Astounding 220G Pirate Shipwreck Discus Aquarium

220G aquarium, 8 discus including: 1 turquoise, 1 snakeskin turquoise, 3 pigeon blood and 3 super rose red juveniles (Which look brown right now). 300G wet/dry trickle filter and a 3 piece (Two pieces of which are in the tank), 7 foot long Spanish Galleon Pirate Shipwreck which besides my beautiful discus, is the main attraction of this video. I have a thick bed of gravel which I vacuum weekly on a 125G/50% water change and 60G/25% daily water changes. My fish hobby is a lot of hard work, but I love them. This is my second attempt at raising discus; my first being a complete failure due to the fact that I didn't realize the time and effort associated in keeping this magnificent species. I lost well over 9 discus and about $700 dollars the first time, so I'm taking a new hard working approach, and I believe the hard work is showing! I might seem like a dork to a bunch of you, but this is a passion/hobby of mine. I also RC to the max; but thats a whole other story. My discus live on Chicago tap water with my only water additives being aquarium salt and Prime ammonia killer. I've said enough, hope you enjoy my video and leave tasteful comments; above all............. Don't hate, APPRECIATE!!!!!!!!!

Astounding 220G Pirate Shipwreck Discus Aquarium sentiment_very_dissatisfied 10

Discus 15 years ago 19,343 views

220G aquarium, 8 discus including: 1 turquoise, 1 snakeskin turquoise, 3 pigeon blood and 3 super rose red juveniles (Which look brown right now). 300G wet/dry trickle filter and a 3 piece (Two pieces of which are in the tank), 7 foot long Spanish Galleon Pirate Shipwreck which besides my beautiful discus, is the main attraction of this video. I have a thick bed of gravel which I vacuum weekly on a 125G/50% water change and 60G/25% daily water changes. My fish hobby is a lot of hard work, but I love them. This is my second attempt at raising discus; my first being a complete failure due to the fact that I didn't realize the time and effort associated in keeping this magnificent species. I lost well over 9 discus and about $700 dollars the first time, so I'm taking a new hard working approach, and I believe the hard work is showing! I might seem like a dork to a bunch of you, but this is a passion/hobby of mine. I also RC to the max; but thats a whole other story. My discus live on Chicago tap water with my only water additives being aquarium salt and Prime ammonia killer. I've said enough, hope you enjoy my video and leave tasteful comments; above all............. Don't hate, APPRECIATE!!!!!!!!!

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Most popular comments
for Astounding 220G Pirate Shipwreck Discus Aquarium

IM MAN - 7 years ago
Got some good inspiration for our tank. Thanks.
Justin Riley
Justin Riley - 8 years ago
cool tank man⚓
Glinda Cox
Glinda Cox - 9 years ago
I know this is an old post. However, do you still have that ship for sale? Thought it was worth asking about. If not where did you get it, the name of it. I know it is discontinued but hoping to find a used one?
Jean FENTE - 10 years ago
Hellow ! nice tank and i'm looking for a WRECK OF SHIP like that ,where i can find it  ?
Joseph Butts
Joseph Butts - 11 years ago
where did you get the ship?
Freddy75 - 11 years ago
Hey man I am raising tap water discus. E mail me.
nate dogg
nate dogg - 11 years ago
i think it needs better lighting
Gustavflyer - 11 years ago
Biggest shipwreck I have ever seen! Great set up!!! A++++
Fish Keeper
Fish Keeper - 11 years ago
Great tank. Check my jungle theme

10. comment for Astounding 220G Pirate Shipwreck Discus Aquarium

JEEVA asai
JEEVA asai - 12 years ago
good morning
Alexander Rapp
Alexander Rapp - 12 years ago
DAMN!!! Now that's a shipwreck hehe
F.F. Fox'SFarm Of ALAPAHA BLUE BLOOD BULLDOGS - 12 years ago
Jason Ridgeway
Jason Ridgeway - 12 years ago
Very cool tank. I am setting up a 220 gallon salt water tank and looking to do the shipwreck theam. Where did you buy the wreck? good job on the tank and video
Mike Cheroke
Mike Cheroke - 12 years ago
AMAZING shipwreck
SmokePan - 13 years ago
@TheFishman77 LOL you write so many hate comments
Josue Delgado
Josue Delgado - 13 years ago
Fishman77. You r such an idiot! You sit here telling someone that wut kinda dumbass sits around writting hating crap on a video when urno life ass just wrote one one the Ruperjustsayin response vid of the asian kid getting beat up. So shut ur gay as up nd go have some fun wit ur only friends, ur fish!
TheBSideDJ - 13 years ago
@TheFishman77 i'm sorry this is my 3th language so I make mistakes now en then... anyway, I love your discus !!! Peace brother.
TheBSideDJ - 13 years ago
i never understood wrecks, castles, roman empires, greek buildings, russian tanks or belgian wafels in a fishtank.
Antonio Medrano
Antonio Medrano - 14 years ago
wooow great tank! check out my shipwreck,

20. comment for Astounding 220G Pirate Shipwreck Discus Aquarium

rastan1977 - 14 years ago
Is that ship intended for the tank or did you just pop a normal; model in because the discolouration of the ship is pretty true to a sunken ship.Im building a 32cm galleon at the moment and plan to just sit it in a tank and bash out some massive damage holes in the hule for the fish to hide in.
jjgentle1821 - 14 years ago
your not a dork at all man,i know what is like caring for discus,do you use ro/di for your discus?what PH are you keeping them.i keep mine at 6.5ph.
Hevic - 14 years ago
Poor tetras!
Sa Ré Ga Ma
Sa Ré Ga Ma - 15 years ago
Real unique! nice work homie. I'm just starting on a 75 gl with 5 discus n like 30 cardinal tetras. Still not happy with how the tank looks especially cuz I'm trying to keep it bare bottom. Gotta figure something out. Keep it up!
jjgentle1821 - 15 years ago
nice,how much did you spend all together?how do you clean the gravel?are they pairs?
col watson
col watson - 15 years ago
the ship is a bit too big for that tank
giovannimartinezm5 - 15 years ago
@TheFishman77 Nice, i have a crested gecko, naturally it's supposed to be climming animal, but i accedently selected a more with instead of high terrarium, but i put alot of fake plants and logs, so hes quite comfortable, happy new year :D
giovannimartinezm5 - 15 years ago
5 stars, truly awsome, I'm more of a reptile person, fisheys take to much effort for me, lizards are more hands on, fishes are for display :P
t3hCube - 15 years ago
Well, it;s not a plant oriented tank, so I guess it's cool. But I feel as if it makes the tank look congested, like you just shoved it in. But that's my opinion. It's your tank, not mine.
t3hCube - 15 years ago
The ship takes away from the tank.

30. comment for Astounding 220G Pirate Shipwreck Discus Aquarium

viesuliukas - 15 years ago
Love your ship! Is it wooden or plastic? Pity you lost 9 discus for the first time... Bautiful fish!

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