Australia's Discus King - And Aquarium Advice

Tropical Fish, Aquariums and Fishkeeping can be confusing, Australia's King of Discus and I worked together at a Tropical Fish Importer and Store 25 years ago and we are still Friends today, In this series of Videos we will explain why there is so much different advice , in this Wonderful Hobby. Comments are Welcome. If you ENJOY this Video PLEASE CLICK on LIKE, SHARE, LEAVE COMMENTS and SUBSCRIBE. Thanks for Watching.

Australia's Discus King - And Aquarium Advice sentiment_very_dissatisfied 9

Discus 9 years ago 1,189 views

Tropical Fish, Aquariums and Fishkeeping can be confusing, Australia's King of Discus and I worked together at a Tropical Fish Importer and Store 25 years ago and we are still Friends today, In this series of Videos we will explain why there is so much different advice , in this Wonderful Hobby. Comments are Welcome. If you ENJOY this Video PLEASE CLICK on LIKE, SHARE, LEAVE COMMENTS and SUBSCRIBE. Thanks for Watching.

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Most popular comments
for Australia's Discus King - And Aquarium Advice

Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More
Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More - 9 years ago
That was very well got me on the narrating no question about it lol
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More I have a lot more to say, So Look out!!
njw1383 - 9 years ago
So true. Everyone has their own opinions. Your discus look fab!
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+njw1383 These Discus are not mine. They are some of the 1000 Discus inside Professor Mak Lou's little store in Oakleigh, Melbourne. Mak has Specialised in Discus for the last 18 years, with Tens of Thousands of Discus passing through his store. Mak was a Professor teaching Aquaculture Sciences at Shanghai University. Let's just say, the Mainland Chinese have had over 1000 years of experience keeping domesticated fish, so they know a little bit on the subject.
Mike M
Mike M - 9 years ago
Is it not ironic that you want to be the one to give advice yet whine about everyone else?
90 videos later, its safe to say no one cares what you think or at the very least, we dont find you credible. This video just comes off like you are a child throwing a tantrum because no one will listen to you. You come off as a jealous or envious person to be honest. Cant get anyone to listen to you, so you will just simply talk about how everyone is wrong? Nice. Waste of time. wont be back.
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+Mike M Great Feedback Mike.
Introducing Mike from Mass Aquariums.
Mike wants to sell you a subscription to his New Business, Aquarium Box.
This was Mike's reply to my PM about what he thought about the Top YouTubers being as Specific as they can be as to Which TYPE of Tank they are giving Advice For in each Video they make, being watched all around the World.
Frankly it Smells very Fishy, that people trying to Sell you something, should think being Specific is a problem.
No Professional Aquarium Company I can Think of, would be as Unprofessional, as what Aquarium Box seems to be. judging from the above Response.
- Honest, interesting Feedback is Welcome.
- I Agree to Disagree and Do Not Block.
- 33 years of Hands on, and Tens of Thousands of Fish later, I have some Opinions. No Apologies for that Mike.
- Giving Opinions that are Great for 25% of the World's Fishkeepers, but are Terrible for the Other 75%, is Very Bad I think, unless the YouTube presenter is Specific to what they are talking about.
- I Appreciate anyone taking the time to give their thoughts.
- Have a Great Day Mike.
- It's Nice to be Important Mike, but it's Important to be Nice.
Tony 4
Tony 4 - 9 years ago
colinbarsby, can you join my Google + community? I started it today under my JamMaster4927 account and I sent u and invitation. I would really appreciate it. thanks!
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+Charles Casebeer Thank you Charles. Done.
Great Video!
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+dwsdarius Very nice of you Sir.
Robin`s aquarium
Robin`s aquarium - 9 years ago
Great video! Thumbs up!
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+RAMS0Y Thank you Sir.
OZZYTHEOSCAR - 9 years ago
I am often frustrated by differing advice. Can be at total opposites of the scale, but as ALL tanks are different, no matter how they are initially described, it can only be taken as a guide and not a definitive answer. Looking forward to your coming videos Colin :)
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+OZZYTHEOSCAR This is my pet subject. As long as advice is specific to the Type of tank being discussed, I'm very comfortable.
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
Colin this was a great informational video. I enjoyed listening to it. HOWEVER, watching it was something else. I'm seeing Discus with Goldfish! !! Goldfish?!? Cold water King with the hot water king? Really? What is the temp of that tank? Goldfish live in cold water and discus live in temps of 80-84F. Tell your lfs to do some husbandry research on fish. Now I enjoyed the video and you're doing great. Just keep checking your content.
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+Maurice Aquariums LOL. A transfer would be Awesome. The Caribbean must be like living in Paradise. We would love to see some videos of around the Islands. 
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
+colinbarsby sweet. I'll take a look into them. Se if they'll give you a transfer lol
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+Maurice Aquariums I work for Amcor. They make packaging in 90 countries for FMCGs and Trinidad and Tobago is on our List.
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
+colinbarsby Really? What company is that?
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+Maurice Aquariums I saw today the Company I work for has a factory in Trinidad and Tobago.
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
+colinbarsby Hahaha! Thanks Lmaooooo
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+Maurice Aquariums Maurice I can tell that you are a Good Guy. And I thought your Foot was Awesome. :-)
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
+colinbarsby I'm glad you didn't take it as sn attack. I didn't want it to come across that way either. I'm looking forward to the next video.
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+Maurice Aquariums I really appreciate your honesty and concern, and that is at the Centre of what Different Advice is all about. This Video, is the BEST example of Different Advice that I have EVER seen. You will LOVE the Video that addresses the Goldfish. And I think you will Like the next video, on the 2 different kinds of Aquarium and How they are set up and maintained completely differently.
Welcome to the Wild and Exciting World of giving People Advice. :-)
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
+colinbarsby I don't fault you here. I love your channel and your videos. I just want you to be cautious about what you put up. I love both Goldfish and discus, and I've kept both just look at my older videos but to keep them in the same tank is ludacris. They both have need requirements on the opposide side of the scale. Its either they're boiling the goldfish or freezing the discus. So be cautious what you put up. Don't give people the opportunity to put your videos to repute. Im leaving this here and I won't bring it up again. I want you to continue making the good videos that you usually do.
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+Maurice Aquariums The Goldfish are explained in another video, and you need to watch it.
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+Scuba Steve If it got you thinking Steve, that's all that matters. Appreciate you watching.
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+Maurice Aquariums Maurice. In this Hobby, Let me tell you something. There is what you know. What you think you know and what you don't know yet.
You will never progress in life until you are open to receive new information.
Your mind is like a parachute, it only works when it is OPEN.
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 9 years ago
That just blew me away and really didn't give me the warm and fuzzies. I don't know about this bro.
Corey Hecker
Corey Hecker - 9 years ago
good video, subbed you up
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+Corey Hecker Thanks Corey, welcome aboard. Subbed back.

10. comment for Australia's Discus King - And Aquarium Advice

IFG - 9 years ago
Awesome job
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+The Inquisitive Fish Guy 71 Haha// I'm not pouring petrol on that fire my friend. Royalty.
IFG - 9 years ago
+colinbarsby and who might that happen to be?
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+The Inquisitive Fish Guy 71 I was pushed into action by the person who blocked me on YouTube.
IFG - 9 years ago
+colinbarsby This was exceptional. Above and beyond. Kudos to you.
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+The Inquisitive Fish Guy 71 Thank you Kind Sir. As usual you support everybody. Blessings to you.

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