Aquarium Disaster
Discus 7 years ago 18,589 views
THE FISH ARE SAFE! Don't worry :) TWITTER: PAYPAL DONATIONS: EMAIL: I woke up in the morning only to find my aquarium in a severely compromised state. Luckily all the fish are safe, but since I can't afford another tank right now I had to make a tough decision. So what's next? I'm not sure, but let's find out together :)
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20. comment for Aquarium Disaster
30. comment for Aquarium Disaster
If it was, then it was likely because it was hanging downward's and creating a path for the water that was in the filter.
I have the same whisper 10Gal filter for my Guppy fishtank and it did the same exact thing to my fistank. Half of the water was all over the floor while my poor guppies were freaking out in what ever water was left in the tank.
When I Cleaned it up, added more water to the tank and powered up my filter, I saw that the water in the filter was pushing drops of it down the cable and onto the floor.
I simply fixed it by taping the wire on top of the hood and I added a plastic bag around the top of the filter just encase any of the water tried to get out of there. few week's later, No water on the floor.
Hope this helps you!
Love your vids tho, it has started me on some (sadly failed attempts) ecosphers. But once it gets a bit warmer ill probably try a few again.
Sad to see the fish go, i know aquariums are hard, but if you find one that doesn't leak (idk but my thrift store sometimes has a few for a good deal)
Yeay i've officialy written the longes coment i've ever posted xD
Cant wait to see another update from you
50. comment for Aquarium Disaster
im going to start a channel here asap (nothing at all similar to yours no fish, ecospheres, or anything) and id greatly appreciate the opportunity to speak to someone who has reached the current number of subscribers and regular viewers you have.
Watching the growth and of your channel has been a great subject of interest for me.
If you dont think it would be too weird, hmu.
And I guess the guppy fish dream is dead now ;~;
1) You put way too many eggs into a container too small
2) the container should be shaped more like a cone
3) there should be an air line interested into the water for more oxygen
4) I don't know what you did with the water but it should've been spring water along with some baking soda and salt
Consider trying again. I'm pretty sure if the hatch rate was as low as you made it seem, the company wouldn't be selling them in the first place.
Just noticed that intense thumbnail too
100. comment for Aquarium Disaster
"RolyPoly Land"
The bright side is, you managed to save your Puffer Fish.
Cool Eco Spheres.
I gave the video a like.
Get a razor and cut of the old silicone then get new silicone and put a thick layer over the seams. There's a bunch of tutorials on youtube