Aquarium HD - Discus Pair Breeding in Community Tank

Male Leopard Discus mating with Female Emperor Discus in Planted Community Aquarium (150 Gallon) Captured with Sony hx9v camera in HD Music: Zamfir - The lonely Shepherd / Beastie Boys - Sabotage (Live) / Alan Reeves, Phil Steel and P - The Chase

Aquarium HD - Discus Pair Breeding in Community Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4

Discus 13 years ago 33,344 views

Male Leopard Discus mating with Female Emperor Discus in Planted Community Aquarium (150 Gallon) Captured with Sony hx9v camera in HD Music: Zamfir - The lonely Shepherd / Beastie Boys - Sabotage (Live) / Alan Reeves, Phil Steel and P - The Chase

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Most popular comments
for Aquarium HD - Discus Pair Breeding in Community Tank

Kristi  Li
Kristi Li - 7 years ago
Awesome discus !
FAYDALI VİDEOLAR - 8 years ago
Can I use videos in the channel?
HoxenStorm - 8 years ago
i was told the plants wont do as well with sand for the growth of plants.... any suggestions?
Agron Cela
Agron Cela - 9 years ago
what light system are you using?
Lymarie Taboas
Lymarie Taboas - 9 years ago
I like this one better than the first. Beautifull tank and great fishes
Andrew Burke
Andrew Burke - 9 years ago
Wm DeJesus
Wm DeJesus - 9 years ago
Beautiful tank and great music...ruined the video with the music change at the end.
Andrew Burke
Andrew Burke - 9 years ago
You suck
Ender-Chan - 10 years ago
Your fish are BEAUTIFUL!
Hannelore Rack
Hannelore Rack - 10 years ago
Mine also bred in a community tank and they also had a surrogate mother the babies used to feed off as well as the parents.

10. comment for Aquarium HD - Discus Pair Breeding in Community Tank

becky selfridge
becky selfridge - 10 years ago
I just witnessed mine laying. They are in a planted community tank like yours but mine laid on the intake pipe. I'm really worried the tank mates will cause her to stress or interfere... Did yours hatch?
Joe Roberts
Joe Roberts - 10 years ago
Really impressive that you were able to film them laying. My Angelfish Pair laid while I was either asleep or at work.
Joanne Keating
Joanne Keating - 10 years ago
The music is played by Ggheorghe Zamfir  - " The lonely shepherd "
It is the soundtrack for the movie Kill Bill.
2009Sajeev - 10 years ago
what is the music? could you please share?
Kingdom1 - 8 years ago
Its a solo played on the Skin flute by Maya dikins urmoth !
Robert Delattre
Robert Delattre - 10 years ago
nice cat hahahahahahaha
BeautifulHazelEyes Acosta
BeautifulHazelEyes Acosta - 11 years ago
Did the babies survive?? Just wondering I have a pair in a community tank that look like they are gonna have babies soon. Should I take them out??
Wauw, this is awesome
Alpha A
Alpha A - 11 years ago
The little egg fell lol
Jordan SB
Jordan SB - 11 years ago
Can u please explain to me the lighting u have? im setting up a community tank with tetras and discus fish and im new with plants!
stephen whitehead
stephen whitehead - 11 years ago
You know, I've been watching various videos and researching planted discus tanks for my new set up next month. This is the best tank I have seen by a long shot. I'm taking a screen shot and recreating it. I hope! Nice job.

20. comment for Aquarium HD - Discus Pair Breeding in Community Tank

Victoria Burke
Victoria Burke - 11 years ago
Donna Cipriano
Donna Cipriano - 11 years ago
Totally beautiful...I love Discus, but I have seahorses, and a few tanks at that, my husband says thats one day I will have one tank, and I would only hope it would be something as beautiful as yours!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 11 years ago
Good luck with your new set-up! Keep up the water changes and add more discus :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 11 years ago
Thank you for the input..I agree with you, and I thought most people would also, however it seems opinions differ :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 11 years ago
Thanx! I totally agree :)
argh666 - 12 years ago
we have started with a new 750L tank.. I guess it's gonna take a while before I can create a mini forest like yours... both tanks look so pretty! we have 2 discus so far and we plan to get more! :D so pretty!
oneshowatatime - 12 years ago
This aquascape/hardscape is totally superior to the old set up, nice work!
Lindsay HJW
Lindsay HJW - 12 years ago
It's not so much that, it's actually perfect for the discus because it provides some nice shade. But from a human perspective it looks nice with the bright, open tank. but it's still beautiful and like I said perfect for discus :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you for the seems most people liked the tank before...I guess you guys like less plants huh?
Lindsay HJW
Lindsay HJW - 12 years ago
I liked it before but the tank is pretty either way :)

30. comment for Aquarium HD - Discus Pair Breeding in Community Tank

Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thanx man! I checked out your baby discus. Cool!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Haha thanx! I love when people notice her ( the cat)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Yes, white quartz 0.3-1mm
Ilias Zervas Leftakis
Ilias Zervas Leftakis - 12 years ago
Wonderful aquarium! Magnificent fishes and ur cat.... ROCKS! :D
cragz rogers
cragz rogers - 12 years ago
kill bill
Danny Huynh
Danny Huynh - 12 years ago
hi .amazing set up.plants and very nice discus.if you have advice.please.repley to thanks.In the mean i have 80 gal tank withe 4 to 5 in.8 of with co2 plants.temp. 82.water change 20% every question shoud i feed them bloodworm.every day .i afaid it have white worm in stomer.
Jean Cleber
Jean Cleber - 12 years ago
Substrate that you used? is white sands?
luke macaulay
luke macaulay - 12 years ago
love the tank not sure which one i like better new or old vid there both good. ive subbed you and added your video to my aquarium playlist cos it's awesome would like to know what you think of my discus tank i got a breeding pair in a community tank 700ltr
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hi. No co2. Seachem Fertilizers at the roots, no flourish excel ( not bad but too expensive), water change once a week ( no exceptions) 30%, no RO, and I feed bloodworms, artemia shrimp, ocean nutrition bloodworm-shaped pellets, Tony Tan beefheart pellets, spirulina pellets, and when I'm in a good mood fresh beefheart :) Also: 252watts of red and white light 6,700K+3,000K for 8,5 hours daily. Ph: 8.0(!) but stable, 0 No2, <10 No3
troy black
troy black - 12 years ago
so you dont use co2? what do you use as far as fertilizers? do you use flourish excel? how often do you do wc? and do you use RO? what do you feed the discus? I use a beefheart mix, blood worms and new life spectrum pellets? how often do you feed?
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thanx :) You probably won't agree in my new video ''Punk Discus''
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Exactly! I felt really sorry for her. Now she doesn't even try to get him back anymore. She has accepted her fate :(
Aquatasy - 12 years ago
Wow, dropped her like a bad habit for the new gal in town, huh? Amazing.
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you! I can only try :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you for the great comment! The tank has been running for about 2 years now, and that particular discus pair bred every single week like clockwork for 4-5 months..until the male found a new girlfriend. I currently have 3 pairs that breed pretty consistently on a weekly basis...
Aquatasy - 12 years ago
That is an incredible tank. Wonderful layout. Stunningly beautiful discus. Fantastic video. So, how long have you had this tank set up and running? Is this the first time these discus have bred for you? Subbing!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
So many people ask me about the driftwood...seriously, its not anything special. I just drove around for a few days visiting 10-15 pet shops until I found what I was looking for. Actually I was never 100% happy with my driftwood since I wanted some branches large enough to reach all the way to the bottom...but I guess it turned out fine as it is :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
thank you. its not really what I prefer, but what the discus prefer when it comes to substrate...they like sand better than pebbles because its easier for them to eat food of the sand...when it comes to breeding however there is no clear method that works for has alot to do with the discus character and instinct. I have never tried to ''force'' a pair, however, I have been told by pro breeders that there are a few tricks, like separating the fish with a large net for a few days...
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
thanx so much!
GETREAL! - 12 years ago
beautiful and that's that!!! can get any better!!!

50. comment for Aquarium HD - Discus Pair Breeding in Community Tank

Yang Lee
Yang Lee - 12 years ago
i have a question. do u pefer sand or pebbles for ur tank?... n wat makes a discus wanna pair up faster n breed for u?... thanks! love the set up tank n fish btw
Justin Thomaszvic
Justin Thomaszvic - 12 years ago
Where did you get that drift wood!!?? I can't find any driftwood that's not giant pieces... I want more branches!
jhummer7 - 12 years ago
still cant get over how good the tank looks!
jhummer7 - 12 years ago
No problem. I deff understand the natural look. I my self am very into the natural look. The before and after as both amazing. In my opinion though the video from when the tank was newer was better. With that said there is not a huge change and it still looks amazing now. Thanks for letting me know about the drift wood. All the shops around me sell the fake stuff. I am in the need for more natural looking drift wood!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hi and thanx for the opinion and comparison...I believe you are the first to comment on the differences before and after. I know, a few people like less plants, but I just love the green in the aquarium and the natural look and movement of the plants :) . The driftwood I bought at a local pet shop ( actually 2-3 separate ones) after a bit of hunting. They are not any special type, just hand picked from the bunch.
jhummer7 - 12 years ago
Your tank is amazing! Me personaly i like it better in the begining, but i dont have a taste for aquariums that are "overgrown". Even with the plants growing so much in your aquarium it is still one of my favorite aquariums! Very well done! Where did you get the drift wood???
Manny 2BLUNTZ - 12 years ago
I seen a few similar tanks but yours is definitely the best even the fish look happier so I appreciate it !
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Not really, if you do a bit of homework and buy the right fertilizers and the right plants for your tank ( right temp, right fish etc). You might have to do a bit of trimming every now and then but other than that I think that plants are a great addition to a tank. They are pretty, the fish like them, and they are natural filters...
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
That's the plan! ;) thanks
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
sorry to hear that...I actually like plecos very much and I wish I could put them in with discus, but anything short of an ancistrous type pleco is usually major trouble in a discus tank
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
thanx! the blue one is a ''blue snakeskin'' discus
Manny 2BLUNTZ - 12 years ago
are the plants alot to take care of ?
Pedro Rafael Vidal Arias
Pedro Rafael Vidal Arias - 12 years ago
Your discus look very happy!
KALZONE850 - 12 years ago
amazing! what strain is the blue one?
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Also..I bought most of the fish when they where small and raised them, but if want to do that now, I must put the young fish in a different tank, or the larger ones will bully them and they wont eat as well, or grow as well.
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
water changes, variety of food and love :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
I have thought about it, and I might just do it, but if I do, I plan to take really good care of the fry with daily water changes, live food etc etc and I don't have the time just now...I'll keep you posted :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
thank you!!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hello, I keep the discus at 28-29c. You can go a bit higher, but the plants don't like it. I feed the discus a combination of dry foods and frozen foods ( blood worms, artemia, krill, beffheart) 4 times daily.
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
I have thought about it, and I might just do it, but if I do, I plan to take really good care of the fry with daily water changes, live food etc etc and I don't have the time just now...I'll keep you posted :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
thank you so much...actually I am getting ready to make another video very soon. Just waiting for a couple of plants to ''fill in'' :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Another idea might be to introduce another discus, so as to try and make the couple ''unite against the common enemy''. Again, nothing is certain, but it it might be worth a try if you have the means to do so.
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hello, sorry for the delayed response but I was away...From my experience the discus choose partners quite unpredictably. I have noticed that similarly tempered discus sometimes match up, but this is not always the case. Also, I have never witnessed a pair getting back together after they have separated. A lot of ''exchanges'' take place in my tank. However, changing the decoration in your tank is said to be a kind of ''reboot'' for the fish, since they get confused and lose their territoriality
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Ha! thats what I think about when I tend to the tank :)
kwong95wc - 12 years ago
jwing how do you get discus that colorful? do you just buy them when their young or did you just see them grown up in the store?
john brown
john brown - 12 years ago
Top tank and discus best I've seen I've sub u
rwrajitha - 12 years ago
Hi what Temperature you keeping the tank on ? your discuss looks really good colored. Also anything special you feed them ?
Abdel Khalid
Abdel Khalid - 12 years ago
put both male and female in a seperate tank man.. Dont you want offsrpings of such great discuses you hve?
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hello again! The fry never survive, exactly why you said...the other fish get to them really quick when they are still eggs, even when the parents try to guard time they hatched, and lived for a couple of hours before they proved their spot in the food chain :s
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Ha! good one:)
Meg Boberg
Meg Boberg - 12 years ago
By the way, have you had any fry survive? What do you do with the fry when they hatch (or do the other fish just eat them)?
Meg Boberg
Meg Boberg - 12 years ago
If I were a fish I'd want to live in your tank! haha
Discus - 12 years ago
Cool ^^
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you so much for the great comments and suggestions. Actually I always wanted an African Tiger Lotus..but I didn't try one in the beginning because I thought it is kinda hard to maintain and then I kinda forgot about it.... maybe I will start searching for one...
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
maybe you should...;)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
The eheim 2180 is a superb filter, huge, easy to use, robust, and the thermo raises the temp in no time. Astonishingly good. EXCEPT. For the past few months, a small nossle inside the filter goes out of place and messes up the flow rate. I put it back, and it's fine, however it is an inconvenience...if not for this problem, I would say that this is by far the best filter that I have ever used.
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
28-29C / 82-84F..I would probably have it a bit higher if not for the plants and other fish
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
No problem...and yes the plants have extra fert tablets beneath their roots, however I would recommend using a layer of dirt/fertilizer beneath the sand if you plan on having many plants. Then you wont need any extra tablets. If you already have set up the tank, tablets are just fine..I found some that last nearly a year.
jackson tubb
jackson tubb - 12 years ago
thanks so musch! do the plants require any extra fertilizing in the sand
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you for the comment! I searched around for the wood and ended up buying the pieces from different fish stores here in Greece. The plants also. The rest however, Discus and Sand, I got at
jackson tubb
jackson tubb - 12 years ago
hey i love your tank so much! i am going to make mine just like it! where did you get the sand,plants,discus,and wood? i would love to know thanks!
Boris Koot
Boris Koot - 12 years ago
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hello, Yes I get a bit of algae, everyone does. You will never be completely free of algae. If you have a little algae that is ok because you can keep it under control with a little cleaning. If you have lots of algae you have to find the source of the problem. First of all don't worry about your algae in a NEW setup. There is always algae problems in the first 3-4 months of the aquarium setup. However 12 hours of light IS alot. I would recommend around 8-9h...but it depends on your light. GoodL
jason bergendahl
jason bergendahl - 12 years ago
Hi Again, beautiful tank!! I have a questions for you. First, I was wondering how do you control your algae if you get any? How long do you keep your tank lights on each day? I have had my tank running now decently full with plants, and some starter fish, and I am starting to see some algae growing on the glass. I have been running my lights for about 12 hours a day. I was told that was too much. Any tips at all would be greatly appreciated. Thank You so much, and keep up the great work.
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
...your filter should recycle your tank water at least 6 times per hour ( mine recycle the water 10 times per hour) if you want to avoid too many water changes. The only general advice that I can give you after you have a good setup is : 'consistency' Find a schedule for water changes that you and the fish like and stick to it. Discus love stable parameters. They are a little more sensitive than other fish, but if you are willing to take care of them, they will reward you :) good luck!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hello, I cycled my tank with ammonia solution, but anyway that you choose to do it is fine as long as the discus are introduced after the cycling is 100% finished. I don't have a quarantine, but I only buy a fish after I have watched it for a couple of weeks in the store and am sure that it is healthy and it eats properly. For filtration, I use a Fluval FX5 and an Eheim 2180. Your filter is fine for your tank, but a second one is always a good idea ( better filtration+backup if one breaks down)
jason bergendahl
jason bergendahl - 12 years ago
Hello, I am just starting a brand new 75 gallon tank that I plan on making a discus tank. I was wondering how you would cycle the tank, and how you introduce new fish into your tank? Do you use a quarantine tank? What do you use for filtration. I am using a fluval 405 with bio media, as well as live plants in the future. Any advice will be great. I have never housed discus only saltwater fish and inverts, so I am new to discus. Thank You.
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hello again. You can select to be notified about a new vid in the settings(won't be long). Now concerning your love for discus(very understandable!). Discus are generally happy when they are at least 6-7 of them. A general rule of thumb is 1 discus per 10 gallons so the smallest aquarium for happy discus would be around 60Gallons. Of course, the bigger the better. Especially if you want other fish and/or plants. Also you will need a good filter that recycles the water at least 6 times/hour...
Mona C
Mona C - 12 years ago
Good Morning and thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me on my aquarium. 37 gal tank is not large enough. I am determined to beautify my home with these gorgeous fish - so what is the minimal size tank I should get to accommodate a healthy and happy small population of Discus? I have subscribed for your videos - will I get a notification when you upload another?
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you! The sand is white quartz 0,3-0,1mm ( I think they call it 'pool sand' in the states), and the driftwood is tied to the top of the aquarium with transparent fishing line :)

100. comment for Aquarium HD - Discus Pair Breeding in Community Tank

jason bergendahl
jason bergendahl - 12 years ago
Awesome tank, was wondering what you use for substrate, and how you keep your driftwood suspended. Very nice work!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thanx and Good luck with your setup...just a small advise. Discus are schooling fish and feel better with larger numbers. If you have the space I would suggest you add some more..
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you for the wonderful comment. The driftwood is typical store-bought aquarium wood.
watcher3178 - 12 years ago
love your tank, i just bought a 2 discus fish hopefully i can get more to make my tank look as nice as yours!
CrazyDrCzar - 12 years ago
First of all...impressive tank. I am literally asthonished. May I ask what is the type of wood you used?
spartan381 - 12 years ago
i see. beautiful tank :) i am planning to buy some discus at a young but i am still researching!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
No, just fertilizer tablets under every plant...however if I did it again, I probably would dirt it :)
spartan381 - 12 years ago
did you dirt your tank?
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hi and thank you for the comment! Ask away though comments or personal message on Youtube and I will get back to you. Good luck with your setup
cordell stewart
cordell stewart - 12 years ago
I love ur tank. I hope I can get mine this beautiful. I have 2discus I'm thinking of adding a high fin colbolt I think its called. I would love to exchange emails if that's ok as I have tons of questions on ur tank. Thanx nessa
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
Thank you! the dimensions are 180cmx60cmx65cm. The light is 252watts of white ( 6,700 Kelvin) and red (3000 Kelvin) lamps. Although I used to have 10,000 Kelvin white lamps and I believe they where a bit better for the plants since they had deeper water penetration.
Robert Borg
Robert Borg - 13 years ago
VERY VERY nice tank!! Can you give me the dimantions of the tank,and what kind of light you are using on it please?
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
Thanx man!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@zunedog31 :) You are probably the first person to view this, thanx!
zunedog31 - 13 years ago

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