A tour of my aquariums that he'll never forget
Discus 7 years ago 184,068 views
Today we take a special tour of my aquarium gallery. Get the ultimate DIY book ► http://thekingofdiy.com LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► https://goo.gl/E2l6tk Facebook ► http://facebook.com/uarujoey Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/uarujoey/ The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: https://goo.gl/gu3CsK How to build aquarium filters: https://goo.gl/cw0Jl9 How to build aquarium stands: https://goo.gl/9JB9jo How to build aquarium equipment: https://goo.gl/BHkT2s How to build aquarium lighting: https://goo.gl/Wg4kt0 How to build aquarium decorations: https://goo.gl/crQkeT Varius aquarium tutorials: https://goo.gl/BKCb3a ALL Thursday videos: https://goo.gl/DPHjEM ALL Sunday videos: https://goo.gl/Rn0wmS My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: http://ecotechmarine.com My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by: http://customaquariums.com My aquarium backgrounds are made by: https://aquadecorbackgrounds.com/
10. comment for A tour of my aquariums that he'll never forget
20. comment for A tour of my aquariums that he'll never forget
Topanga: Don't you mean do well?
Mr. Feeny: No, I mean do good.
30. comment for A tour of my aquariums that he'll never forget
No major issues for me, but I can absolutely feel worry and stress melt away when fiddling with, or just staring at, my fish and plants. I've been sharing that experience with coworkers to entice them into giving it a try. It's something we can chat about and discuss, dropping off heaps of stress. Of course, we talk about your videos, and those of many other 'tubers, too.
you’ve taught me everything I know when it comes to this hobby, yet I’m still learning new things, in every video haha.
youve most of all inspired me, along with hundreds of thousands of others. I recently brought home my 450 gallon tank, Mum wasn’t impressed to start with, but most nights I’ll catch her watching the rays lol. as much as I enjoy it myself, the real pleasure is sharing it with others, and you do it better thank anyone joey! thanks heaps cob, means a lot!
At the moment I have a 5g, 7g, 10g, 40g, 75g, and a 125g. And then my small koi pond outside.
My dream is a 200g or bigger.
You are an inspiration what you are doing for the hobby and your willingness to spend the time helping those who need it.
The hobby for me is relaxing and also a motivator. If I'm feeling a little low but know something needs doing on the tank it will make me get up or if I'm struggling to find motivation for an assignment I will take a break and watch the fish. As with other hobbies it keeps me active when I down and clears the mind.
50. comment for A tour of my aquariums that he'll never forget
P.s the boy who got beans is a lucky fish keeper !!
I know i lost my fish to dropsy and i havent gotten over it to start again. Its not for the faint of heart but it definitely is a great hobby to keep for young and old !
P.S. i have a request I am 14 and i am working on a big project for my school and i was wondering if u my want to help me(let me now if u are interested)
Your videos got me into the hobby, now I own two 10G Betta tanks and a 55 Coldwater. I would own more if I wasn’t in an apartment... I’m currently going through stress and possible depression in a concerning amount, and I am telling no lie when I say my aquariums and these videos bring a smile to my face. Especially ones as heartfelt as these.
Keep up the wonderful content, Joey! I cannot wait to hear more in your next video!
EDIT: And no need to apologize for showing you care! (letting your dad side out)
Thanks for your Time
God Bless
The world needs more like You.
Manny greetings from Germany
100. comment for A tour of my aquariums that he'll never forget
Thank you.
Hobby to me is a slight break from reality, being a dad to 3 kids very young, 12 hour graft 6 days a week, work at home to do, the fish and me = well earned break
but pick one you like and they can live in communities maybe highlight a wild species that is colorful throw some endlers in with them or neons
It just makes me happy that many people and many creatures get to breathe comfortably just bcause u live
After watching your videos it has inspired me to get back into the hobby. Keep up the great work your doing a reely awesome job there
My story: So before i start I love all kinds of animals not just fish so I've had other animals as well. (lost my last cat a few weeks ago) so i'm not just limited to the fish keeping hobby. But it is something i do love.
I got into the hobby at a VERY young age, so young that i don't remember a time without fish. My family have been keeping goldfish for a long time, So I have always been around fish, being in the UK Cold water fish are easier to keep then the tropical fish in our ponds our summers are cool (compared to much of the world) and our winters are mostly wet and cold or very cold (not like the likes of say Canada or Norway were it's extremely cold). So Goldfish are the more logical pet to keep if your a fish keeper with outdoor ponds. So My gran had a number of fish but one fish named Gertrude was almost like an immortal among them in that this fish was large and OLD. When my gran died I inherited Gertrude, she was a large 50cm goldfish and by the time i got her she was already 40 years old (OH YES the common gold fish can live a LONG TIME folks and get HUGE) Gertrude had a spawn brother named jimbo, my gran had to give this to a big public aquarium because this fish just kept growing and growing. I don't know what his record was in the end but I know he outgrew every pond they put him in. Anyway Gertrude was MY first fish that was mine and we put her in the pond we had, she lived to be about 50 years old so I had her for 10 years before she died but before she died she spawned and we know it was her because she was the only female in that pond. When i moved out of my mums house I took some of those babies with me and kept them in aquariums and got a few new fish, such as shabunkins, a red and white sarasa comet, a black more and a red and white fan tail. When i moved again and had a garden i built a pond. and put all my fish in said pond (fan tails included) the Fantail this time was the only female (I REALLY don't have much luck getting female fish), the only reason i put my fan tails in there is the one female was getting egg bound so for a little while in the summer i put her in the pond, and yes she spawned with the common children of Gertrude, she didn't have many that lived due to things like newts and stuff. I scooped out an umber of fry to try and save some. and one ended up being a fan tail common goldfish, well more butterfly tail as it did not fully split into two tails. over the few 100 this little fan tail spawned only 5 lived and one i REALLY should have culled as it has a bent spine, but it had survived newts, disease and just simply had a very strong will to survive and I felt inspired by that fish so I let it live. Sadly a few night later something burst the pond liner while I was at work, i don't know if it was something Sharpe fell in or if some evil person slashed it, but I came home to find all my older pond fish dead, save for those 5 younger smaller fish who'd taken to being in a small puddle and due to their size were able to breath in that puddle. So i took them out and got them into an aquarium i filled with rainwater so it was the same temp as the puddle they were surviving in. Then i set up a 110 aquarium for the little fish, where they spent the next 12 or so years. Sadly the fan/butterfly tailed common fish passed away last year and the one with the bent spin is having swim bladder problems now he's 15 years old so HE may not have longer to live on welfare issues. But here i am now those fish are now 15 going on 16 years old since the pond was destroyed but they've been living in a 110 aquarium which just go moved to a 220l aquarium with 6 new fish (my luck with female fish continues i still only have 1 and its a new one!) But between the bad drama my fish have helped me relax in times of stress i can just watch them. some over time i have managed to get hand tame so i can sort of pet them and feed them and if i need to handle them. I name them based on looks or personailty. the butterfly/fan tail fish was like my grans fish and was female so got named Gertrude the 2nd the others are Jimmy, Luke, Jessy-james, and the one with the bent spin Tiz-taz (because i can't call him tizzy liz) because he works himself up into a bit of a tiz when he gets all excited. The new fish i'm yet to name the new fish.
The hobby for me helps to distract me from a lot of things it keeps me focused on something and when times are dark, it gets me motivated to do something because i know there is something depending on me in need of care. It has been a life line as much as it has been a chore (tank cleaning and such) and its been and is a joy. I don't think i'd be alive today if not for my pets they give me something to forward to.
I use to have a fear of fish but after seeing your video I realise that fish is nothing to be scared of and I started to keep a few gold fish which in the end conquer my fear of fish.
Thank you so much for helping me get over my phobia
It was also the day I got my first gerbil, Emmett. I named him Sir Emmett Emerson III, because I always liked the sound of names with "the third" after them. He was really the first gerbil I ever got though. He was super smart and slept in my flannel shirt pocket while I did my homework every afternoon. My mother made him a leash and collar and I took him for walks. I once tried to get him a girlfriend, but he body slammed her and I had to separate her from him before he killed her. He wasn't having any of that attention taken away from him. I ended up setting up a terrarium behind his cage so he would have something to look at.
I will never forget that birthday, getting to pet Tika, or getting Emmett. I know a lot of people would say he was "just" a gerbil, but he wasn't. He really helped me through losing my cat to leukemia back in the days before they had vaccines for feline leukemia.
My first time commenting coz now I know you're not just another fish hobbyist.
Keeo up the good work! and the Good heart!
Does my fish
Much respect.
I started my first fish tank in 2016 October with 30 gallon Tank with only few mbunas and two BP. I didn't have any knowledge on fish keeping. I have just started keeping fish for my father. In India few people believe that if you feed fish by your own hand, there could be chance of reducing the effect of "Ketu" (the descending lunar node in Vedic, or Hindu astrology) and give you longer life, as my Father is cancer patient. As time goes I lost many fishes and then I started reading forums and watched many youtube channels and is yours. Then I got deeply involved into this hobby and now it's become my passion and stress relief. Then I build a 42G tank for the cichlids and found that is also not sufficient for them. Now I own a 90G and tomorrow I going to put all my fishes there. Many thanks to you for your shared information.
Thank you so much Joey for making your videos and helping me it is much appreciated.
When I was a kid my brothers and I won gold fish at a carnival. After the gold fish, we got a 10g with tiger barbs. After a power outage killed them, we were done. I always liked fish but never had them till...two plus years ago. I had gotten some gift certificates to petsmart where I was planning on getting a new lizard. My two year old daughter, Joey(crazy, huh?), wanted to look at fish. She then asked quit seriously, if she could get fish instead of me getting a lizard. Of course I said yes, so we picked up an in tank canister and heater, and headed home to cycle the would be terrarium. On our return trip to get fish, I steered her toward mollies and such. She instead chose “the pretty blackish one”, a young jack dempsey. We quickly acquired a 55g for Joey’s beloved Nassa to grow in. Along the way people gave me aquariums, plants, and fish due to getting out of the honby. Last year we were at our local pet shop and ended up with a group of panda barbs. At Christmas, I once again was the recipient of gift cards, and once again used them for Joey’s hobby upgrading lighting and grabbing a group of green tiger barbs for a planted 30g. All in all, there’s now two nano tanks, two 30g, and a 55g. The Dempsey is pushing 8+ inches, one originally planted tank supplied plants for three tanks, and we have our first group of panda barb fry. It’s been awesome to connect with my lil girl over something I loved as a kid, now she’s four and her 19 month little sister is getting ready to get her first fish. We’ve had one common inspiration along the way, it’s been this channel. The way you get so excited infects people and furthers the hobby. Thanks for what you do.
(I didn't mention this story of before we got the 30 gal.. this pet store sold us like 6 cichlids and told us it would be fine in A 10 GALLON HOLY SHIIIIIT I think back now and I'm like ....WOW. OKAY. mmmm ....wtf. Good news is we had found your channel pretty much around the same time and learnt HELLA quick that what we had was NOT GOOD so we took them back to a different (slightly better) fish store and now they are in this HUGE tank and they are massive... I just can't believe we actually went through that. I was SUCH an idiot but I mean... so was the guy that was selling us the fish clearly)
I got into the hobby when my dad randomly purchased one of those 10 gallon starter kits for me when I was 12 years old. I was completely fascinated by the hobby. My dad would take me to the library to get any books on fish and the hobby in general. Well now I’m 29 and my passion for this hobby is stronger than ever. Keep up the good work Joey!
I was drawn into the hobby during a severe bought of depression; I was living in a remote area with a toxic work environment and was feeling very lonely and isolated. My lease didn't allow for a dog/cat, but it didn't say anything about fish. I fell in love with some skirt tetras and they became my companions. Everyday when I got home from work they would swim up against the glass in greeting. I've since moved to a bigger city and better job, but it was hard saying goodbye to those little guys.
I too am personally going thru a constant struggle with depression and anxiety. Either way I made a choice to actively try to pick people up when they are down on life because you really never know when they could be gone and if someone said or did something before it was to late it may have changed things.
Legendary respect for you brother you single handedly got me back into the hobby and I’m thankful for it.
This hobby means so much to me - I got my first fish tank when I was only 4 years old and had guppies growing up my room was lined with tanks with different breeding projects (guppies, platties, mollies, gouramis, cory-cats and angelfish) but then I grew up.. went to college and thought I had to leave my hobby behind when I got married. It wasn't until my divorce that I realized that fish keeping is just something that is in me.. I'll never turn my back on it again. After my divorce it was a slippery slope back into the hobby - now most of my house looks the way my room did when I was a kid... tanks everywhere (breeding angelfish project and working myself into discus).
Finding your videos and others on youtube made me realize I wasn't alone in the hobby and I'm not the only crazy person with multiple tanks... this hobby... our people... I love it all... Keep up the good work Joey!
After that I told myself I have to be different, all over again. Now I have a 230G tank with perfect condition running a lot of discuses and other fishes. I turned the old 50G tank into an African Malawi tank, still stocking them! My future plan is a fish gallery, obviously inspired by yours! Probably with 5 racks and 10 tanks too.
Now I live in Vietnam and it's gonna be hard to build such a rack system like that but the good side is it's gonna be much cheaper! I checked your past video about the rack but if you could help with some rack design details it would really appreciate it.
Anyways, this hobby has made become more happy, satisfied, and fulfilled with my life. Before that, I only had works and works only and when it went bad I had nothing else to hold to. And it's largely thanks to your inspiration with the knowledge you share with fish keeping (the DIY things I still couldn't do it, buying is sometimes cheaper here in Vietnam).
So thank you Joey and for everything you've done! Keep up the great work!
When I got my first fish a little over a year ago- gifted to me for my birthday, I didn't know if I'd be capable of taking care of him. I wasn't in a good place when I got him, nor was I financially in a place that I could even keep a pet. Even though this was the case, there was no other place for him to go to. So, I kept him and I did a lot of research. He's the reason why I even found you in the first place. Your DIY projects and enthusiasm for the hobby gave hope to me. And as I learned more and became enthused myself in the hobby, the better I felt, emotionally. Essentially, my now late betta fish PJ saved me from a lot of grief which was the beginning of 2017. He gave me a reason to get up each day and I loved knowing that he was there waiting for me. I didn't know until I experienced it myself how great fishkeeping is. I don't think I'll ever stop having fish. I hope that someday I'll have some kind of aquarium gallery of my own. For now, I'll stick with a five gal and ten gal. Also, living vicariously through you! xD
Because of Joey and other fish channels, I have been able to learn more about fish and take my mind off bad times. 2 weeks ago today, I lost my friend to being shot by police, and nearly lost my fish due to dropsy and the underline problem.
Seeing youth being inspired and having a few moment of joy makes watching and learning the hobby worth it all!
Thank you Joey for all you do!
Much <3 from Ontario.
I just recently got more into it and now have 3 aquariums in my bedroom. Now most of my money left after bills goes towards new fish and plants and upgrading systems.
Now I’m a father myself and the hobby is something I can share with my daughter and reminisce with my dad about. Just when I think he’s out of touch with the hobby, he’s always got some new piece of advice I’ve yet to hear. It’s bonding with family for me.
Great Model to everyone...
My future goal for the hobby is to try to create a total ecosystem, complete with overhead aquaculture sump that not only removed all nitrates but also produce food for the fish...
I was 10 when I got my first tank a 10 gallon, my mother really got into it more than me... lol later in life when I got married. My wife got me back into it she just had a 29 gallon and she wanted to breed angel fish. Seem like over night we had over 60 tanks, ranging from 5 gallon to 500 gallon. Then it went down hill. Divorce... worst time in my life. One thing good came out of it , my daughter my reason for living! She got me back into it again we both have planted tanks hers is a 20 gallon and gorgeous. And mine is a 29 gallon. Loved to share this with you. This video is inspirational!
How beautiful! Thank you for sharing this with us!!
How lucky is that kid?! Heh
Keep it up!
As to what the hobby means to me, it helps me with my mental disability. Calms me when I get anxious, gives me a routine I have to follow and if I am feeling fidgety and unable to rest I can work on my tank. It helps me immensely and it gives me an opportunity to teach my kids about fish and aquatic ecosystems.
Footnote: My husband is a Pisces and my daughter is an Aquarius.... go figure?