Breeding Discus - Blue Turquoise Discus Breeding Pair with Fry [HD]
Discus 13 years ago 306,580 views
Take the Ultimate Challenge- try breeding Discus Fish! Video shows a Blue Turquoise Breeding Pair of Discus in our Shop Tank, with Fry at 9 days and 14 days after hatching. Watchng these fish breeding is an amazing sight and is worth your time, effort and expense. A breeding pair forms a strong bond and lays eggs on a vertical surface which they diligently clean beforehand. In this video, a Discus Terracotta Breeding Cone is used. Once the eggs are laid, the pair fans their eggs and they hatch a few days later. The pair will protect and defend the huge clutch of fry, and will allow them to feed off their special body slime coats In this video you will see this amazing event. We have a large selection of Discus Breeding Pairs for sale at our Retail shop in Sydney, Australia. We deliver Australia-wide. Like us on Facebook to be updated VISIT OUR ONLINE STORE: Subscribe to this channel!
During the first 3 days after hatching, the fry remained attached to the cone where the parents laid their eggs, absorbing the yolk and gaining strength until all of the fry were able to swim independently. Then the shoal leave the cone and begin feeding on their parents' mucus, feeding for up to 10·min by biting at the parent's side until the parent expertly 'flick' the shoal over to its partner to continue feeding. The parents diligently fed their young intensely for 2 weeks. However, 3 weeks after hatching the parents' behaviour begins to change as they start swimming away from their young for brief periods. At the same time, the fry begin biting their parents less and investigating other food sources. By the fourth week, the parents actively swim away from their brood for the majority of the time and the fry barely feed from them.
The music is The Lonely Shepherd.
10. comment for Breeding Discus - Blue Turquoise Discus Breeding Pair with Fry [HD]
20. comment for Breeding Discus - Blue Turquoise Discus Breeding Pair with Fry [HD]
Your pair looks beautyful. Thumb up for your video
30. comment for Breeding Discus - Blue Turquoise Discus Breeding Pair with Fry [HD]
50. comment for Breeding Discus - Blue Turquoise Discus Breeding Pair with Fry [HD]