Discus 8 years ago 257,018 views
LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! Get yours here: While in California at uncle sam's discus, in the middle of the night, the aquarium I was supposed to scape and set up while there... CRACKED! I saw this as an opportunity to not only show you what happened, but what to do if this happens to you as well as what caused it in the first place. Clearly this isn't something that happens every day. Buy discus: JOIN MY TEAM: Get the ultimate DIY book ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, tutorials, how to's. Join me each Thursday for an aquarium topic of the week. Sunday's we focus on a DIY aquarium project, tutorial or an aquarium build series. How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos:
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10. comment for AQUARIUM DISASTER! Every fish keepers WORST NIGHTMARE!
20. comment for AQUARIUM DISASTER! Every fish keepers WORST NIGHTMARE!
30. comment for AQUARIUM DISASTER! Every fish keepers WORST NIGHTMARE!
50. comment for AQUARIUM DISASTER! Every fish keepers WORST NIGHTMARE!
So yes it's his fault!
I mean.... come on... it just takes a moment to check and it sure would have prevented this mess!
Make cracked side of tank the back and paint black on out side.
smear silicon on the crack on inside from top to bottom,
cut a piece of glass the same length as crack,
press cut glass over crack and brace, let DRY for 1 week and.......
the presure from the water in tank will help to seal patch job!!!
100. comment for AQUARIUM DISASTER! Every fish keepers WORST NIGHTMARE!
My name is Kiran. I am from Mumbai, India and have been following you for the last year(since i started with 1 tank and moved to 12). I had a question and would appreciate your advice. Currently i have 12 tanks of 150gallons each made with 12mm glass. My tank builder (guy who silicones them) said I can go to 96x24x24 and 84x30x24 with 12mm glass - all top and bottom braced. For safety, I would like the base to be 3/4" with 12mm bracing. I just need to know your yes or no if those dimensions and volume would be safe. Thank you kindly.
instructions. lol
There is a reason why professional stand builders do not use diamentional lumber. They use ply wood. That includes 2x stock.
While you run a hose out the window or door .
Even if the stand was made 100% flat and true, if you place it on an uneven surface, then the stand will twist..
-Me: Why aren't you guys freaking out!
-Video: No fish
#2: I don't think I'd ever own a glass tank this size, it would have to be acrylic.
I've been wondering whether I should start preparing to reseal my 75. it's atleast 5 years old at the youngest. 15 at oldest
I just checked the current seals on it and think it'll be fine for another year or two. The edges are just a bit scruffy
A reseal means to remove some silicon and add new one
5 years can be fine.. 15.. not quite
Search on his channel.. I think he has a how to reseal your aquarium / if not.. search it on YT.. pretty sure you will find something
Joey said its the stand fauIt.. so they might use it again (if the damage is not too big)
Seems like you've been in Cali for a while.
Watched the vid and stared at my tank for a good 45 minutes.
Thanks for the upcoming nightmares haha.
Glad there wasn't any fatalities!
Love it your a natural
My old bedroom tank, which is now my quarantine tank (had it for at least 15 years, if not more) has never been resealed and I'm now worried. It's a 12x12x24 braceless
Glad no fish were in that tank in the video.
Not saying that it will break.. but just to be sure / safe
Also isn't it "horizontal" and not "horiztonal" when you describe the stand?
A good slice of foam rubber, maybe? I think even if the stand is quite joggly something springy would help. (or delay it till you put all the fish in and then it would be quite a disaster.)
At least, that's what I always do with my tanks.
And my heater exploded!! The worst luck ever with my fish rn..:( <3 so glad to know there was no fish in his!! :)
34+ years ago I managed to finally purchases a 150 gal long; my dream tank at that time.
I always will want larger and larger space for my aquatic life, but I still love my 150 gal.
The aquarium never leaked, the inner seals I think look to be ok.
My question is should I be concerned about a tank enjoying it's 35th birthday.
1) Should I break it down and reseal it ?
2) Take it apart and rebuild it ?
3) Purchases that larger tank I sometimes fantasize having; only because a tank 34+ years old should be replaced ?
4) leave it alone
Thanks in advance.
Your opinion as always is appreciated.
enjoy your videos. keep up the good work
This video gave my nightmares.
The main problem is when 1 glass blows / breaks with a big hole
sounds normal tbh
My first language isn't English though, so that might have something to do with it.
stop assuming