90gl Aquarium - first day of the new discus fish, Oct 2013
Discus 11 years ago 1,842 views
These are three and a half month old discus which I got from a local breeder end of October 2013. They're about an inch and a quarter in size with one runt which was less than an inch. At this time they had been only fed blood worms and I didn't change their diet for a couple weeks not wanting to change too much too fast. Later I made a homemade fish food recipe which they seem to do really well on. The tank was fishless cycled for about 4 weeks as it was a brand new tank. I wasn't sure how well the discus would do in a newer set up but I never lost any although from time to time one of the smaller ones wasn't happy. In this video you can see they are darker in colour, usually not a good sign, and a couple have signs of fin rot. Thankfully that all went away after the first week in their new home. I guess it was the stress of being caught, transported and dealing with a new tank. In this video the tank has 6 discus, 3 clown loaches, 2 bristle nose plecos and 5 oto cats. It is so new that most of the plants are still very small. At this time the water was at 31 Celsius, and i did daily water change of about 20% and 1-2 weekly changes of 50-60%. The plants make do with three T8 grow lights from home depot and the occasional iron supplement as our water here has non. I also add dried leaves to the tank once or twice a week. They add some tannins to the water and many of the fish seem to enjoy munching on the algae/bacteria that grows on them as well as the leaves themselves. I just uploaded a video from January 15th showing how much the discus and plants have grown. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9cdkYbH9J0&feature=c4-overview&list=UUAqYqzAHGdnDWQmvrjz60gw
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for 90gl Aquarium - first day of the new discus fish, Oct 2013
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