Breeding Discus

Breeding discus. Today I share with you, my experiences. Where to BUY DISCUS: HOW TO BREED DISCUS ► HOW TO keep discus ► HOW I MADE $20,000 off discus ► HOW TO make Discus food ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ►

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Discus 9 years ago 145,350 views

Breeding discus. Today I share with you, my experiences. Where to BUY DISCUS: HOW TO BREED DISCUS ► HOW TO keep discus ► HOW I MADE $20,000 off discus ► HOW TO make Discus food ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ►

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Most popular comments
for Breeding Discus

Veera Pandi 007
Veera Pandi 007 - 6 years ago
Can you please tell how to find out the gender of discus Fish
Cosmos - 6 years ago
I love how you show a snow storm outside but inside you have tropical fish breeding lol
Christopher Sandoval
Christopher Sandoval - 6 years ago
I'll buy the deform ones
vimal k Patel
vimal k Patel - 6 years ago
Oscar breeding video plzzzzzzz
Madeline - 6 years ago
Any chance could you do the same thing for angels, if yours ever breed? I’ve done a lot of research, and they seem to always “disappear” after a few days. The parents are really good parents, the fry just slowly die off after a few days of free swimming.
M 560
M 560 - 6 years ago
Not sure if this is a silly question. Do fry from the same spawn mate together? Is this natural for fish?
John Holifield
John Holifield - 6 years ago
To explain further there are other techniques to help further the line breeding I described above. It includes breeding father to daughter, mother to son, grand and great grand parents in the same fashion. It all depends on what the line is producing and the experience of the breeder.
John Holifield
John Holifield - 6 years ago
If I may answer this question(s). Is it natural - not really in the wild. Will they - absolutely.

I've been raising and breeding angelfish and discus since 1990. As a breeder we generally line breed strains to achieve color, patterns, body shape etc. through a process of inbreeding and outcrossing with close relatives. I've had a strain that had 3 lines started from an outcrossing and line #2 I inbred 12 generations before I outcrossed to line #3 to preserve the characteristics I wanted. I know a breeder who was able to run his 3 lines by this method for over 30 years before he had to introduce fresh blood.

Does this explain things?
Tony Benny
Tony Benny - 6 years ago
What is calling of discus ?
adinda tazzo1
adinda tazzo1 - 7 years ago
Where do culls go after culling proses
Kiran bobby
Kiran bobby - 7 years ago
What is the required water parameters for the discus if I’m using RO water how to condition it before using for Discus

10. comment for Breeding Discus

agaguk1000 - 7 years ago
Vive le Canada je suis québécois tabarnak
azem badr
azem badr - 7 years ago
Ware do you live ...?
azem badr
azem badr - 7 years ago
You are canadien......?!!...hhh....fabulous....
azem badr
azem badr - 7 years ago
Thank you
Ajd38 H
Ajd38 H - 7 years ago
Do you need to do the nitrogen cycle with a bare bottom breeding tank?
Patel Devang
Patel Devang - 7 years ago
sir plz apload osker breeding plz sir
vuel987 - 7 years ago
can the failures be used as food for larger fish instead of just killing them?
super hero
super hero - 7 years ago
How to know my discuss is male or female
Yohana Casal
Yohana Casal - 7 years ago
How to know if its a girl or a boy
Mathieu Gagné
Mathieu Gagné - 7 years ago
What's the 2 other fishes that feed off slime coast?

20. comment for Breeding Discus

James Foley
James Foley - 7 years ago
How often do they spawn???
Ryan Todd
Ryan Todd - 7 years ago
What happens if you cross breed a Discus?
Carved Parachute
Carved Parachute - 7 years ago
I'm Canadian too
How to care for koi fry By Sean hart
How to care for koi fry By Sean hart - 7 years ago
Hi I love all your videos what substrate do you use for the discus thanks a lot
jamie wang
jamie wang - 7 years ago
Idk why but the 'yes I'm Canadian' part cracked me up hahaha
Will G
Will G - 7 years ago
Can you just buy two and they will start breeding?
Jake Senior
Jake Senior - 8 years ago
Love the videos Joey. These discus are stunning what type/strain/name are they? There are so many different names it's confusing. Thanks
Will G
Will G - 8 years ago
How do you kill the fish?
ameer alhelo
ameer alhelo - 8 years ago
Joey why do you stop breeding discus ???!!
Gaybo - 8 years ago
I'd love to breed my angels but my ancistrus keeps eating the eggs!

30. comment for Breeding Discus

Hervé Hofstetter
Hervé Hofstetter - 8 years ago
Hi King ! I notice many time in your video the blue water. Are you using methylene blue some time? If yes I would be realy interested in a sort video on why and when!!! Thank you for the nice chanel and this huge job!!!
Alan Burki
Alan Burki - 8 years ago
nice video !! you've to put it with subtitles for people like me that speak spanish !!
rattatt25 - 8 years ago
Did you already do a video about sexing Discus?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Peas, Love & Pineapples
Peas, Love & Pineapples - 8 years ago
OMG I could not stop watching and laughing as the juvenile discus would swim into and ride the bubbles form the bubbler over and over again. I literally saw one go in it multiple times and it was almost like I could see him saying weeeeeeeeeeeeee, lol!
ameer alhelo
ameer alhelo - 8 years ago
Can yo ship to Michigan usa and do you have idea about the cost ??
Celina Morgan
Celina Morgan - 8 years ago
I'm looking to breed bettas, i got myself a beautiful make but sadly he is too old to breed but he is a beautiful gentle fish hes a beautiful light blue that fades into a white on his fins...i just got into the hobby so i got a long way to go :) learning what i can from research
Hakim Durand
Hakim Durand - 8 years ago
Celina Morgan mine turned white what does that mean?
Ya yang Zhou
Ya yang Zhou - 8 years ago
Do you have any gourami stuff. I have a bunch of those and I want to start breeding those
Prranjal Shrivaastav
Prranjal Shrivaastav - 8 years ago
What about the temp of water, any specific pH level to be maintained, whether the water needs be a lil brackish or whatever? Thanx for sharing yr experience btw.
pranav pandav
pranav pandav - 7 years ago
Prranjal Shrivaastav. temp 28-30 ph 5.5-6.5...u can watsup me +91 9890149886
F9ISH F9ish
F9ISH F9ish - 8 years ago
Next Level Gaming
Next Level Gaming - 8 years ago
how big should the breeding tank be
Seiju - 8 years ago
How to breed angel fish?
Aaron Le
Aaron Le - 8 years ago
You the best, you unlocked the mystery breeding discus, other breeder on youtube don't.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
soumya sarkar
soumya sarkar - 7 years ago
The king of DIY what kind of discus is this ?
Art Hunter
Art Hunter - 8 years ago
Breeding discus is my goal...
OLIVER O'BREWER - 8 years ago
I cant even remember how I found your channel. I don't do fish. well, I eat fish, but thats it. Anyhow, you make me smile. You are so entertaining and easy to listen to. I'm beginning to feel an affection for both you and Discus'. You are very level-headed(the fire) & I'm terribly sorry about your 'rays. Keep up the awesome videos.
Che's Discus
Che's Discus - 8 years ago
When you were keeping your discus in the sump of your filter with the drip system they did just with just the drip system ??
Manny Figueroa
Manny Figueroa - 8 years ago
Did you use RO water in your Discus setups?
Hunter Small
Hunter Small - 8 years ago
at 5:06 the fry are riding the bubble stream like a ride XD
Mary Dananhy
Mary Dananhy - 8 years ago
how do you keep the ph right and water soft

50. comment for Breeding Discus

Alex Cousins
Alex Cousins - 8 years ago
when are doing ur how to breed discus?
Kevin Hyun
Kevin Hyun - 8 years ago
eagerly waiting for the step by step video!!! cant wait til i can start a discus tank!
So Soo
So Soo - 8 years ago
How much is your ph for the discus tank??
Jake Blue
Jake Blue - 8 years ago
How do I stop my fish from fighting
Andrew Macagna
Andrew Macagna - 8 years ago
Hey KING OF DIY I want to start off with saying I love watching all your videos . And 2 I was wondering when you are going to make a video on (How to breeding discus) and if you can maybe message me back when you get a change I would love to ask you some questions I've been around fish my whole life and wanna take on the challenge to breeding discus thanks buddy if you can't privet message me I will give you my email. When you ask for it thanks so much and keep doing what your doing it's great
KALIBRAH productions
KALIBRAH productions - 8 years ago
Hov big do your tank need to be for ceep discus
KALIBRAH productions
KALIBRAH productions - 8 years ago
KALIBRAH productions
KALIBRAH productions - 8 years ago
Takk you
Kingdom1 - 8 years ago
at least 55gallon
25Aditya25 - 8 years ago
When is the How to Breed Discus video coming out??
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+25Aditya25 3-6 weeks?
bilal hussain
bilal hussain - 9 years ago
Can u breed discus just using a sponge filter and a external filter slow flow .....or is it just a sump system ...thanks
Super Cichlids
Super Cichlids - 9 years ago
have you made that step by step how to breed discus? if so can you send me a link. love the fish
XCyclonusX - 9 years ago
The discus that went on to breed in Pam tank, were they brother and sister? Are there any health problems with inbreeding in fish?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+XCyclonusX You can inbreed fish for a couple generations with out any issues. I have done it for 2 generations with a couple types of cichlids and didn't see any difference.
Andres Padilla
Andres Padilla - 9 years ago
I want to be like you!!!
So Soo
So Soo - 9 years ago
joey pls tell me how u lower down yr ph water ???
pls reply thks
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
Watch my video titled "my aquarium philosophy" for my thoughts on water parameters. Your not doing enough water changes if your ph changes because of one.
So Soo
So Soo - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY that means is like normal fish?
but when I changed my tank water the water ph tend to rise and I'm afraid it might stressed out my discus.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
I don't
Ben Simens
Ben Simens - 9 years ago
Is it possible for a breeding pair be two "strains" of Discus? I want to breed a blue mosaic discus and a purple leopard discus, but most breeding pairs I see online are of the same color. Can I only breed leopards and leopards or mosaics and mosaics?
Adam Qureshi
Adam Qureshi - 9 years ago
Bro, Few Questions here:
1. How do you know male and female of discus?
2. How do you maintain the tank with a discus pair?
3. If you are in the process of cleaning your tank and the Discuss gives eggs, then?
4. Moreover What if I have decorations, leafs, Items, Heater inside my tank and I fail to see if the female have laid eggs on them, Then???

Can you please give me tips to be aware and how to breed discus because in my town they are not that well known and I plan to get them and breed them here..
7catstied2gether - 9 years ago
you should do a whole bunch of research before getting the discus. they are one of the most difficult fish to successfully keep
Steven G
Steven G - 9 years ago
Hey what do u feed 1week old baby discus fry
paducahFishFan - 9 years ago
If your PH isn't low it will also make it harder for the eggs to successfully hatch.

Good video!

Ayush Maharjan
Ayush Maharjan - 9 years ago
hey brother i need a help from you.. how to distinguish the sex of discus please do help...!!
josh stannard
josh stannard - 9 years ago
What size tank do you think for a community guppy breeding tank?
Allyson Marie
Allyson Marie - 9 years ago
Guppies breed like their life depends on it, get the largest tank you can get your hands on!
Sandra D.
Sandra D. - 9 years ago
would LOVE to see a video of HOW TO breed discus.. Especially from such a great video maker like yourself. :)
Caio Stanchak
Caio Stanchak - 9 years ago
Got 5 discus 2 weeks ago! They are kinda young and I cant wait until they spawn! Cant wait for the video too!
Cindy O'Hara
Cindy O'Hara - 9 years ago
Thank you Thank you Thank you!
James Mike
James Mike - 9 years ago
EvoSchecter - 9 years ago
Finally. After asking at every Aquarium hobby you tube channel. Now I know what breeders do with all the fish and I didn't have to ask nor get harassed. Thank you!
onlinealiasuk - 9 years ago
what sort of percentage of fry typically need to be culled?
Corey's Discus
Corey's Discus - 9 years ago
hey mate i have a 6ft tank iam about to buy a motorao stingray do you think 6ft is bigger enought for him to grow in? also in my tank i have 10 discus about 7cm and growing
Seth Yami
Seth Yami - 9 years ago
the likes are at 666. I
Shamim Moohebati
Shamim Moohebati - 9 years ago
I tell you this, This is the best video ever I have ever seen about breeding Discus.
Thumps up bro. I cant wait to see the next episode of "Breeding Discus"
Good luck
Cameron Hansen
Cameron Hansen - 9 years ago
I just bought a aquarium that used to have the plumbing in the bottom, I took them out. how would I go about sealing that off?
Jake Searle
Jake Searle - 9 years ago
Hey can anyone tell me how to sex discus I have 4 just wondering
FexxaGaming - 9 years ago
Nice vid Joey!
Jason Wills
Jason Wills - 9 years ago
AWESOME! I will be waiting for the upcoming videos.
Sigit Wirawan
Sigit Wirawan - 9 years ago
DIY, how do we know that the discuses were actually a mating pair? So I can remove them early to breeding tank before they laid eggs. Does it show any specific behavior of a pair? And if my discus already spawned fries in my main tank what should I do to respond to ensure the fries survived and grew bigger? Thanks.
Caleb Thottukadavil
Caleb Thottukadavil - 9 years ago
could u pls do a video on how to breed guppies I want to start a farm and sell them could u pls start doing guppy videos pls reply u r doing a good job I started keeping arowanas because of u :):):):):)
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
Whooo Hoooo!!! I'm so psyched Joey I can't wait to see your video. My discus have laid eggs many times, but they always eat them over time. It's frustrating to watch, but I'm patient and hopefully they get it right soon.
Bradley Steward
Bradley Steward - 9 years ago
stop making me want discus.....
Aaron Lewis
Aaron Lewis - 9 years ago
Hey man, great video!
Can't wait to see more...
liutauras Petrusevicius
liutauras Petrusevicius - 9 years ago
its awesome
Matt - 9 years ago
Jim - 9 years ago
I thought you didn't like breeding discus?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+appaisbig I have never said that. perhaps you confused my saying that I didn't enjoy selling, as it ruined the experience.
braxton haneline
braxton haneline - 9 years ago
sweet fish can you do a video on how to plumb a predrilled aquarium with pvc
Eric K
Eric K - 9 years ago
Can you go over your preferred way to cull/ euthanize fish in the next video ?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Eric K No, i will not be doing that video.
HaloToday - 9 years ago
What are your water parameters when they spawn? PH, GH, KH and temperatures?
Ralf Nuggs
Ralf Nuggs - 9 years ago
Do you think discus would spawn well in a traditional rectangle 55 gallon Joey? I have two 75 filters and 2 moving bed filters about the size of a liter each with aquaponic clay as biomass.
Debbie Arthur
Debbie Arthur - 9 years ago
Thank you for video, really enjoyed it. I'm going to get a 130 gal tank soon and do angels or discus with driftwood and plants, looking forward to a future video on taking care of them.
Christie Nel
Christie Nel - 9 years ago
I have two beautiful discus of breeding size, but I am fairly sure they are the same sex, since they don't behave like a pair. However, I can't sex them, because of too many contradicting indications. (Help?) I have bread several other cichlids with much joy, though.
Rich's Fishes
Rich's Fishes - 9 years ago
Responsible breeders always cull. Its an unfortunate fact of this particular aspect of the hobby! Joey, Any advice for a proven pair that just refuse to spawn for me again? Relatively young pair between 1 and 2 years old. Spawned regularly for me last year (which produced viable wigglers and free swimming fry more than once; but never progressed past that stage) and then stopped spawning during the summertime which the breeder whom I purchased from says is common with his fish. However, they never started back up as expected and its been quite a while now! I've tried various water change schedules (normally daily but then decided to stop doing so frequently to see if that changed their minds ). Brought the temp up a few degrees for a week and then dropped again with a water change and still nothing.
marcuss354 - 9 years ago
Okay Joey tell the truth! You fed those retarded Disqus to your Arowana didn't you?
Kai Samson
Kai Samson - 9 years ago
how many generations did you breed
MrGenedancingmachine - 9 years ago
Breeding, discuss...
Gentle Vids
Gentle Vids - 9 years ago
hi joey! it would be intresting if you did an actual video about culling! there are just no other videos about it... the downside is ofcourse that some ppl dont like it but that would give an intresting discussion :-)

100. comment for Breeding Discus

tony gillespie
tony gillespie - 9 years ago
hi mate good vid yet again. a need to get some good info am going to be getting a few semi royal red and blue discus fancy trying to breeding them
Pieter Swanepoel
Pieter Swanepoel - 9 years ago
very informative. would love to see more. definitely
aa aa
aa aa - 9 years ago
where could i buy some? i have yet to find them at any of my local fish stores
Sean Kraus
Sean Kraus - 9 years ago
I cant wait for your next discus breeding vid thank you mr dyi
jonathan sisson
jonathan sisson - 9 years ago
since i started watching you 4 months ago im getting my fourth tank this weekend lol first sump cant wait..wifey not to happy ..oh well i am
Mitchell Staley
Mitchell Staley - 9 years ago
nice vid man! its about time a good video covering discus breeding
Knersus - 9 years ago
I absolutely cannot wait for the how to videos!
Thanks for awesome videos!
AquariumGeek915 - 9 years ago
Good stuff Joey!! I would love to have some discus... maybe after your series are done I might give it a shot... :) Thanks!
AquariumGeek915 - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY Cool! I'll looking forward to it...
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+SergioVasquez CichlidGuy915 Should make it a lot easier!
Annette McCauley
Annette McCauley - 9 years ago
I can't wait to see the full tutorial! this is awesome
Eli Ballinger
Eli Ballinger - 9 years ago
Hey Joey, I am considering breeding discus in the future. I completely understand the need for culling. Beyond fish, I also enjoy keeping things such as giant water bugs. Would it be appropriate (humane) to feed the discus I would cull to the bug (or another predaceous animal such as a turtle)? I do not believe the bug would take a dead fish, so I would not have an option to euthanize the fish before hand. I, of course, want to be as humane as possible with the culling, but also realize that the bug would be fed live fish anyways, the discus would die regardless, and that the level of sentience and self-awareness in discus is certainly debatable. What are your thoughts on this?
Lord Kakarot
Lord Kakarot - 9 years ago
how do you distinguish which discus is female and which is male?
Kyle B
Kyle B - 9 years ago
I've been waiting for this ever since you hinted doing a more in depth video!
Kyle B
Kyle B - 9 years ago
more! also check out my video, just did a tank overhaul following some of your advice - i plan on reintroducing discus soon, just wormed the tank today to start getting it ready!

and ive been eyeing off a breeding rack... haha the addiction never ends
Joshua Perry Climber
Joshua Perry Climber - 9 years ago
Awesome cant wait
Lori Newman
Lori Newman - 9 years ago
I will not so patiently be waiting for that "how to" lol
Trollinragegamer - 9 years ago
Muntaseer Rahman
Muntaseer Rahman - 9 years ago
Thats Awesome Joey !!! it really surprised me !! HOW COOL DISCUS IS !!! really looking forward to keep discus in the near or distant future !!
Rushdy Fouzeen
Rushdy Fouzeen - 9 years ago
anticipated more
Martin N
Martin N - 9 years ago
I bought a new tank to start taking care of discus, here's to new beginnings. How about a video on a simple grow out tank set up for discus?
Anupam Immortal
Anupam Immortal - 9 years ago
scottie don't
scottie don't - 9 years ago
great video. can't wait for the full guide. do you have any interest in invertebrates? I think that would be a cool idea and something different down the line. I have a cobalt blue crayfish that's over 2 years old, and it's been really fun to watch it molt and grow. maybe a tank setup video for crustaceans. just a suggestion for later vids. not that you need it, you do such a great job on your own. you've come such a long way. I remember when I subbed to the channel, and could barley hear you in your vids. lol
Merle Mitchell
Merle Mitchell - 9 years ago
love the video! Great work.
Brett White
Brett White - 9 years ago
Looking forward to the update! I will wait for your video before I set up any further. Thank you for your videos. I've learned a lot and my fish hobby keeps expanding. #Discusfish
shakey2277 - 9 years ago
I have a question bout you "I am Canadian comment"
all that snow out there, is it hard to dig those paths out and how often do you do it? we don't get snow like that in Australia
shakey2277 - 9 years ago
Cool, I thought it would take ages since it looks so neat lol, I saw it in one of your earlier videos last year or the year before
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+shakey2277 Depends on the weather. Sometimes I have to do it a few times a day. Sometimes just every other day. I have a snow blower though, so its not a huge issue. I left that in there to show that if i can breed discus while buried in snow, anyone can do it. ;)
iqbar fitri ismail
iqbar fitri ismail - 9 years ago
i'm too early gotta think of a joke

my life
Oswindra Hermanu
Oswindra Hermanu - 9 years ago
I fell in love with that new intro. Dang.
Oswindra Hermanu
Oswindra Hermanu - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY yea i have seen in a lot:) I just got the time to say it to you. Nicely done Joey!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Oswindra Hermanu You will see it on Thursday videos. I have done 20 of them now. :)
Shayan Aamir
Shayan Aamir - 9 years ago
please give the video fast and plzz mention the heater temperature and how to filter and circulate the aquarium, and the details like what to feed them and how long they should be with their parents. Really looking forward to seeing the video.
84twiggins - 9 years ago
your "FIRST" doesn't count Joey.. that's cheating lol
sahil rane
sahil rane - 9 years ago
hey Joey can u give me any advice?
I have a set pair of cobalt they laid egg fertilized them n the male ate all the egg ( nearly 80-90) after few minutes. my male is jerk. any tips for me?
Corey Abraham
Corey Abraham - 9 years ago
there shiny
Joseph Barber
Joseph Barber - 9 years ago
Thank you for your videos. I thought I knew my stuff. Do you sell or ship any of your juveniles in warmer months?
Trollinragegamer - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY if you get to many discuss or consider selling I would be happy to apply
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Joseph Barber I dont sell or ship any fish. This was a couple years ago. Watch this video to understand more:
Ardi Herdiansyah
Ardi Herdiansyah - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY thank you..!!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Ardi Herdiansyah Run the water through some chemical media that will neutralize the nitrate before it gets to your tank.. not a big deal. :) I'll show you how in an upcoming video.
ihsnshaik - 9 years ago
O F - 9 years ago
Can wait to see the next video,thats all I need to start a Discus tank, always been afraid about the quality of water for discus, and the water changes.
Floyd Morey
Floyd Morey - 9 years ago
that was a fun video great job as always keep it up
Jose Guerrero
Jose Guerrero - 9 years ago
thanks for these brother
Kalvin Leakey
Kalvin Leakey - 9 years ago
i had a breeding pair of discus:) most awesome thing to see ever! but unfortunatly they ate the eggs:( doesnt that mean there infertile?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Ardi Herdiansyah At least! I have had some take over 10 attempts to get it right. Then more attempts to not eat the wigglers... and then the free swimmers.. etc.. It takes time and practice for the parents to get it all right.
Ardi Herdiansyah
Ardi Herdiansyah - 9 years ago
new pair of Discus do that. 3 or 4 times before they get it right.
LaurelLondon - 9 years ago
I love breeding cichlids of any type, I've got a steady pair of angels laying in my 55 gallon! Great video, keep up the good work!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
Scorch - 8 years ago
RoadKillFrog - 9 years ago
LemonIceTea 2060
LemonIceTea 2060 - 9 years ago
not fair, btw great video
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY That's cheating!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
Breeding discus. Today I share with you, my experiences.

HOW TO keep discus ►
HOW I MADE $20,000 off discus ►
HOW TO make Discus food ►

Get the ultimate DIY book ►
Follow me ►

PO box 25054 Esplanade
Truro, NS
B2N 7B8

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7,487 likes 721,478 views 8 years ago

DISCUS AQUARIUM FISH!! I loved sitting back and watching how the team at uncle sams unbox and add their discus. Some...


HOW TO: Keep Discus

3,679 likes 702,976 views 9 years ago

How i made $20,000 in one month, selling Discus ► Where to BUY DISCUS:

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About Breeding Discus

The "Breeding Discus" video is part of the discous aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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