Adding FISH in the No Maintenance Tank
Discus 8 years ago 22,290 views
Adding fish in the no maintenance tank! What's up everybody, Dustin here with Dustin's Fish Tanks! In this video we will be visiting the NO MAINTENANCE TANK and we are adding some new fish in this bad boy! If you like what we are doing here, SUBSCRIBE by clicking the link below. You can watch the entire series on this tank here: SUBSCRIBE HERE : GHETTO FISH TANK : Latest Channel Upload HERE: Here's the next video in this series: Here is how I setup the HARDSCAPE Here is adding plants to this aquarium Here is an algae issue we were dealing with in this tank Here is the video of how I added Dirt to this tank FILTHY MIND What’s up Fish Tank People?! Fishtank Dustins Fishtanks bringing it to YOU on a Sunday Baby- How is everybody doing I hope you are doing well! So today its SUNDAY It’s Species Sunday….but first. I wanna take you inside my filthy mind with this NO Maintenance Aquarium. Look I’m having a Riot with this tank. The people who are working here are enjoying this tank and yes the patient here liking this, but everyone wants to know when are you finishing this tank, and particularly, when are you adding fish to this tank? I know you want me to finish it, You wanna watch me work on it. But guess what, I’m in love with this tank. Yeah- We got busy too quickly. And as a general rule, you aren’t supposed to get busy with a tank too quickly. And if you do. You aren’t supposed to date her. But here is where we are with this tank and here is what I’m thinking. I like where we are going with this tank, but I don’t want to rush it. This is not an uncommon thing for me. This young guy once stared at a 220 gallon for TWO YEARS before I ever put anything in it. Same with this Fluval b26, I had that hardscape setup for a month before I ever touched it. I am at ONLY THE TWO WEEK mark with this tank… So what are we waiting on. Well, First things first. If this were brand new FRESH BUILD from scratch, I’d just now be comfortable putting fish in as the bio load is just now able to handle it. But lets stay here for a second.. 1. I collected these rocks from the side of the road near Asheville NC. (if I told you the exact spot I’d have to kill you)- I did test them- Heck no. They look sweet, I’m rolling with them. HOWEVER that doesn’t mean I’m gonna put prized fish in this tank. Yep 2. So then what fish should we put in here first? We it’s Sunday its Species Sunday. Talk a little fish with you. So the goal of this tank is to be something relaxing and somewhat interactive with the patients that come in here…. Previously we had angels and Neons, The Angel that was in here was SUPER Skitish and potentially under fed. The neons were hiding as well. Let’s get some fish that are active…. NOW given what I said earlier- about the rocks we need some of what Mike D and Imperial calls, “Bullet Proof “ Fish. I want some live bearer baby. Here’s the goal. I want fish that swim up in the face of some young kids when they are pushing their snot filled noses up on this tank. (Remember – start them young- get them hooked early right!?) Platy’s will do just that. Platy fit the bill. They are hardy, active, colorful and hopefully will breed like rabbits, Now here comes the design side, I want a BUNCH OF THE SAME looking fish here for Astetic reasons…. I’m gonna roll with these, I’m rolling with Platies for this reason. Starting with 5 of them. As I said in a Species Sunday a few weeks ago- You want to have them with way more females then Males…. The males are hornybastards and will harass the females. To this is where we are- however there are other things to consider For all you Married Men out there, you know this Rule- “Happy wife- happy life” Wife wants an angel again. I just so happen to have one of the phatest Angels, and Hand picked by yours truly- A Peruvian Scalri angelfish that has now grown into his own, but has been reclaimed after the coffee shop tank he was in was torn down. So we buy oursels some time with the platys- We make sure they do ok- and we roll from there. Oh- and I added some more BUCE TOO Quick NOTE: I’ll be rolling out to the LIVE BEARERS CONVENTION in St. Louis May 6th-8 this year if anyone wants to see what the Fishtank Ninjas of St. Louis have- this would be a great show to check out. Make it an awesome week everyone! Tank On! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Support your boy! Check out my Aquarium Plants and Aquarium Stuff for sale! Fish Tank People Social Community FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:
HERPES, I am doing a lot of 30 second videos on Instagram and Facebook - Instagram:,
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Thumbs up!
30. comment for Adding FISH in the No Maintenance Tank
Manzinita from ;)
50. comment for Adding FISH in the No Maintenance Tank
thanks for sharing
I personally have soil in takeaway plastic containers so that i can rescape my tank if i want to, but i do not recommend that as it might get the plant root bound and stun its growth. but its also a good choice if someone likes to move his plants a lot. the plants might not look cool in the first month, but keep up with the water changes and eventually youll have to trim them regularly. tank on !
my tank looks empty, since I have a single arowana in it......
instead of rushing my tank with other fishes.
The more space arowana will get, he will grow faster!