Adding Sand to the 90 Gallon Discus Tank

Today I do a very thorough cleaning of the glass in my discus tank and add sand and crypts to it. I used pool filter sand and the entire tank only cost me $12 to do. I am also finally able to get some decently clear footage of my Wild caught German Blue Rams that are always very skittish!

Adding Sand to the 90 Gallon Discus Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0

Discus 7 years ago 1,813 views

Today I do a very thorough cleaning of the glass in my discus tank and add sand and crypts to it. I used pool filter sand and the entire tank only cost me $12 to do. I am also finally able to get some decently clear footage of my Wild caught German Blue Rams that are always very skittish!

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Most popular comments
for Adding Sand to the 90 Gallon Discus Tank

Southern Belle
Southern Belle - 6 years ago
Did you have problems with the sand raising the PH? I'm having trouble getting mine down from 7.4. I have a couple Angels in now but want to add Discus. It's a 75g planted tank with driftwood. Water changes and the chemical treatment by the name of API ph down doesnt work either. Do you have any advice? Thank you for the help.
Daniel Mok
Daniel Mok - 6 years ago
Yea I think the more domesticated the Discus are, the less sensitive they are to pH. Since none of my discus are a wild variety and were kept at a similar pH by the vendor, the high pH is fine. However, if you plan on getting wild caught discus or an early generation of wild discus, then you might have some issues with the pH. Good luck with the research! There is lots to learn!
Southern Belle
Southern Belle - 6 years ago
Mok Aquariums ... It's National Geographic white sand. I need to do the high ph test on my tap because I know it's at least 7.6 coming out. I do have a a couple of smooth stones from my Koi pond I put in, so maybe it's that.
So when you test you're running 7.4 ph and don't try to bring it down? I didn't think they would survive. Wow, that's exciting news for me. Yours are beautiful. I'm doing a lot of research & trying to figure it all out Thank you so much for the help.
Daniel Mok
Daniel Mok - 6 years ago
If the pH of your water is the only thing stopping you from getting discus I would not worry about it. the tap water where I live is naturally a pH of 7.4 and my discus are doing great!
Daniel Mok
Daniel Mok - 6 years ago
the sand I used was pool filter sand and it is inert so it didn't change the pH. Maybe you used sand that contained or is made or crushed coral, which would raise your pH.
Alex Tachdjian
Alex Tachdjian - 7 years ago

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