Another planted Discus tank / Diskus @ Zierfische & Aquarium 2009 [11/50]
Discus 15 years ago 41,632 views
Homepage: Facebook: Twitter: +++ In this video you can see a tank of a Fishkeeping fair near my hometown (in Duisburg) called "12. Zierfische & Aquarium 2009 und 1. Internationalen Cichliden Tage". We have a video of many tanks of this fair. 2nd of October 2009 (02.10.2009) +++ It's a 200 x 50 x 50 cm tank with 500 liters (6.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 feet with 132 us gallon) . +++ The population of this tank: - Discus / Diskus (Symphysodon discus) - Sterba's Cory / Orangeflossen Panzerwels, Sterbas Panzerwels, Orange-Schönflossenpanzerwels oder Netzpanzerwels (corydoras sterbai) - Butterfly cichlid, dwarf cichlid or ram cichlid / Südamerikanischer Schmetterlingsbuntbarsch (mikrogeophagus ramirezi) more coming soon... (If you are intrested in helping me classifying the other species in this tank, post your suggestions) +++ Veröffentlichung mit der freundlichen Genehmigung der Zoo Zajac GmbH. Weitere Informationen unter
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