Aquarium Update: All of my aquariums

GET AN AWESOME TANK! Fishroom of a Legend Tory Brown's Fishroom Fish Room of a Legend Mr. Gary Lange's Fish room Fish Room of a Legend Mike Barber Fish Tank Rooms Yes, Multi-tank-itis in full affect here. I am not even going to try to lie about it, I might even have more tanks then I did back in the office days..(see around video #10ish...) The fact that the whole thing is coming together is exciting for me. I couldn't do it without my boys' help and the support of all of you on here. I really appreciate it everyone. So, you can see how hard it is to take a video with a kid in your arms much less move a new tank. Regardless, we are getting there in time for winter. As I have said before the goal is an all Peru tank in the basement with the boesmani in the 220. (and no, the boes aren't for sale but thanks for your interest ) Last night, I put the heaters in the 125 out in the greenhouse and am happy that all the fish made it. I was concerned about how cold it would get--tonight is the same deal. But here is the fishtank keeper's dream: the more tanks I get the warmer that greenhouse will stay. (yeah-its awesome) So there are all of my tanks. They can't all be well aquascaped, at least not until I am old and retired without any kids at home. For now we are in building mode, and it's fun. Thanks for watching. For those looking for plants, I have some great Ludwigia right now if your tank is already up and rolling. Having fun. Welcome to Dustin's Fish Tanks YouTube Channel. My channel is made for FISH TANK PEOPLE! I try to focus on planted aquariums, how to grow aquarium plants, dirt as the planted tank substrate and low light aquarium plants. Planted tanks shouldn't be difficult. My goal is to make the planted aquarium hobby easy...Planted Tanks Made Easy! Dustin's Fish Tanks. TANK ON! Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Aquarium Plants for Sale: Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Instagram: Instagram: Fish Tank People Social Community

Aquarium Update: All of my aquariums sentiment_very_dissatisfied 7

Discus 12 years ago 17,038 views

GET AN AWESOME TANK! Fishroom of a Legend Tory Brown's Fishroom Fish Room of a Legend Mr. Gary Lange's Fish room Fish Room of a Legend Mike Barber Fish Tank Rooms Yes, Multi-tank-itis in full affect here. I am not even going to try to lie about it, I might even have more tanks then I did back in the office days..(see around video #10ish...) The fact that the whole thing is coming together is exciting for me. I couldn't do it without my boys' help and the support of all of you on here. I really appreciate it everyone. So, you can see how hard it is to take a video with a kid in your arms much less move a new tank. Regardless, we are getting there in time for winter. As I have said before the goal is an all Peru tank in the basement with the boesmani in the 220. (and no, the boes aren't for sale but thanks for your interest ) Last night, I put the heaters in the 125 out in the greenhouse and am happy that all the fish made it. I was concerned about how cold it would get--tonight is the same deal. But here is the fishtank keeper's dream: the more tanks I get the warmer that greenhouse will stay. (yeah-its awesome) So there are all of my tanks. They can't all be well aquascaped, at least not until I am old and retired without any kids at home. For now we are in building mode, and it's fun. Thanks for watching. For those looking for plants, I have some great Ludwigia right now if your tank is already up and rolling. Having fun. Welcome to Dustin's Fish Tanks YouTube Channel. My channel is made for FISH TANK PEOPLE! I try to focus on planted aquariums, how to grow aquarium plants, dirt as the planted tank substrate and low light aquarium plants. Planted tanks shouldn't be difficult. My goal is to make the planted aquarium hobby easy...Planted Tanks Made Easy! Dustin's Fish Tanks. TANK ON! Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Aquarium Plants for Sale: Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Instagram: Instagram: Fish Tank People Social Community

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Most popular comments
for Aquarium Update: All of my aquariums

Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
I have been doing a bunch of Facebook LIVE as
it fits my quick style - Click here to follow me on Facebook:
And EVERY DAY I do 30 second
videos on Instagram: Click here to follow me on Instagram:
Josh Meyer
Josh Meyer - 10 years ago
Love the idea of using a kitty litter scoop to separate the substrate sizes. Thanks
max parsons
max parsons - 11 years ago
hey how much did those rams cost mate becuase had to be quite expen
Jesse Roth
Jesse Roth - 12 years ago
Love seeing that clown in the 220, love my clowns
Julianna Gallagher
Julianna Gallagher - 12 years ago
thx so much for the quick reply......I've heard good things about the fluval filter & heater so you did help me......wish there were more ppl like you willing to help us novice in the fish world...I've only had my tank sense Xmas & I'm really enjoying it (big time) thx again Julie
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 12 years ago
i love fluval filters. no clue on heaters. my tanks have aqueon but I haven't used them long enough to tell you how good they are...
Julianna Gallagher
Julianna Gallagher - 12 years ago
Hi Dustin....I'm a newbie to the fish & plant world....I have a 55 gallon planted tank with mostly tetras , in ontario canada brrrrrrrrr lol doing a lot of research on just about anything to do with a fish tank.....My tank came as a kit so heater filter came with it (Topfin) I want to start getting back ups (heaters,Filters) also my hood lights are LED so just have low light plants which are doing ok could you recommend a good quality heater & filter apreciate the help thx Julie
Dylan Spicer
Dylan Spicer - 12 years ago
Patriots is my team. They are doing great. Sorry bout the browns. Keep doing the nice tanks please I love 'em!
googly4 - 12 years ago
Is a geeeeeeenius

10. comment for Aquarium Update: All of my aquariums

googly4 - 12 years ago
Damn this guy,
darren jian
darren jian - 12 years ago
cute :D
darren jian
darren jian - 12 years ago
What doesnt kill you makes you STRONGER!!!
Tanner Duve
Tanner Duve - 12 years ago
Hey Dustin! I got my first tank 1 month ago and I have already cycled it. You inspired me to get a lot of plants. It's 50 gallons and I currently have 7 fish. When I have all my fish I'm going to start making vids about my fish and my two snakes.
1gladiator888 - 12 years ago
I wish my girlfriend would buy me a 200+ gallon tank. Id love her so much!
jrob9inson - 12 years ago
One descent size space heater should keep it warm in winter.
Apistogramma - 12 years ago
Thanks for the vids. The kid is so cute. I am gonna be a dad soon as well. :)
lauren adkins
lauren adkins - 12 years ago
It would be cool if you show us how you clean up the 125 in the garage. How do you get the old algae and water deposits off of it? PLEASE? :)
Garbage Man
Garbage Man - 12 years ago
Dustin I'm a HUGE fan!!! I lost count of how many tanks you have, can you hit us back with list of # of tanks and gallon size, thanks !!!
lukeo85 - 12 years ago
Why does someone want to buy algae in comment below.

20. comment for Aquarium Update: All of my aquariums

Lucas Byrd
Lucas Byrd - 12 years ago
Big fan of yours. Learning a lot just from your videos. Can you post a video of your ideas of a gravel tank and the plant cabomba?. I have cabomba, wisteria, crypts and my favorite anubias nana. 75 gallon tank. 12 bloodfin tetras, 3 dwarf guarmis, black ghost knife.
Aussie DIYFK
Aussie DIYFK - 12 years ago
im amazed to see your tanks growing algea so well how do you do it man. do you sell algea online if so i will buy some off you aswell as some duck weed,lol
Aussie DIYFK
Aussie DIYFK - 12 years ago
my ideal display room would be 3x240 gallon tanks. 1- fully planted 2- africans 3- full reef
carlmelo - 12 years ago
nice big tanks! wanna see all the tanks looking as nice as the 220 and 125. lol.
Eveonlinenight - 12 years ago
Any advice or help on breeding Angels would be nice please sustain thanks
MrRio424 - 12 years ago
You have beautiful setups.....I'm jealous :) I'm going to sub :)
abaneyone - 12 years ago
Very nice! Do your wife and kids like your tanks as much as you do? Ware are you in the US? Have you ever kept native American fish like sunfish, catfish, shiners, minnows, bass, or pike? Have you ever set up a saltwater/reef tank?
anthony primmer
anthony primmer - 12 years ago
In depth peacock cichlid sunday? That be sick
Rated M
Rated M - 12 years ago
Love your videos! Lots of info!
fbexi1981 - 12 years ago
Dustin, would really love to know if you bother to disinfect your plants? I was wondering if that was a bit overkill?

30. comment for Aquarium Update: All of my aquariums

Jason Wegman
Jason Wegman - 12 years ago
sorry my giants had to put a whoopin on your browns
Dj Gonzalez
Dj Gonzalez - 12 years ago
were do you bye all of your plants
yudie tanta
yudie tanta - 12 years ago
dustin ur 220 looking great!! u back on ur game man!!...
Shannon Howe
Shannon Howe - 12 years ago
your lucky i tried so many times to keep plants but my fish always eat um and yea my 2 year old sun trys to help me clean my tanks lol
mybackpocket - 12 years ago
haha Maya pulling out her buggy at the end was funny
RPM05GT - 12 years ago
i always wanted to ask you why you didnt just build a tank from scratch base/stand and all instead of buying all those tanks for the greenhouse or your basement..that way you could hold alot of plants/fish
This Is Not A Rant
This Is Not A Rant - 12 years ago
Those are German Blue Rams, still get some if you can, and you don't have to go to a fish show to get'em. Bolivian's are dope too.
Thomas Ferris
Thomas Ferris - 12 years ago
hey Dustin were do u get all your tanks?
Caprize2007 - 12 years ago
bro you should paint the floor like a brown color, would prolly reduce the glare
fbexi1981 - 12 years ago
Mia is so cute ;-)
st3vi3100 - 12 years ago
U must have mad eletric bill lol
fbexi1981 - 12 years ago
That 220 looks badass
Adam ricky
Adam ricky - 12 years ago
It's MTS - multi tank syndrome :)
Utsukushii - 12 years ago
You said "ALL Tanks". I didn't see the 20 mentioned :(
Aquatasy - 12 years ago
This video epitomizes what I love about your channel, Dustin. Grab the camera, grab the kid, shoot the video, keep it real, keep it moving, and get it done. It's probably why you do so well in sales. My background is in film & television VFX. In my line of work things need to be "perfect". I tend to carry that mind set over into my YouTube videos trying to make everything "perfect" before I post it. You help to remind me why we do this: to interact and share with our fellow hobbyists. Thanks!
Randy Urias
Randy Urias - 12 years ago
Damn your baby's almost as cute as mine ;)
stampedfish - 12 years ago
Nice video man . Your tanks are looking hot. I think this is the first video that shows every tank in one video.
Justin Alvarez
Justin Alvarez - 12 years ago
wow man i just got a 60 gallon and all i have is 4 plattys what should i do i watch all ur ids what else should i get?
Luis Q.
Luis Q. - 12 years ago
Bunk beds in the green house i lol at this i say do it!
Benjamin Liker
Benjamin Liker - 12 years ago
you make me feel small :l

50. comment for Aquarium Update: All of my aquariums

nuimaleko7 - 12 years ago
I have the same disease and I caught it from you. I started out with a 3 gal nano, then added two more and a few days ago, I added a 55 gal.that a friend gave me. I have had 5 or 6 tanks before and ran my own aqaurium maintenance business for several years, but I had not had any tanks for several years unitl I started watching your videos. I am thinking of doing the 55 as a dirted tank with a lot of plants, but need to wait unitl I can afford to upgrade the lights.
LOL59hahaha - 12 years ago
loved the tour:D
84Infinity - 12 years ago
If I were you, I would try to make the wife angry, so she would say "your sleeping on the coach tonight". Then, you could actually go out and sleep in the greenhouse and play around with the fishtanks. You could even get bunk beds, so Steve can come over and do the same.
BayAreaAquatics - 12 years ago
Is that an Australian shepherd at 3:08?
iBrandn - 12 years ago
Not that long! Just a little while is what I meant. Thanks though!
frogbeergolfgolf - 12 years ago
If you've watched his videos for a long time then you'd know. He has said it numerous times haha. Amaco Terracotta Clay.
iBrandn - 12 years ago
Hey Dustin, I've been watching your videos for awhile and I saw what you did with the clay. I don't know what kind of clay to use, does it need to be like a certain kind, or just any you can buy at the store?
AquaMarine Crayon
AquaMarine Crayon - 12 years ago
STEVE!!! I Love Steve!!!!! Get Steve!!!!
mavrickhunter13 - 12 years ago
You could have Michael Vick who just gives up the ball.
jkirk3348 - 12 years ago
You're a lucky guy to have a wife that lets your multi-tankitis rage outta control all the time lol. Keep doing what your doing brother, the greenhouse is starting to look dope!
travismccrayfish - 12 years ago
The Browns can only score 27 points per game, it's not their fault.. I can't believe I thought they had a chance. Haha, there's always next year.
jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj - 12 years ago
my head will be gone into coma if i have to do water changes for that many tanks....
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 12 years ago
multitankitis is really hit you hard thats for sure lol but hey it works and its good so keep rolling
Paul Jones
Paul Jones - 12 years ago
great video. on form!
mrdaveone1 - 12 years ago
dude good thing you have going on there.... I think you should get some Pelvicachromis pulcher aka kribs in the new tank......
Sheety33 - 12 years ago
Living the dream Dustin! Tanks looks great and would like to get some plants off you.
Luis Q.
Luis Q. - 12 years ago
220 looking pimp Dustin! Have a question have you ever grown dwarf hair grass in a dirted tank?
carter rammes
carter rammes - 12 years ago
Dustin, you know what plants r from the amazon I am making a 30 gallon amazon fishtank and need live plants
Tommyr - 12 years ago
For some reason video is not loading. WTF?
BeastAquatics - 12 years ago
that is one awesome ram , i breed them but damn that ram is hot Don't worry those kids will be doing waterchanges for you in no time lol
BeastAquatics - 12 years ago
actually that would be a sight to behold , flying tits ! lol
manlyman23263 - 12 years ago
BigAlsTanks - 12 years ago
Nobody gives a flying tits if you're first.
Ben Schoenfeld
Ben Schoenfeld - 12 years ago
Those rams are gorgeous, just got a pair yesterday, love the german blues!
manlyman23263 - 12 years ago
god people stop saying stuff like that
manlyman23263 - 12 years ago
nice try your 33rd person
MrReyno Tanks
MrReyno Tanks - 12 years ago
2nd...dustin you got so many tanks
Ben Nelson
Ben Nelson - 12 years ago
first like first comment
manlyman23263 - 12 years ago
@tomrocks961 that is so annoying when people do that

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