Angelfish and German Blue Ram Fish Room Tour with Master Breeder Dean
Discus 8 years ago 119,063 views
Dean is a master breeder who works with Angelfish and German Blue rams among lots of other species of fish. Angelfish, Super Red (10:10, 10:30, 25:02, 27:56, 32:55) Apistogramma, Agasizzi “Fire Red” (29:54) Apistogramma, Borelli (15:00, 30:53)) Apistogramma, Caucatoidies “Orange Flash” (16:00, 17:00, 28:38) Apistogramma Panduro (42:50) Aspidoras, Six Ray (3:57) Corydoras, Orange Laser (24:48) Corydoras, Panda (39:34) Corydoras, Sterbai (15:40) Crystal Shrimp, PRL (11:43) Discus, Pigeon Blood (1:00, 3:00) Kribensis, Lobe (37:43, 42:38) Kribensis, Niente/Yellow Form (16:30, 24:55) Pleco, Claro (17:36) Pleco, L333 (38:23) Pleco, Mega Clown (3:30) Pleco, Orinoco Angel (40:00) Pleco, Super Red Bristlenose (36:57) Pleco, Zebra (40:40) Rainbowfish, Dwarf Neon (7:58, 8:54) Rainbowfish, Red Laser (5:30, 43:12) Rams, Electric Blue (31:42, 35:03) Rams, German Blue (10:54, 24:40, 27:21, 31:42, 36:44, 41:18) Tanks are all on racks, with sponge filters, easy-to read labels, and dimmer-controlled Finnex Stingray LED lighting. Rack #1 has six 20H tanks. In the middle are two pairs of Pigeon Blood Discus kept at 84 degrees. On the lower shelf you have 3 month old discus fry and some Mega Clown Plecos (L340) breeding in a custom slate cave. And next to that is a colony of Aspidoras Pauciradiatus. On the top row there are Melanotaenia sp. (Wapoga Red Laser Rainbowfish) and Melanotaenia Praecox (Neon Dwarf Rainbowfish) that spawn regularly on a yarn mop. Rack #2 is mostly smaller tanks to grow out fry. These 10g tanks run Mattenfilters and get 50% water changes 2x a week to deal with the high bio-loads. Neon Rainbowfish fry and tiny baby angels can be kept over 100 to a tank, but as they mature they get separated by size down into smaller groups. Baby German Blue Rams are absolutely adorable, as perfect little miniatures of the adults. Dean also has a growing population of high-grade Crystal Red Shrimp. Sterbai Corydoras, female Apistogramma Caucatoides “Orange Flash”, Pelvicachromis Pulcher (kribensis, Ninte form), and a mating pair of apistos round out the middle shelf. On the bottom shelf you see what I like to call a “junk drawer” tank, with the odds and ends that really didn’t fit someone where else. Also a large group of F1 Apistogramma Borelli. After climbing up on a ladder, we can see the 4th level tank, which house the True Dwarf Bristlenose Claro Plecos. Next stop in our fish room tour is Rack #3, which is actually a repurposed baking rack! On the lowest shelf is Dean’s “Fry System”, a 20L adapted to raise eggs and newly hatched fry in little trays. Between the TV dinner trays, pantyhose, zip ties, rigid airline tubing, and pins you can tell there’s a lot of ingenuity in this setup. German Blue Rams, Orange Laser Corydoras, Kribensis and Angels all have trays. Some GBR hang in a breeder box on the side. Angelfish eggs are in a Methylene Blue bath to help minimize fungus. Moving up you have a shelf full of Apistos, a breeding tank of Orange Flash, and an earlier spawn they are starting to pick on. Agassizi Fire Reds and wild-caught Borellis. And on the top are more dwarf cichlids; electric blue and German blue rams, and some extra male apistos. Along the left side are divided 20H tanks with two pairs super red angels. Dean is working to selectively breed the white out, and focus on a deep orange and black coloration. Next are a large group of Electric Blue rams growing out. This tank also has a pre-filter intake sponge. Dean is a big fan! Besides that are more juvenile German Blues, you can really see how different the two strains are when they’re side by side like this. Below are Pelvicachromis Taeniatus "Lobe", Hypancistrus sp. (L333s), and Corydoras Panda. Up top is a rare treat, and entire colony of Hypancistrus Zebra (Zebra Plecos) and rams that have just laid eggs (you can even see her breeding tube is still out.) You’ve also got Lobe Kribensis and Apisto Panduro. Dean hatches his own brine for part of his 3x daily feeding regimen. Also uses Micro worms and Vinegar eels in addition to dry foods. While still at the hatching/testing station you’ll also get to hear his acclimation and water testing philosophies. Finally we come to a bucket with enough valves and hoses to make your head spin. This is all part of Dean’s innovative water changing system. Two different diameter hoses provide options depending on how fast you want to drain tanks, and the rigid wand at the end helps suck up gunk. As water drains into the bucket a large pump runs it through a PVC tube up the wall, along the ceiling, and into the adjacent room where it ties in to a washing machine drain. I hope you enjoyed this Fish Room Tour. We will have more coming up in 2016. Don’t forget to like and subscribe! Too busy to watch the entire video, or maybe interested in just one specific species of fish? This quick index will tell you what fish had the spotlight when.
10. comment for Angelfish and German Blue Ram Fish Room Tour with Master Breeder Dean
20. comment for Angelfish and German Blue Ram Fish Room Tour with Master Breeder Dean
I have fallen in love with apistos! How does he remove the fry for his breeding? Does he remove the eggs? Remove the parents? or how does he remove the fry? Net? Siphon?
Would love to gain some of this knowledge from such masters as you two!
I should also say that generally Apisto’s and Ram’s are pretty good parents, especially after the first couple spawns. So don’t be afraid to give them a few tries at rearing their young.
also I have had Gold Rams spawn with me.i pulled the eggs,they hatched, got to free swimming then disappeared.. they were alone in the tank. any ideas?
30. comment for Angelfish and German Blue Ram Fish Room Tour with Master Breeder Dean
It is not uncommon for the adults to eat the eggs or fry the first couple spawns, once they get the hang of it they are usually pretty good parents. Also if you are sure that the female is eating the eggs you can remove only her and the male could do a great job at rearing the fry.
So clean and organised!
Thumbs up!
The water control valves I use came from Jehmco and they are part number AV4. Another valve that they sell that will work is part number AWV1TB. These use different sizes drills and taps so be sure to order accordantly.
What heaters and canister filters is he using??
50. comment for Angelfish and German Blue Ram Fish Room Tour with Master Breeder Dean
Can you tell me where or how I can get these 20 Neon or Cardinal Tetras? Any other ideas about this?
Thanks, and plants... good idea
Where does Dean work? A hospital or lab? LOL
Just plain impressive. Thanks, Cory!
100. comment for Angelfish and German Blue Ram Fish Room Tour with Master Breeder Dean