LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! Get yours here: While in California at uncle sam's discus, in the middle of the night, the aquarium I was supposed to scape and set up while there... CRACKED! I saw this as an opportunity to not only show you what happened, but what to do if this happens to you as well as what caused it in the first place. Clearly this isn't something that happens every day. Buy discus: JOIN MY TEAM: Get the ultimate DIY book ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, tutorials, how to's. Join me each Thursday for an aquarium topic of the week. Sunday's we focus on a DIY aquarium project, tutorial or an aquarium build series. How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos:

AQUARIUM DISASTER! Every fish keepers WORST NIGHTMARE! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 206

Discus 8 years ago 257,059 views

LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! Get yours here: While in California at uncle sam's discus, in the middle of the night, the aquarium I was supposed to scape and set up while there... CRACKED! I saw this as an opportunity to not only show you what happened, but what to do if this happens to you as well as what caused it in the first place. Clearly this isn't something that happens every day. Buy discus: JOIN MY TEAM: Get the ultimate DIY book ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, tutorials, how to's. Join me each Thursday for an aquarium topic of the week. Sunday's we focus on a DIY aquarium project, tutorial or an aquarium build series. How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos:

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Most popular comments

The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
While in California at uncle sam's discus, in the middle of the night, the aquarium I was supposed to scape and set up while there... CRACKED! I saw this as an opportunity to not only show you what happened, but what to do if this happens to you as well as what caused it in the first place. Clearly this isn't something that happens every day.

Buy discus:
Amir Sarbaz
Amir Sarbaz - 6 years ago
Hello my discus fish are dying how do you keep them in your aquarium please help me
Neil Coelho
Neil Coelho - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Simply solution to the problem , just put a heavy density stryofoam board under the tank so it flattens to the shape of the tank preventing it from cracking
michaels aquatics
michaels aquatics - 8 years ago
The king of DIY hey i just had this happen to me and I had it happenin my house
Aidan Desira
Aidan Desira - 8 years ago
The king of DIY my grand father has a pond with koi like fish but they are smaller can I use like a big tub like those in wallmart to keep them in. We can't spend a lot of money and I don't want to go buy like those extremely cheep plastic aquariums,so what should I use. Help pls. If I don't take some fish for this summer my grandfather will sell them.
Chucho35 Pewdsmiester
Chucho35 Pewdsmiester - 8 years ago
tkiefer72 it most likely would happen relatively fast.. Like within a few days
Coty Rogers
Coty Rogers - 8 years ago
The king of DIY You're my personal hero. Not in a creepy way I just love how much you love fish and involve yourself. Not only to your own fish but to help everyone in a hobby where good help is hard to find. let alone proper knowledge. you rock man. thanks for everything.
georgia kelly
georgia kelly - 8 years ago
The king of DIY
Animal Lover
Animal Lover - 8 years ago
okay, my tank is just a 10 gallon and i guess i shouldn't of called what it's sitting on a "stand" it's actually sitting on a dresser from Ikea in fact. soooo yah. But i probably shouldn't take the risk and just move it :-) thx for replying though! to help out. :-D
debbie foster
debbie foster - 8 years ago
I would say yes watching this. I lost a 55 the same way. It cracked in a corner and the water leaked out. I was told to run business card around the bottom of the tank and I would probably find that it would slide under that corner. Sure did.
Animal Lover
Animal Lover - 8 years ago
Uh ooooh does this mean my tank is going to crack because the stand its on is bending and theres a gap in the middle bottom of the aquarium so my situation is pretty much just like the one in this video. Should I move the tank to a stronger stand immediately?
Wylie Coyote
Wylie Coyote - 8 years ago
Was the aquarium leveled properly? Most garage's or warehouses are sloped; so leveling the aquarium/stand is the most important step before setting it up.
Down2This - 8 years ago
He already did. Click his name and search it.
Brayden G.N
Brayden G.N - 8 years ago
The king of DIY can you make a pros and cons video on acrylic vs glass and what size of acrylic or glass to the volume of tank? I have been building tanks now for a little while now and wonder if the size of glass im using is too small or too big? also where do you get your acrylic from and your acrylic glue? thanks would love to hear back from you!
darkiee69 - 8 years ago
panopticon - 8 years ago
The king of DIY D.I.Y C.S.I
MrCeo1978buddy - 8 years ago
i use corkwood squares on my stand you can get them at a cvs they are 12 inch squares
AK 76
AK 76 - 8 years ago
somebody did say in the comments. the surface that the tanks sits on must be true and stay true when holding 800kg of water all the way for years.. things we do for fish lol I just order a 6ft I'll show the world soon x
AK 76
AK 76 - 8 years ago
the stand was probably true to begin, but was the floor? because that timber under that much weight will move to match the foor as this Stand had no brace.. x
MrCeo1978buddy - 8 years ago
sucks to be that guy who built that stand
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
MightyZocalo level floor doesn't matter. It's the stands surface that will cause failure.
MightyZocalo - 8 years ago
Ya Perhaps the floor is not leveled.
RUSEY BRAHHZZ - 8 years ago
The king of DIY I have a nice thick foam mat between my 5ft tank and the stand because I'm paranoid.
Hrishikesh Thorat
Hrishikesh Thorat - 8 years ago
Can an acrylic aquarium face a problem like this ?
Steve W
Steve W - 8 years ago
A strip of that package tape would be good to slow that leak down too if applied to the inside of the glass. It won't stick great but it would slow it down.
Nolan Orff
Nolan Orff - 8 years ago
The king of DIY what were the dimensions of the tank
Bryze - 8 years ago
The king of DIY 2nd reply :D
KADE WILSon - 8 years ago
The king of DIY hello
tony flamingo
tony flamingo - 6 years ago
Is there a way to get round it not being true ? Like polystyrene under tank or some sort of firm foam ?
Zer0 Pulse
Zer0 Pulse - 6 years ago
is it ok if the tank is sitting in a styro? my stand is a brass metal, 2'×1'...
Pei Ling Lu
Pei Ling Lu - 6 years ago
You are supposed to sit the tank on a piece of Styrofoam. That would prevent minor distortions from causing problems.
Patrick O
Patrick O - 6 years ago
Wait so leveling isn’t important? Everyone on these forums is always saying they have to be perfectly level or water puts pressure on glass and causes a breakage. It’s freaked me out.
Patrick O
Patrick O - 6 years ago
I’m scared of this happening to mine. It’s only 29 gallons but I’m on top floor. Is this a normal occurrence?
masskilla469 - 6 years ago
You are a genius!!
brooklyn560 - 6 years ago
Anyone else double-check their stands after this
john tran
john tran - 6 years ago
My tank is over 20 year old and silicone have never been redone. Now im worry it might leak but i dont have anyone to help me how to do it. Any advice anyone?

10. comment for AQUARIUM DISASTER! Every fish keepers WORST NIGHTMARE!

Stan TheObserver
Stan TheObserver - 6 years ago
I never would buy a glass tank over 100 gallons. Over that,Acrylic. Acrylic is forever..twists and bends and will take a ton of abuse.
peace matters
peace matters - 6 years ago
Use flex tape
Chris B
Chris B - 6 years ago
omg its still leaking, really freaking out now
peace matters
peace matters - 6 years ago
Bad timing
Chris B
Chris B - 6 years ago
I think i fixed the leak with the kit for now. Dont know if it will dry though. Trying to get a new tank tomorrow, than set it up. Wait 2 weeks, . Move the fish. And than drain that tank. But it will sck. Cant buy a similar tank, dont have the room for it. So they move to a small tank. And i have to get the amano shrimp out somehow. Than remove the bathroom kit. And use aquarium kit. But the fish will have to survice in this poisen water. Dunno if i did poisen it. But i fear for it. Oh yea, and they just got a 70% water change because i could not move the tank to seal the leak. In a bad way unfortunately.
peace matters
peace matters - 6 years ago
Chris B use soap foam on the surface where u suspect there is leak. It should help u pin point the exact location . Hope nothing bad happens to ur fish.
Chris B
Chris B - 6 years ago
I had a leakage at the bottom , could not find the leak. Used kit and it stopped, for now.
Chris B
Chris B - 6 years ago
I just used bathroom kit. Ye i know now, i fked up. Will my fish die? Cant find it anywhere.
Avinash Gangapersad
Avinash Gangapersad - 6 years ago
duct tape....if you can't fix it with duct tape, you aint using enough duct tape
Chelsea Girl
Chelsea Girl - 6 years ago
So if you could see the gap why would you have filled it?
Amy Becker
Amy Becker - 6 years ago
How many gallons is a 3ft tank
Yethu Raj
Yethu Raj - 6 years ago
Dude what kind of glass are you using ?. I suggest to put large sheet of thermocol in required size ,the tank should be placed on the sheet. It absorbs pressure and weight and acts like a spring and safeguards sharp corners and edges of the aquarium. The stand should be in level , so pressure is balanced inside the tank.
- Sushee -
- Sushee - - 6 years ago
U could’ve used silicone to seal it
Wayne Kieft
Wayne Kieft - 6 years ago
You blame the stand maker but didn't check it before you filled it with water
BrutikusMaximus - 6 years ago
I had a 240 plexi split half way from one end of the tank at the bottom, 1 hour before thanksgiving dinner. That was an exciting night....
Joseph Day
Joseph Day - 6 years ago
Curious what could have been done to salvage this stand is there a way to still utilize it with some type of repair....would shims under plywood on the top save it the goal of this question is if salvage is possible not to replace

20. comment for AQUARIUM DISASTER! Every fish keepers WORST NIGHTMARE!

Bobby G's Cichlid Craze
Bobby G's Cichlid Craze - 6 years ago
Thanks for sharing that.
A Hes
A Hes - 6 years ago
where's flex tape when you need it
Karthigeyan M
Karthigeyan M - 7 years ago
Use a styrofoam or a thermocol as a cusion
Whjerts 56
Whjerts 56 - 7 years ago
The problem wasn’t the stand. The stand twisted because the left front corner of the stand wasn’t shimmed to account for the floor sloping towards the door.
Emiliano .Gam4
Emiliano .Gam4 - 7 years ago
If my fish tank cracked id pass out
Fantasy Fountains
Fantasy Fountains - 7 years ago
Hey joey if you do anything important in life checkout my diy tank you inspired me to design. Promise you will be amazed. Anyways keep up the amazing work
Ribbit - 7 years ago
Flex Tap
J W - 7 years ago
Thanks to you i avoided something like this because i returned the stand i brought. The stand was not even just like this one.
morelli tech
morelli tech - 7 years ago
All ya need is FLEX SEAL!
Benjamin's skateboarding and fish tips every week
Benjamin's skateboarding and fish tips every week - 7 years ago
morelli tech YEAH!!!!
BenyGamer - 7 years ago

30. comment for AQUARIUM DISASTER! Every fish keepers WORST NIGHTMARE!

Miky Schuster
Miky Schuster - 7 years ago
can this happen to an acrylic aquarium also ?
Three Tykes
Three Tykes - 7 years ago
A tank that size I would have definitely used a thick polystyrene sheet underneath from the start.
laura corrigan
laura corrigan - 7 years ago
I feel so sorry for him. It's very scary. My tanks are all over 10years old. Now I'm scared
Mega MindyLou
Mega MindyLou - 7 years ago
How would the stand builder of known this wouldn’t have worked? It looks super sturdy.
SM2099 - 7 years ago
I always place my tanks over mats of styrofoam which level the whole bottom.
Lunar - 7 years ago
I have frequent nightmares of this happening.
yao tzeo
yao tzeo - 7 years ago
Foam, I used to use foam for all my large tanks.
SnowFlake - 7 years ago
Tanks are so expensive!!
gator gamerz
gator gamerz - 7 years ago
u can just put sand on the table
Stewart Morris
Stewart Morris - 7 years ago
flex tape
US Citizen
US Citizen - 7 years ago
I had the exact same crack. only i had a steel frame still not now what the heck happend. This video is the exact copy of what i had. The steel frame was on a concrete floor.
Animals and Stuff
Animals and Stuff - 7 years ago
Something like this happened to me but the silicone broke in the middle of the night! It had all my fish in it Luckily I had a spare now since I have 2 tanks I have 2 spare tanks.
Frank Valete
Frank Valete - 7 years ago
i had the same crack on my 180 gallon tank..and built my own stand too.and i had the wobble effect tank was not flat around the trim..ugh!!
Frank Valete
Frank Valete - 7 years ago
hi, so what did you do with tank? was it repaired?..or thrown away. or used as reptile tank
AnnMarie Renaud
AnnMarie Renaud - 7 years ago
oh man now I am scared to even get my tank started my 35 Gallon did the same thing, Tank god I was home it started leaking I don't no were from I am in a bach apartment I took bucket and buckets was flying around my small place , Got a 55 gallon now sitting cause I am scared
Trisha - 7 years ago
You even made it funny (rather than mean) by saying whoever built the stand hadn't watched your videos! You inspire me.
Trisha - 7 years ago
Wow, I love how nice and cooperative you guys are. And now I know about keeping surfaces truly flat!
AmyCummingsPerezIrishDanceMom - 7 years ago
This was actually a really informative video. I learned a lot .
MickMaan - 7 years ago
How did no one see that before filling the tank or make sure the stand was true? It seems extremely noticeable. Could the stand have contorted due to temperature? I'd imagine being right next to a garage door like that would cause some massive temperature differences throughout the day and night. I'm just glad nothing was in the tank. So what would happen to it now, simply replace the cracked panel?
Ronen Shaharabany
Ronen Shaharabany - 7 years ago
hi joey a few days ago i upgraded my 72 gal. to a 125. i got a stand from a friend and after i filled up the tank i noticed that the middle of the stand was not laying flush on the stand. all four corners were but not the middle i could see through it when i looked between the stand and the tank. i didnt know if it was a problem but i was worried about it. then a few days later i noticed that the tank WAS lying flush on the stand. its a wood sand. flat like a countertop, not just a frame like in this video. there still remains a few inches of the stand which is not flush on the stand. no cracks and no leaks. its been 4 days. then i by chance came across this video and started getting real worried. what do you think. i dont want a big disaster. thanks so much for your time.

50. comment for AQUARIUM DISASTER! Every fish keepers WORST NIGHTMARE!

Leilani K
Leilani K - 7 years ago
That's why I have all thick acrylic tanks.
MrAshnmaple - 7 years ago
Real heartbreak. But isn't that the reason we place our tanks on tank mats or polystyrene sheets so the heavy tank will compress the underlay and create its own flat surface. Still a real downer though, but I'm sure the tank can be repaired.
Shining Asteriscus Luck
Shining Asteriscus Luck - 7 years ago
Would a 48x13in 55gallon with button and top brace need more then just the 4 corners touching? When do tanks become large enough that they need the full rim touching?
Meaghan Edwards
Meaghan Edwards - 7 years ago
I have a stand like that. Should I see if its flat befor stalking it.
Sam Pipitone
Sam Pipitone - 7 years ago
Your Conclusion sounds good
Sam Pipitone
Sam Pipitone - 7 years ago
The water line looks un even. ? If that big door was open a gust of the wind and pressure change could have helped in the brake
Harris Brothers
Harris Brothers - 7 years ago
So did the guy that checks the fish crack the tank? O.0
David Miller
David Miller - 7 years ago
Good thing it had the top rim...
Upside diy
Upside diy - 7 years ago
. Super noticeable . 9:52 there's always a mistake and something great.
beth98362 R
beth98362 R - 7 years ago
Isn't it his responsibility to make sure his tank was level before he put his aquarium on it?
So yes it's his fault!
I mean.... come on... it just takes a moment to check and it sure would have prevented this mess!
Raiden Dot
Raiden Dot - 7 years ago
This is why I strongly prefer Acrylic, I think I'm going to have to read tons of civil/mechanical engineering books to understand structural calculations :/
Peter Bott
Peter Bott - 7 years ago
I'd put a straight edge on the floor too.
Cajun Floridian
Cajun Floridian - 7 years ago
Should've put a pad under it just in case
toriless - 7 years ago
I assume it would have been better to just place 2 2x4 edge up instead of a 4x4. Maybe a 2 x 6 would have been OK. I see that done with decking sometimes. Also, isn't a lot better to have no trim on the bottom, unlike this tank, to distribute force regardless of being flexible acrylic or stiffer glass since glass could crack and acrylic can stress the seams if bent too much.
r saints
r saints - 7 years ago
hi Joey, got a question about the sizes of the aquarium and ponds, i got a 9ft L, 3ft W and 3ft H of a concrete tiled tank for my saltwater aquarium, i'm planning to fill in water 21 inches of height. How do i compute how many gallons do I have, given the above mesurement. Your help Joey and other fishkeepers out there shall be highly appreciated.
Sanctuary La Foi
Sanctuary La Foi - 7 years ago
please consider giving the discus owners name and/or web sight address for communication about possible purchases
angeloadamcyk40 - 7 years ago
What do you think about adding a 2 inch Styrofoam insulation sheet that you can buy from home depot under the tank for it to sit on. wouldn't it level the tank out
sazpo pico
sazpo pico - 7 years ago
what can you do to a stand like this? I made my stand with 2 by 4's and the tank wasn't laying flat on it, what could be the cause of that
Sean - 7 years ago
I would have to go acrylic for a tank this size. I wouldn't sleep at night if it was glass
Johnnie Rogan
Johnnie Rogan - 7 years ago
I sheet of polistyrene under tank would of evened out any irregularities in timber

Michael Bird
Michael Bird - 7 years ago
this happened to me to I had a product called flex tape on hand you see it on tv it sticks under water so I just slapped it to the outside of the tank it stopped the leak so I could setup my spare tank with everything from the main and finish draining saved a lot of trouble from more water getting on the floor
Athletic - Dashole
Athletic - Dashole - 7 years ago
Didn't mention that an unlevel floor could cause the same result
Sekar Ayu
Sekar Ayu - 7 years ago
Oh, dear leak
TheTheladrillo23 - 7 years ago
Apart , they should use a good piece of expanded polystyrene between the stand and the aquarium
TheTheladrillo23 - 7 years ago
To me part of the problem is the glass thickness, is a very long tank with a lot of height, can you tell us the glass that was used to build this lil monster?
res0408 - 7 years ago
Use shims if the stand isn't flat. If you can slide a playing card under any part of an empty tank then the stand isn't flat.
Kevin Lac
Kevin Lac - 7 years ago
yea foam would help but working with 4x4s you need to spend a little more to plain it out or if you have alot of time you can belt sander
T.W. - 7 years ago
Make cracked side of tank the back and paint black on out side.
T.W. - 7 years ago
smear silicon on the crack on inside from top to bottom,
cut a piece of glass the same length as crack,
press cut glass over crack and brace, let DRY for 1 week and.......
the presure from the water in tank will help to seal patch job!!!
PieCrust Slob
PieCrust Slob - 7 years ago
Damn I have never seen that happen that sucks
mvrckred - 7 years ago
Thank you for showing us! I learn more from failures than successes
Steven Roberts
Steven Roberts - 7 years ago
He might not have built the stand but he didn't check for proper setup before filling the tank so in the end it was his own fault
Marlon's C
Marlon's C - 7 years ago
So video of how to fix the issue?
Chucks Channel
Chucks Channel - 8 years ago
if I had to guess I'd say the floor was not level.
Jeramie Scott
Jeramie Scott - 8 years ago
people who keep saying the floor or foam are so lost.
Jason Sena
Jason Sena - 8 years ago
is there a way to salvage the stand at all to be able to reuse it safely? for example will shims work at all to level it out?
aquadragon1 - 8 years ago
That is why you use a more manly material like some decent steel.
Karlo DC
Karlo DC - 8 years ago
This is why I put styrofoam or rubber mat in between my tank and my stand in order for the uneven surface to even out.
Sonic Ninja
Sonic Ninja - 8 years ago
Never knew Jack Black liked fishkeeping.
ALT KNIGHT - 8 years ago
Hi Joey I just checked my custom built stand using your instructions with a plywood top. It's for a 5ft 75g tank and in the center it's slightly raised but all 4 corners are not raised at all and I have foam under it. Is this something to worry about?
ALT KNIGHT - 8 years ago
I had the same thing happen to a brand new tank. The shop repaired it for me and I'm resetting it up. I need to check my custom made stand using your instructions.
christgray86 - 8 years ago
Be honest about staging this if you did...
Martin McNeill
Martin McNeill - 8 years ago
And this is why i use tempered glass for large tanks set on black polystyrene sheets.
Hermann Blues
Hermann Blues - 8 years ago
Can be too much water level, ground shaking or the thickness of the glass tank
Tushar Yadav
Tushar Yadav - 8 years ago
Venky Venkatesh
Venky Venkatesh - 8 years ago
what is the best food for flowerhorns for colour and hump
Underwater Adventures.
Underwater Adventures. - 8 years ago
it's not the floor then???
Aliah Garman
Aliah Garman - 8 years ago
omg if my 60 gallon tank cracked my room would flood.
Max Macconnell
Max Macconnell - 8 years ago
that happend to me
Joebelove91210 - 8 years ago
Rock me to sleep with this Joey... nightmares

100. comment for AQUARIUM DISASTER! Every fish keepers WORST NIGHTMARE!

Jimi182 - 8 years ago
Joey can fix that 240
Lanisha B
Lanisha B - 8 years ago
i smell a lawsuit
Lanisha B
Lanisha B - 8 years ago
my 100 dollar dragon eye plakat king betta fits in a cup.....
Kevin Dilley
Kevin Dilley - 8 years ago
Is it just me, why didn't they check the tank when it was first placed on the stand to see if there was any gaps and shim as required. That should be done first before you add water
Jeffs Gmail
Jeffs Gmail - 8 years ago
i liked when you described how the tank got cracked... you're awesome at anything about aquarium since i watched a couple of your blogs... you're cool man.
Keith Etchison
Keith Etchison - 8 years ago
Dec 2 I had 150 gal bow front fresh water aquarium explode. the back glass panel silicone let go. we live in a tower and just starting to move back in from all the damage to the condo!!! needless to say my wife will never let another fish tank pass her door.
hdjc86 - 8 years ago
can you please do a follow-up video on inspecting glass and acrylic aquariums/stands? I am about to pull a tank out of storage, and am guilty of wandering Craigslist looking for a good deal. thanks for the content.
E turnall
E turnall - 8 years ago
a one inch piece of plywood on top could of helped
Here 2Watch
Here 2Watch - 8 years ago
how does one not notice this when putting the tank on the stand?
Luís Brigham
Luís Brigham - 8 years ago
Well i'm surprised how everyone didn't see the gap before adding water to the tank, that really seems like rookie stuff
Kyle Lashbrook
Kyle Lashbrook - 8 years ago
You should always use a level after setup.... why wouldnt you, an aquarium should always be level, Ill bet anymore theres a slope in your garage and you never once accounted for it.
Rich Duncan
Rich Duncan - 8 years ago
In your arowana fish tank why don't you put your airstone in your sump for better looks?
Aaron Bartell
Aaron Bartell - 8 years ago
Crazy, sorry to see it. You're right, that is a nightmare. I've experienced a situation similar to that but in my living room with tank inhabitants. On another note: Would you look at powerheads/tubing and mesh filters and do a video on a DIY sand bed vacuum?
Brad Hoger
Brad Hoger - 8 years ago
How level was the concrete floor...
cnebuda - 8 years ago
So one of my fancy goldfish just got sucked up to my internal filter. He was stuck to the inlet and couldn't move. I unplugged my filter and he started swimming away. One of his fins was all tore up and he had a bunch of white spots on him (ick?). About 10 minutes later he was on the tank bottom gasping for air, and i did a 50 percent water change. He still inst moving much, what should I do?
zanic07 - 8 years ago
so would you recommend shimming the aquarium base before filling. if so how far apart should the shimms be from one another.
kub - 8 years ago
2:54 stereotype
riz wayz
riz wayz - 8 years ago
oh nooo
Kiran Nayak
Kiran Nayak - 8 years ago
Greetings Joey!
My name is Kiran. I am from Mumbai, India and have been following you for the last year(since i started with 1 tank and moved to 12). I had a question and would appreciate your advice. Currently i have 12 tanks of 150gallons each made with 12mm glass. My tank builder (guy who silicones them) said I can go to 96x24x24 and 84x30x24 with 12mm glass - all top and bottom braced. For safety, I would like the base to be 3/4" with 12mm bracing. I just need to know your yes or no if those dimensions and volume would be safe. Thank you kindly.
chateau920 - 8 years ago
Typo, made my stand per your video
instructions. lol
chateau920 - 8 years ago
Just as a note, I purchased a used acrylic 140 gallon tank for $100. I am going to reseal it just to make sure it doesn't leak with weldon 4 and then with 16 silicone. That's one reason I settled with Petsmart. My fish are currently in a big igloo with a small filter and heater with air pump. Question, I make my stand watching your DYI to your instructions. Do you recommend foam on top? I have a flat plywood on top. I also noticed that one end is not flat when I put the tank on the stand. Do you recommend putting pieces of slims on the one side that is not flat in order to balance it flat?
chateau920 - 8 years ago
I had the same problem with my 150 gal. glass tank. It broke at the bottom end of the tank. It wasn't the edges. The tank had been at the same spot since 2009. I took Petsmart to small claims because the fish tank (TOP FIN) had a lifetime warranty and Petsmart was did not want to honor the warranty because they wanted the original purchase receipt (thermal paper receipt ). I got an affidavit from my girlfriend who was there when I purchased the tank. To make it short. I settled for $527 in mediation before trial. The tank cost me $900 originally but it was easier to settle for me. At least Petsmart didn't get away with their responsibility.
Embcii Bee
Embcii Bee - 8 years ago
you shouldve built him a new one :P
Maciej Ukalski
Maciej Ukalski - 8 years ago
Joey come on! every lens has something called minimal focusing distance. You are such a handyman, you've got so many videos and still you're approaching details with a camera like a kid:P
Heaven's 8 Ultimate Ragdolls
Heaven's 8 Ultimate Ragdolls - 8 years ago
Hey, I know the timing might be bad, but when are you going to get a blue dot stingray. They are so beautiful, I am considering one myself
Tyler Gordon
Tyler Gordon - 8 years ago
The stand couod have been , the could have been way out cuasing the prob.
There is a reason why professional stand builders do not use diamentional lumber. They use ply wood. That includes 2x stock.
CaluKanKen - 8 years ago
my tank that i had been building for like 12 years met its tragic end(killing most of my reefs and murdering some of snails) when the table i was displaying it on the legs finally snapped from the weight of the tank and it knocked into my axolotyl tank and my aquarium shattered and then the other tank shattered and honestly it was a mess and the worse 6 weeks of my life. i was s stressed and desperate to rehome my reefs fish and axolotyls and deal with the initial trauma of losing the thing that pretty much occupied my daily life completely my fish were in buckets and the axolotyls were in the quarantine tank and my reefs were in my little brothers kitty pool.
Victor Baker
Victor Baker - 8 years ago
No it's not the stands fault. This happened because people got into a rush. Did anybody notice how fast Joey found the problem. If somebody would've taken the time to make sure the stand was true before filling it up with water. They would not have a broken aquarium. As it is all you're left with is a tank busting stand and a cracked aquarium.
Reed O'Neill
Reed O'Neill - 8 years ago
You should do a finding nemo tank like the one in the dentist in the movie
Nikki G
Nikki G - 8 years ago
How this guy have a friend like you and he dosent ask you to build a stand. Shame shame
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Nikki G right. I'm on the east coast of Canada, he is in California. I was there for a couple days and the entire schedule was packed.
Akshay Dixit
Akshay Dixit - 8 years ago
Couldn't you just use that water for some purpose rather than just letting it drain as waste?
adamkon1104 - 8 years ago
2x4's warp and twist even after you've built a stand. It's caused by irregular drying.
dvdfrnzwbr - 8 years ago
An unlevel floor can also be a factor. If the stand doesn't lay flat on the floor it cant support the tank with out flexing
Justin Hayden
Justin Hayden - 8 years ago
Can you make a video on proper water circulation and the best ways to setup the different types of options? Would greatly appreciate it.
Shrimp Society
Shrimp Society - 8 years ago
Very useful video. I've had a tank crack on me once and it is not fun. keep up the good work Joey
Underwater Adventures.
Underwater Adventures. - 8 years ago
Shrimp Society back in the 60s..tanks were put together like this..metal my first tank?..told to wash it out before using it..i said ok. but. he never told me NOT to use very warm water! the glass fell in half way through washing because the putty literally melted soft. i was going on 20 then but still, i felt a right Donald Chump! thank heavens they invented..silicon.
Josh Hibbs
Josh Hibbs - 8 years ago
Can you still use a 4x4 like these for a stand if you run each side through a planet or on a big sander to get it true and flat?
Abhishu Pathak
Abhishu Pathak - 8 years ago
sir which is the best canister filter for 8 feet tank
Josh Hibbs
Josh Hibbs - 8 years ago
Time to fix it for him Joey. LOL Will he fix it or just scrap the tank and get another one?
Rod Palm
Rod Palm - 8 years ago
Maybe uneven floor stressing the length of glass. Might want to put a long level on that floor.
oakland002 - 8 years ago
Is there anything out there in the market that can be use in an emergency to seal the leak (but you more time / cause less water damage ) to the floor

While you run a hose out the window or door .
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 8 years ago
Wait how did it crack? Something seems "Fishy" (hahahahahahahhahahhahahah)
Passsion Bettas
Passsion Bettas - 8 years ago
I have the exact opposite issue right now. 29 gallon tank on leveled shelf but my tank I got from a friend curves up from the middle. So the pressure is on both corners. Should I be worried about it? It's been running for a few months and no cracks or leaks yet
Johnnybravo60025 - 8 years ago
Is this something you could fix with a shim (If buying a new stand isn't financially possible at the time) or should you replace the stand immediately?
Stovlar - 8 years ago
Why on earth would you ever, EVER, use a wooden stand for an aquarium over 350 litres (100 gallons)? Wood, unlike glass, is a living material. it moves. especially when wet. Good thing no fish were hurt :)
Sabrina Britcher
Sabrina Britcher - 8 years ago
Man that sucks..ugh
Sylvester Campbell
Sylvester Campbell - 8 years ago
I got a 180 gal tank wit the pvc pipe to skim the top n home made trickle system also have sand at the bottom of tank but I have changed my water 3 times within the last 3wks because it just won't get clear constantly cloudy any suggestions to get water clear
Ashley Bowes
Ashley Bowes - 8 years ago
thats really gutting on another note tough serious one how the beep have you not got over 1 million subs !!
Ashutosh Kumar
Ashutosh Kumar - 8 years ago
tank turned into coffin..
scrungus - 8 years ago
Just checked all my stands, found a pretty big gap under the middle of one of them. Well, guess I'm off to get a new one. Thank you for making this video or else I probably wouldn't have found the gap until after the tank blew!
Leo lion
Leo lion - 8 years ago
Glass to thin
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Brandy Hiller new silicone won't stick to old silicone. That tank is on the other side of the continent. I won't be doing anymore videos on it.
mytube92369 - 8 years ago
It happened to me with a 35 gallon tank during night ,I heard the crack while sleeping and it was pouring on the floor really quickly. I was able to save the fish. Glass will just crack under pressure, period! Imagine if this happens while you are away several days?
Evan Scarff
Evan Scarff - 8 years ago
Is this tank salvageable? Can it be fixed? You said that the seams need redone, can you remove the front panel that crack and replace it with a new one and reseal the seams? Or is it best to just throw this tank out?
Bob Y
Bob Y - 8 years ago
Do you mix your own water or buy it. And if you mix it is it hard to do in order to get every thing right.
steve lewis
steve lewis - 8 years ago
could've had a carpet down
Red Hawk
Red Hawk - 8 years ago
Holy, nice explaining why the tank cracked. I'll make sure any of my future tanks, have a good, flat built stand
Dragon Tamer Reptiles
Dragon Tamer Reptiles - 8 years ago
Crazy catch on camera! Glad no fish were in there! Nice explanation break down guys!
Craze's Corals
Craze's Corals - 8 years ago
He must have been super busy, first thing I do when I set a tank on a stand Is make sure everything sits level and flat. This looks like it could seesaw on the stand.
bhanu prakash the great
bhanu prakash the great - 8 years ago
i think the table stand is a bit bent which cracks the glass.
Squishydoodoo - 8 years ago
This is exactly why I use heavy duty 3/4" construction foam as a base for my stands. The foam will compensate for any flaws in the stand or floor.
Ramón Largo
Ramón Largo - 8 years ago
Are you going to post a video of the smaller discus tank that you set up?
Rachel O'Leary
Rachel O'Leary - 8 years ago
I fear something like that happening!
Scott Rhodes
Scott Rhodes - 8 years ago
If the stand would have been leveled before the tank was filled It would not have failed. Cement is sloped to the door. A shim under the left front leg of the stand would have fixed the problem.
Mick Backlash
Mick Backlash - 7 years ago
Scott, I have to agree..

Even if the stand was made 100% flat and true, if you place it on an uneven surface, then the stand will twist..
F1nddatruth - 8 years ago
Please re-watch the video and listen to what Joey explains very carefully.
Marks Shrimp Tanks
Marks Shrimp Tanks - 8 years ago
Are you going to salvage this tank Joey ? would be interesting to see but expensive :)
rohnit amin
rohnit amin - 8 years ago
how is your new arowana doing
C K - 8 years ago
Uncle Sam must have been so upset, hey Joey you should build him an aquarium as your next project.
John Ryan
John Ryan - 8 years ago
Casper did it lol
Kristoffer Arnesen
Kristoffer Arnesen - 8 years ago
Would'nt styrofoam between the tank and stand help even it out?
Blake Lynch
Blake Lynch - 8 years ago
This is why I put a sheet of styrofoam under my aquariums. It prevents this.
Ксения Ковалевская
Ксения Ковалевская - 8 years ago
At least not all the water came out and yeah, no dead fish. I had a 55 gallon crack from the bottom and all the water emptied at once. It was on my dresser so all my clothes in my drawers were soaked along with the carpet. I learned the hard way about getting a decent stand. Good times.
Sebastian F
Sebastian F - 8 years ago
And that is why you use acrylic
Sebastian F
Sebastian F - 8 years ago
That and it's also clearer
Mike E
Mike E - 8 years ago
I`d be puttin my foot so far up someones .....well you get it!!! Wes was way calmer than I would have been, that 240 is NOT a cheap tank to replace!!!
F Vernon Green
F Vernon Green - 8 years ago
When you look at how what stand is built, it is very possible that the floor was more of a culprit than the stand not being true. There was no sheer support on that stand in the front. There appears to be some in the back, but none in the front, so when loaded very likely that front left corner followed the concrete floor contour. Had it been placed on a flatter floor it probably would not have failed. Most of those kinds of storage units, have a slope towards the door to help keep rain water from getting into the unit. This tank was a little close to the door and I bet that end of the tank was sitting where the floor started slope.
Sujeet Jagtap
Sujeet Jagtap - 8 years ago
Make a video on 'how to keep arowanas'
Jason M
Jason M - 8 years ago
i would like to see a tutorial on there filtration system and how they build there fish tank rack. thanks
VANGASKHAN - 8 years ago
Wonder what will happen if it was an acrylic tank?
alyssamccann418 - 8 years ago
yeash. poor tank and stand. I have a scratch/crack on my tank on the outside. I just silinconed it, so hopefully it holds.
Nick M.
Nick M. - 8 years ago
Can't you Caulk or seal it from the inside and outside to prevent leaks?
PopCorn Co.
PopCorn Co. - 8 years ago
does the same rule apply to acrylic aquariums
Jesse Kempen
Jesse Kempen - 8 years ago
What do u think is the best equipment to have for an Oscar fish tank ?
Jay Hope
Jay Hope - 8 years ago
on my 7x2x2 ft tank the bottom glass was cut into 3 pieces to allow abit of flexibility
pancudowny - 8 years ago
When I setup my 40-gal atop a small pedestal located inside a entertainment center made of solid-wood panels. Because it wasn't too narrow to support the tank end-to-end, I simply cut & placed a piece of fine-particle board between the two. Problem solved & no issues since!
Bradyn Bouchard
Bradyn Bouchard - 8 years ago
if you built your own stand like that one. Could you put on a floor that you know to be perfect level and use as big of a level as possible to see if it is flat. Then just sand or plane down the high spots?
Zahidi BK
Zahidi BK - 8 years ago
Here we can see the importance of bracing...
p.n. mohana Sundaram
p.n. mohana Sundaram - 8 years ago
im so sad sir , the tank look like a beautiful heaven .
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster - 8 years ago
Dang, Joey!! The title had me thinking one of your ray tanks cracked or something. I was braced for a very sad story.
deerheartedmama - 8 years ago
Can I ask where you're from? You accent is a mystery to me, I hear a bunch of different ones. :)
Damion Coates
Damion Coates - 8 years ago
Ya'll were very lucky!
debbie foster
debbie foster - 8 years ago
Will that pane of glass be replaced?
shivann justin
shivann justin - 8 years ago
this is why i dont own a large aquarium
Hafizi Manap
Hafizi Manap - 8 years ago
im not afraid cause my tank covered by polyfoam on bottom.
MasterAquatics - 8 years ago
Hey Joey. Thanks for the upload. I got a question. My stand for my 75 is not the same width for my tank. Both ends of my tank, left and right, stick out a bit. Its been fine for 2 years. But I get the feeling I might have a problem in the future. Should I be worried?
marizen2 - 8 years ago
WOW...Good learning experience! Thank you guys for sharing! I guess we're lucky having a 125 gallon aquarium for 35 years, 2 moves and never had to reseal it! We also made our stand without plans...lucky there too! :)
victor adams
victor adams - 8 years ago
so it's not the stands fault or the builder of the stand. it is the placement of the tank. being on a concrete floor right beside the roll up door the floor is designed with a very slight downward angle to keep rain from entering the space. the stand was placed on the peak of the slope causing the stand to sag on each side cracking the tank in the middle. please apologize to the tank builder!
徐士哲 - 7 years ago
no...buddy...what you describe will not happen...think harder, you'll figure it out
C Lee
C Lee - 7 years ago
victor adams If your theory that where the tank was placed was the real "fault" were true, then the gap between the tank and the stand would've been on the other end because the weight of the water would be on the side closest to the door where the slope is... but it's not.
toriless - 7 years ago
It the stand were properly built it would not flex with the floor.
victor adams
victor adams - 8 years ago
F1nddatruth of course not but how can you guarantee it without seeing that the floor is straight? I would be willing to bet the stand was made for flat ground. I know for a fact that codes require a down grade to outside when you have a roll up door to keep water from coming in. so knowing this one can reasonably deduct that as the stand settled it bowed due to this hump in the floor causing the tank to break just on the left side of the center support.
F1nddatruth - 8 years ago
Yeah, I understand what you are saying I have done a fair bit of road work and understand grades, crowns etc. I 100% guarantee that is not the problem here. The thing is with a properly built stand you can set the thing up on your lawn with out any problems. For some reason you seem to be defending the stand and stand builder instead of looking at the facts. Did you build the stand?
victor adams
victor adams - 8 years ago
F1nddatruth I'm not talking about the floor being level I'm talking about it being straight. in other words there are 2 different angles coming together making a point. understand?
F1nddatruth - 8 years ago
I suggested that you re-watch the video. You can see the floor in several parts of the video. Also, Joey specifically states that the tank being level doesn't matter. Furthermore, the floor not being level would not cause the tank to not touch part of the stand. Listen to what Joey says at 9:24. He explains and shows exactly what has happened.
victor adams
victor adams - 8 years ago
I have watched the video and not once did he show the floor. he did however state that he set the tank up in a rush and also stated that he didn't level the tank. never once did he state that you have to insure you have a straight floor if you are putting in a stand not designed for the floor it sits on. all I ask is to show that the floor is flat. I know it is not because of the placement being so close to the door.
F1nddatruth - 8 years ago
All of you except Jeramie Scott need to rewatch the video. As someone who has a background in construction as well as many years working in the pet industry to include a subsidiary of D.A.S. (Dutch Aquarium Systems) Joey explained the problem completely. The evidence is also quite clear in the video where the left end of the tank is not touching the stand. If the floor was in bad enough condition to cause this it would have been obvious even in the video. Fractions of an inch over that distance on a concrete floor is virtually undetectable and in no way could affect the glass enough to cause that crack.
victor adams
victor adams - 8 years ago
Killadey this seems quite right :)
Killadey - 8 years ago
Exactly, it's not really how level the floor is, it's the fact that whether it was consistent or not. He said in the video that the floor doesn't need to be perfectly level. But if the floor is uneven - i.e starts straight but then curves down (using a six legged table no less!), then that would be be an issue right? Because one end drops down but the middle legs stop the stand from tilting/leaning as a whole, so it flexes instead, causing the glass to beak just to the left of the middle leg, as you'd expect? Does this clarify things for everyone, or am i muddying the waters further? lol Btw Im with you Victor, hope that's clear.
victor adams
victor adams - 8 years ago
Jeramie Scott I don't believe this to be true. I would like to see the concrete floor and how straight it is. I am positive that it has a bend in it leaning towards the door. this would cause the tank stand to have a bow in it and also break the tank.
Jeramie Scott
Jeramie Scott - 8 years ago
victor adams the stand itself not being level was not the problem. the top of the stand that the aquarium was not even. he even explained that in the video.
victor adams
victor adams - 8 years ago
it would be nice if I could get a reply from the king of diy! comment if you think he should do a video on the straightness of the concrete
Killadey - 8 years ago
victor adams I agree
Unnik - 8 years ago
how it happens
Nick Allegro
Nick Allegro - 8 years ago
I live in New Jersey and a few years ago before I had a tank I lost power for about a week from Hurricane Sandy, what would you recommend I do if I ever lose power in my house for extended periods of time?
Nick Allegro
Nick Allegro - 8 years ago
What can I do keep my tank heated, and have light for my plants?
Virat Baweja
Virat Baweja - 8 years ago
You're awesome joey
traveldogtales - 8 years ago
could that large tank be repaired by replacing the cracked side?
Reef Gaming
Reef Gaming - 8 years ago
You should make a video of 4x2 stand how to level it to the floor and level the tank on clearly on the topic using glass tank
Dale J
Dale J - 8 years ago
Thats why you should put foam on the stand then the tank .
Ron Johnson
Ron Johnson - 8 years ago
Once you mentioned the seams, I became extremely paranoid. Two of my tanks (a 90 and 125 gallon) are about 30 years old. Should I be worried?
Emmit Stewart
Emmit Stewart - 8 years ago
It would make a good video if you could show how they repaired this tank.
Ron Johnson
Ron Johnson - 8 years ago
-Beginning of the video: "Oh looks like evidence of a leaking tank"
-Me: Why aren't you guys freaking out!
-Video: No fish
Abishek Zebulan
Abishek Zebulan - 8 years ago
Can I mend it the diy style
Anthony Ragan
Anthony Ragan - 8 years ago
Nightmare is right.
Chels reeves
Chels reeves - 8 years ago
You said that to reseal it would need to be taken apart? Can't you just replace the front piece of glass?? I know it's easier said than done, but if you can do that then you'll have a perfectly good tank again Babymomma1 Babymomma1 - 8 years ago
in January my 300 gallon in my living room cracked and one whole corner almost came apart. luckily I was home and had other tanks at the time and only lost a few fish but It flooded my house before we were able to slow it down with almost 3 quarters of the tank.
Manny - 8 years ago
WHy are you showing us videos of like month ago? No new videos? You showed us this already
The Potionist
The Potionist - 8 years ago
I kinda have to disagree with you Joey, it's very possible for soft wood like pine wood to torsion (I don't know the exact English word for it) or bend when the humidity or temperature is different then the room it was build or where the wood was laid to dry. Im guessing it's the reason why the back panel didn't break.
Danny Dork
Danny Dork - 8 years ago
Wow. Thanks for sharing this video. Very first person informative video. Really gives us something to consider.
MSZSNeoBahamut19 - 8 years ago
What about draining water into the rubbermaid tote?
Lambo6fo - 8 years ago
Engel De Ramos it's not the glass thickness. Your clearly know nothing about tank support.
ArmouredUnicorn - 8 years ago
This videos got everyone running to their tanks checking its true!
lady lani
lady lani - 8 years ago
just started watching ur vidz ^^. we are building a new house and aquired an 1000liter salt water aquarium with overflow to be installed between the kitchen and livingroom... for my giant snakehead ( ofc freshwater ) but after watching this video i got the chillz, the carpenders are gonna build the stand for the tank.... if you have any more great tips and or advice for avoiding things like 'this' happening. :D thumbz up!!
lady lani
lady lani - 8 years ago
DR1FT K1NG thank you for answering my comment, your advice is appreciated. hope you have a nice day ♡ :)
SubieStripes TRZ
SubieStripes TRZ - 8 years ago
Lani Brænden Your tank will break in a week unless you learn proper grammar
Pray4Mojo - 8 years ago
#1: that glass looks too thin, cheap tank. You go cheap on a tank this big you are asking for it.
#2: I don't think I'd ever own a glass tank this size, it would have to be acrylic.
SubieStripes TRZ
SubieStripes TRZ - 8 years ago
Pray4Mojo Yeah. If I go over 100 gallons I'm going acrylic
Tricky Green
Tricky Green - 8 years ago
Never noticed the Canadian accent until now... I wonder if Joey is like me and the accent comes out when there's something stressful going on!
Jayknee Garner
Jayknee Garner - 8 years ago
Ouch, I take it that the person who built that stand did not have a plainer to square off the 4x4s.
Allukhadt - 8 years ago
this happened to me once. but in my case the silikone gave up and leaked. my 240 liter (sorry dont know how much gallons it is) leaked over night into my living room. that was the day i quit the aquarium hobby.
samoryTure - 8 years ago
Hey, You need to be a bit careful on how you give advice to people, especially online. The next thing you know you will be blame for mistakes they make. people can be A-holes sometimes. Try some type of disclaimer if you haven't already.
dany - 8 years ago
just to remind or something. if the tank made by acrylic or glass tank. i will decide to be my best choose to put foam like an polyurethane foam in the bottom and than put the tank on top at the foam,it does matter how small or bigger it take.
the lazy fish keeper
the lazy fish keeper - 8 years ago
so would a sheet of ply or osb board have been a solution? and when dealing with a tank this large would you not double check your stand? just asking. hope things go well
casino007007 - 8 years ago
the guy build the stand is such worst carpenter ever .
Thiago Souza
Thiago Souza - 8 years ago
vídeo ruim... chato...
james carey
james carey - 8 years ago
just asking why did he put foam under the tank be for the fill up
Fish addict
Fish addict - 8 years ago
More saltwater videos
moj0480 - 8 years ago
Would adding shims at the gaps help alleviate the pressure if you're tank is already set up?
Slim Tim
Slim Tim - 8 years ago
Fired Down!!! I remember watching your diy aquarium stand videos and you mentioning true.
Jokerr - 8 years ago
So what will happen to the tank now? will the front glass be replaced?
Caitlyn Brown
Caitlyn Brown - 8 years ago
I have a dilemma. I have this fish tank that I could keep fish in for up to a year maybe more after purchasing them, but now they keep dying after a week of me buying them. I really want to keep fish again but something in the tank or the water keeps killing them. I don't want to keep buying new fish all the time. I have had this tank for about 4 years now. What should I do? Please help me.
Caitlyn Brown
Caitlyn Brown - 8 years ago
I had goldfish in it and no I don't have a water testing kit.
Haley Tetroe
Haley Tetroe - 8 years ago
Caitlyn Brown what type of fish did you have in it? And do you have a water testing kit?
Bailee Jane
Bailee Jane - 8 years ago
toss got me thinking, I have a second hand tank and have no problem possibly buying more in the future. my question is how do you determine when to reseal a tank? also how is it done? especially a tank that has an established system with fish and everything?
I've been wondering whether I should start preparing to reseal my 75. it's atleast 5 years old at the youngest. 15 at oldest
Bailee Jane
Bailee Jane - 8 years ago
+Ecartts thanks, I'll search this channel first then do am in general search.
I just checked the current seals on it and think it'll be fine for another year or two. The edges are just a bit scruffy
Ecartts - 8 years ago
When you do a reseal.. you need to clean the aquarium and move the fish

A reseal means to remove some silicon and add new one

5 years can be fine.. 15.. not quite

Search on his channel.. I think he has a how to reseal your aquarium / if not.. search it on YT.. pretty sure you will find something
Royal Crab
Royal Crab - 8 years ago
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is why I use styrofoam or similar to help the aquarium level if the stand isn't true.
Elizabeth Boulais
Elizabeth Boulais - 8 years ago
Royal Crab
Royal Crab - 8 years ago
+elizabeth boulais How did I miss that part of the video? I know I watched until the last few seconds...
Elizabeth Boulais
Elizabeth Boulais - 8 years ago
he addresses this at the end
Owen Massot
Owen Massot - 8 years ago
hey king of diy could u help I got some new fish and my pearl gourami is attack my other gourami and my angel fish it's night time now and he only bit them a few during the day I thought it's to show who's boss but he's chasing them and going for then alot is this normal thanks
Shane Kelly
Shane Kelly - 8 years ago
beautiful crisp video, good sound.
Jennii Wyvern
Jennii Wyvern - 8 years ago
I knew you were Canadian, but never really heard your accent until this video. ❤ I like to think you were so disappointed in the stand design, you let it fly
leetlebob - 8 years ago
I love your videos but for some reason your accent is agonising to listen to XD
Cody Stelzer
Cody Stelzer - 8 years ago
this would be a blessing in disguise if this happened to me. I would just get a bigger tank lol.
Aussie Soarer
Aussie Soarer - 8 years ago
A nice level floor helps a lot also (being close to the roller door might mean more slope towards the outside, so water will not flow into the building). With that much weight and potential energy it pays to check and double check everything.
Greg Allen
Greg Allen - 8 years ago
Over the years I have seen many people use 2x4s and 4x4s for building stands (myself included). The wood is both affordable and strong which is why people elect to use it. However the wood is never true. If you consider its intended use (home construction) they don't need be either. As we have seen in this example the pieces of lumber should ALWAYS be run across a joiner to correct these imperfections. The longer the tank and therefore the longer span of wood the more exaggerated a slight imperfection will be which makes the truing process even more important. To eliminate these types of issues I have started to use extrude aluminum in the construction of my aquarium stands. Here is an example of my current 60 gallon planted cube build. I simply ordered the pieces cut to length and as you can see it was incredibly simple to assemble. The stand is perfectly square. I did order some aquarium leveling mat to attach to the tanks bottom since it's a rimless tank. I have yet decided how I want to cover the framing... Lastly, here are the plans I drew up in case anyone needs some ides. I hope this has helped...
Honza Greno
Honza Greno - 8 years ago
Why 15 minutds long ffs?
Bobby Ruiz
Bobby Ruiz - 8 years ago
my 10 gallon exploded while I was handling it lucky I don't put fish in that small tank but there was water all over my room I couldn't imagine my 75 or 29 busting I would have a big problem
Paul Bellows
Paul Bellows - 8 years ago
wouldn't a fat piece of polystyrene on top of the stand prevented the crack? my tank must be older than 10 years bit bigger than that tank. after seeing this video, I'm thinking of getting a spare tank & re sealing , cheers :)
Ecartts - 8 years ago
I always have one extra empty aquarium.. Just in case haha
Tamara Simpson
Tamara Simpson - 8 years ago
oh that made me want to cry that tank was beautiful!
Ecartts - 8 years ago
If the glass is broken just there (front) I think they can remove it and add a new glass

Joey said its the stand fauIt.. so they might use it again (if the damage is not too big)
Vincent Scalise
Vincent Scalise - 8 years ago
Thanks for further proving Marineland/Petsmart sold me a faulty display stand. Those Bastards!!
nebulustheworldeater - 8 years ago
Why didn't they add a foam matt? All the holding tanks seem to have them.
dan hill
dan hill - 8 years ago
great info to know, sorry for Wes tho,
Todd - 8 years ago
Do you work there now Joey?
Seems like you've been in Cali for a while.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Todd all videos were taken within 2 days
Deep Dish Reef
Deep Dish Reef - 8 years ago
anxiety inducing
NYC Bettas
NYC Bettas - 8 years ago
when you first mentioned this on a previous video, I immediately went to check my tanks which are placed on a metal shelving rack, I noticed some of them were not flat and were sitting on the edge of the ranks... you saved me some headaches. Thank you Joey
Kevin anything
Kevin anything - 8 years ago
The word Titanic springs to mind...
sdq sdq
sdq sdq - 8 years ago
glass thickness ? anyway did he placed a spirit level when fully fill up ?
Ramon Chavez
Ramon Chavez - 8 years ago
the title of this is most appropriate. nice and not nice
mtsn - 8 years ago
and nobody saw that gap before?
Kristopher Prevo
Kristopher Prevo - 8 years ago
im so sorry I cringed when I saw your post my 150 g cracked I cried for days I didn't have the money to fix it
HappyAnimals Happy
HappyAnimals Happy - 8 years ago
Am I the only one that is sad about such a beautiful and big tank going to waste just cause someone wasn't able to build a proper stand?
gnovincejr2 - 8 years ago
This is such a good video to watch and potentially could save a bunch of people . Sucks that happened though of course .
Fire On A Wire
Fire On A Wire - 8 years ago
Isn't this why you put a sheet of polystyrene under the tank?
Franco 86
Franco 86 - 8 years ago
don't you put foam between tank and base
jordan7455 - 8 years ago
must of been a goof who ever built it with 4x4's... commmon
Ben Arthur
Ben Arthur - 8 years ago
So is it a good idea to put a glass tank with black trim on a piece of foam?
Arthur G
Arthur G - 8 years ago
I woke up with this notification on my phone's lock screen! Bummer, no doubt.
Watched the vid and stared at my tank for a good 45 minutes.
Thanks for the upcoming nightmares haha.
Glad there wasn't any fatalities!
Allen Navarro
Allen Navarro - 8 years ago
to cold?
cat caty
cat caty - 8 years ago
So glad that there was no discus in there at the time... The situation could have been a LOT worse.
fillg - 8 years ago
I'm not saying this is what happened in this situation but the wood a stand is made of can warp and twist after it's in place. Using 2 2x4's glued and screwed together instead of a single 4x4 can help prevent that.
Brian Bieger
Brian Bieger - 8 years ago
and THAT is why I have acrylic tanks
dudev - 8 years ago
It looks like the builder might have assembled the horizontal supports individually onto the leg unit, and a difference in the leg height caused the horizontal frame to distort. I like to assemble a horizontal frame on a flat surface and then flip it over. That way you start off with a flat top frame and you build the legs last. It's easier to fix the leg height afterward than to start off with a distorted top frame.
chabka34 - 8 years ago
just buy new glass?
MonStarNZ - 8 years ago
What happens to this tank now? Replace the front panel? Scavenge the glass to make new smaller tanks?
Cole Boi
Cole Boi - 8 years ago
Is the temperature of the room constant? Being right next to the garage door a quick change of temperature during a day could make it expand or contract.
Sweet Life
Sweet Life - 6 years ago
I just lost mine today due to temperature changes, it was a cold water aquarium and some how I decided to clean it with warm water :(
Underwater Adventures.
Underwater Adventures. - 8 years ago
Cole Boi i think a snail did it! but it could have slipped away in the night so i can't actually prove it.
r s
r s - 8 years ago
temperature change will make the wood bend . Still if you place a wood stand on an uneven floor is the placers fault . instead of trying to blame the guy who made the stand lol
Chris Jones
Chris Jones - 8 years ago
Wouldn't the water keep it pretty stable temperature wise?   Even if the room temp changed quickly I would think the water would keep the temp of the glass from changing that quickly.
SubieStripes TRZ
SubieStripes TRZ - 8 years ago
Cole Boi the stand is bowed
MrCeo1978buddy - 8 years ago
i was thinking the same thing
Todd Hayslett
Todd Hayslett - 8 years ago
Time to get a starphire panel and rebuild her. It can be done. We have the technology. LOL. On a tank this big I would definitely rebuild it. That has to be an expensive tank.
Steenfott Aquatics
Steenfott Aquatics - 8 years ago
I keep waiting for the day this will happen to me.
Tim Amos
Tim Amos - 8 years ago
Exactly this happened to me last night. Luckily only a 60ltr tank and wood floor. Same crack same place and caused by an uneven stand with a high spot in the middle. So lucky it happened while we were sat on the sofa next to the tank but still took 2 hours to clean up!
H.M. Murdock
H.M. Murdock - 8 years ago
Would an acrylic tank be affected by the torsional issues of a faulty stand like the one in this video?
Keith Hillery
Keith Hillery - 8 years ago
Thanks so much for sharing this with us. I will definitely be taking all of this to heart in my stand designs and construction. Its awful to lose a perfectly good tank and maybe more from something easily preventable.
Athletic - Dashole
Athletic - Dashole - 8 years ago
Why I go to the zoo, free on Mondays, when I want to see fish.
What's up guys
What's up guys - 8 years ago
Couldn't imagine having a 240 gallon death trap in your home, especially with children.
michelle babcock
michelle babcock - 8 years ago
Thank you, no fish! Glad to know there is someone watching over the stock through the night.
Wazzle TV
Wazzle TV - 8 years ago
Hey Guys you can resolve this stand issue easily, by simply using 1inch of polystyrene for every foot of vertical height, like that tank i would put on atleast 3" of polystyrene, this helps to "bed" the base of a glass tank, it also helps if your stand gets water damage and starts to swell to absorb a bit of the stress on the glass.. @uarujoey
LOL59hahaha - 8 years ago
Its worse if you have fish in there, fully planted and you dont have a spare! Happened to me. Digging a pond in the middle of the night. True story
Builder BB
Builder BB - 8 years ago
DIY Fish"TEACHER" Joey jumping into education mode
Love it your a natural
Marcell Seunarine
Marcell Seunarine - 8 years ago
1" sheet of rigid foam insulation will help when stands are off.
Todd Hayslett
Todd Hayslett - 8 years ago
This is why I always put a top of some sort on the stand like thick plywood or even mdf or particleboard. You want a top on the stand that is flat and true. 2x4 lumber has a tendency to warp and bow, etc depending on the weather. Things like plywood, mdf, etc are unidirectional or a glued up waste product. They don't usually warp and bow. Spend the extra few dollars and put a top of some sort on the stand. I usually put a top, bottom, and back piece. This helps to keep the stand from moving around. I mostly use birch plywood. It is more expensive but it is a more consistent product without voids.
Manny Der
Manny Der - 8 years ago
Learn from the mistakes of others, cause you don't have time to make them all yourself
Nathan Fielure
Nathan Fielure - 8 years ago
The other tanks have foam under them except for the cracked one. Would foam helped or delay the problem?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Various Curious nope
AK 76
AK 76 - 8 years ago
sorry you did say no polystyrene
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 8 years ago
I wonder if the ground itself was level being that close to the slope. Combination of the stand bowing down and the tank.
AK 76
AK 76 - 8 years ago
did you use polystyrene under tank?
Cr7 Mes10
Cr7 Mes10 - 8 years ago
how does a tank breaks
Jordan M
Jordan M - 8 years ago
titanic explanation
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Oh man... I just had a leak in my tank this week... bad luck going around eh?
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 8 years ago
You made it flow faster with your finger lol
Dark Helmet
Dark Helmet - 8 years ago
Joey with the hypothetical aquarium failure you're not accounting for the reef snobs who have thousands of dollars in corals along with their fish.
Mark K
Mark K - 8 years ago
This is perfect timing. I am setting a 29 gal on a cinder block and 2x4 stand. The front corner has a really small gap, 1-2mm. I already plan to shim the corner under the 2x4 but question...if the corner does touch after the tank filled with water, is that less of an issue? I still plan to shim but curious. The tank is glass with trim.
David Hill
David Hill - 8 years ago
Hey Joey can you do a video on how to reseal a glass aquarium?

My old bedroom tank, which is now my quarantine tank (had it for at least 15 years, if not more) has never been resealed and I'm now worried. It's a 12x12x24 braceless
David Hill
David Hill - 8 years ago
The king of DIY oops, I guess a quick YT search would have answered that. Thanks for the reply!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+David Hill already have a video on that.
Sybrand Scheveers
Sybrand Scheveers - 8 years ago
:O ty for the lesson, i will keep this in mind. and good luck on repairing this beautiful tank
Catherine Kennedy
Catherine Kennedy - 8 years ago
Can you fix one that's cracked across the bottom glass? Or should you just repurpose it to something else?
Yukki Katsuki
Yukki Katsuki - 8 years ago
joey I've been paranoid about this for about a week, we recently moved my 20 gallon and it's not true in the middle, all four corners are solidly pressed against the stand but the middle of the tank isn't, I'm very confused as to why because this is the same stand I've used for a year and it was true before, anyways, is my 20 going to be okay?
duitfoto duit
duitfoto duit - 8 years ago
hoe dit put the tank on that stand? wasnt he thinking?
Yiran He
Yiran He - 8 years ago
did he had the some person build the holding racks.
Zen Reefer
Zen Reefer - 8 years ago
why didn't he see that before he filled it up?
Robert - 8 years ago
I've broken a few tanks, but usually while aquascapeing and I drop a really heavy rock or bump the side too hard. Luckily I have 2 75s and 3 40s sitting empty in the basement thanks to a tax return and Petco having a dollar per gallon sale a few years ago. When I get that MTS itch I'm prepared. =]
KoRN BReaD - 8 years ago
Why did they not put a piece of plywood on top of 2×4 or 4×4
Martin McNeill
Martin McNeill - 8 years ago
Spirit level, plywood and polystyrene foam sheets would fix that stand.
Huggy Bear
Huggy Bear - 8 years ago
The king of DIY a spirit level would have been useful!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Jonathan Ellison that would have done nothing.
Chuck Horne
Chuck Horne - 8 years ago
Very informative, was going to ask if a pad or styrofoam would have helped and you covered that in the last seconds of the video!
ItsAlleged - 8 years ago
So, what are you going to be making with the rest of the glass from that tank? You never let things go to waste!
toycar foushboy
toycar foushboy - 8 years ago
Damn! That sucks! Figured somebody would've seen that before filling. Even pro's make user errors. 2 x 4 very true Joey!
Jason Sinclair
Jason Sinclair - 8 years ago
used to have stryofome under mine
Robert - 8 years ago
Using foam is just to fix any small bumps or irregularities in the stand which the bottom layer of trim already does. It won't prevent the tank from twisting due to warped wood or shoddy design with the stand. You have to understand fish tanks are very heavy, no sheet of foam is going to be able support that weight enough to correct the bad corner.
Kosin Trouble in the Tank
Kosin Trouble in the Tank - 8 years ago
So then if you put the tank on a stand where it isn't touching, do you just take the tank off and sand down surface to make it flat? Or how to ensure that the 2x4's are true? Most of the 2x4 I see have some kind of a bow in them. So I guess what I am asking is, what prep work do you do on the 2x4 before or do you wait till you make the stand then true it after?
SDD525 - 8 years ago
My clown loaches got spooked at night one time and knocked over a large boulder in my 120 gallon tank and cause the same issue. I can't imagine this in a 240 in my basement. I'd hate my life lmao
TheSigurdsson - 8 years ago
I had a small acrylic aquarium crack. Nothing like that capacity, but sadly, I was out all day and wasn't there to save my White Cloud Mountain Minnows. Poor, little blighters.
Glad no fish were in that tank in the video.
Michael Calkins
Michael Calkins - 8 years ago
could use it to build a slightly smaller one with.
Ashleigh Hazeldon
Ashleigh Hazeldon - 8 years ago
this happened to us about 2 weeks ago at 11pm luckily we were in our 200ltr tank cracked was filled with fish was an absolute nightmare luckily quick thinking saved all the fish now there happy in a 400ltr tank :)
The Dro
The Dro - 8 years ago
Rub some tussin on it, it'll be fine!
liam huckle
liam huckle - 8 years ago
that's why a layer of polystyrene also helps
adamsboards - 8 years ago
I'm so glad I just saw this video I'm currently building a stand for 6 foot long 180 gallon glass tank and I have to admit I probably wouldn't have double checked to make sure the stand was perfectly flat
Tristan Collins
Tristan Collins - 8 years ago
Woooooow. Thank goodness there weren't fish in there. Great info.
Aileen Davis
Aileen Davis - 8 years ago
So, could you take the front panel off and then just replace it in order to save the tank?
sFde46 - 8 years ago
well if the stand came second hand with the aquarium, maybe the stand was custom tailored to suit the previous owners floor. That is, maybe one of the legs was made shorter on purpose, because the floor was higher in that corner or something.
Jonathan - 8 years ago
"aboot" You're Canadian came out, Joey!
Sohan Patel
Sohan Patel - 8 years ago
And now I am nervous about my 13 year old 55g needing to be resealed
Ecartts - 8 years ago
After 13 years.. Yeah.. You need a reseal

Not saying that it will break.. but just to be sure / safe
Robert - 8 years ago
Sohan Patel A reseal is easy if you're proactive and do it before you have any problems. I do the interior seals every 10 years or if I notice any warning signs. Joey may have a video on how to do it.
Beast - 8 years ago
Where's the Asian arowana update
Sohan Patel
Sohan Patel - 8 years ago
I have a tempered 55, that thing won't Crack, it will explode.
Discovery 1
Discovery 1 - 8 years ago
quick question I watch some of your videos I have a 120 gallon tank bought it from a guy put water in it doesn't leak 2 weeks I'm just scared of putting it in my house and cracking or the seals bust it doesn't leak but it's an older tank I was thinking of buying glass in sealing it where the seams are in the aquarium just to be safe like I said the tank doesn't leak but if I put glass around the seams and seal it with silicone it will be a safer thing what do you think or just go buy a new one if you can get back to me they'll be great nice videos
Discovery 1
Discovery 1 - 8 years ago
chabka34 - 8 years ago
Discovery 1 when in doubt reseal it it's extremely easy I've done it before make sure you only use 100% silicone only there is an antibacterial silicone that is bad to put in a fish tank thay look very similar
SDD525 - 8 years ago
Put it in your basement. Safest place to put it.
analog56x - 8 years ago
hey Joey, would foam underneath that tank have prevented this issue? even some foam cut to fit just inside the plastic trim underneath?
analog56x - 8 years ago
ahh, and theres the answer i was looking for. helps if you wait till the end of the video before asking questions haha!
stoffe 97
stoffe 97 - 8 years ago
is it okay to have a bare bottom tank whit guppy in it ?
Alex Smith
Alex Smith - 8 years ago
stoffe 97 yes guppies will be perfectly fine with bare bottom
Gemini - 8 years ago
Although this was a devastating event, you really brought forth the importance of a good stand. Good topic!
Max Tan
Max Tan - 8 years ago
Good knowledge. Thanks for sharing.
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 8 years ago
Garages are built on a slant in order to force water toward the drains. How could he have determined there was a weak pressure point on the tank. I know this happened a while ago but how do you check your tanks before adding water?
Redbeardexotics - 8 years ago
would your DIY water polisher help with what tannins are left in wood after treating and boiling? I have the DIY polisher in my tank but I'm thinking of adding driftwood.
Jack R
Jack R - 8 years ago
who the hell fills a 240 gallon without styro underneath!
Jack R
Jack R - 8 years ago
I missed the part about the trim my bad. I actually lost my first aquarium this way(mine wasnt in the garage :( ) and ever since ide rather have the foam than rely on a stand being completely true. Thanks for the vid joey!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Jack R I would 100% of the time with a tank like this. The bottom trim elevates the glass. I'm guess you don't really know why styrofoam is added in some cases and just do it.
Mark Leong
Mark Leong - 8 years ago
This may not be a common practice in the States, but in Asia, we place a thick piece of styrofoam board under the tank base which helps to level the tank onto the stand to prevent such cases from happening.
john doe
john doe - 8 years ago
The king of DIY I place Styrofoam under the entire edge of the aquarium. not concerned about supporting the bottom glass, but to give the tank something true to sit on. any small imperfections in the edges of the stand are absorbed by the Styrofoam so the tank can sit flat
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Mark Leong it has a bottom trim that elevates the glass. This would have still happened with styrofoam...
SouPNaZi - 8 years ago
couldnt you silicone the crack and turn the around and still use it? with another stand of course.
SDD525 - 8 years ago
No you need to get a new tank. It's not acrylic.
Noice - 8 years ago
SouPNaZi Even if you silicone the crack, it may only hold for a little while. Plus, if the silicone breaks, it will make more damage then to fix it. Discus are expensive fish, and having to worry about them in a damage tank, is just a waste of time.
Travis VanderLaan
Travis VanderLaan - 8 years ago
Best of a worse case situation.
schopenhauer1962 - 8 years ago
I put a range of water detectors and smoke detectors around my tanks, they are connected to the home alarm system. This to prevent disaster. I also have ip cams to check when I am away. So when I wonder if I put the lid on the tank, I just check.
Arachnid Facts
Arachnid Facts - 8 years ago
Can you make an aquaponics system
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Arachnid Facts already have
BB's Back to Basics
BB's Back to Basics - 8 years ago
joey, im really glad there were no fish in it. Wes is lucky to have you & your expertise. What I don't get is, how the stand wasnt observed ,before setting tank up.???
Arachnid Facts
Arachnid Facts - 8 years ago
For a second I thought it was your Asian arrowanas tank
Chamaeleonx - 8 years ago
And now you can repair the one side and release it at the same time. :P
Also isn't it "horizontal" and not "horiztonal" when you describe the stand?
209Control - 8 years ago
wow now I'm reevaluating having my 40 gallon tanks on metal storage racks
Rohit Kundu
Rohit Kundu - 8 years ago
what is the thickness of the glass used in this tank?
Melissa Berry
Melissa Berry - 8 years ago
Rohit Kundu..... pretty sure Joey said 1/2 inch in the very beginning of the video
Adrian Mihai Constantin
Adrian Mihai Constantin - 8 years ago
If the trim is lifting the aquarium from the stand, shouldn't the bottom glass bow in the center? I am using a yoga mattress under my 100 gallon to fix stand imperfections without a trim. It's been 10 months now without problems.
Mitchell Lubline
Mitchell Lubline - 8 years ago
this is why fully submerged heaters are the best. if the heaters are exposed to air for to long and try running good luck because the heater will explode extremely fast and kill the fish faster then any leaking tank. as for the stand it's why having a level on hand if you build your own and make sure of these things often. thankfully it's a tank only loss and no wonderful fish or humans where hurt in the tank breaking. big question I have is could a flat surface placed over the 2x4 like plywood have helped this issue or would it just have no effect?
CaliforniaCichlids - 8 years ago
would a 1/2" sheet of plywood on top of stand with a 3/4" sheet of foam fixed the stand ?
visualkeirockstar - 8 years ago
Is not really the stand fault. Its the person who didn't check to see if its even sitting correctly. I have same problem but i put small pieces of wood through the gaps. My tanks are still holding well. Plus having a tank level is extremely important. I don't understand why you would say that its not.
edwin budy
edwin budy - 8 years ago
We could put stereofoam to minimize this to be happened
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+edwin budy would have still happened.
Alexey Clean
Alexey Clean - 8 years ago
I think it would be nice to put something undrneath the tank (in between the stand and the tank bottom) to even up the levels, holes, some micro-trash.
A good slice of foam rubber, maybe? I think even if the stand is quite joggly something springy would help. (or delay it till you put all the fish in and then it would be quite a disaster.)
At least, that's what I always do with my tanks.
John Knopp
John Knopp - 8 years ago
Yea but who ever put the tank on the stand is also responsible to make sure it is level on all ends and middle. I have a wood stand for my 300 and its level and true but I also put 3/4 dense foam underneath of it also
Gonçalo's Pets
Gonçalo's Pets - 8 years ago
wow man that sucks
Brandon Fullenkamp
Brandon Fullenkamp - 8 years ago
and this is why I need to go to my my 1$ a gallon sale this morning at my local Petco. time to buy some 55
Douglas Santos
Douglas Santos - 8 years ago
This video have much more relevant information than many other DIY videos.
Manan Moin Shuddho
Manan Moin Shuddho - 8 years ago
Such an unfortunate "Titanic effect". It's what I named to this imbalanced torsion effect.
Jeroro Mouse
Jeroro Mouse - 8 years ago
you are truely the king of knowledge
Aspen Edwards
Aspen Edwards - 8 years ago
Good job it didnt explode and had no Discus in it that would be some mess to clean up
All Things Ray
All Things Ray - 8 years ago
This is why you only use Acrylic over 125g!!!
Coel Acanth
Coel Acanth - 8 years ago
Interesting and informative video!
Stews Aquarium
Stews Aquarium - 8 years ago
Are u a Carpenter by trade? seems like u are
Stews Aquarium
Stews Aquarium - 8 years ago
The king of DIY Im a Carpenter myself which has helped me do some of your projects, iv done the water bridge and the l.e.d light among alote of other ideas and great info from your channel, so just want to say thanks and great channel
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Stewart Mulligan no, I work off of experience.
Gavin Rosenvall
Gavin Rosenvall - 8 years ago
This is just another of the many reasons why I converted to acrylic tanks.
Xzochill Tovar
Xzochill Tovar - 8 years ago
x Mottify x
x Mottify x - 8 years ago
James Kilgore
James Kilgore - 8 years ago
isn't that the same tank that busted last month?
Ray Giannamore
Ray Giannamore - 8 years ago
Since I am in the process of building my own stand, this is a lesson WELL LEARNED!! Thx Joey.
El Gringo
El Gringo - 8 years ago
As a professional, i can't believe that you wouldn't have used half inch polystyrene on top of that stand, that helps to distribute the pressure more effectively.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Lewis Armstrong it would have still happened. Clearly many people have no clue what placing Styrofoam under a tank actually does, or when to use it.
El Gringo
El Gringo - 8 years ago
My bad, didn't realise the glass had trim :L
Coff Drop
Coff Drop - 8 years ago
At 1:08 the water is setting level but the tank top doesn't run parallel with the water. My guess the tank wasn't exactly level! As you guys said also.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Coff Drop level or not, doesn't cause pressure on the seams, twisting or tank failure. If that were the case, all my tanks would explode.
Madz Lizzle
Madz Lizzle - 8 years ago
That happend to me 2 days the middle of the night. :(
And my heater exploded!! The worst luck ever with my fish rn..:( <3 so glad to know there was no fish in his!! :)
SC Prepper
SC Prepper - 8 years ago
i just got the notification. already 4.3k views. wow
Oddball Fish
Oddball Fish - 8 years ago
that just happened to me too with a 200 i bought thank God mine was in our garage so no real damage still sad tho.
Jerry Chettiar
Jerry Chettiar - 8 years ago
solution is to use toughned glass
Robert - 8 years ago
Jerry Chettiar ...Or build the stand properly.
David Lang
David Lang - 8 years ago
Thanks for these videos. I have used them to convince my wife that when we convert the double garage I get half for a fish room.
wichid cichlid
wichid cichlid - 8 years ago
you think whoever built that stand overlooked the importance of true level, because they were more concerned with the weight of the water?
Marlon's C
Marlon's C - 8 years ago
my stand was like that so I cut a piece of plywood to size and shimmed it so it would sit true and flat. I had gaps like that.
Alyssa Feign
Alyssa Feign - 8 years ago
it prob froze
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Alyssa Feign it was 27C in there. The building is heated to heat the tanks.
Fluffy Petzz
Fluffy Petzz - 8 years ago
couldnt decide
couldnt decide - 8 years ago
i had a 55gallon crack just like this over night, had 30% water left in it, water all on my hardwood floors, good thing for shop vaccuums
BEERM0NST3R - 8 years ago
could you not get a new front panel of glass and replace it
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+BEERM0NST3R yes, that's the only way to properly fix it.
Garden Spider
Garden Spider - 8 years ago
is taking it apart and rebuilding an option
Garden Spider
Garden Spider - 8 years ago
The king of DIY
34+ years ago I managed to finally purchases a 150 gal long; my dream tank at that time.
I always will want larger and larger space for my aquatic life, but I still love my 150 gal.
The aquarium never leaked, the inner seals I think look to be ok.
My question is should I be concerned about a tank enjoying it's 35th birthday.

1) Should I break it down and reseal it ?

2) Take it apart and rebuild it ?

3) Purchases that larger tank I sometimes fantasize having; only because a tank 34+ years old should be replaced ?

4) leave it alone

Thanks in advance.
Your opinion as always is appreciated.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Walter Goldsmith yup! With a new panel of course.
animal addict
animal addict - 8 years ago
my tank cracked once, randomly, luckily I was in the same room, I managed to fill the quaritene tank with the tanks water as it was coming out. They stayed in the 3 gal quaritene tank, a bit squashed but we managed to get a new tank in the morning
Barry Tedder
Barry Tedder - 8 years ago
Did you repost this? I saw this video last month??
Barry Tedder
Barry Tedder - 8 years ago
Ahh I see, this is the complete account of what happened, thankyou.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Barry Tedder no. It was briefly shown in the meet up video and I mentioned it though.
Ryan Vaughn
Ryan Vaughn - 8 years ago
At least you have a backup tank for the discus, otherwise you'd have no showcase tank.
Jennifer Taylor
Jennifer Taylor - 8 years ago
if you have a stand like that. what can be done to fix it!
Martin McNeill
Martin McNeill - 8 years ago
There is no need to rebuild it, but the bend needs sorted so the tank bottom sits flush with the stand. I would level it with plywood and polystyrene sheets so the weight distribution is even. I would have also used tempered glass instead of plate glass for a tank that size.
Jennifer Taylor
Jennifer Taylor - 8 years ago
Ok, my husband just got done building a stand for our new 150g. he built it just like the one he watched you build for your big tank in office! it was true though! I was just wondering if it did happen if there was something you could do to fix it! We love your channel and have done most of your diy builds on our tanks!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Jennifer Taylor rebuild it
J. Harkins
J. Harkins - 8 years ago
Who else is checking their tanks right now???
gabrielgalaxygh - 6 years ago
Lol yes dude, I'm just peeking over at it to make sure
Shawn Mayer
Shawn Mayer - 7 years ago
paused and ran to my tank to check on it
toriless - 7 years ago
Nope, I use acrylic.
Martin McNeill
Martin McNeill - 7 years ago
+MoneyMager You can just get the holes cut before its treated. Saves a lot of hassle, plus glass companies cut holes every day for balcony glass. But yea once its treated your not cutting holes.
MoneyMager - 7 years ago
Martin McNeill i totally agree. I would much prefer tempered glass. unless I was going to custom drill holes.
Martin McNeill
Martin McNeill - 7 years ago
+MoneyMager I just don`t get why people say no to tempered glass because it shatters when the forces that need to be applied are so extreme, that the chances of the same forces being applied from day to day activities inside a living room is zero.
MoneyMager - 7 years ago
Martin McNeill yes I did. I think my comments are just coming out of order of what people are saying lol. but yes. I agree. tempered glass is strong.
Martin McNeill
Martin McNeill - 7 years ago
+MoneyMager did you even watch the video?
MoneyMager - 7 years ago
SDD525 That would definitely work. but even a sledgehammer on a piece of aquarium tempered glass isnt going to stay in one piece unless it has something to absorb the impact on the other side.
Martin McNeill
Martin McNeill - 7 years ago
+SDD525 I`m dying to know what it is people do round there aquariums that there scared of smashing tempered glass but there not with plate glass, even though tempered glass is 4 to 5 times stronger for the same thickness. It makes no sense to me.
SDD525 - 7 years ago
MoneyMager hit it with a pickaxe not a sledgehammer
MoneyMager - 7 years ago
wrong reply Ireplied to lol, my bad. Id still like to see you hit an aquarium with a sledgehammer lol.
MoneyMager - 7 years ago
Martin McNeill I never said anything about plate glass. Id love to see you hit an aquarium with a sledgehammer.
Martin McNeill
Martin McNeill - 7 years ago
+Joshua Carr What non-sense are you talking? I have hit 10mm thick temper glass with a sledge hammer, it doesnt break, ive thrown it from a 4th floor window into a skip, it doesnt break. Think about what you have said here " I'm worried about something hitting it all the time and smashing a side or the front out and I lose all my fish" so you are more worried about something hitting tempered glass than plate glass? that`s like saying you want to build your house out of concrete but would rather not have the reinforced concrete. Next you will be saying you want a glass balcony made from plate glass because in your mind plate glass can take the knocks better. What you have said makes no sense and is non logical.
Martin McNeill
Martin McNeill - 7 years ago
+MoneyMager I have worked for a glass company for 6 years. Yes temper glass won`t crack it with shatter. But i have to ask what sort of fish or animals you intent to keep? Because ive hit 10mm temper glass with a sledge hammer, it doesn`t break, ive thrown it out of a 4th floor window into a skip, it doesn`t break, ive used it as a ramp and let a car drive onto it, it doesn`t break. Also going to point out it is cheaper than plate glass and can be coated in a non shatter film to stop it shattering.
MoneyMager - 7 years ago
Just because your glass is tempered doesnt mean it wont break....while it wont crack it would just shatter instead. yes its stronger but not invincible.
Martin McNeill
Martin McNeill - 8 years ago
Nope, i use tempered glass
SDD525 - 8 years ago
+Gigi ItzMe Dude probably didn't want the police getting suspicious and investigating his building which he has a grow op in.... lmao When you want to transport fish you have to get battery powered devices to keep them alive in a container of tank water. You also have to not feed them for a few days so that they don't defecate a lot into the container. OR just build a very insulated container and transport the fish that way and then in your car turn the heat to the heat of the tank.
SDD525 - 8 years ago
+Gigi ItzMe Get some fish that can live without water. Then when you transport them, put them in moist containers and go. LOL
Tank Life
Tank Life - 8 years ago
J. Harkins deff me lol my tank is my baby actually sitting in front of it now 125gallon
Athletic - Dashole
Athletic - Dashole - 8 years ago
You are right about checking your tank. I have my filter lines going thru a wall into an adjacent utility room, so I don't often look inside the tank stand. I have been smelling mildew for a while. Found out the tank had a leak at the bottom and was dripping onto the floor inside the stand.
SDD525 - 8 years ago
+folkmarcmetal Fish do though.
folkmarcmetal - 8 years ago
its not like the tank and stand move or anything....
SDD525 - 8 years ago
Ideally you should check your tank every time you feed your fish.
The Film Maker
The Film Maker - 8 years ago
Something similar happened to me one but what happened with mine is that it exploded into tiny shards of glass and I had water and fish all over my desk
Varie - 8 years ago
love your videos
Anibal Perez
Anibal Perez - 8 years ago
Tank could be sold off to be used with reptiles or snakes, so not a total loss, but sad to see it was poor craftsmanship of the stand
Supergecko8 - 8 years ago
So acrylic would not do that right? I mean is it more resistant than glass?
Josh Grieco
Josh Grieco - 8 years ago
when I was 12 or 13 my parents fish tank blew up the tank was against the wall and the water pushed it across the room we think it was the heater malfunctioning because the heater blew up
SDD525 - 8 years ago
I don't think a heater could do that.
15 Gaming
15 Gaming - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY Is it possible to replace that front glass?
Warped - 8 years ago
not the video i wanted to see today lol. going out to buy all the equipment for my first reef and now i'm on edge. heh
steve smith
steve smith - 8 years ago
Would you say that a 24" tank would be fine on 4-corners Joey?
Unnur - 8 years ago
i have one rack of aquariums, and now after this video i decided to check on them. there is a tiny gap(1-2mm?) in the middle on them all. i am the third owner of this rack and i have had the tanks for a year now, should i be worried?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Unnur middle gap is fine. You can always slide a shim in there though.
Jochem Braad
Jochem Braad - 8 years ago
Unnur yes
amannimay - 8 years ago
just finished checking my tanks excellent info
jose gomez
jose gomez - 8 years ago
make a video of how to fix a leak like this without replacing the glass i can imagine many people will appreciate it
jose gomez
jose gomez - 8 years ago
The king of DIY can you put a link?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+jose gomez I already have.
Dave de Korte
Dave de Korte - 8 years ago
Hey Joey, can you do a video about how to cool your aquarium down, just some nice and quick DIY stuff? I'd love that :)
Dave de Korte
Dave de Korte - 8 years ago
The king of DIY oh cool! Thanks, i'll look it up :)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Dave de Korte I already did that video. :)
Curly VersaceChoppa
Curly VersaceChoppa - 8 years ago
happended on an old tank i found for free, my first tank infact while it was initially cycling
yaoming yen
yaoming yen - 8 years ago
Does the same thing applys for small tanks?
All About DIY
All About DIY - 8 years ago
It's crazy he didn't notice the gap when he set the tank on the stand.
All About DIY
All About DIY - 8 years ago
The king of DIY yep that's for sure, we all make mistakes. Bummer to see such a nice big aquarium break like that. Do you know if he ever fixed the tank?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+All About DIY not everyone knows everything or spots everything. From first look, it appeared fine.
William Rice
William Rice - 8 years ago
I can understand your hate of 4x4's but you could just use a plane and sander or even a table saw to make the tank facing side perfectly square Especially if you use something like 1in ply under the tank.
D.S Lifestyle
D.S Lifestyle - 8 years ago
Please make your next video on arowana and Stingray
Roy Zuniga
Roy Zuniga - 8 years ago
sorry that this happend ,,but a very good explanation on what has happend . perhaps a tank/fish detective series ?
enjoy your videos. keep up the good work
SlushyHusky - 8 years ago
I live in Dartmouth I want to meet you so bad
SlushyHusky - 8 years ago
SlushyHusky - 8 years ago
Ahmed Amair
Ahmed Amair - 8 years ago
Update a video of take care of Arowana (every thing should come in that)
SlushyHusky - 8 years ago
I live in Dartmouth and I want to meet you so ba
Adeline Dering
Adeline Dering - 8 years ago
That is every fish keepers worst nightmare, and I know that almost every fish keeper has been through that.
Malachi Grey
Malachi Grey - 7 years ago
pls no. 14 years crack free
Xan Beerboy
Xan Beerboy - 8 years ago
Never happened to me but I keep fish for some 5 years or so. I got 3 tanks. 90G, 65G and a 15G. If any of the 2 big tanks broke it would be a disaster in my house :)
This video gave my nightmares.
Urf Swag
Urf Swag - 8 years ago
Adeline Dering thats true
HitManJR85 - 8 years ago
flex seal tape
Sobhachandra Takhellambam
Sobhachandra Takhellambam - 8 years ago
is that a 10m glass??
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Dani C
Dani C - 8 years ago
good thing this happened before you put anything in it
Robert - 8 years ago
The king of DIY The financial impact is real, but I'd even be a little devastated if I lost a tank of 20 cent feeders If I was attached to them. Hell last week I lost a 7 year old rummy nose and I'm still a little bummed about it. (that whole school is getting pretty old actually, need to add some young blood to it)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Exactly! He planned to put in I think 15-20 SHOW size discus! $$$$$
datinyone - 8 years ago
wow so so glad there were no fish in there!!
Tiffany Williamson
Tiffany Williamson - 7 years ago
Your so right
Ecartts - 8 years ago
I think that Voltard is right

The main problem is when 1 glass blows / breaks with a big hole
datinyone - 8 years ago
General Voltard interesting. thx for that tidbit of knowledge :) you learn something new every day!
Rebecca Lesser
Rebecca Lesser - 8 years ago
But mine also exploded. Somehow, my fish survived
toriless - 7 years ago
Glass, acrylic would only leak at the seams. Acrylic is very flexible which is why it needs to be so much thicker then glass or or may bow out too much over longer distances.
MrCeo1978buddy - 8 years ago
was it glass or acrylic
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
I had a 150 explode right in front of me. Thousands of dollars of fish inside it. I saved everything, but this was entirely my fault.
Kisha Kelly
Kisha Kelly - 8 years ago
2:07 the Canadian accent is so strong
masskilla469 - 6 years ago
Littlewings -
Littlewings - - 6 years ago
Was that where we got an “eh?” Lol! In fairness that is the first time I’ve heard one from Joey. I love the way he says “about” and “out” though
Bosco Hemi
Bosco Hemi - 7 years ago
No Coast like the East Coast!
FEMINISTS and SJWs are terrorists
FEMINISTS and SJWs are terrorists - 7 years ago
Kisha Kelly
sounds normal tbh
Pisces - 7 years ago
OscarSanchezTG6661 nah it's ok my first language is English and I can't even tell the difference
Spirlas bacon
Spirlas bacon - 8 years ago
Gigi ItzMe I'm referring to accents... Canadians do not sound like people from the States, in fact most different parts of Canada have different accents.
Spirlas bacon
Spirlas bacon - 8 years ago
Gigi ItzMe ... and English and Scottish have the same accent too cus they live on the same island, right?
Ron Johnson
Ron Johnson - 8 years ago
"When did they tell you aboat this"
Spirlas bacon
Spirlas bacon - 8 years ago
The Dro we rarely say ABOOT, untrue stereotype
Josh Goldstein
Josh Goldstein - 8 years ago
Where's your official Canadian toque?
John von Horn
John von Horn - 8 years ago
Wow, Kisha Kelly is literally incredible!
Robert - 8 years ago
OscarSanchezTG6661 Understandable, honestly the English language has so many different accents not even most native speakers can identify all of them.
The Dro
The Dro - 8 years ago
not a huge difference but sometimes you will hear them say stuff like ABOOT instead out how american's pronounce it, UHHBOUT
Coco R
Coco R - 8 years ago
Kisha Kelly that's actually one of the reasons why I like his channel, I love canadian accent.
GordoMaldito94 - 8 years ago
I can never distinguish a Canadian accent from the way Americans talk.

My first language isn't English though, so that might have something to do with it.
J. Harkins
J. Harkins - 8 years ago
what you talking a boat eh?
Kisha Kelly
Kisha Kelly - 8 years ago
The king of DIY also hi from Australia!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
It sneaks out here and there doesnt it! haha
Rebecca Lesser
Rebecca Lesser - 8 years ago
Except it was new, 2 days old
Rebecca Lesser
Rebecca Lesser - 8 years ago
That happened to me!!
Turtles Tanks
Turtles Tanks - 8 years ago
Not the greatest thing to happen, but a cool video nevertheless!
Holly Ostrokrzew
Holly Ostrokrzew - 8 years ago
oh lord
Hilal Ariq
Hilal Ariq - 8 years ago
Notification SQUAD!!!!
DebTim A CANADIAN Girl - 8 years ago
Hi Joey.. oh dear.. that really stinks. This is not the video I wanted to see right now. I just bought a 150 over the weekend. The entire setup including the fish. Excellent deal but we pick it up next weekend. Good info again Joey.. =D
DebTim A CANADIAN Girl - 8 years ago
haha..well that's an encouraging thought =D
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Just make sure all 4 corners of the stand are touching. The likely hood of this happening to you is extremely small. Probably better chance of being struck by lighting lol.
ProvoSantaClaus - 8 years ago
Emile Boustany
Emile Boustany - 8 years ago
Joey I know it's a lot of work to do a video but we need an update video about all your tanks :) Thanks
Emile Boustany
Emile Boustany - 8 years ago
The king of DIY Thx really appreciate it ;)
TK YT - 8 years ago
your awesome!!!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
This coming Thursday i'm doing an update on every tank and every fish I have. ;)
About Everything
About Everything - 8 years ago
Anupam Immortal
Anupam Immortal - 8 years ago
whats the size of the tank?
lucas priester
lucas priester - 8 years ago
Anupam Immortal 240
Foop - 8 years ago
*near first
Merc Wd
Merc Wd - 8 years ago
CXK03 same
Brad Johnson
Brad Johnson - 8 years ago
had this happen to me. no one was home and it was dripping onto an electrical outlet. it was bad! 4 friends and me tearing down a reef had kiddy pools everywhere with everything in them.
Jonathan burgess
Jonathan burgess - 8 years ago
keep it up love it
AwEsOmE mEtEoR
AwEsOmE mEtEoR - 8 years ago
love your videos! I am new to the hobby..... ur videos inspired me to join the hobby! u r awesome!
Human - 8 years ago
phor tanck
cool dude 1234
cool dude 1234 - 8 years ago
damn did u get new tank
DanishnSonic - 8 years ago
ouch... ;-;
Timothy Zaletel
Timothy Zaletel - 8 years ago
I love your videos! Keep them coming. You have really inspired me in my fish hobby.
NetherNinja - 8 years ago
Betta Martinez
Betta Martinez - 8 years ago
really nice job on all videos love from mexico.
julio Gomez
julio Gomez - 8 years ago
Cuz he is the bast
Tom89 - 8 years ago
Feasible Chalk
Feasible Chalk - 8 years ago
I was actually first
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell - 8 years ago
+Ben Cadec what?
Ben Cadec
Ben Cadec - 8 years ago
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell and again
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell - 8 years ago
Owen Huddersfield your notqq
Emile Boustany
Emile Boustany - 8 years ago
Hello everyone
Emile Boustany
Emile Boustany - 8 years ago
I'm fine thanks
Ben Cadec
Ben Cadec - 8 years ago
1st great vid
Colin - 8 years ago
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell "your not" "learn how to spell"...
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell - 8 years ago
+Ben Cadec I wasn't stip anything learn how to spell idiot
Ben Cadec
Ben Cadec - 8 years ago
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell yeah and i am saying i was the first veiwer
stop assuming
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell - 8 years ago
+Ben Cadec I never said I was I was saying that you weren't the first one to comment
Ben Cadec
Ben Cadec - 8 years ago
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell well you definitely weren't and I was the first veiwer
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell - 8 years ago
Ben Cadec your not
julio Gomez
julio Gomez - 8 years ago
Ben Cadec
Ben Cadec - 8 years ago
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell and again
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell - 8 years ago
julio Gomez your not
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell - 8 years ago
from England love your channel
25Aditya25 - 8 years ago
Ben Cadec
Ben Cadec - 8 years ago
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell and again
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell - 8 years ago
25Aditya25 your not
AwEsOmE mEtEoR
AwEsOmE mEtEoR - 8 years ago
Ben Cadec
Ben Cadec - 8 years ago
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell oh here you go again
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell - 8 years ago
AwEsOmE mEtEoR your not
kidbehindbars - 8 years ago
not first
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell - 8 years ago
kidbehindbars ha nice one
kidbehindbars - 8 years ago
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell is the comment better now?
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell - 8 years ago
+kidbehindbars same joey liked mine as well
kidbehindbars - 8 years ago
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell hey i might not be but joey liked my comment so its a win eithter way :)
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell
Ellin Louise Miller Snoxell - 8 years ago
kidbehindbars your not
Aftab Alam
Aftab Alam - 8 years ago
1st commenter 1st viewer 1st liker
Helge Döker
Helge Döker - 8 years ago
How old was the tank?

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