Another planted Discus tank / Diskus @ Zierfische & Aquarium 2009 [11/50]

Homepage: Facebook: Twitter: +++ In this video you can see a tank of a Fishkeeping fair near my hometown (in Duisburg) called "12. Zierfische & Aquarium 2009 und 1. Internationalen Cichliden Tage". We have a video of many tanks of this fair. 2nd of October 2009 (02.10.2009) +++ It's a 200 x 50 x 50 cm tank with 500 liters (6.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 feet with 132 us gallon) . +++ The population of this tank: - Discus / Diskus (Symphysodon discus) - Sterba's Cory / Orangeflossen Panzerwels, Sterbas Panzerwels, Orange-Schönflossenpanzerwels oder Netzpanzerwels (corydoras sterbai) - Butterfly cichlid, dwarf cichlid or ram cichlid / Südamerikanischer Schmetterlingsbuntbarsch (mikrogeophagus ramirezi) more coming soon... (If you are intrested in helping me classifying the other species in this tank, post your suggestions) +++ Veröffentlichung mit der freundlichen Genehmigung der Zoo Zajac GmbH. Weitere Informationen unter

Another planted Discus tank / Diskus @ Zierfische & Aquarium 2009 [11/50] sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2

Discus 15 years ago 41,632 views

Homepage: Facebook: Twitter: +++ In this video you can see a tank of a Fishkeeping fair near my hometown (in Duisburg) called "12. Zierfische & Aquarium 2009 und 1. Internationalen Cichliden Tage". We have a video of many tanks of this fair. 2nd of October 2009 (02.10.2009) +++ It's a 200 x 50 x 50 cm tank with 500 liters (6.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 feet with 132 us gallon) . +++ The population of this tank: - Discus / Diskus (Symphysodon discus) - Sterba's Cory / Orangeflossen Panzerwels, Sterbas Panzerwels, Orange-Schönflossenpanzerwels oder Netzpanzerwels (corydoras sterbai) - Butterfly cichlid, dwarf cichlid or ram cichlid / Südamerikanischer Schmetterlingsbuntbarsch (mikrogeophagus ramirezi) more coming soon... (If you are intrested in helping me classifying the other species in this tank, post your suggestions) +++ Veröffentlichung mit der freundlichen Genehmigung der Zoo Zajac GmbH. Weitere Informationen unter

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Most popular comments
for Another planted Discus tank / Diskus @ Zierfische & Aquarium 2009 [11/50]

Niklas Braun
Niklas Braun - 10 years ago
absolutmax1978 - 13 years ago
@CenturyArmaliteMKII woran erkennst du, dass die disken nicht gut stehen? Bin kurz davor mir welche zu kaufen, und möchte daher sehr viel wissen! DANKE
Alain Pascal Routhier
Alain Pascal Routhier - 14 years ago
these guys are soo stressed out it is hard to look at and they have white spots eating their fins. man, I am sorry to say but that is not right. Are they always stresed like that or is it just the camera maybe?, are you threating them fo rthe fin eating disease?
MK Koschi
MK Koschi - 14 years ago
diskusfreakde - 14 years ago
Sehr schöne Aufnahme und passt genau in unsere Kategorie! Habe Dich gerade auf meiner Seite eingebettet. will mehr von Dir!
FischbottichTV Nils
FischbottichTV Nils - 14 years ago
@CenturyArmaliteMKII Oh cool. Vielen Dank für das Lob! =D
FischbottichTV Nils
FischbottichTV Nils - 14 years ago
@CenturyArmaliteMKII Meine Corys hatten auch von Zeit zu Zeit diese Anwandlungen.^^ Die Diskus sehen meiner Meinung nach immernoch weitaus besser aus als viele Tiere in Zoohandlungen, oder hier auf YouTube. Aber du hast recht, die Flossensäume sind schon angegriffen. Ich werde auch immer und immer weiter hochladen. ;)
FischbottichTV Nils
FischbottichTV Nils - 15 years ago
@HulksterGreen: I agree! =)
FischbottichTV Nils
FischbottichTV Nils - 15 years ago
@juanjesuschong: Some of those Heckels have a stunning color contrast.

10. comment for Another planted Discus tank / Diskus @ Zierfische & Aquarium 2009 [11/50]

Juan Chong
Juan Chong - 15 years ago
great thanks and beautiful discus specially de heckel discus
FischbottichTV Nils
FischbottichTV Nils - 15 years ago
@animalmastermtd: Yeah, true!
FischbottichTV Nils
FischbottichTV Nils - 15 years ago
@XLR8urlife1505: Yeah, i noticed that, too. What exactly causes this?
FischbottichTV Nils
FischbottichTV Nils - 15 years ago
@Rohan4basu: Hi, there is one problem for me: In Germany it isn't allowed to keep fish in smaller tanks than 15 gallon. So what can i suggest... But in a well planted tank, you might choose a pair of dwarf cichlids... maybe Apistogramma or German Blue Ram... and a group of smaller growing tetras maybe Flame tetras?
FischbottichTV Nils
FischbottichTV Nils - 15 years ago
@Fishlova82: Yeah, i love that too.
FischbottichTV Nils
FischbottichTV Nils - 15 years ago
@XLR8urlife1505: Your german is pretty good. No mistake in it! =) Vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar!
FischbottichTV Nils
FischbottichTV Nils - 15 years ago
@some0dude: The same applies to those aquascaping-contests. I think it's about showing your skills, representing your shop or association and making some good impressions. I like those tanks because it's great to get some suggestions for decorating your own tanks.
Rohan4basu - 15 years ago
i have a12 gallon tank ready I don't know what to keep and ideas? I thought I'd ask you cuz ur the best I know. I don't want a marine tank but I want something cool. chiclids maybe?
Fishlova82 - 15 years ago
Beautiful! I love the cory cats scampering all over the aquarium!
Ashraf Farid
Ashraf Farid - 15 years ago
But I know you know I know it does in this case

20. comment for Another planted Discus tank / Diskus @ Zierfische & Aquarium 2009 [11/50]

FischbottichTV Nils
FischbottichTV Nils - 15 years ago
@jinnee66: Yes, true.
FischbottichTV Nils
FischbottichTV Nils - 15 years ago
@blownable: Maybe size doesn't always matter... ;)
FischbottichTV Nils
FischbottichTV Nils - 15 years ago
@mataovale: Yeah, right! =) Greetz from Germany!
Ashraf Farid
Ashraf Farid - 15 years ago
I thnk that this tank looks better. Though, of course, the discus would prefer the pervious taller one.
Simone Di Francia
Simone Di Francia - 15 years ago
wonderful discus from italy

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