Adding FISH in the No Maintenance Tank

Adding fish in the no maintenance tank! What's up everybody, Dustin here with Dustin's Fish Tanks! In this video we will be visiting the NO MAINTENANCE TANK and we are adding some new fish in this bad boy! If you like what we are doing here, SUBSCRIBE by clicking the link below. You can watch the entire series on this tank here: SUBSCRIBE HERE : GHETTO FISH TANK : Latest Channel Upload HERE: Here's the next video in this series: Here is how I setup the HARDSCAPE Here is adding plants to this aquarium Here is an algae issue we were dealing with in this tank Here is the video of how I added Dirt to this tank FILTHY MIND What’s up Fish Tank People?! Fishtank Dustins Fishtanks bringing it to YOU on a Sunday Baby- How is everybody doing I hope you are doing well! So today its SUNDAY It’s Species Sunday….but first. I wanna take you inside my filthy mind with this NO Maintenance Aquarium. Look I’m having a Riot with this tank. The people who are working here are enjoying this tank and yes the patient here liking this, but everyone wants to know when are you finishing this tank, and particularly, when are you adding fish to this tank? I know you want me to finish it, You wanna watch me work on it. But guess what, I’m in love with this tank. Yeah- We got busy too quickly. And as a general rule, you aren’t supposed to get busy with a tank too quickly. And if you do. You aren’t supposed to date her. But here is where we are with this tank and here is what I’m thinking. I like where we are going with this tank, but I don’t want to rush it. This is not an uncommon thing for me. This young guy once stared at a 220 gallon for TWO YEARS before I ever put anything in it. Same with this Fluval b26, I had that hardscape setup for a month before I ever touched it. I am at ONLY THE TWO WEEK mark with this tank… So what are we waiting on. Well, First things first. If this were brand new FRESH BUILD from scratch, I’d just now be comfortable putting fish in as the bio load is just now able to handle it. But lets stay here for a second.. 1. I collected these rocks from the side of the road near Asheville NC. (if I told you the exact spot I’d have to kill you)- I did test them- Heck no. They look sweet, I’m rolling with them. HOWEVER that doesn’t mean I’m gonna put prized fish in this tank. Yep 2. So then what fish should we put in here first? We it’s Sunday its Species Sunday. Talk a little fish with you. So the goal of this tank is to be something relaxing and somewhat interactive with the patients that come in here…. Previously we had angels and Neons, The Angel that was in here was SUPER Skitish and potentially under fed. The neons were hiding as well. Let’s get some fish that are active…. NOW given what I said earlier- about the rocks we need some of what Mike D and Imperial calls, “Bullet Proof “ Fish. I want some live bearer baby. Here’s the goal. I want fish that swim up in the face of some young kids when they are pushing their snot filled noses up on this tank. (Remember – start them young- get them hooked early right!?) Platy’s will do just that. Platy fit the bill. They are hardy, active, colorful and hopefully will breed like rabbits, Now here comes the design side, I want a BUNCH OF THE SAME looking fish here for Astetic reasons…. I’m gonna roll with these, I’m rolling with Platies for this reason. Starting with 5 of them. As I said in a Species Sunday a few weeks ago- You want to have them with way more females then Males…. The males are hornybastards and will harass the females. To this is where we are- however there are other things to consider For all you Married Men out there, you know this Rule- “Happy wife- happy life” Wife wants an angel again. I just so happen to have one of the phatest Angels, and Hand picked by yours truly- A Peruvian Scalri angelfish that has now grown into his own, but has been reclaimed after the coffee shop tank he was in was torn down. So we buy oursels some time with the platys- We make sure they do ok- and we roll from there. Oh- and I added some more BUCE TOO  Quick NOTE: I’ll be rolling out to the LIVE BEARERS CONVENTION in St. Louis May 6th-8 this year if anyone wants to see what the Fishtank Ninjas of St. Louis have- this would be a great show to check out. Make it an awesome week everyone! Tank On! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Support your boy! Check out my Aquarium Plants and Aquarium Stuff for sale! Fish Tank People Social Community FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:

Adding FISH in the No Maintenance Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 25

Discus 8 years ago 22,290 views

Adding fish in the no maintenance tank! What's up everybody, Dustin here with Dustin's Fish Tanks! In this video we will be visiting the NO MAINTENANCE TANK and we are adding some new fish in this bad boy! If you like what we are doing here, SUBSCRIBE by clicking the link below. You can watch the entire series on this tank here: SUBSCRIBE HERE : GHETTO FISH TANK : Latest Channel Upload HERE: Here's the next video in this series: Here is how I setup the HARDSCAPE Here is adding plants to this aquarium Here is an algae issue we were dealing with in this tank Here is the video of how I added Dirt to this tank FILTHY MIND What’s up Fish Tank People?! Fishtank Dustins Fishtanks bringing it to YOU on a Sunday Baby- How is everybody doing I hope you are doing well! So today its SUNDAY It’s Species Sunday….but first. I wanna take you inside my filthy mind with this NO Maintenance Aquarium. Look I’m having a Riot with this tank. The people who are working here are enjoying this tank and yes the patient here liking this, but everyone wants to know when are you finishing this tank, and particularly, when are you adding fish to this tank? I know you want me to finish it, You wanna watch me work on it. But guess what, I’m in love with this tank. Yeah- We got busy too quickly. And as a general rule, you aren’t supposed to get busy with a tank too quickly. And if you do. You aren’t supposed to date her. But here is where we are with this tank and here is what I’m thinking. I like where we are going with this tank, but I don’t want to rush it. This is not an uncommon thing for me. This young guy once stared at a 220 gallon for TWO YEARS before I ever put anything in it. Same with this Fluval b26, I had that hardscape setup for a month before I ever touched it. I am at ONLY THE TWO WEEK mark with this tank… So what are we waiting on. Well, First things first. If this were brand new FRESH BUILD from scratch, I’d just now be comfortable putting fish in as the bio load is just now able to handle it. But lets stay here for a second.. 1. I collected these rocks from the side of the road near Asheville NC. (if I told you the exact spot I’d have to kill you)- I did test them- Heck no. They look sweet, I’m rolling with them. HOWEVER that doesn’t mean I’m gonna put prized fish in this tank. Yep 2. So then what fish should we put in here first? We it’s Sunday its Species Sunday. Talk a little fish with you. So the goal of this tank is to be something relaxing and somewhat interactive with the patients that come in here…. Previously we had angels and Neons, The Angel that was in here was SUPER Skitish and potentially under fed. The neons were hiding as well. Let’s get some fish that are active…. NOW given what I said earlier- about the rocks we need some of what Mike D and Imperial calls, “Bullet Proof “ Fish. I want some live bearer baby. Here’s the goal. I want fish that swim up in the face of some young kids when they are pushing their snot filled noses up on this tank. (Remember – start them young- get them hooked early right!?) Platy’s will do just that. Platy fit the bill. They are hardy, active, colorful and hopefully will breed like rabbits, Now here comes the design side, I want a BUNCH OF THE SAME looking fish here for Astetic reasons…. I’m gonna roll with these, I’m rolling with Platies for this reason. Starting with 5 of them. As I said in a Species Sunday a few weeks ago- You want to have them with way more females then Males…. The males are hornybastards and will harass the females. To this is where we are- however there are other things to consider For all you Married Men out there, you know this Rule- “Happy wife- happy life” Wife wants an angel again. I just so happen to have one of the phatest Angels, and Hand picked by yours truly- A Peruvian Scalri angelfish that has now grown into his own, but has been reclaimed after the coffee shop tank he was in was torn down. So we buy oursels some time with the platys- We make sure they do ok- and we roll from there. Oh- and I added some more BUCE TOO  Quick NOTE: I’ll be rolling out to the LIVE BEARERS CONVENTION in St. Louis May 6th-8 this year if anyone wants to see what the Fishtank Ninjas of St. Louis have- this would be a great show to check out. Make it an awesome week everyone! Tank On! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Support your boy! Check out my Aquarium Plants and Aquarium Stuff for sale! Fish Tank People Social Community FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:

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Most popular comments
for Adding FISH in the No Maintenance Tank

Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Check out the new video of YOUR TANKS!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Here is an update on the NO MAINTENANCE TANK! It took a beating!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Here is a link to this tank with the Babies growing up quickly!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
Check out my new: No Maintenance Aquarium Pregnant with
HERPES, I am doing a lot of 30 second videos on Instagram and Facebook - Instagram:,
Dustin Gann
Dustin Gann - 8 years ago
it's not easy getting hold of live plants where I'm at
tnnsman7 - 8 years ago
Tank looks great! Do you have enough plants to keep the algae away?
WMChava - 8 years ago
Since this is a no maintenance tank, you won't be there enough to feed plants and such. How will the plants survive?
Juan Perez the bean
Juan Perez the bean - 8 years ago
WMChava By the waste that the fish produce maybe?
Susan for SLC Aquatics
Susan for SLC Aquatics - 8 years ago
Plates being live bearers are you sure you want to add three times
pigslap - 8 years ago
I reckon a nice black background would look heaps nice, or even a 3D background

10. comment for Adding FISH in the No Maintenance Tank

Frankie Smith
Frankie Smith - 8 years ago
I think it would look good whith some aquatic frogs in thair
John's planted tanks
John's planted tanks - 8 years ago
do i have to minerize the soul im using
Kevs Hi Tek Tanks
Kevs Hi Tek Tanks - 8 years ago
Couldn't agree more. Patience is key.  Looking good brother!
Pa. Fish Preacher
Pa. Fish Preacher - 8 years ago
so what else is going in? neons would look cool
AmericaTien - 8 years ago
No worries for the amount of fish! Platys multiply themselves under even the worst conditions if both genders are in place (at least mine do..)
Aquatics Ninja
Aquatics Ninja - 8 years ago
You should do a Greenhouse update man! the greenhouse is awesome its like a Jungle! :)
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 8 years ago
A school of Rummy Nose or Danios would look awesome in there abs provide lots of motion
Kelly Carter
Kelly Carter - 8 years ago
I have to bumblebee female and 10 to 12 babies with a spotted Ralph catfish awesome fish to have
Class Project
Class Project - 8 years ago
I am a beginner at fish keeping. I have a 1 gallon tank with 1 Bala Shark (baby) 1 Comet Goldfish (baby) 1 Koi (baby) 2 pleco (baby) 5 ghost shrimp and 1 Angel fish. Why do my fish not swim/breathe well pls give advice .
Cichlid City
Cichlid City - 8 years ago
Depends on types of piranhas and size, probably not. But maybe.
Class Project
Class Project - 8 years ago
Cichlid City my dad has a 125 gallon but can Bala sharks survive with piranhas because they are sharks?
Cichlid City
Cichlid City - 8 years ago
Sadly no because a bala shark will grow bigger than a 5 gallon tank. 15 inches! They need at least a 55 gallon tank.... and that is still probably too small.
Class Project
Class Project - 8 years ago
Cichlid City can I get rid of everything but put a Bala Shark in a 5 gallon?
Cichlid City
Cichlid City - 8 years ago
Ok no worries. Let me help. First of all, goldfish are coldwater fish but the rest of your fish are tropical so they have different water temperatures recommended. Second of all, a 1 gallon tank is too small to house all of your fish. 3rd, I recommend selling your bala shark asap because they can get 15"+ The plecos are going to get too big for the tank as well and compete for food. They cannot breathe/swim because there is no oxygen in the tank. The fish are using the oxygen faster than it is replaced. I suggest getting a larger tank, like a 10 gallon, and getting rid of a couple fish. Hope that helps.
Class Project
Class Project - 8 years ago
Cichlid City I am sorry I just got my first tank.
Cichlid City
Cichlid City - 8 years ago
Please tell me this is a joke...
Quality Content365
Quality Content365 - 8 years ago
Fancy goldfish

20. comment for Adding FISH in the No Maintenance Tank

farm life
farm life - 8 years ago
hey dustin i just ordered some foxtail could you do a species sunday on them you haven't done one in a longtime and you didn't give much information just showed it
farm life
farm life - 8 years ago
hey dustin i just ordered some foxtail could you do a species sunday on them you haven't done one in a longtime and you didn't give much information just showed it
nashdaking - 8 years ago
I'm loving this series. Your music is killing me though! Seriously, it's great to see a plant master performing his craft and showing us the process. I'm curious to see the "no maintenance" aspect of it.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
nashdaking thanks- music will continue ;) next video I explain why it's no maintenance
Zetta Takem
Zetta Takem - 8 years ago
I got a 40 gallon fish tank for my frys only my friend gave it to me it had everything came with it
ethan a
ethan a - 8 years ago
did u edit this video while on acid
John Lape
John Lape - 8 years ago
ethan a
ethan a - 8 years ago
Dustin's Fish Tanks loool just kidding man. biiiiiiig fan
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
ethan a if you've ever either taken acid or edited a video- you'd know that the two don't go well together.....but yeah I was tripping my face off watching the walls melt
Stank Nigger
Stank Nigger - 8 years ago
his filthy mjnd lol
Brenda Morris
Brenda Morris - 8 years ago
do you have Facebook? I have something real neat you might like to see.
Brenda Morris
Brenda Morris - 8 years ago
I'm not insinuating anything. its a new way to do an outdoor tank. its really neat
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
Amy Anne I bet you do
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 8 years ago
It already looks great Dustin!
Thumbs up!
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 8 years ago
Love the colors in the rocks.
Daybird Aviaries
Daybird Aviaries - 8 years ago
I love that hardscape.

30. comment for Adding FISH in the No Maintenance Tank

Langii - 8 years ago
Hey Dustin, are you going do a video touring your greenhouse and your tanks at home? Haven't seen those tanks in a while! But I've been enjoying the no maintenance tank series, that aquascape looks sick! Keep up the hard work D!
Guerry Harvell
Guerry Harvell - 8 years ago
Brenda Morris
Brenda Morris - 8 years ago
Guerry Harvell I go to the river and get my rocks and plants. I boil my rocks for 2 hrs, cool down & my river plants, I rinse in bleach water, then soak them in aqua safe and melafix. my goldfish love them.
Caleb's Rc crawlers
Caleb's Rc crawlers - 8 years ago
Dustins fish tanks love the videos, keep up the good work.
Joseph Rodriguez
Joseph Rodriguez - 8 years ago
I got an fx4 on it ill b alright
david diehl
david diehl - 8 years ago
Wagtail swordtails.
Michael Mitchell
Michael Mitchell - 8 years ago
looks good bro, I've recently found your channel and have been watching every video you've made...I've grown up with aquariums and am passionate about the hobby,... I just lost my mom of only 60 years old and watching your bids has help me take my mind off of the crap I'm dealing with now.... keep it up man!...
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
Michael Mitchell thanks- wow - good luck man - stay positive, keep your arms wet. And tank on!
Alex Betz
Alex Betz - 8 years ago
Tanks looking good, waiting for a few more items to come back in stock before placing my order.
Alex Betz
Alex Betz - 8 years ago
Dustin's Fish Tanks I'll shoot ya an email with a list, thanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
Alex Betz what you looking for man? I've got a new guy doing inventory - I'll have a sale right after ya order ;)
farm life
farm life - 8 years ago
hey dustin giant danios check them out they are sick and are the most active fish they are about they size of rainbows and they never stop moving
quepiid - 8 years ago
Should of put 100 neons.
David Scanlan
David Scanlan - 8 years ago
quepiid or a single betta
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
Langii yes- but they are sensitive to the abuse this tank might take, which would require more work, waterchanges ect- defeating the whole "no Maintenence" thing
Langii - 8 years ago
That would be a sight to see! Seeing a school of 100 neon would be incredible!
Joe Smith
Joe Smith - 8 years ago
I actually like that you're using platies. I think they're grossly underrated as a fish. They look great in there!
eza307 - 8 years ago
'little bit of stuff left on the end' LOL!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
eza307 heyo!
Dean 23
Dean 23 - 8 years ago
u should add red danios there are a good fish
My Reef Life
My Reef Life - 8 years ago
Love it!
C0mmandV - 8 years ago
Great video again! What type of wood is that in the tank?
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
Manzinita from ;)
Mals Aquaholics
Mals Aquaholics - 8 years ago
I got lucky today the aqua store i was buying a big ass rock from , read the scales upside down and charged me £12 for a 9 kg seiryu rock ! Shud of been £40 !! Booom
WesleyAPEX - 8 years ago
Platy's will eat the leaves that fall off your plants and snails too so you don't need to feed them at all
Joseph Rodriguez
Joseph Rodriguez - 8 years ago
WesleyAPEX no man they maybe easy to keep but they are not recommended as starter fish danios barbs tetra good starters platys mollys swordtails guppys livebears not good starters
WesleyAPEX - 8 years ago
joseph rodriguez thats stupid. They are the epitome of beginner fish
Joseph Rodriguez
Joseph Rodriguez - 8 years ago
WesleyAPEX platys are also not supposed to be used as starter fish either not so hardy as you think
Robert Gonzalez
Robert Gonzalez - 8 years ago
Christopher Mills
Christopher Mills - 8 years ago
Soooo happy Dustin's got his intro's back to the passion and power from back at the start!
jglassman1122 - 8 years ago
My compliments to Dustin the freakiest of all fish tank people
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
jglassman1122 I try- freakier the better
Joy VM Tatusko
Joy VM Tatusko - 8 years ago
The new scape looks great with the office decor. Kids will love the platies. I recommend the bronze/green cories (corydoras aeneus) from Imperial Tropicals. Definitely bullet proof and my family loves to watch them bumbling along the bottom of the tank.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
thanks, good call- i am trying to get them to stock more cories!

50. comment for Adding FISH in the No Maintenance Tank

loogiemistress - 8 years ago
Oh yeah, loving it.
Jess MacDougall
Jess MacDougall - 8 years ago
you should add mouse platies because they have Mickey mouse on them and the little kids would love that
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
this is a good call, I had some back in the day as well
Nik Marren
Nik Marren - 8 years ago
Will you be adding any amano shrimp, snails, algae eaters, or plecos for clean up crew?
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
Nik Marren probably all but a pleco....not sure yet
Chandler Mcelhaney
Chandler Mcelhaney - 8 years ago
hows it going to cycle if it keeps getting drained lol
Chandler Mcelhaney
Chandler Mcelhaney - 8 years ago
Dustin's Fish Tanks i was gonna say lol
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
Chandler Mcelhaney I reuse lots of that water- it's just removed- not replaced
Ray Giannamore
Ray Giannamore - 8 years ago
I really like this tank. Are you using any CO2?
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
Ray Giannamore nope- but I've thought about it
Ek Seng Ng
Ek Seng Ng - 8 years ago
how do u remember all those plant names?.and where did u start learning about them?..i just renovated my tank and got in a few new plants but i have no idea what they are..
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 8 years ago
Ek Seng Ng It just takes time. I learned it after a while as well, but it took me while.
karljoe davies
karljoe davies - 8 years ago
Filthy mind 0_0
Tony Skinner
Tony Skinner - 8 years ago
Really do like that rock. I'm going hill walking when I finally get home from work and see if I can find myself something similar. Another great update on this tank with banging tunes
Tony Skinner
Tony Skinner - 8 years ago
I've been chillin out to a load of music from fluidified on here, trance to dub - step not sure if it's to out there for you. getting back home soon and getting some of that old school oakenfold turning
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
Tony Skinner thanks man! Oakey in China mix ;)
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 8 years ago
Great job on this one D.
inside outside upside downside
inside outside upside downside - 8 years ago
A great tank and I love the rocky aspect. There is no need to add more fish: these are live-bearing fish and will breed like flies. You will eventually have too many of them.
AquariumGrownPlants - 8 years ago
Needs more plants
V. Stag
V. Stag - 8 years ago
lol the trees always come first
thanks for sharing
Tropical Happy Fish
Tropical Happy Fish - 8 years ago
woooow just realized my notificstions were shut off cause i made a new account and didn click thst bell haha
Lacey Ottesen
Lacey Ottesen - 8 years ago
what do you use to keep the buce on the trees?
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
Lacey Ottesen those little wires that come with electronics that tie cords together. Tank on
Shadi Eid
Shadi Eid - 8 years ago
how will you get to the splash stains that are on the backside of the aquarium? the ones I have are also pretty bad
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
Shadi Eid wet rag- should have cleaned them prior ;) try vinegar
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
Shadi Eid wet rag- should have cleaned them prior ;) try vinegar
Tropical Happy Fish
Tropical Happy Fish - 8 years ago
dustinnn you been gone to longg
quepiid - 8 years ago
Tropical Happy Fish Dustin is live on Facebook often. It's more of updates on stuff not like a actually talk. But he does do the live webinars that are dope.
Tropical Happy Fish
Tropical Happy Fish - 8 years ago
Dustin's Fish Tanks haha just hardly hear of ya now a days i wish you did live streams like the other fish keepers!!! btw thanks for the free plant @ the aquatic experience im the dude you asked for help holding your syphon the last day when you where cleaning up lol
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
Tropical Happy Fish how so ? Please tell me what ya mean- I can take it
703 CRUIZ'N - 8 years ago
l really like the look of the tank
Maliki Higgs
Maliki Higgs - 8 years ago
why do you think my ghost shrimp keep dying and turning white
JB Kaufman
JB Kaufman - 8 years ago
Maliki Higgs Sounds like they are having trouble molting, your water might lack the minerals they need.
Brenda Morris
Brenda Morris - 8 years ago
Maliki Higgs: or you could go to Marks Shrimp tanks here on YouTube. I was just watching him. A lot of info.
Allison Pets
Allison Pets - 8 years ago
Maliki Higgs You should try asking Rachel O'leary here on yt too! She has lots of experience keeping shrimp.
25Aditya25 - 8 years ago
hey dustin whats up with the 220?give a update
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
Brian and Xman's Aquariums thanks!
Soumick Mazumder
Soumick Mazumder - 8 years ago
So my recommendation would be Dwarf saggitaria. It might not be as cool.. But grows awesome in dirt . Just make sure the gravel you use to cap off the dirt is small and fine in size, just a little bigger than sand. So dwarf sag in the front. Other than that your other choices seems nice. Cryptocoryne wendtii , small amazon swords , dwarf tiger lotus also look Good in the mid ground as they love dirt and do well without CO2 . And hornwort is nice in the back. Feel free to experiment. Just carpeting is a little tough. As in the wild most carpetting plants grow in very shallow water partially submersed with full high sunlight and CO2 from the air
Soumick Mazumder
Soumick Mazumder - 8 years ago
My lfs tried dhg once without CO2 it's stays alive but never seems to shoot runners even after months and when it does it goes very very slow. It can be done I guess in a very shallow 1 Ft tank with high light
Carl Shayne Castillo
Carl Shayne Castillo - 8 years ago
Soumick Mazumder Thanks for the instruction. Im planning of a low tech dirted tank, no CO2. What plants would you recomend? im thinking of hairgrass for the foreground, rotala indica for midground, anubias on woods, and hornwort at the back to suck most of the nutrients in the water column.
Soumick Mazumder
Soumick Mazumder - 8 years ago
yeah, just use plain potting soil that you would use in your garden... you might want to heat it up someway.. or maybe even put it on a terpoline and keep it under full sun for a week, wetting it occassionally. then put it about of an inch in the front and two in the back as per depth... add little pieces of clay and a few oyster shells if you want to. then cover it up vewry generously with your gravel of choice. cap it of with at least one and a half inch of gravel. keep in mind thad dirted tanks are nearly impossible to rescape. so make sure where you put your plants are ok or not. the water is going to be a bit cloudy for maybe a week.. but its gonna go away after a week with water changes, if capped properly.
I personally have soil in takeaway plastic containers so that i can rescape my tank if i want to, but i do not recommend that as it might get the plant root bound and stun its growth. but its also a good choice if someone likes to move his plants a lot. the plants might not look cool in the first month, but keep up with the water changes and eventually youll have to trim them regularly. tank on !
Tetra Aquariums
Tetra Aquariums - 8 years ago
I'd add some swordtails and mollies, I think it would be cool if there was hybrids in it!
ItsAJGamer/AKA/ItsAJVloging - 8 years ago
Idk why this vid only has 2 likes seriously
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
thanks for the video love concern :)
ItsAJGamer/AKA/ItsAJVloging - 8 years ago
Oh I just reloaded, still only like 25 likes
AGENTSIXTY9 - 8 years ago
I've seen some dope ass rocks on the side of the road too but Idk if they're safe to put in the tank it seems sketch
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 8 years ago
AGENTSIXTY9 Good luck bud! I just collected some Driftwood!
AGENTSIXTY9 - 8 years ago
Neon Tetra Aquarist thanks for the tip brah I'm gonna go collect some rocks today
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 8 years ago
AGENTSIXTY9 You can pour some vinegar to test to see if it will change your ph. If it fizzles then it will, but if the vinegar just site there like water then you are fine.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
it is sketch, you can risk it, or you can have no so great rocks ;) or pay out of the nose for rocks that are safe for sure
aguyandhiscomputer - 8 years ago
More good beats.
The InFiNiTy!
The InFiNiTy! - 8 years ago
Hi what should I keep with my 5 inch silver arowana?
my tank looks empty, since I have a single arowana in it......
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
The InFiNiTy! yep,and placos are way cheaper
The InFiNiTy!
The InFiNiTy! - 8 years ago
TheBBallEnthusiast, yaa I had also seen that video, but I think I should keep pleco,
instead of rushing my tank with other fishes.
The more space arowana will get, he will grow faster!
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
The InFiNiTy! yha but they would need bigger tanks..
TheBBallEnthusiast - 8 years ago
The InFiNiTy! King of DIY did a school of silver dollars. It didn't work out for him, but that's because those were adult silver dollars and those silver dollars bugged the crap out of his Asian arowana. If you start a school of Silver dollars young as well as your young Silver arowana, you might be fine. And you should be able to keep a common pleco as well. Some other tankmates to consider are a couple of cichlids as well, but TBH I like silver dollars as it will bring some activity in your tank. A large school of Tiger barbs is an option as well, but could potentially become arowana food so if you have a completely bare tank with zero hiding spots, I wouldn't recommend them
The InFiNiTy!
The InFiNiTy! - 8 years ago
s_ r, but isn't there any other fish?
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
The InFiNiTy! yha i think a normal placo would be appropriate in that size
The InFiNiTy!
The InFiNiTy! - 8 years ago
Neon Tetra Aquarist around 200 gallon...
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 8 years ago
The InFiNiTy! Wait how big the tank?
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
The InFiNiTy! placo
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
I school of something on the bottom
kharmoniet - 8 years ago
wow! I'm first

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