different - so just because MOST people cant have discuss with other fish - doesnt mean it cant happen.

30. comment for 90 Gallon Discus Tank (3)

Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 16 years ago
See whats sad is - you dont know what kind of tank system i have before judging it. I have whats called a contained aqua- habitat. basically it requires no cleaning, or water changes,....but you neeed to know your stuff to be able to do it - it took me about a year to get it right - and about $2500.00 - but the bottom line is - each of the fish in there serve a purpose, in which lets them contribute to the tank.
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 16 years ago
I have been doing fish tanks for years - and I am very good at it - all but one fish is still alive and well - and happy!
RunFaster011 - 16 years ago
You are crazy! just like the music
Rutvij Vis
Rutvij Vis - 16 years ago
get rid of the pangnisus catfish, or idelescint sharks, they grow to about 2 ft and will eat all your fish trust me
Jovy Desepeda
Jovy Desepeda - 16 years ago
that is soo true! and you shouldnt keep discus with fast moving fish! im guessing you havent done your research. i would if i were you. since discus are very expensive!!
dolittle1992 - 16 years ago
you ideot that is not A SEA TURTLE ITS A RED EARD SLIDER AND THAT TANK IN WAY overstocked plus the turtle need to be a ble to get out of the water and cmpletely dry of when it wants to
chieftx - 16 years ago
wow that tank is so badly stocked that it is sad. shame shame shame.
sarkis semerdjian
sarkis semerdjian - 16 years ago
that turtle is gonna die...Get it outa there...
austinpetemo - 16 years ago
damn.i got one thing to say. OVERSTOCKED!!!!
Albert Russo
Albert Russo - 16 years ago
those ID sharks will get HUGE and eat the other fish, even the discus. also that slider turtle needs a place to get out of the water to bask and dry under a heat source... surprised that slider hasnt tried eating the other fish yet!
mxman311 - 16 years ago
Whats the problem with gravel?
Ben Clark
Ben Clark - 16 years ago
No, if your talking about the common orange fish you find in pet stores. They are believed to be a cross between a red devil and a severum, and can thus be aggressive. Please don't buy the dyed/colored/tattooed variety as its a terrible practice that is known to shorten the lifespan of the fish.
Seeker-Purr - 16 years ago
Love the silk flowers as decorations. Nice film!
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 16 years ago
yea....i have a 3300 gallon pond I put them in. One of them is litterally almost 3 feet....i have vids on muy page
booboospike - 16 years ago
by right setting you mean over 1000 gallons. they get stunted in anything smaller and wont grow past 18 inches.
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 16 years ago
Actually, I have 12 of them total...and they get much bigger. In the right setting they can hit 2-3 feet.
booboospike - 16 years ago
that tank is pretty overstocked. i hope u know that iridescent sharks can get 25+ inches, but will most likely be 18".
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
Again...I got them all as babies...about 4 years ago. They are fine in there, they just dont like me shingin the camera ligh in.
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
Well, they are going on almost 4 years now. Got them all as babies...so far so good.,
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
You obviously didnt read anything on the page. Try it next time.

50. comment for 90 Gallon Discus Tank (3)

squirrelkiller247 - 17 years ago
thats a red ear slider and hopefully u hav a basking platform and a uvb and uva buld in less jhe gunna die of soft shel.
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
teis v beurden
teis v beurden - 17 years ago
are those plants fake? they look fake:P
teis v beurden
teis v beurden - 17 years ago
in my country we call it a roodwang schildpad
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
Its a freshwater Red SLider - as it says it is in the description.
teis v beurden
teis v beurden - 17 years ago
its not a sea turtle, is a red wang freshwater turtle
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
Yes it is!!! As it says it is right there in the description!!!
Jakel84 - 17 years ago
That's not a "Sea turtle" it's a red ear slider and it NEEDS a basking area!
Michael Bieder
Michael Bieder - 17 years ago
outstanding!!! i just jizzed in my pants because of jealosy lol... jk
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
I think the Gar would kill the ID or at least, steal all of his food...but anything is worth a try if you have a backup plan
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
Well, it depends on the fish it self. I say that because in my 90 I have only got them up to about 9 inches - but a friend of mine somehow got his two in a 55 gallon to reach 13 inches! But i can tell you, two will grow much bigger than if you had a whole school. In my opinion they might reach 9-15 inches in your tank. Good luck!
Neal5189 - 17 years ago
I saw some of your other tanks, they are all really cool, you keep different fish that most people say wouldnt work and thats awesome if it works for you. I want to use my 55 gallon tank for cichlids, but i made the mistake of starting a community tank, unless i stick some of the fish in the 3 10 gallons i have
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
He has both a lamp and floating rock in the back of the tank. And when they get big enough, I move all my turtles and fish to my pond. This is my 12th turtle, with only one death so far.
Anthony L
Anthony L - 17 years ago
oh, didn't see that. it would also be wierd if it was a sea turtle, the fish are fresh water and yea....
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
Yea,...as it says in the description its a red slider.
Anthony L
Anthony L - 17 years ago
that;s not a sea turtle, looks like a red ear slider
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
I actually dont do anything but feed em. I have snails and cray fish that take care of the cleaning.
wtsig76 - 17 years ago
How much maintenance (Hrs per week) does it take to keep your tank looking this good? Good job on a community tank!
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
donald lunstad
donald lunstad - 17 years ago
damn...nice job on the tank...looks cool!!!!
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
Oh yea...your absolutly right...but my 13 year old nephew made the video...there are a couple mistake on what he called them...the mollies are actually platies..etc...but thanks for checkin the page! And it seems you know your stuff.... any tanks?
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
Yes it is...it says that its a red slider in the Summary to the side... And not sure why you say good luck next time...since he is still in the tank....??? Not sure what you are calling stupid either...but enjoy the vids!
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
Its legal here. In fact, where I live, so are Bengal Tigers....and this guy is my 3rd one ...so far so good, both of them are in my 9,000 gallon pond now, and they are both happy and healthy.
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
Only some get huge....I have 5 more in a 180 gallon, and they are only an inh or two bigger. But yes, they all eventually end up in my 5,500 gallon pond, where there is plenty of room.
Irina Immoune
Irina Immoune - 17 years ago
i hope you're planning on moving those id sharks. theu get huge!
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
Also, I have never heard that mollies are brackish, but actually, I dont have any mollies. My wife made this video thing and put that, but those are actually Platies, and she forgot to mention my Danios!
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
Yea, they usually only reach about 22-26 inches in a tank. I'm hoping these guys grow! We had them in a 55 g and we just moved them up to this 90. Their next step is the 180, then on to the Pond!
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
As a total I have been keeping fish for 8 years. I have it down to a science. I dont even clean their water. Not even once! Their habitat is totally balanced and far more complex than most books will explain. I now have a total of 8 tanks spread out in 2 houses, and trust me, I know fish. This summer I plan to add a 4,500 gallon pond to my yard, with ID sharks. Oh, and you should see my Texas Ciclid Tank. Its him and a Pirhana! People said it would never happen - its going on a year now.
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
As I have said, those fish have all started out as babies, and grown up just fine. I have never had any fin nipping as you can see my fish are in perfect shape. They get along great, and obviously are compatible since they are living together, and all are colorful and active. I guess your sourse is not sure what they are talking about.
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
Ok so I did google it. And like I said. Its a catfish. Most of the sites also recommend 75-150 gallon tanks. I have 90 and a 210 and a 300 so I dont think I will have a problem. By the way the largest any website said they get is 3 feet. Most sites say 24-28 inches. SO where did you get this 5 foot shark info from?? Is my pet lizard gonna turn into the lockness monster too?
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
By the way lets say they did get to be 5 feet...you think a 300 gallon will hold that????? You not only need to check your facts, but also your size perception. a 5 foot fish would neeed 1000 gallons minimum, and since they sell ID sharks to kids with 40 gallon tanks all the time,...your officially an idiot.
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
The discuss is 3 and a half years old (the bigger one) the other 2 are about 1 year...never had a problem yet.
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
None are compatable?? They have been in that tanks over 2 years...I would say that is compatable. ANd who told you ID sharks get to 5 feet??? They are not even sharks they are cat fish...please check your facts.
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
Jessskater1 - 17 years ago
whoa,thats a huge tank and alot of animal species living in the same tank
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
Well...its funny, because everyone asks the same thing, especially people who come in the house and see the tanks in person. But my secret is 2 things...A. all 4 of my tanks are 100% Poland Spring water Due to evaporation I add about 5 gallons a month per tank. B. I use alot of natural cleaners! The best ones are Olive and Serita Snails, or freshwater crabs. I also have alot of cory cats, and 2 Algea eaters, and a catfish. They are my cleaning crew!
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
Haha...its ok! He is only in that tank for about 2 hours a week...but even so its freshwater, and there is a rock up on the left corner where he can get out the water, altho he never does. I put sea turtle cause i could fit anything else on that line!
Tannis Everly
Tannis Everly - 17 years ago
oh and i almost forgot XD i live in Kentucky =) they sell them EVERYwhere here! lol
Tannis Everly
Tannis Everly - 17 years ago
=) i just purchased a rubber nose Pleco earlier this week =) kool little guy. Thanks for the link, i'll check it out. Youve been a big help thanks so much.
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
Ya know...I'm not sure. If you go to Drsfosterssmith . com and click on Live Aquaria, they have a chart that shows what can mix well with what. They also sell snails thru the mail, but most stores do locally here in NY, I'm not sure where you are. Also, shrimp, crabs, and crayfish help with algea, or the best bet, is to get an Algea Eater,...I have two in my 55 gallons and they also keep it clean! That website sells them as well. Good luck !
Tannis Everly
Tannis Everly - 17 years ago
thats great! i noticed their not expensive either, thats great since i have a small algae problem. i might just look into that. thanks alot. oh, btw luv your tank! your discus are beautiful, would they work with angels?
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
Tremendous!! My water is that clean, with over 30 fish in it. I recoomend a snail for every 10 gallons...altho I use 3 snails per 10 gallons. But yea,...they will keep the glass, ornaments, and bottom very clean!
Tannis Everly
Tannis Everly - 17 years ago
how much of a difference do snails make on cleaning aquariums?
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
Thanks...Yea I love to mix in this tank. I am actually getting a 180 gallon for them in a week or two..
Scott Kinmartin
Scott Kinmartin - 17 years ago
Wow, that tank is FULL of life. It has quite a variety in it.
rw4life - 17 years ago
yea thnx alot
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
Well, to my expirience in a tank that small it either wont hapen, or it will take 2+ years.... they truly need alot of room to swim, and because they swim so fast, the longer the better... ALTHO!! I have a friend that had two in a 26 g and they grew to be about 8 inches, in around a year and a half. Hope I helped at least a little...
rw4life - 17 years ago
yea i have a Q..how long would it take my 2 2in id sharks to grow 4-5in they live in a 26G? btw amazing tank...10/10
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
Yea my fish is my 55 g go alot...but im telling you, snails and corys, and a catfish will even clean up that!
Falconry - 17 years ago
I just read that thats comment about algea, a funny thing about my fish is that they poo in massive ammounts (mostley my pleaco) and so i have to do water changes just to clean the poo out, but somehow i never had very much algea... its mostley just a little at the top of the under gravel filter. Just thought mabe you would thingk that was funny, cute fish. I also wached you red parrot video, their adorible, mine died its sad.

100. comment for 90 Gallon Discus Tank (3)

Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
Oh also! Dont leave your tank light on more than 6-8 hours a day. ALtho I only leave it on for about 5-6.
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
Snails! Snails! Snails eat everything! Dead or alive, from fish waste, to old food, snails eat it! I have about 25 in my tank now. Also try picking up a pair of cory cats or a catfish. They pick up waste also, and they are active bottom fish. Good luck, and if you have any more questions...just let me know.
Beckie Boo
Beckie Boo - 17 years ago
how do you keep your tank so algae free i do wter changes every 2 weeks (20%) and i always have to scrub algae off, i got 4 foot tank 11 gouramis 3 shrimps and a candy plec, cheers.Beckie.see my vids for a look at my tank.
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 17 years ago
If anyone has any comments or questions...just hit me up....also, send me a link to your page if you have Discus!

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