Aquarium Fish at Aakar Aquarium Fish Store Kurla
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Aquarium Fish at Aakar Aquarium Fish Store Kurla Checkout the Aquarium Fish Types at Aakar Aquarium Fish Store Kurla. Aakar Aquarium Kurla deals in exotic fish and freshwater fish. Aakar aquarium has three aquarium fish store branches at the Kurla Fish Market. In this video, the manager of aakar aquarium fish store shows us all the aquarium fish varieties available at their store. He further also tells us regarding the fish keeping, fish care and fish food for each aquarium fish type. The fish price is not mentioned in the video as fish prices are not constant. If you're interested in any of the aquarium fish of aakar aquarium, kindly personally visit the fish store to choose the aquarium fish of your choice. Aakar aquarium fish store is located at kurla east at the kurla fish market. To watch the video of other aakar aquarium kurla fish shops, click on the following links :- Aakar Aquarium 3rd Fish Shop - Aakar Aquarium 2nd Fish Shop - Aakar Aquarium 3rd Fish Shop 1st Video - Aakar Aquarium 2nd Fish Shop 1st Video - The aquarium fish covered in the video King kong parrot fish Yellow parrot fish Arowana fish Silver arowana fish Albino arowana fish Red Chilli arowana fish Red banjar arowana fish Red tail golden arowana fish Green pearl arowana fish Golden pearl arowana fish Shark fish Pangasius shark fish Silver shark fish Balloon silver shark fish Discus fish Red melon discus fish Red map discus fish Spotted leopard discus fish Blue diamond discus fish Leopard discus fish Flowerhorn fish Red dragon flowerhorn fish Thai silk flowerhorn fish Tetra fish Red rainbow tetra fish Bosmania rainbow tetra fish Rosy tetra fish Danisoni tetra fish Diamond tetra fish Cichlid fish Jaguar cichlid fish Yellow peacock cichlid fish Dolphin cichlid fish Kodango cichlid fish Gold fish Black moor oranda gold fish Comet gold fish Clown knife fish Albino clown knife fish Tiger oscar fish Golden algae eater fish Black ghost fish Panda black ghost fish Leopard sucker fish Dollar fish Angel fish Guppy fish
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