African Cichlids Why I don't keep cichlids. (African Cichlids) (my opinion)

African Cichlids are not a fish I am going to keep any time soon. This video is why I don't keep AFRICAN CIchlids in my fishtanks. Not that I hate African Cichlids, (I love african plants!- just not the fish :) GET AN AWESOME TANK! Support Your Boy, check out our website! German Blue Rams: Species Sunday Great Beginner Fish: Convict Cichlids: Species Sunday Cichlids. Yes- I keep a few smaller and more chill cichlids Keeping cichlids in my aquariums just is not my thing. I have kept cichlids in my tanks when i was younger. They have great personalities, they swim up to the top and greet you. but I am just not a fan of their behavior towards each other. I should specify that I am mainly talking about African Cichlids, My buddy had a cichlid tank full of africans, it was cool, but it was hard add any new fish to the tank and he had to constantly be moving his rocks around. Just my opinion. The biggest thing is that I can't keep plant if I have fish that are going to be ripping them up.....Just my opinion. I do love my angel fish and my apistos, but you wont see me with an african cichilid tank any time soon. I do sell a bunch of plants like Anubias and Java fern that do pretty well with Cichlids if you are going to try plants with them ;) I've got just the combo for you! Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Support Your boy! Aquarium Plants For Sale: Fish Tank People Social Community

African Cichlids Why I don't keep cichlids. (African Cichlids) (my opinion) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 118

Discus 13 years ago 105,793 views

African Cichlids are not a fish I am going to keep any time soon. This video is why I don't keep AFRICAN CIchlids in my fishtanks. Not that I hate African Cichlids, (I love african plants!- just not the fish :) GET AN AWESOME TANK! Support Your Boy, check out our website! German Blue Rams: Species Sunday Great Beginner Fish: Convict Cichlids: Species Sunday Cichlids. Yes- I keep a few smaller and more chill cichlids Keeping cichlids in my aquariums just is not my thing. I have kept cichlids in my tanks when i was younger. They have great personalities, they swim up to the top and greet you. but I am just not a fan of their behavior towards each other. I should specify that I am mainly talking about African Cichlids, My buddy had a cichlid tank full of africans, it was cool, but it was hard add any new fish to the tank and he had to constantly be moving his rocks around. Just my opinion. The biggest thing is that I can't keep plant if I have fish that are going to be ripping them up.....Just my opinion. I do love my angel fish and my apistos, but you wont see me with an african cichilid tank any time soon. I do sell a bunch of plants like Anubias and Java fern that do pretty well with Cichlids if you are going to try plants with them ;) I've got just the combo for you! Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Support Your boy! Aquarium Plants For Sale: Fish Tank People Social Community

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Most popular comments
for African Cichlids Why I don't keep cichlids. (African Cichlids) (my opinion)

Briana Mochel
Briana Mochel - 7 years ago
dont keep them because your a girl and you like pussy fish
[Insert Name Here]
[Insert Name Here] - 7 years ago
Cichlids have WAY more personality than any other freshwater fish. They also look a lot cooler as well. The only exception is a Betta. But since you can only have one of them and they can't deal with decent filtration, they're annoying to keep.
Melissa Jennings
Melissa Jennings - 7 years ago
I can understand, cichlids aren't for everyone! I LOVE mine though! AND I have plants with both my Oscars & my firemouths! I'm addicted to the vibrant colors that I haven't been able to find in the typical tropical fish. I truly pet my Oscars & my plecos. My Oscars also eat from my hand! They are all cool as hell when they are caring for their fry too. They do require a little bit more care but not much as long as you have a good filtration system & watch them with their mates! When my current ones die, as they all do eventually, I'm seriously considering Red Texas or at least going back to Electric Blue Jack Dempseys in the Oscar tank & Blood Parrots in the Fire mouth tank or maybe Blushing Angels again. I love that I have a small local store that will order anything I want & will also buy my juveniles. Otherwise I would be wall to wall tanks & with yellow belly sliders, a breeding pair of rabbits, 3 dogs (medium/large sized) & 2 cats, it would just be too much! Lol I'm thinking about a few more geckos again for my 7 grandkids to play with & take for walks since I still have everything for them including leashes! Yes, it has always been somewhat of a zoo at my house! Have even had ducks, chickens, pigs & horses in the past but we downsized to a much smaller home & lot so I can't even get tempted into all of that again! Let me know if you have any suggestions for some unusual brightly colored tropicals please! I would definitely consider them next time I have to replace my babies! I always get pairs so that they die closely together so that I don't end up with one by itself for long! Thanks for sharing!
live free or die
live free or die - 7 years ago
My cichlids never seem to rip up the plants but yeah he's not a douchebag he's pretty awesome if you know you would follow him
steven simon
steven simon - 7 years ago
I keep Cichlids for all the reasons that he dosen't !
Ajplayer1212 articwolf
Ajplayer1212 articwolf - 7 years ago
I like South American cichlids they are better
none to speak of
none to speak of - 7 years ago
oscars are not africans......
ShortNanxious - 8 years ago
I totally understand why you don't keep Cichlids... to much damage to your plants and all the dirted tanks, you have worked to maintain for years... that would be ruined by most cichlids in a matter of months. lol.
Cichlids Require alot of attention to maintain tank heirarchy, agressiveness and boredom... it would take away alot of space and time from your rainbows, neons, and plant cutting and maintenance.
KurtLawrence M.
KurtLawrence M. - 8 years ago
but seriously dude how long did you wait for the plant to grow after melt back?

10. comment for African Cichlids Why I don't keep cichlids. (African Cichlids) (my opinion)

wichid cichlid
wichid cichlid - 8 years ago
you know your gonna catch slack from all the cichlid people out there, but I respect your opinion .... cichlids prefer rocky sandy habitats anyway if we're talking African cichlids I would not do plants either......I'm bout to check out the website and get some plants , just discovered you a month ago and have learned alot, keep the vids coming D! peace/love from Pensacola!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
What's up Fishtank People? I am doing a bunch of 30 second videos on Instagram- Follow me for more shorter random videos CLICK HERE:
Zane Joseph
Zane Joseph - 8 years ago
Dustin's Fish Tanks - hi, wanted to replace my cichlids in a 30 gallon tank with tetras and corys with some live plants. But have sand - what plants will work in sand? Can u advise on the number of fish and type to get?
Keith R
Keith R - 8 years ago
I have sword, anubis, moss, crypts, and some other plant I cannot identify. In a cichlid tank with 3 cichlids. Been 3months now, no plant issues. Now my cichlids like to dig out homes in my sand by objects. Which exposed roots to my amazon. But I had my tank cycling for 4months prior to adding any fish, very heavy rooted. I just wish I didnt do dirt on the bottom. Wasn't going to do cichlids at first, decided to after.... Not about to take the dirt out now :]. Now my other tank... My dwarf gourami loves to pull my dwarf hair grass out so he can build a bubble nest....
Allen G
Allen G - 8 years ago
I have Anubis,Java Ferns and Java Moss.I also have 13 Cichlids.I've had the plants for 6 months now with no problems...
KoreanPolish*G-Man - 8 years ago
in my planted tank. I use the eco complete as substrate, and plant the plants that are still in those plastic black plant holders, than put rocks on top. and the cichlids don't bother the plants at all. They like the hornwort. they will go up there and rest inside. they chase each other sometimes. but iv seen mollies and platies and neons do chasing and nipping. Every fish can get aggressive. I think it all depends on each fish. I was lucky mine don't give a crap.
Jack smith
Jack smith - 8 years ago
Yeah my neon tetras are super agressive, i see them fighting with each other everyday. I have platies aswell but they are fine. They don't bother anyone, although i do have 2 females and males are meant to be more agressive.
carmen martinez
carmen martinez - 8 years ago
I agree with you, got a tank that had chiclids in it, they stressed me out watching the aggression. Gave them away, got some Bosemani, dwarf neon rainbows, and 3 angels, (yes I know what angels are) problem solved. Now I can have beautiful live plants and tranquility. in my opinion these fish are as beautiful as African chiclids.
Judith Peavler
Judith Peavler - 9 years ago
try the dwarf species, cichlids can be super smart and excellent pets.
TotalNick41 - 9 years ago
This dude look like he late to freshmen english class... how he have a kid when hes talking like that...
Wizard Gaming
Wizard Gaming - 9 years ago
Bolivian Rams are very peaceful cichlids. I keep them in my planted tanks.
ShortNanxious - 9 years ago
I'm glad you made this video. I had $75 of, plants, newly planted java fern and amazon swords and something else in a 55gal. I put a 2 small yellow severum in the tank and it was good...until I got home from work on a Monday to find substrate and Java moss and shredded swords. apparently the severum I had gotten were stunted males in the mist of a territorial war...awful, substrate and plants clogged the filters Tank crashed, cichlids survived...hardiest things in the whole tank...I have also had this happen with a few common goldfish I talked a lady out of, she had 3 in a 25 gal.for over a year they started floating and a friend of mine told her I had a 55 gal. planted and they would be better, at least it took months for the gold fish to get big enough to digg up plants. I wasn't as mad about that because I took it as a sign they were getting healthy and could go out into a local rancher stock pond, he had just set up for the large goldfish his kids brought from fair.
anyway...yes, larger S.A. and African cichlids and goldfish have cost me on plants...A couple hundred because my filters got clogged and had to be replaced as well...cichlids in unplanned aquariums large goldfish and koi in ponds. that's it!!!
ArkTiger4c - 9 years ago
yeah I agree with you ...thats why I wont keep cichlids including angels.. I know you like them but in a tank thats 165 ltr & with community fish its a problem ...anyway do you have blue rams ? I find them beautiful and non aggressive and recommend them as a substitute to those that dont like aggressive cichlids ...they are not as hard to keep as people make them out to be ...I find it harder to keep neons
Dire Crusader
Dire Crusader - 8 years ago
I keep Angels, they're pretty mellow compared to my Cichlids. But my Big Boy Angel, King, is pretty aggressive if aggravated. He's about 7-9 years old, and Has stayed in my 75 gal tank for his whole life.

If I had to narrow it down to the two best Tropical fish in my opinion, They would be Angelfish and Gouramis.
Jack smith
Jack smith - 8 years ago
I have 6 neons, they seem easy to keep but agressive, always ripping each others fins :/. I have 2 platies with them too and am looking at getting 2 electric blue rams for my tank aswell. Are they agressive or do they leave other fish alone?

20. comment for African Cichlids Why I don't keep cichlids. (African Cichlids) (my opinion)

Gunnar Bjorklund
Gunnar Bjorklund - 9 years ago
I agree 100% mine just pick on the weekest one of the crowed 75 gallon tank with 23 cichlids they are a pain
AQUA NUT - 9 years ago
I hand feed my cichlids. Yeah they can be aggressive yes but your cichlids build a bond with you, way more compared to our community tropical tank. Yes you cant have plants unless you have some floating plants in there. You just have to really do your research. My blood parrots do not like anything planted around the edges of their tanks so if you keep away from planting from the edges you might be able to keep plants in there. I removed the plants i had in there and switched to fake but i have seen it done. You should check out some of my videos. you might be impressed.
CrestFallenMoon - 9 years ago
I love cichleds put they are messy and pretty aggressive.
knight walker
knight walker - 9 years ago
my old 1 fucking african cichlids killed My 2 new angel fish
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 8 years ago
Your not supposed to keep them together cause angelfish are alot less aggressive and will easily die
mo money
mo money - 9 years ago
Wish i would of saw this video few days ago lol there destroying all my plants some are even eating them
Shannon Raiche
Shannon Raiche - 9 years ago
I keep peacock cichlids and have a full planted tank... No aggression in my tank.... and balanced tank....
Adam Saller
Adam Saller - 9 years ago
What about ram cichlids?
jason pacheco
jason pacheco - 9 years ago
i have some with angel fish and they dont fight at all
cartmen braw
cartmen braw - 9 years ago
If you don't want to keep African cichlids try South American cichlids
forest_animals - 10 years ago
Wow I agree that would be tough w/those Cichlids. I have never had any so saw your video. Thanks for the info. great channel I subbed.

30. comment for African Cichlids Why I don't keep cichlids. (African Cichlids) (my opinion)

Ask Know
Ask Know - 10 years ago
ur a gronk. sucking snots back up on camera, BOGAN BOY.
Ghetto worrier
Ghetto worrier - 9 years ago
Fuck up dickhead.
Molson2889 - 10 years ago
I have kept mbuna cichlids for years and it takes a while to get a peaceful tank. I don't care how many rocks or fish you have in the tank, these are aggressive fish and they are what they are by nature. This is just my personal experience I'm not professing to know it all. I am in the process of setting up a planted tank. Can't wait to have a more peaceful fish tank.
Sandra Wheatle
Sandra Wheatle - 10 years ago
dude get a german blue ram
sufficientlyoldskool - 10 years ago
I agree with you. African cichlids are cool fish but I see all these people on youtube who are in love with them and their tanks are just bare bottom with some terracotta pots and pvc pipe. I would be embarrassed to keep that ugly shit in my house. 
Scalare Man
Scalare Man - 7 years ago
sufficientlyoldskool agreed man
Benjamin Robinson
Benjamin Robinson - 9 years ago
+Tyler Johnson Sand and rocks perfect...I've seen live video of the the African lakes they originate from, just sand and rocks....
Tyler Johnson
Tyler Johnson - 9 years ago
most of them do it cause its less maintenance for waste . but I agree I'd be embarrassed also. lol. I keep my tank black sand and rocks with Africans they fine .
jacob brown
jacob brown - 10 years ago
You do know that the angel fish that you keep are cichlids. Just fyi.
LetsPlayCodx - 10 years ago
Angels are South American
LetsPlayCodx - 10 years ago
He said African cichlids smart one
Tom Bamber
Tom Bamber - 10 years ago
This guy is a huge douche. Nothing to do with fish. He's just a douche
Rapid Revenge
Rapid Revenge - 10 years ago
I find if you get the plants established in the tank and rooted fairly well and add all the cichlids at once it actually works out pretty well. :)  This way you have beautiful plants with beautiful fish. 
TheMachomaniac - 10 years ago
I want to see what Dustins wife looks like cuss i bet she one grumpy mofo with somebody who has all those tanks
Tyler Johnson
Tyler Johnson - 9 years ago
Shawn Bailey
Shawn Bailey - 10 years ago
Disgusting tanks, filled with rotten plants.
Piranha and the dirt planted tank
Piranha and the dirt planted tank - 7 years ago
I mean for someone who shows off his tanks and try to teach fishkeepers, his tanks look pretty below average...
chris colvin
chris colvin - 10 years ago
your disgusting, you rotten prick
Wu-Tang Killa-Beez
Wu-Tang Killa-Beez - 10 years ago
do you have Asian ambulia?
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
There are lots of plants u can keep with african cichlids, but they either have to be growing on rocks or floating u can use java fern, Anubias, duckweed, water lettuce, water hyacinth and many more!!
Linh Nguyen
Linh Nguyen - 10 years ago
I'‘m the same. Only cichlids for me are angels, discus, and dwarf rams.
Haley Wilson
Haley Wilson - 11 years ago
I love cichlids, but I understand why you wouldn't want to keep them. Some people like a planted tank with peaceful fish, others(like me) want a tank with a little more action. But settling them down is definitely an art because you should buy them all at once and either give them a lot of space, or pack them in depending on personalities and species, but they certainly are unpredictable fish.
AQUA NUT - 9 years ago
+Haley Wilson Hey you should check out my channel i have some aggressive fish that are gentle hand feeders. Cichlids are the best
Rogue FJ
Rogue FJ - 11 years ago
I actually like the middle light out look on that one tank.  It makes it look more natural. 
OTS H3dgie
OTS H3dgie - 11 years ago
Veins showing through on new leaves can also be a magnesium deficiency.....
Stacey Kuhn
Stacey Kuhn - 11 years ago
i have 2 oscars
PalJoey1957 - 11 years ago

Dude, you need to be bullied into keeping some Africans.  NO fish approaches the color intensity, magnificent body and fin shape, and regal ownership of the tank space as one of the color varieties of the Aulonocara species (Peacocks).  They are peaceful with other species.  Keep 2 males with 4 females in a 75 or larger and you'll have harmony.  A couple of hiding rocks and some plants to the rear and corners of the tank will set you up.  It's the mbuna, the rock dwellers, that eat veggies; Peacocks are open water meat eaters.  No Africans, no street cred.  Friendly challenge.
PalJoey1957 - 11 years ago
+sn9696  I never had an African Cichlid get bullied to death, including multiple males of the same species.  Space, hiding spots, and diversions are the keys. 
sn9696 - 11 years ago
Yeah they are nice in color but i find them to be stressful, watching them kill each other stresses me out and i want my tank to relax me...
Michael Smith
Michael Smith - 11 years ago
Cichlids are are great all the problems you spoke of are easily manageable! Plants aggression ect.., I like your channel but I took this video personal
al pacino
al pacino - 11 years ago
I like plants too homeboy!! Marijuana. BUMPIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a faggot.
al pacino
al pacino - 11 years ago
Stop talking like a nigger.
al pacino
al pacino - 9 years ago
+OurSnapple A beaner bag. LOLOL 
OurSnapple - 10 years ago
Stop acting like a beaner

50. comment for African Cichlids Why I don't keep cichlids. (African Cichlids) (my opinion)

Reeny MO
Reeny MO - 11 years ago
I have African cichlids in a planted tank... its possible but you have to find which plants are compatible with them or else they will redecorate your whole tank lol
aquatic hoyt
aquatic hoyt - 11 years ago
Because dustin is awesome.
AquaLady 420
AquaLady 420 - 11 years ago
Just do something different and make a rockscape aquarium instead of plants. You can make money selling cichlids and theyre more fun to look at tha. tropicals, especially when theyre parenting.
ttttrigg3r - 11 years ago
Question. Do you remove the brown leaves that look dead? (cut them off)
ichabod crane
ichabod crane - 11 years ago
...people really watch and listen to this nigga? lolol
Marty - 11 years ago
I put two Cichlids in my aquarium and not long after they started redecorating it.
concorde9615 - 11 years ago
Cichlids are beautiful fish to watch. I like the color and personality of cichlids. Tropicals can be plain looking and not very interesting to look at.
concorde9615 - 11 years ago
Sounds like this guy is more concerned about the plants than the fish. Also he has way too many aquariums. It's hideous. I have a beautiful 55 gallon tank in my dining room. It has tropicals and cichlids. It is a beautiful tank with lots of colorful fish. I have one live plant and three fake plants. Rocks and caves and plenty of hiding places. My aquarium is absolutely beautiful but this guy's tanks are horrendous.
Darius Florence
Darius Florence - 11 years ago
SA/CA are more aggressive then africans.
DanishGameReplay - 11 years ago
what species is it? :)
DanishGameReplay - 11 years ago
More hideouts in your tank, that should help :) if u have the space ofc.
jack emch
jack emch - 11 years ago
Make more hides holes
Elia martinez-lopez
Elia martinez-lopez - 11 years ago
I have 8 African cichlids and one of them keeps going after all of the other cichlids, he killed one last night and now he's going after another fish. Do you know anything I can do to keep him from killing again
Hock Yang Koh
Hock Yang Koh - 11 years ago
Are convict cichlids as aggressive as africans? Or less?
rosseaualfa - 11 years ago
24 people dont know Jack about fish
piscesgabe - 11 years ago
I know what you mean about having fish as friends. This was a long time ago, but I moved out of my apartment and my ex did not care for the fish tank and let them all die, starvation. Except for the pleco, which I gave to my LFS. he was fat and happy. I was really disappointed, heart broken, kind of disgusted that she would let them die like that. the filter was still running, but the water was so low, it was being pumped through. "they are only fish"
NebSegdoh - 11 years ago
that's cool I really like what Dustinsfishtanks dose his tanks are outstanding. he really seems to know his stuff. I was shock to see he made a video like this I know its 2 years ago. I just seen it a week ago. as to what u said about starting out with 15 cichlids and ending up with 12 that's not to bad. We all loos a fish or 2 every now and then. My 7 year old parrot fish just died last week. he was a good friend. if fish can be are friends, LOL
piscesgabe - 11 years ago
I was going to say, I had a planted cichlid tank. Got them all when they were about an inch. Started with 15, ended with 12 plus a large pleco. No problems.
NebSegdoh - 11 years ago
you need to add the less aggressive fish 1st. or don't add any aggressive one's. know what your doing b4 you just add random fish all in the same tank.
NebSegdoh - 11 years ago
I have been keeping fish for almost 24 years. if you do any tank right you can keep any kind of fish. even cichlids. look them up online, read a book about them talk to ppl that know about them. cichlids can be very good fish if you know what your doing.
Aussie DIYFK
Aussie DIYFK - 11 years ago
discus and angles are cichlids you douch dustin!!!
califuckenfornia333 - 11 years ago
you hate cichlids!!
ProphetAtaraxia - 11 years ago
Yeah Dustin, How do you clean dirtied tank ? Plus, I don't see any CO2 reactors inside your planted tank.Do you use special chemicals for your plants to grow ? Thanks !
TanganyikanLife - 11 years ago
I hate when people refer to Mbuna as Africans. Mbuna are a segment of fish from one lake. Victorians and Tanganyikans have completely different behavior.
Nicolas Bowling
Nicolas Bowling - 11 years ago
Lol my African tank is heavily planted... No problems.....
Popol Baker
Popol Baker - 11 years ago
Dustin, angelfish are cichlids...
alex daniells
alex daniells - 11 years ago
why am I watching this?
Jake Poisson
Jake Poisson - 11 years ago
you gotta get the right plants
tnjcichlids - 11 years ago
A few things first u can keep plants with cichlids you just don't know what your doing next u have u have rainbow fish don't act and talk like ur hood... Last who the hell says sniffles hahahahaha
Jamison Cheney
Jamison Cheney - 12 years ago
whats that ACCENT?
Alex DeGroot
Alex DeGroot - 12 years ago
I would feed your fish to my jaguar
Alex DeGroot
Alex DeGroot - 12 years ago
you're a flame
Martina Pincione
Martina Pincione - 12 years ago
excuse me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The first fish I've ever kept, before a goldfish or guppy ect. was a african cichild! Please think about cichilds over.
psmTARDCORE - 12 years ago
Jesus chill out. If someone has an opinion that you don't agree with you immediately think they are a douchebag? I have African's and keep haps/peacocks in a 100g, mbuna in an 80g, and a breeding colony of Cyprichromis Leptosoma Utinta in a 40g and I agree with everything he says. To someone with not a whole lot of free time, Africans are a pain in the ass. I purchased a full grown Ngara Flametail along with 4 electric yellows and my alpha bucco heterotaenia killed only the poor flametail
Rex Pepper
Rex Pepper - 12 years ago
angelfish are a type of cichlid btw....
bailey mcquaig
bailey mcquaig - 12 years ago
like your video
gumme88 - 12 years ago
haha if you hate Cichlids you gotta really hate goldfishes
FishAddict - 12 years ago
Do you have a CO2 system? How are the plants staying so healthy??
VhexaDzn - 12 years ago
if anyone can check out my tank and tell me what my unknow fish i am dying to know
gmunoz79 - 12 years ago
Hey plant boy those tanks look boring and you look like Sid Phillips from toy story.
Jimmyz Hoopz
Jimmyz Hoopz - 12 years ago
My god, I need some of your bosemani's! They're so beautiful!
Dylan woody
Dylan woody - 12 years ago
i subbed and love ur show i have 3 dirted tanks cus of u
Noah Thompson
Noah Thompson - 12 years ago
If you know what you are doing and do research they are the coolest fish to keep! They are cheap and are really hardy fish!
HolySasquatchTurd - 12 years ago
There's plenty of cichlids that don't eat plants. You just have to look it up. Another thing to think about is not putting males and females together of the same species in a community tank or they might spawn and cause intense fighting.
fishkid234 - 12 years ago
check out my cichlids. sub me to!
kal fortner
kal fortner - 12 years ago
i have a jurapari in my planted tank but i only have sturdy plants in there i havent had much problems with it but i wont keep oscars they are way to dirty and aggressive
BubbleHeadAquaLungs - 12 years ago
ok, im planning on getting a 25 gallon ( long possibly) and putting in fore and midground sized plants... could i have 1 or 2 rams (how long do they get, all i know is they stay small) and 2 to 4 corydoras,and could i put in a male betta, his fins were chewed off by another male cuz the owner didnt know what they were doing, so no flashy fins to nip, thanks for any info...
Sheety33 - 12 years ago
Very true! My 55 gallon tank is full of cichlids and they have trimmed, uprooted, and destroyed all my plants. So I've put fake plants in the tank which look alright, but they are fake and I like the real plants much better because the water seems to stay cleaner, and they look awesome. I'm thinking of seeing if my local fish store will do a trade with me for my cichlids but we shall see! Great video man!
knockits Lopez
knockits Lopez - 12 years ago
cichlids and sharkfish have been my favorite since i was small..... i remember my dad having tanks full of fish no one would think of mixing lol... now im doindg the same... its very entertaining and they are so beautiful to watch.... once again all respect man
knockits Lopez
knockits Lopez - 12 years ago
grow im putting em in a new 125 gallon tank im getting.. i havent had any dificulty or losses with fish yet the trick is to get them all when they are small and they will be able to live amongst almost any fish... its when u add after they gotten size to them theres trouble.... in my old 55 i gave away i had affricans south and central and one rainbow shark i called jaws who ran each and every one of those fish.... once again props to u nice tanks man.. but i love my cichlids gotta have them.

100. comment for African Cichlids Why I don't keep cichlids. (African Cichlids) (my opinion)

knockits Lopez
knockits Lopez - 12 years ago
hey u got beautiful tanks man....but i have to disagree i got nothing but cichlids and i got the worse ones in a 125 gallon tank... with sharks and they are a mix of south central and african.. i been doin this for two years... i love fish period... i also have a 75 with angels frontosia jack dempsey severum one redtail one rainbow clown fish and a couple of parrots... i have a orty gallon with a baby red devil a electric blue baby dempsey and a rainbow shark and two gouramis as soon as they
unlockwall - 12 years ago
this is why i love cichlids
Jah. Carlos
Jah. Carlos - 12 years ago
i personally rather cichlids over any other fish because to me no other fish has personalities like cichlids. Sometimes i just sit down at my tank an watch them for up to 30 minutes. I really don't think i can do that with any other fish. but i respect your opinion you're a plant guy :)
brandon starkey
brandon starkey - 12 years ago
r there are peacful cichlids out there i will allways keep cichlids there awsome cichlids 4 life
Fabulous - 13 years ago
M'y angelfish doest deen to even notice there are plants in the tank exept it does nibble the amazon frog bit occasionally but it grows so fast doesn't make a difference
Fabulous - 13 years ago
@fish4ever24 If u get simple plant like val java fern or Anubais u don't need a dirted tank thought the jungle val might grow a tad slower in a plain gravel sub see me on fishtanktv search fabihan khan I could give u tips on easy plants or visit the tropica site and look got plants under the easy catagory but is it says clearly it does well in a nutrient rich sub don't get it ( unless it any type of vall they do okay without)
Game7kevin - 13 years ago
The reason that you don't keep cichlids is because your a fag.
TheBrewster320 - 13 years ago
I had my jewel and firemouth with live plants for awhile until I tore that tank down and threw them in with my other cichlids and musk turtle. The Oscar and the turtle are rough on plants. I've been experimenting to see if there's anything they'll leave alone.
semaarairsoft123 - 13 years ago
im laughing ciclhids nibble on my plants
AlvaBlok - 13 years ago
Well if you like planted tanks then african cichlids are not for you
Matman1110 - 13 years ago
most plants cant be kept with cichlids, but my java fern goes untouched in my african tank. It is also true that cichlids can be very aggressive, that is why it is recommended to add new fish 3 at a time or more to divert the aggression. also removing any females should help lower aggression. Occasionally you might get that extremely aggressive cichlid that will be impossible to keep, so there is some trail and error involved but it is worth it IMO.
fish4ever24 - 13 years ago
@Dustinsfishtanks hey i love ur vids um if i want to add a live plant in my fish tank do i have to add soil or something all i have is red gravel
sean roche
sean roche - 13 years ago
@Dustinsfishtanks I got three blue rams today the guy in the shop said i can bring one back if 2 pair off. i also brought back all my other fish and got 20 black neon tetras you were right when you said to keep one or two species per tank thanks so much for all the effort you have put into your channel and websites.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 13 years ago
@seanyroche that can work....they stay small.. no worries, i have an apisto (its like a ram) no worries
sean roche
sean roche - 13 years ago
Dustin, Im converted and on your forum thanks! What do you think of Dawaf Ram cichlids in a dirted tank with sand will they make a mess of it?
1Filmproducer - 13 years ago
grr, how do you pernounde cichlids?? is it sicklids or chinchilids? aha, sorry
chicktapus33 - 13 years ago
hey, i know cichlids arent your thing, but why dont you try breeding apistos? they will fit in a community tank.
Richard B
Richard B - 13 years ago
btw, do you have any denisonii barbs? If not, they might be a cool choice. A small shoal of those would look badass in a planted tank :P
xburgos1 - 13 years ago
I got killies in on of my planted tanks and they look and act great. BTW. the south american cichlids are panted tank friendly and are not agressive.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 13 years ago
@zackdmb I said i liked them, i didn't say i was getting one for any of my tanks :) itd be a dirty mess....I do think they are are tight edition to a tank though. and they have a better temperament from what I can remember...
zackdmb - 13 years ago
@Dustinsfishtanks i would not recommend geophagus in a planted tank. Their natural behavior is too dig in the substrate to find food, hence the name "eartheaters". i learned the hard way that that any plants not tied on to rocks or driftwood, or weighted down, will be uprooted constantly by most geophagus species.
Joe Hinchliffe
Joe Hinchliffe - 13 years ago
Amazon Biotope Tank?
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 13 years ago
@myusernameisnotvalid no more angels until my old one upstairs passes on, outta respect..
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 13 years ago
@thefishguy89 i like the killie fish idea. they come in such awesome so so on barbs...
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 13 years ago
@jerrychapa2009 hahahhah love it! this is my goal in life! trash everyones houses with dirt tanks. ludwigia is the bomb...(obviously.) glad to hear it and glad you are digging one of my favorite plants.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 13 years ago
@twisto id have to see a comparison photo. Depends on a number of factors, light, nutrients...ect
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 13 years ago
@UberFiseh gonna be mano amano. I am actually glad the reef is down right now. I am low on time and one more tank would be a little baby, job family and my beloved fishtank people.. Discuss love clean water and blood worms. hit up cousin steve on fishtanktv. hes my boy and kept discuss a long while...
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 13 years ago
@zackdmb love to see your setup.... send me a video link. I am not afraid to be wrong, my boy had a few small fronts with plants it was tight until they got older... what ones you like with plants.?
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 13 years ago
@ThePencilShredder how big/old are they? note sure. under lower light they get rounder leaves...
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 13 years ago
@scarhbar23 good call, that'd be a tight setup.. I love geophagus...always working it seems. discus can't handle the abuse i give them.. plus plants don't like the higher temps discus thrive in...but they are sweet... DO THIS TANK!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 13 years ago
@1natureboy13 how long the lights on? did something die? tell me more...
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 13 years ago
@snowandskate69 it depends on the species... you might have just bought that color of crypt. If you are running a dirted tank will be happy to sell you some of the crypts you see. Hit them with some iron and more light...
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 13 years ago
@FishFrenzy22 i dont, thinking more like a 40 long....
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 13 years ago
@HobbyKing1000 send me a video link of your to see it...
myusernameisnotvalid - 13 years ago
You should put angelfish in there. Thatd be freakin awesome.
rehtorbF03 - 13 years ago
Dustin I think you should do a strictly native plant and native fish tank in the old reef tank. It would give you a good excuse to go hiking and collecting.
edwin joseph Quejada
edwin joseph Quejada - 13 years ago
hey Dustin, nice video. why not try a salt water plant tank ...
thefishguy89 - 13 years ago
killiefish they are awesome with something like some really cool tetra are a great mix tigar barbs are cool i trained mine to chase there food and all
Jerry Chapa
Jerry Chapa - 13 years ago
Thanks to your tank videos dustin, My apartment is a freaken mess...i have dirt all over my restroom, I now have 4 tanks, and I stare at my plants every day instead of doing my homework... I also have ludwigia growing out of my ass...
saimain1 - 13 years ago
when are you going to be doing the amano challange?
twisto - 13 years ago
I have some amazon sword that are growing fine but I'm curious why some the leaves start out scrunched together and it eventually opens up smoothly. My question is it normal for some leaves to sprout scrunched and some not? any idea why this happens?
Tyler de Jong
Tyler de Jong - 13 years ago
I'm really very new to this; but I've been keeping discus for about a week lol, and I've had rams for around 6 months. They are totally cool with plants in my 50. Why not try out a brackish tank for the old reef? You could attempt to breed the Amanos in brackish, and maybe even new plant species that are cool with brackish? Anyway, I'm sure you'll have a good time picking out what best works in the old reef.
zackdmb - 13 years ago
sorry man ive been keeping cichlids for 10+ years i have had over 20 tanks running at a time and i gotta completely disagree with you about the cichlids . Some of them match your description, but the vast majority do not.
ThePencilShredder - 13 years ago
Dustin my amazons leaves are really narrow. how come urs are round??
scarhbar23 - 13 years ago
Naw, there could be a balance in a cichlid tank, without much aggression at all. Example: 150 gallon tank. Heavily Planted. 7 Discus, 4 German Blue Rams, 4 Gymnogeophagus. The Gymnos COULD be aggressive, but I doubt it. That is a good variety right there. And any babies made, would be seperated from the parents in the plants, and probably become snacks for other fish, so their is your food. But the issue is price. DEFINITELY an expensive setup. Oh well, you're an awesome fish dude! Thanks!
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 13 years ago
yeah man congradulations of the new baby Mia, (don't know if i'm spelling it right or not) but that was cool with the rainbows eating, same here with chiclids
Bass Assassin
Bass Assassin - 13 years ago
ok soo i have african cichlids i have plants with them they do great with plants and when you add a new fish feed them as you put them in i just proved all of your reasons not to get them but your choice, o and i asked you a question on one of your ponds

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