Bare Bottom Tanks
Discus 12 years ago 31,203 views
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10. comment for Bare Bottom Tanks
Very good points about them swallowing gravel. I think one of my betta got a piece of plant matter stuck in his throat for days and he seemed to choke to death from it. I was hoping he could get it loose but I probably should have scooped him out and removed it with some tweezers or something.
All the best with your lovely G. Fish!
I've never seen that kind.
My favorite is butterfly.
Good vid, thanks!
20. comment for Bare Bottom Tanks
The decorations will house beneficial bacteria and can grow some algae
on the decorations for the goldfish to eat.
Beneficial bacteria will grow naturally on many surfaces within the aquarium including gravel, decorative rock and plastic plants and will provide biological filtration.
Question; How long do goldfisk take to grow to full size? I feed mine every other day and I swap food so it's Pellets one day/no food the next day/peas the day after that/no food again/pellets again
30. comment for Bare Bottom Tanks
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