You know you're doing something right when the fish breed. I'm getting ready to set up a 90 myself in a couple months.
Muk Runner- 12 years ago
Thanks. I have to Aquaclear 500's (the big ones) and one Eheim 2217 running. There are two light strips. One is a double T5. The other is a home-made light with 6-23W CFL bulbs. The plants seem to like the lighting, and the fish aren't too scared off by the brightness.
Muk Runner- 12 years ago
Thanks John. I do have 3 gold rams in the tank. Two of them paired up, laid eggs but since it's a community tank, the eggs did not make it. Oh well. I've actually had discuss spawn in the tank but their eggs gotten eaten also. I don't have the space, tank or time to breed discuss or other fish so maybe it's not as bad.
Muk Runner- 12 years ago
Sorry for the very late response. The torpedo barbs (aka, roseline sharks) don't bother the discuss at all. Some say they are too fast swimmers for discus but I have not found that to be the case. The barbs are great dither fish, especially in the morning when it takes the discus some time to come out. I fortunately was able to buy a dozen of the torpedos barbs from LFS for $4/each. They live +5 years. Good luck.
John Henry- 12 years ago
Maybe the best discus setup I've seen in years. Did I spot a few gold rams in there, too? :)
billshreeveable- 13 years ago
This is a beautiful Discus tank, your layout is perfect. What kind of filtration are you running on it and what kind of lighting?
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