Blue Discus 90 gallons Tank
Discus 14 years ago 118,910 views
Spec: 90gal plant aquarium 18in W X 48in L X 25in H Species: Blue Diamond, Cobalt Blue, Blue Turquoise, Snow White, Clowned loach, Harlequin, rummy nose tetra, featherfins rainbow, Bosemani rainbow, halfmoon female betta, gold german ram, blue gourami, sterbai cory, panda cories, blue cory, orange laser cory, and bushy nose pleco. Plants: Canadian great lake jungle val :), brown wendtii crypt, anubias ...
but only beefheart with veggies give colour to your fishes?
See the video of my aquarium:
10. comment for Blue Discus 90 gallons Tank
how did you get the bright blue colour? I have a few pairs and their colour has been gradually fading ever since i bought them.....What food are you using for the colour? Pls reply..... Thank you...
P.s I'm feeding them with beefheart now....
20. comment for Blue Discus 90 gallons Tank