Aquarium Disaster

THE FISH ARE SAFE! Don't worry :) TWITTER: PAYPAL DONATIONS: EMAIL: I woke up in the morning only to find my aquarium in a severely compromised state. Luckily all the fish are safe, but since I can't afford another tank right now I had to make a tough decision. So what's next? I'm not sure, but let's find out together :)

Aquarium Disaster sentiment_very_dissatisfied 23

Discus 7 years ago 18,589 views

THE FISH ARE SAFE! Don't worry :) TWITTER: PAYPAL DONATIONS: EMAIL: I woke up in the morning only to find my aquarium in a severely compromised state. Luckily all the fish are safe, but since I can't afford another tank right now I had to make a tough decision. So what's next? I'm not sure, but let's find out together :)

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Most popular comments
for Aquarium Disaster

Chris Marchant
Chris Marchant - 7 years ago
If happens again just put heater and filter in clean bucket of tank water with fish. Be fine there until tank fixed
Bounmy Bounpraseuth
Bounmy Bounpraseuth - 7 years ago
r u sure there was a leak looks more like ur temperature was way too high and the water evporated it happens to heated tanks they usually lose a little bit of water but not that fast or much
Mario Lopez
Mario Lopez - 7 years ago
Don't do Minecraft
Carson Aquariums
Carson Aquariums - 7 years ago
Can I have the cracked tank plz
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I'm gonna use it for another project, sorry lol!
Kilm - 7 years ago
Don't get the puffers unless you can supply them with 6-8 snails a day per puffer!
Kilm - 7 years ago
It is necessary for their diet. To stunt their teeth bud. they dont eat the whole thing. they eat bladder snails.
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
They can't eat that many snails. They would explode lol
SDD525 - 7 years ago
Acrylic aquariums should not leak if they used acrylic cement... MAYBE you could DIY an acrylic aquarium? To reduce the air stone flow, you must install a valve into the tubing. Aquarium stores have tonnes. I also have check valves on my tubing to prevent water from flowing into the pump.
SDD525 - 7 years ago
Okay , sounds like a good idea. That's really a drag, to be honest I'd try to get a refund first or something... because I have had glass aquariums for more than 10 years and I never needed to reseal them... Sounds like a dud aquarium that they sold you.
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I got some aquarium safe silicone, so I'll try to reseal it
Annabella Laws
Annabella Laws - 7 years ago
looks like the sealant leaked as i don't see any cracks that's VERY easy fix it happens to ALL OF US.
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Thanks, I didn't know you could reseal it at the time, but I'm going to give it a try now
Moses Del Real
Moses Del Real - 7 years ago
You should try to reseal the tank with some silicone the tank
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I will try it :)
Old Razhi
Old Razhi - 7 years ago
Wohooo!! 20k, congrats dustin!! :D
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
We did it! Thanks for being there from the beginning :)

10. comment for Aquarium Disaster

Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Thanks. I actually found the puffers very easy to care for, but I had to make a quick decision. If I knew how to reseal the tank when this happened I might not have given them back lol!
Charley Edwards
Charley Edwards - 7 years ago
Bettas are good fish for smaller containers too
THICC VOLDEMORT - 7 years ago
Maybe use the tank for like a reptile or incests?
WoolyGriffin Plays & More!
WoolyGriffin Plays & More! - 7 years ago
This may be random but maybe you can check out Himalayan Salt Rock Lamps? They help with health, air pollution like from tv's, ect. I think you would enjoy one
WoolyGriffin Plays & More!
WoolyGriffin Plays & More! - 7 years ago
Himalayan salt lamp benefits supposedly include decreasing air pollution, negative ions and electrosmog caused by electronic devices in addition to symptom reduction for people suffering from from asthma, allergies and other illnesses. - Found that on a article
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
My grandparents used to have a huge one. I think they look really cool, but they have absolutely no healing/health benefits XD
Plaqeo - 7 years ago
Hmmmm let's put my fish in a metal container to help them
Plaqeo - 7 years ago
Dustin Pak lol I understand I was just saying that you should be more careful with the containers that you place your animals in I mean if you put them in a plastic container cause it would be easier to bring it to the pet store and reduced the amount of stress on the fish I don't want to sound mean but be careful
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
What's wrong with that? I needed to put them somehwere
McCade Citrine
McCade Citrine - 7 years ago
So I have a 10 gallon tank and in it is a gold fish and a female Bata fish.The water gets cloudy after a one and a half weeks .So what should I do? Should I get a fish that cleans the tank or get a new filter?
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Do you change the water on a regular basis?
McCade Citrine
McCade Citrine - 7 years ago
Cicamica 26 I got the beta fish first and then I got two gold fish and my sister got a tank then got four more deta fish and ect.
Cicamica 26
Cicamica 26 - 7 years ago
McCade Citrine Gold fish are coldwater fishes and Bettas are tropical aren't they? Why put them in the same tank? EDUCATE ME
Rafał Filipowicz
Rafał Filipowicz - 7 years ago
Buy aquarium 500 l

Kathleen Mhic Dhonnacha
Kathleen Mhic Dhonnacha - 7 years ago
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
ammar nasir
ammar nasir - 7 years ago
Use the tank for ants and watch ants Canada on how to get and care for ants
Candace A
Candace A - 7 years ago
Aww! that really sucks! I would call the company and request a refund... I bought the same tank once from Walmart and they replaced it in the store. I also re-sealed another tank i found on the side of the road and it ran for a year with no issues. Good luck on what you choose to do :) Also, try using an air stone to hatch your shrimp, the eggs need constant movement to prevent them from settling and rotting, therefore reducing your hatch success rate. Great video as always!
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago

20. comment for Aquarium Disaster

thatjokerperson - 7 years ago
if im right the people who made the tank should replace it because it was defective
FireStillPlays - 7 years ago
A 20 gallon tank is like 30$ at pet's mart, BTW. Although, your table probably can't support it, so a stand would be ~80$
Dime Bag Special
Dime Bag Special - 7 years ago
Could have kept them in a jar. By the time they grow up you should have a tank ready.
Cuntlord64 - 7 years ago
ill sub n like the video so u can earn dem cold hard cash ayy lmaoo
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
lol, appreciate it :)
heinerml2 - 7 years ago
Hi Dustin, if you want to avoid another failure of your fish tank, use a styrofoam sheet as a base for the tank, it helps absorving the weight and helps to distribute the weight more evenly in the botton glass of the aquarium.
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Thanks, that's a good idea :)
kuneh kun
kuneh kun - 7 years ago
Where is sashimi baby???? :(
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Yes, the baby fish disappeared before I got the puffers so it had to be Sashimi that ate it
kuneh kun
kuneh kun - 7 years ago
Are you sure the puffer isnt eat the baby?
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Sashimi ate the baby :(
Mia Chan
Mia Chan - 7 years ago
i was just thinking about some of your project that failed before... ok u need sun light but wont all get over heated by sun? i made mistake with one aquarium it was on window. beside the fact they only got morning sun for hour they nearly boiled bc uv for the aquarium leak i sealing it myself with aquarium silicone :)
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Right now it's too cold for the tank to overheat, but during the summer I will have to watch it carefully
Kourosh Jalilvand
Kourosh Jalilvand - 7 years ago
Hey Dustin! It's usually perfectly fine to re-silicone an aquarium.
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Yeah, I'm going to give it a try :)
Catfsihnig - 7 years ago
ITSYABOI 123 - 7 years ago
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I'm going to try to reseal it and see what I can do with it :)

30. comment for Aquarium Disaster

Selena McMurray
Selena McMurray - 7 years ago
It cracked because you didn't have any foam underneath the tank. With heat and humidity your dresser would've warped and put a twist on the tank. Don't go buying a more expensive tank, just to plonk onto your dresser, you'll end up the same fate!
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I'm going to try to reseal it, and then make sure to put it on a foam pad
Leather Boot Room
Leather Boot Room - 7 years ago
Bruh lol you could just say you didn’t want the puffer fish anymore. Cus what you could have actually done was reseal the fucking tank with aquarium safe silicone. You could have done it the same day and had it ready the next day...
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I didn't know that at the time. I had to act quickly
Guts -of- Glory
Guts -of- Glory - 7 years ago
Petsmart or petco have little are flow adjusters i use them to control the airflow in my tank helps me to add air to different things and control the rate to make one ornament faster flowing than another
Chahad a normal retard
Chahad a normal retard - 7 years ago
i woke up to a new dustin vid love it btw can you try and grow a pineapple ? their SO easy to grow and im growing one rn
Chahad a normal retard
Chahad a normal retard - 7 years ago
they really arent especially regrowing them its pretty simple also pls post more i enjoy your content alot
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I thought they were really hard to grow?
Deine Mutter
Deine Mutter - 7 years ago
get a male for sashimi
kameikomiller - 7 years ago
Have you checked out the com cable to the Whisper filter? Was it wet?
If it was, then it was likely because it was hanging downward's and creating a path for the water that was in the filter.
I have the same whisper 10Gal filter for my Guppy fishtank and it did the same exact thing to my fistank. Half of the water was all over the floor while my poor guppies were freaking out in what ever water was left in the tank.
When I Cleaned it up, added more water to the tank and powered up my filter, I saw that the water in the filter was pushing drops of it down the cable and onto the floor.
I simply fixed it by taping the wire on top of the hood and I added a plastic bag around the top of the filter just encase any of the water tried to get out of there. few week's later, No water on the floor.

Hope this helps you!
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I lifted the tank and the water was leaking from the seams. It was definitely a leak
Aidan O'Connor
Aidan O'Connor - 7 years ago
Oboi I have the same tank...
JACOB ESKELIN - 7 years ago
I just found your channel and you've just become my favorite channel within seconds. You gained a subscriber my guy. Keep up the great work!
kathrynvanwaart - 7 years ago
Maybe instead of potato, you can grow celery? In another tank, you just need to leave the bottem inch or two and kickstart the roots in some shallow water. And maybe underneath the gravel put some dirt (or mud out of a creek system) for the roots and maybe some crustations. Im sorry to see the fairyshrims you've gotten arent that great, i know you've had better once so i can understand its a bummer for you.
Love your vids tho, it has started me on some (sadly failed attempts) ecosphers. But once it gets a bit warmer ill probably try a few again.

Sad to see the fish go, i know aquariums are hard, but if you find one that doesn't leak (idk but my thrift store sometimes has a few for a good deal)

Yeay i've officialy written the longes coment i've ever posted xD
Cant wait to see another update from you
Ace Games
Ace Games - 7 years ago
Sorry bout the puffer fish :(
Rain Multer
Rain Multer - 7 years ago
Dude I'm sorry. I woke up to my betta sunk to the bottom of the tank today. :/ i hope you successfully keep these shrimps alive.
Fish Bish
Fish Bish - 7 years ago
You should put rocks and substrate in the mini aquaponic thing and make it an ecosphere with even more shrimp
Fish Bish
Fish Bish - 7 years ago
You could make sashimi’s tank really heavily planted maybe
mushlove - 7 years ago
Honestly kind of expected this to happen.. you do not take animals seriously enough.
Kiera Kittie
Kiera Kittie - 7 years ago
Maan, now you have me giving my 10 gallon a few double glances. It's an older tank I pulled from the basement. I did check the silicone and it looked fine, but you never know... Sad about the fish tank, glad the fish survived.
Cole Pear
Cole Pear - 7 years ago
alltherad - 7 years ago
i'm so sorry about your little pea puffers but i'm glad they were okay!
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Thanks! I hope they find a good owner :)
harsh Jain
harsh Jain - 7 years ago
try growing pitcher pant or any other insectivorous plant.
harsh Jain
harsh Jain - 7 years ago
+Dustin Pak dude can a fan send u post
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Maybe a venus fly trap
melina graves
melina graves - 7 years ago
That’s so disappointing but I’m glad the fish are alright
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Yeah, it's sucks but what can you do?
Tichomír Dunlop
Tichomír Dunlop - 7 years ago
Fish stores (and petstores) don't have very good living conditions and are full of deseases. Just saying.
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Hopefully they were sold to someone who can take better care of them

50. comment for Aquarium Disaster

Bramble Bear
Bramble Bear - 7 years ago
Aw no, I’m sad to see the pufferfish go. Hope that your ecosphere projects go well though.
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Thanks for your support, it was a hard decision to make :(
Mac Thompson
Mac Thompson - 7 years ago
dude. silicone. fish in a bucket with bubbler for a day or two would be fine.
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
sure, you can reach me at if you want to talk
Mac Thompson
Mac Thompson - 7 years ago
The amount your channel has grown is absurd bro lol. Its been neat to watch over the past year. I kind of f@#$ng hate you jk but id love to speak to you and ask you a few questions about your experiences leading up to and since the creation of your channel.
im going to start a channel here asap (nothing at all similar to yours no fish, ecospheres, or anything) and id greatly appreciate the opportunity to speak to someone who has reached the current number of subscribers and regular viewers you have.

Watching the growth and of your channel has been a great subject of interest for me.

If you dont think it would be too weird, hmu.
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Yup, I'm going to try to reseal the tank and see what to do next
Pointlessvids - 7 years ago
Hey dustin i stumbled upon your channel and i thought it was really cool. I hope I can make a channel similar to yours can you give me some tips?
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I can only give generic advice. Don't give up, and make sure your thumbnails look nice
TheEmrealdBoy - 7 years ago
us ethe tank for frogs you would be awesome at it and thier easy to take care of and dont need a filter
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I'll try to reseal the tank and see what I want to use it for :)
Silvia Mason
Silvia Mason - 7 years ago
i'm so glad we still have sashimi!!
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Yeah, she's survived everything so far haha!
DeadM3me Ryan
DeadM3me Ryan - 7 years ago
welp sad to hear.also can you do something with snakes one day?
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
It might be too much of a commitment, but I'll look into it
Nathan M.
Nathan M. - 7 years ago
You should make a terrarium using that defective tank. Please don't use colorful pebbles.
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I'm thinking about making a terrarium. Also, lol everyone hates the colorful gravel
Lexi Foust
Lexi Foust - 7 years ago
Also I love your videos
Lexi Foust
Lexi Foust - 7 years ago
You should put some type of land plants in the aquarium
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I'm thinking about making it a roly poly terrarium
Bebo18 - 7 years ago
Use it as a terrarium.
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
That's probably what I'll do :)
Saundis - 7 years ago i rcomend these tanks if you can afford it. They are very nice looking tanks.
Saundis - 7 years ago
Dustin Pak whatever tank you get try to avoid tetra (walmart tanks), they break easily. Fluval is a good company, though more expensive. I dont know many other good companies but big, name brand companies should be fine.
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
They look great, but yeah a little outside my budget
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Back to the way thing were lol!
Jefferson Kline
Jefferson Kline - 7 years ago
You might be able to apply some adhesive stuff to the sides and corners of your aquarium to stop the leak
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I will probably try to reseal it with aquarium safe silicone and see what happens
Soccer BROS
Soccer BROS - 7 years ago
You should buy koi fish
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Omg, I don't think I'm ready!
Night Owl
Night Owl - 7 years ago
If you cannot get the air bubble to slow down or reduce its output, you may want to consider bringing the air-stone nearer to the water surface (or half submerged) to prevent too much agitation at the bottom of your eco system? Sad to hear about your broken aquarium, may be it is a good sign for you to start something big and fresh out of it.
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Yup, it's like a fresh start!
EcoSphere Advanced
EcoSphere Advanced - 7 years ago
Love your vids dude, keep it up!
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
BEEF BEEFTOPIAN - 7 years ago
I'm very sorry about the leaky tank, I agree with the other people in the comments about resealing the tank with silicone and starting anew. It would also be cool to make it into a terrarium, maybe make it into a leopard gecko terrarium, they are very easy to care for, all you got to do is put a sand-like mixture in the bottom and add hiding places. You should add one area that is damp and a heating fixture in another area. Feed them crickets and an insect called a Dubia Roach, you should also have a small bowl with very shallow water. But if you don't want something like that just do whatever you want, it will be amazing no matter what. Keep up the amazing work!
BEEF BEEFTOPIAN - 7 years ago
That sounds very cool! Can't wait to see it.
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Thanks, I think I'm going to use the tank to upgrade my roly poly terrarium and maybe add some other creatures in there as well
BEEF BEEFTOPIAN - 7 years ago
sorry just one last thing, use more pea sized gravel because they can consume the sand and it will then get impacted in their gut.
BEEF BEEFTOPIAN - 7 years ago
This is just a late edit, but you should also do lots of research, that way things will hopefully be less stressful, you could also use the clay hideout you made, make the entrance bigger or break it in half and use that as a hideout.
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I think I will once I get a better tank for her
Fereshteh J
Fereshteh J - 7 years ago
I bought a crested gecko today!!
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Nice! How's it doing?
kev schlau
kev schlau - 7 years ago
Ah that sucks. No tank should leak no matter how cheap it is. Hope u have more luck next time.
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Thanks! I'll try to reseal the tank and do something with it
AnimeGamerCreater - 7 years ago
Did u get ur money back after u returned the puffer fish or r they gonna hold them till u get a new tank?
And I guess the guppy fish dream is dead now ;~;
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I basically donated the fish back to the store lol. I didnt ask for anything in return.
Chewiepew - 7 years ago
Ooo an increase of thumbnail quality
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Gotta step my game up!
Awesome E Gaming
Awesome E Gaming - 7 years ago
That was a wonderful video and I hope that you will make lots more wonderful videos too. Keep up the good work
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Thanks Awesome! Glad you liked it
Lizeth Hughbanks
Lizeth Hughbanks - 7 years ago
The pufferfish eat snails and other hard shelled shrimp
Lizeth Hughbanks
Lizeth Hughbanks - 7 years ago
Dustin Pak no problem glad I could help
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
buguloo hype
buguloo hype - 7 years ago
You should've put the fish in one of your ecosphere until you could get an aquarium... or ate them
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Mari0 Bros super channel random stuff
Mari0 Bros super channel random stuff - 7 years ago
By pea puffers
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
See ya!
Tinkili - 7 years ago
Aww shoot, that sucks to wake up to. My 54 litre aquarium started leaking a few weeks ago as well, but not as bad as yours. We bought a new one, but much bigger this time (120l ) and it opened up some real nice opportunities, so not all was bad.
Tinkili - 7 years ago
Dustin Pak Thank you! c:
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Nice, I hope you get a lot of enjoyment out of it!
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Awesome! How are you liking your new setup?
ZZiper - 7 years ago
It sucks the tank cannot sustain water. At least the fish are safe! Good video
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Leafblower - 7 years ago
what happened to the baby fish
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
It got eaten by the mama fish
MrOrangeSoda118 - 7 years ago
Just so you know you can use food safe Rubbermaid storage containers as aquariums
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Thanks, I was aware of that and it's definitely an option! I'd probably want a proper glass tank though haha
tanakaseiron - 7 years ago
Potato looks good! Hope you try some flowers this spring!
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Thanks, I'll see what I can do!
kesean harrington
kesean harrington - 7 years ago
You can get incredible cheap aquariums with full setups usually on Craigslist, Facebook, or other cites like that*
kesean harrington
kesean harrington - 7 years ago
Dustin Pak I meant tank, stand, and filter by full setups btw
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I've thought about doing that but I think part of the fun is building one yourself :)
Jenna Doyle
Jenna Doyle - 7 years ago
Like others have been saying, you can reseal the tank with silicone if you want to give it another try. If you do so, I would reccomend leaving it filled with water inside of a bathtub or outside, you'll be able to safely test if it will hold water and see if it still leaks. Water damage is no fun, buying a new tank may be the best option. I'm glad the fish are okay :)
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Thanks, I'll probably reseal it just for the practice, then use it for something different :)
Metehan Cebeci
Metehan Cebeci - 7 years ago
You're hatching the eggs incorrectly..
1) You put way too many eggs into a container too small
2) the container should be shaped more like a cone
3) there should be an air line interested into the water for more oxygen
4) I don't know what you did with the water but it should've been spring water along with some baking soda and salt

Consider trying again. I'm pretty sure if the hatch rate was as low as you made it seem, the company wouldn't be selling them in the first place.
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Thanks, I did use spring water and an air bubbler to agitate the eggs, but I think the temperature of the water was too low to get much to hatch
Nallan Ablaze
Nallan Ablaze - 7 years ago
to reduce the air there is a little valve you can get form the aquarium store
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I see! I wasn't aware of that
DoJo Mast3r
DoJo Mast3r - 7 years ago
Buy some cheap silicon, easily reseal your tank!
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Thanks, I'm going to try to reseal it
ian 334455
ian 334455 - 7 years ago
No y
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
TheGamore 2
TheGamore 2 - 7 years ago
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Christoffer Lang
Christoffer Lang - 7 years ago
do you have a paypal? i will happily donate so you can buy another bigger and better tank so we can get content?
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
yes, my paypal email is
Big Oof
Big Oof - 7 years ago
As long as the fish are ok

Just noticed that intense thumbnail too
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
lol, just brushing up on my photoshop skills
Life’s Start
Life’s Start - 7 years ago
Oh no!
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Rebecca Johnston
Rebecca Johnston - 7 years ago
try re doing the silicon at the seams or fill it up outside to see if it still leeks also if you dont want it for a tank you could do a huge terrarium or something
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I'm going to try resealing it
Murat - 7 years ago
New videoo
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Nitrogen Xenon
Nitrogen Xenon - 7 years ago
I like your videos. :)
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Thanks :)
Random Dude
Random Dude - 7 years ago
You should start a go fund me if your that strapped for cash
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
lol, thanks. I'm going to try to reseal the tank and see what I can do with it
It's JEEZ!
It's JEEZ! - 7 years ago
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Shaden0040 - 7 years ago
looks like the tank cracked on the bottom pane? usually thaat means the tank was not placed on a level surface. I suggest you place a piece of foam mat under the tank to help even out the tank and prevent preasure points on the frame.
Shaden0040 - 7 years ago
Yeah that happened to me when I was a kid. The tanks was on a piano bench which had bowed, and the middle wasn't supported. :( The bottom pane cracked due to stress and the weight of the water and substrate.
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Yeah, it was almost definitely a leak on the bottom. All four corners of the tank were in contact with the tabletop, but maybe the combination of uneveness and a sudden ambient temperature drop is what caused it
gabriel gualberto
gabriel gualberto - 7 years ago
Noooooooo :(
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
soup 12
soup 12 - 7 years ago
Put Sashimi in a bigger tank and not a spheric one for her sake :)
soup 12
soup 12 - 7 years ago
Dustin Pak if you want some advice for your aquarium, im here, i know a lot of things on aquarium, especialy on low-tech/budget ones :)
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I will as soon as I am able to afford another tank
Walrus Gaming
Walrus Gaming - 7 years ago
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I'm happy as long as the fish are safe :')

100. comment for Aquarium Disaster

JP Fitzgerald
JP Fitzgerald - 7 years ago
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Crazy Random
Crazy Random - 7 years ago
you can just pinch the airline with some sort of clamp or heavy object to reduce the flow.
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I see, thanks!
erazem350 - 7 years ago
maybe use the tank as a terrarium for ants? just my suggestion. really excited for those ecospheres :)
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Thanks, I'll probably use it to upgrade the roly poly terrarium
Ant King
Ant King - 7 years ago
My tank loses a fraction of water but don't worry It is only evapouration and codensation giving it a illusion of leaking
Ant King
Ant King - 7 years ago
The cannabilistic behaviour reminds me of baby guppies and baby axelotls
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
yeah, aquatic animals in general seem pretty eager to eat their own lol
Ant King
Ant King - 7 years ago
It nice have a multipe project update vidio once in a while
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I agree, sometimes its nice to update everything all at once
Bailee Jane
Bailee Jane - 7 years ago
I want to hatch fairy shrimp so bad!
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Give it a try, its very cheap and easy!
onyx I.X
onyx I.X - 7 years ago
Bailee Jane go ahead!! You can buy them on Amazon for reaally cheap
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
They were the poofiest :(
Ant King
Ant King - 7 years ago
(Puffer fish names)
s_ r
s_ r - 7 years ago
Turn that aqurime into carnivore plant terrume
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Not a bad idea
s_ r
s_ r - 7 years ago
nooo. you did so well. re seal the tank man i have done it
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I'm going to try
Jurassic_ World_Boy
Jurassic_ World_Boy - 7 years ago
That's so sad your puffers are gone
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Kelly Carpenter
Kelly Carpenter - 7 years ago
Re-silicon that bitch! Itll be a cool project and way less expensive than buying a new tank.
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I agree. I'll probably reseal it then use it for a different project
Kosti Koskela
Kosti Koskela - 7 years ago
Ant terrarium
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Sorry, not really interested in ants :(
Samuel Tonnesson
Samuel Tonnesson - 7 years ago
You are really stepping up your thumbnail game
Samuel Tonnesson
Samuel Tonnesson - 7 years ago
Oh ok looks good anyway
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
It was called How to make good thumbnails or something.
Bebo18 - 7 years ago
Dustin Pak the how to YouTube one?
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
hehe, it was actually thanks to a pewdiepie video of all things lol!
MsFmalover - 7 years ago
If you clean up the silicone on it and make sure it's smooth you can reseal the tank. And if you don't trust it you can line the inside and outside with silicone. But make sure it's food grade silicone or else you can contaminate the water
CircularMirror7 - 7 years ago
Dustin Pak check if the stand is level. If one of the corners isnt touching the stand it can pop the seals.
Natalie Wiltshaw
Natalie Wiltshaw - 7 years ago
im not sure if you can buy it in the US but the commonly used silicone used for tanks in the UK is called HA6, you might be able to find it on amazon. Make sure the silicone you use doesnt contain mould inhibitors
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Thanks, I got some aquarium safe silicone and I'm going to try to reseal it
kik0 - 7 years ago
That terrible but i'm glad that the fishes will be okay :)
Unboxing Tech
Unboxing Tech - 7 years ago
Take that fish out of that bowl! It's no place to live.
s_ r
s_ r - 7 years ago
Unboxing Tech the fish seems fine for temporary housings. water looks clean
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I will eventually move it into a better tank, but money doesn't grow on trees lol ;)
Ruko Wolf
Ruko Wolf - 7 years ago
If you live near a Petco a couple times a year they will 1 dollar per gallon sale but I think the least you get is like a 20 gallon
Ruko Wolf
Ruko Wolf - 7 years ago
Jalen Wade I know that Petco can be cruel and I don't buy my pets from them (I have a lot) but I do get my supplies and tanks from Petco.
Jalen Wade
Jalen Wade - 7 years ago
Brian Leonard Yup your right indeed I've seen the cruelty.
Jalen Wade
Jalen Wade - 7 years ago
Ruko Wolf At my store awhile back a I saw a 350 gallon tank for $350 and same with and 400
Fernando Torres
Fernando Torres - 7 years ago
Ruko Wolf Where I live that sale ended just this last Sunday
Brian Leonard
Brian Leonard - 7 years ago
Ruko Wolf petco is evil. They treat there pets horribly.
Zuki - 7 years ago
Dustin Pak it going on around this time mines about to end so check it put
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Thanks, I didn't know about this!
OSSO - 7 years ago
No petco/petsmart/petland discounts by your house? They have dollar per gallon aqueon tanks.
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I'll have to see whats going in my area :)
SUP DOG SUP DOG - 7 years ago
dude I'm so sorry but I love your vids I'm so sorry:(
SUP DOG SUP DOG - 7 years ago
I know but it was sad for me to see them go
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
It's ok :) The fish are safe and that's what really matters
Thekasia a
Thekasia a - 7 years ago
hey you can still use this tank as a terrarium for insects like stick insect or mantis
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
That's what I'm thinking :)
PlasmicNebula - 7 years ago
Getting a new tank, especially a ten gal isn't that expensive if you find a chain pet store that has a dollar per gallon sale going on. Then its literally only ten dollars + tax.
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I see, I'll look into whats available in my area :)
funny quotes
funny quotes - 7 years ago
I think that you should try growing a venus fly trap
Anthony Davila
Anthony Davila - 7 years ago
Elizabeth Myers it's because you don't know how to take care of them. You need to water them with distilled water and keep them outside in full sun and they need to go through a full dormancy period. I have a shelf of them and they have a lot of different morphs.
Elizabeth Myers
Elizabeth Myers - 7 years ago
Don't do a Venus fly trap, they die all the time!
Lionblaze Wang
Lionblaze Wang - 7 years ago
get a pitcher plant, they're much hardier than venus flytraps
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
lol, I'll give it some thought :)
OSSO - 7 years ago
yeah that sounds good or a Pitcher plant
Ben Harris
Ben Harris - 7 years ago
Turn it into a terrarium
Big Oof
Big Oof - 7 years ago
You should put a sign on the tank
"RolyPoly Land"
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I think I might do an upgrade for the roly polies
Joshua Gallardo
Joshua Gallardo - 7 years ago
I really liked your aquarium videos, always looked forward to your new videos. Best of luck my friend, keep up the great work.
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Thanks! Glad you liked those videos
The Ark
The Ark - 7 years ago
full suport
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
PuggySs - 7 years ago
Just look up a video on how to silicone it, it is much simpler than you think. I am 17 and have done it twice!
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Thanks, I'll look into it :)
Kyle Welsh
Kyle Welsh - 7 years ago
Put a lose not in the air hose to restrict air flow
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Thanks, I'll see if it works!
Austin Ralston
Austin Ralston - 7 years ago
I feel sad for the fish
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I do too. I wish I could have kept them longer :(
Elias Kinnunen
Elias Kinnunen - 7 years ago
I diagnose your aquarium with gay.
Elias Kinnunen
Elias Kinnunen - 7 years ago
Dustin Pak Shame
Nagisa Furukawa
Nagisa Furukawa - 7 years ago
Elias Kinnunen big gay
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Probably not, sorry if you were looking forward to it :(
Elias Kinnunen
Elias Kinnunen - 7 years ago
Dustin Pak Are you planning on streaming the next weekend?
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Haaaayyy ;)
Matarese28 - 7 years ago
Looking forward to a new ecosphere
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Thanks, I'll get on it!
Terra Tinkering
Terra Tinkering - 7 years ago
That's a terrible surprise to wake up to! I'm really glad to hear the fish were okay despite that, can't wait to see what project you have in mind for that tank now, maybe an awesome terrarium! ; D
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show - 7 years ago
Hi Dustin Pack. I'm Sorry, about what happened to your aquarium. Keep your head up and be positive as positive is the only way forward.

The bright side is, you managed to save your Puffer Fish.

Cool Eco Spheres.
I gave the video a like.
Elias Kinnunen
Elias Kinnunen - 7 years ago
TortoiseFan I wasn't expecting to get a response.
Terra Tinkering
Terra Tinkering - 7 years ago
Oooooh that would give you some great area to work with, that would be awesome!
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I'm thinking maybe an upgrade for the roly polies :)
Conner Jones
Conner Jones - 7 years ago
All you have to do is resilicone it
Get a razor and cut of the old silicone then get new silicone and put a thick layer over the seams. There's a bunch of tutorials on youtube
Conner Jones
Conner Jones - 7 years ago
Elias Kinnunen OK I just changed my profile pic
Conner Jones
Conner Jones - 7 years ago
Elias Kinnunen it's better than a stick in the snow
Conner Jones
Conner Jones - 7 years ago
Elias Kinnunen lol it's hair
Elias Kinnunen
Elias Kinnunen - 7 years ago
Bailee Jane Someone watches a bit too much anime.
Bailee Jane
Bailee Jane - 7 years ago
Elias Kinnunen it's his hair. I think it looks kinda cool
Fred Kraze
Fred Kraze - 7 years ago
Conner Jones i even used silicone to patch a crack in my turtle tank when i put it down on a pebble by accident, that tank would last a good 4 months before it started leaking.
Elias Kinnunen
Elias Kinnunen - 7 years ago
Conner Jones What's up with your profile pic.
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
I see! Thanks
Pudusplayz Pp
Pudusplayz Pp - 7 years ago
If I comment will u notice me
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Yes :)
Koastala - 7 years ago
Well look on the bright side, at least they’re not dead xD
Koastala - 7 years ago
Dustin Pak bring back sushi? You should get like another single mosquito fish, toss it in a mason jar and call it sushi 2.0 (srs suggestion btw lul)
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Hopefully they didn't get resold to someone even less competent than me lol!
Alien Exotics
Alien Exotics - 7 years ago
All good things must come to an end
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
The end of an era
Alex Cable
Alex Cable - 7 years ago
Good vid man keep them coming
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
lol, thanks!
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Gotta get those views man XD
stef Winchester
stef Winchester - 7 years ago
Can't be good when you get a notification that you've posted "aquarium disaster"
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
The most important part of the video :)
stef Winchester
stef Winchester - 7 years ago
At least the fishies are safe!
Sage Oblouk
Sage Oblouk - 7 years ago
It's funny how these people haven't even had enough time to watch the video and they already commented. Although I can't say much since I'm doing the same thing. Happy for the new video though
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
lol, it's all good :)
Aqua pisces
Aqua pisces - 7 years ago
superb videos
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Shallfy ;D
Shallfy ;D - 7 years ago
Yay! New video! Great
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
The fishing Frenzy
The fishing Frenzy - 7 years ago
I love your videos
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
EggRoll Eater69
EggRoll Eater69 - 7 years ago
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
Alex Osuna
Alex Osuna - 7 years ago
Dustin Pak
Dustin Pak - 7 years ago
You got it!

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