How to Build an aquarium the easy way STEP BY STEP! Get my DIY book: Follow on facebook: LINKS: The extended version: How to take an aquarium apart: How to remove scratches: How to build a brace: How to build a trim: How to build an aquarium: How to reseal an aquarium:

BUILD AN AQUARIUM IN MINUTES!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 41

Discus 10 years ago 140,397 views

How to Build an aquarium the easy way STEP BY STEP! Get my DIY book: Follow on facebook: LINKS: The extended version: How to take an aquarium apart: How to remove scratches: How to build a brace: How to build a trim: How to build an aquarium: How to reseal an aquarium:

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Most popular comments

Charles Karl
Charles Karl - 7 years ago
Silicone will hold glass together even under all the weight of the water? It just seems like the glass would rip away from the silicone....
Arin KC
Arin KC - 7 years ago
what was the background song at the last?
Sienna Claire
Sienna Claire - 7 years ago
I love this!! I don't know why, my tanks are SOOOO expensive where I live!!! and I want to take care of my fish by supplying them with a large amount of room. But struggle to afford it!
Saša Dimčić
Saša Dimčić - 7 years ago
Joey I would like very much to see you build a glass aquarium with direct injection method.
Ryze Triumph
Ryze Triumph - 7 years ago
Where do I get glass
burgerking fries
burgerking fries - 7 years ago
Where do you get the glass?
Linda Carter
Linda Carter - 7 years ago
Question here I have looked at almost 300 + hrs of video and info but cant seem to find the correct answer...
Whats the best way to brace my DIM GLASS TANK? 40 Gallon...
Measurements will be 38" L X 13" W, the H is 21"
So that said do I need to Brace my tank or will it hold I will barely do the silicone part of the aquarium and sure I will d a video for you to see my AQUARIUM and cheap $$$
Drew B
Drew B - 8 years ago
Still the best guide in 2017. Amazing guides for everything actually. Your book has saved me so much money already.
avi mitra
avi mitra - 8 years ago
how many fish can I place in 14 gallon aquarium?
A Potato
A Potato - 8 years ago
abc xyz What type of fish?


Will G
Will G - 8 years ago
Where to get glass? Large peices?
Luke's Got Game's
Luke's Got Game's - 8 years ago
Luke's Got Game's
Luke's Got Game's - 8 years ago
Conner Reynolds
Conner Reynolds - 8 years ago
does this work for bigger tanks
marcus outhwaite
marcus outhwaite - 8 years ago
Conner Reynolds not over 50 gallon
RaNdOm PlAyS
RaNdOm PlAyS - 8 years ago
Please help me can i make an aqurium using hot glue gun
Keith D
Keith D - 8 years ago
It would fall apart and spill everywhere. You have to use silicone glue for glass, or acrylic glue for acrylic. Maybe it would work for a very small aquarium that will only hold water for a few days.
Briar Fox
Briar Fox - 8 years ago
How would you go about cutting a hole in the glass to add an overflow for a sump? I'm assuming a diamond hold saw
Michelle Thomas
Michelle Thomas - 8 years ago
What kind of glass should you use
chab3ly - 8 years ago
You make it look so easy! Ugh!
hypesquad 03
hypesquad 03 - 8 years ago
hey where do I buy glass?
GD Asphalt
GD Asphalt - 7 years ago
Glass shops, usually they are private makers just look online
Blurry Face
Blurry Face - 8 years ago
im rebuilding an aquarium my neighbor gave me, its a 55 gallon but the plastic bracing frame broke and when its filled with water it slightly bows. so rather than press my luck and flood my living room im going to repair the tank.

the bottom bracing frame is still solid, could i simply leave the bottom frame sealed and use it as a guide to square my rebuild?

this tank was built in 1996 and i have no idea if a previous owner resealed it since, but there's definitely some deteriorated silicone so this needs to happen.

thanks for any input!


Bhashkar Raj Mishra
Bhashkar Raj Mishra - 8 years ago
did u place all 4glass above the base glass or sealed at the lower edge of base glass?
Bhashkar Raj Mishra
Bhashkar Raj Mishra - 8 years ago
+little tin goddess thankyou u made my project easier ☺
Blurry Face
Blurry Face - 8 years ago
+Bhashkar Raj Mishra it shouldn't be too heavy. think about this, 1 gallon of water is about 10 lbs. so a 50 gallon tank holds about 500 lbs of water. your glass is pretty thick, i think he used 6mm glass. it should be just fine to place glass on top of the base. watch his video on bracing aquariums, this is good for keeping the tank from bowing under too much water pressure.
Bhashkar Raj Mishra
Bhashkar Raj Mishra - 8 years ago
+little tin goddess thank you. i m making 6*2*2. 12 mm glass .so won't glass be heavy to be placed on top ?
Blurry Face
Blurry Face - 8 years ago
it depends on the capacity of the tank. smaller than 50 gallons he said to silicone to the edge of the base and larger than 50 should be siliconed on top of the base.

hope that helps.
lumpy1space2princess - 8 years ago
Can I make a 75+ Gallon Aquarium with this?
lumpy1space2princess - 8 years ago
+little tin goddess okay, thanks!
Blurry Face
Blurry Face - 8 years ago
of course you can. as long as everything squares out in the end, watch his video on bracing aquariums, it will keep the structural integrity of the tank held under 750+ lbs of water pressure.
Fish Finesser
Fish Finesser - 8 years ago
How many gallons is this?
Krešo Šenda
Krešo Šenda - 8 years ago
Considered whether silicone fish if it is a little bit inside the aquarium ?
RealityComplex - 9 years ago
Hi, I have an Aqueon long 55 gallon tank. I want to remove a side panel and flip the tank on its side and attach the panel where the top once was. The point would be to get more surface area for my alligator snapper. I was wondering if it would be okay since I would on top of the bottom and would have to attach on the sides?
Sam - 9 years ago
Thank you
Nicolas Gomez
Nicolas Gomez - 9 years ago
how can i get a 90 angle?
Blurry Face
Blurry Face - 8 years ago
he uses a tool called a square. its an L shaped device that is 90°
reef junkies
reef junkies - 9 years ago
hey I'm trying to build a 75 gallon reef tank with a overflow what are all the materials and tools I will need for the build
the krilo shack artisan wings
the krilo shack artisan wings - 9 years ago
hi joey can you tell me if tensol 70 is suitable for making a acrylic tank? cheers
Walter Knight
Walter Knight - 9 years ago
joey your great always are


Winzi Khan
Winzi Khan - 9 years ago
hi, im building my DIY cube tank, just need to check with you about Glass size is correct or not..
Glass in 10mm thickness
76.2cm x 60.96cm - 2pcs
76.2cm x 58.96cm - 2pcs
60.96 x 60.96cm - 1pcs
pls advise tq
David - 9 years ago
Thank you Joey been watching you for a while love your video's :) 

Doing this for a 90Liters aquarium that i will be building soon :)
Nikki The Fox
Nikki The Fox - 9 years ago
I wish I could do this, I might be able to in the future, I really want to have a HUGE hermit crab habitat without paying so much for it.
Marius Alexandru
Marius Alexandru - 9 years ago
+Nikki B The Orcinus orca
Put that in practice, and you'll have it.
Noah589 - 9 years ago
I have learned so much from you especially on a budget. If that is who you are targeting job well done sir! Subbed!
josh milton
josh milton - 9 years ago
Awesome tanks and projects mate
kaine - 10 years ago
How thick the glass have to be for a 25 gallon tank?
WakeupGrandOwl - 10 years ago
Subscribed. You're awesome.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Thank you!
321 Vlog
321 Vlog - 10 years ago
I'm wanting to build a tank that measures 70wx20dx15h as a shallow reef tank.  Any help on if I should go glass or acrylic?  I would prefer glass though and how thick do you think the material should be in something like this?
PrimalRenegade17 - 10 years ago
Hi, I have a question. In your first video on making an aquarium, you said you lose 2ml (I or however thick the glass is) on each side when you put the side panels on. Do you still lose that space when you use this method? Thanks
Chase Nicholson
Chase Nicholson - 10 years ago
Realy nice video  man keep it up.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
The extended version of this video:
puka shells
puka shells - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY
can i build a acrylic tank with silicone or is it better to use cement or just go with glass?
ThaddyDaddy0 - 10 years ago
I am rebuilding a 125 gallon tank, originally 6'L X 2'H X 18" deep. It has some broken corners and edges. I have a local glass shop that can cut it for $6 per cut. My plan is to have the two 6' X 2' front and back 1/2" panels cut down to 5'5" and also the bottom panel which is 5/8" thick. The original tank had the bottom inside of the sides, not the sides on top of the bottom. Should I have the sides cut also so that I can have the sides on top of the perfect 5/8" bottom piece or just have the bottom piece inside all the side pieces 1/2" above the bottom edge of the sides like the un-braced, all-glass aquarium originally was? 
TuRTle PhoBiC
TuRTle PhoBiC - 10 years ago
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Thanks my friend
Kritaose - 10 years ago
Would either of the building methods you've done not work with mineral oil? Meaning would the mineral oil dissolve the silicone adhesive?
Nabeel Qureshi
Nabeel Qureshi - 10 years ago
doin this way is easy but the way I make is hard cuz I try to maintain quality and dimensions like a factory made. and I use only crystal glass.
Robin Monod
Robin Monod - 10 years ago
What are the dimensions for the second smaller tank?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Hoàng Nguyễn
Hoàng Nguyễn - 10 years ago
good video!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Thank you
Seco Seco
Seco Seco - 10 years ago
Hello Joey

thanks for this great tips
i will build a new tank 150X40X50 cm with panels around bottom, i saw the injection method and your easy method, And I've read many discussions about the two methods and become confused to the different opinions on the methods, and because I trust in you, what is the best method for my new build

thank you
Seco Seco
Seco Seco - 10 years ago
+The king of DIY Thanks to respond

Another question if allowed, I will use 10 millimeter glass, How do I keep the thickness of the silicon between the panels, I know it must be between 2 and 3 millimeter, in injection way it's easy to put separator between the glass, but in this way How I can do it, Correct my concepts if am wrong

Thank you
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
 I would go with the method seen in this video for that tank.. 
Slim Tim
Slim Tim - 10 years ago
That was a lot of Joey's at the end. Another good explaination on building tank. Got an old 55 gallon I want to turn into corner tank, once I get another 55 and the time to do it.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Sweet! That would be a cool build
Tom Duhamel
Tom Duhamel - 10 years ago
Many commercial aquariums are sold with the bottom elevated. Is there any advantage or reason for a raised bottom?
Tom Duhamel
Tom Duhamel - 10 years ago
+The king of DIY
Thanks Joey, makes sense!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Typically to put all stress on the panes instead of the bottom. 


CasperthefriendlyGhost PeakAboo
CasperthefriendlyGhost PeakAboo - 10 years ago
can you show us how to build a 125 gallon acrylic tank?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
I have videos on building acrylic tanks already. the ones i have done, are done the same way  125 would be done.
Leandro Loureiro
Leandro Loureiro - 10 years ago
Do you use normal silicone?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
100% silicone yes. 
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
Another great video Joey!  
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Thanks Brian. Appreciate it. 
Floyd Morey
Floyd Morey - 10 years ago
Hey cool video as always I was wondering if you had any videos or idears on how to divide your gravel and sand I did it in my 55 with a sandbank but I'm moving up to a 180 I know you can do it with bending a piece of plexiglass but I want to look cool too Thanks
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
+Floyd Morey OHHH... well you can add the gravel in and then put a piece of cardboard in to  divide the gravel from the sand as you dump it in. I would look at aqua scaping sites or channels for tips like that though. I dont do any aquascaping. My personal fish are either too big, or are breeders.
Floyd Morey
Floyd Morey - 10 years ago
Lol that wasn't what I meant I want to use both gravel and sand I just don't want them mixing so I was wondering if you had any cool ideas on how to do that that looks good
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Dump it in a pasta strainer. A fine one. The gravel will be sifted out. 
BrunoBsB - 10 years ago
Do you know a good video/website that explains how to test if plastic ornaments are safe? I found a very nice piece of ornament at a "garden shop" but I wanted to test it before using on my aquarium...
J Spalding
J Spalding - 10 years ago
Great info as always.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Thanks J. Glad you think so. 
HigherPlanes - 10 years ago
How does a rimless aquarium even hold itself together? You'd think the water pressure would break the silocone seals and push the glass out spilling all the water. I don't get that.
HigherPlanes - 10 years ago
+The King of DIY
Thanks for the response. Quite interesting actually. Learn something new every day.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Silicone is incredibly strong. But every tank doesnt need to be braced. This all depends on the thickness of glass and the dimensions of the tank(especially the height). Depending on the hydrostatic pressure exerted on the glass VS the tensile strength the thickness of that glass has, depicts if it gets a brace. To make it more simple.... if the tank bows a lot without a brace (by more than the thickness of the glass being used) then it needs to be braced. The only reason we brace when this happens is so the glass doesn't snap in half. Silicone holds the tank together, the brace stops it from bowing. 
Gauge Engeron
Gauge Engeron - 10 years ago
would this method work with aqurlic?
Gauge Engeron
Gauge Engeron - 10 years ago
Will do! thanks for the comment back :)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Yes, but its actually easier to do it the opposite way. Watch my series on how to build and acrylic aquarium and you will see why. 
915Mang - 10 years ago
I've only Tryed cutting glass. (Failed) You make it look easy!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
It really comes down to how thick the glass is. anything over 1/4" and i dont like to cut it. (but have)
MA FishGuy
MA FishGuy - 10 years ago
another good video bro. i love getting tanks for free and re doing them
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Cant beat a free tank that you know how to fix!
NickMach007 - 10 years ago
Good tips for building smaller tanks. Makes a lot of sense
Nabeel Qureshi
Nabeel Qureshi - 10 years ago
+The king of DIY my late dad used to build large aquariumsaqu too like 2000 gallons
Nabeel Qureshi
Nabeel Qureshi - 10 years ago
wow! 540! I never went this far. recently I made 120gallons in crystal glass. spotless no extra silicon. u just see 12mm glass.
do u have any tip to avoid bubbles on.....I don't know what u call that....where both glass border?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Ya, so much easier. Larger glass tanks are such a headache. When i built the 540gal, i swore to myself i would never go that big with glass again. 
Kadin - 10 years ago
Could i use window glass or is it too thin i could probably use it for a reptile cage
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Depends on the thickness. I used window glass to build tanks before. (not the vacuumed sealed type. Just regular plate glass windows(they were old)... in fact, the first tank in this video was made from glass. The second tank in this video was made from a 33gall i took apart and cut u for this video. 
Balu B
Balu B - 10 years ago
hey joey how i wonder are all your tanks connected to that central large "2-container" filter of yours
Nadir Guney kunt
Nadir Guney kunt - 10 years ago
woowww ıt's amazing I'm trynow
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Have fun!
Raptor Goal
Raptor Goal - 10 years ago
You should make a video on a DIY wave maker that would connect to a canisters output. It would help with service agitation in freshwater and saltwater tanks. Great videos though!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
good idea.
EpicNGifted Gaming
EpicNGifted Gaming - 10 years ago
hey joey another great  vid dude  but i want to see you do more diffrent sump designs and builds as i feel this would help more peps
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Sump videos are great... i think i have at least 8 videos showing how they work/how to build them/etc..  

I'll do some more in the future for sure though. 
Mhd Anwar Orabi
Mhd Anwar Orabi - 10 years ago
This seems really easy to build, but if I build it, I would want it rimless and with no silicone showing like those fancy ADA aquariums. How do they do that? Is it possible to DIY it?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
+Anwar Marwan Once you build one... you'll never buy again. haha
Mhd Anwar Orabi
Mhd Anwar Orabi - 10 years ago
Joey that's great information. I will try to do that once I am able to. I will go for a small tank at first and see how it goes.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Sure it is. With the proper glass thickness you can go braceless like i did for the tank in this video. As for no silicone showing, you have to do a good job at the seams. The exposed silicone is simply an additional seal and not technically needed, but worth it. Removing it with a razor blade like you would for a reseal job is all that would be needed. 
MrRvbrown - 10 years ago
Thanks Joey for a great video! I have never built a tank but am sure I could after watching your video! Thumbs up!!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Building tanks this way is really easy. I know i sped it up in this video, but that tank took under 5 minutes to build. Its easier than most think. 
Danish Badbro
Danish Badbro - 10 years ago
Can u make a video 7on how to make a tub that has side view?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
That might be something i could do in the future, sure. 
Dan Silvester
Dan Silvester - 10 years ago
Nice i always wondered if my tank was not built correctly . Now i know it doesnt matter . Thanks
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Your welcome!
Tigger - 10 years ago
Once again great vid joey defiantly going to use this to build a stingray wall tank in the near future
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Stingrays!!! love 'em

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