Breeding Fish For Profit Part 2 / How to make your first $1000 Breeding Fish. Real Fish Talk
Discus 8 years ago 46,465 views
This is part two of how to breed fish for profit. In part 1 we talk about how to make your first $1000. In this one we focus on building a relationship with your local store. Part 1. If you've enjoyed this video and haven't already subscribed to our channel, please click that subscribe button now.
breed guppies?
10. comment for Breeding Fish For Profit Part 2 / How to make your first $1000 Breeding Fish. Real Fish Talk
There is one thing I am not very sure and It is about how do we first enter in contact with the fishstore, are we just like calling them and then come over there and show our samples? If you are reading this, It would be cool if you answer! Thank you a lot
A 16 y/o fishkeeper
20. comment for Breeding Fish For Profit Part 2 / How to make your first $1000 Breeding Fish. Real Fish Talk
30. comment for Breeding Fish For Profit Part 2 / How to make your first $1000 Breeding Fish. Real Fish Talk
Honest and to rhe point makes things easy :)
50. comment for Breeding Fish For Profit Part 2 / How to make your first $1000 Breeding Fish. Real Fish Talk
I'm taking notes, promise
I really appreciate this series and its exactly where I am up to down here in Aus., I currently breed guppies, red cherrys, black cherrys and bristlenose for my LFS and beyond, I am also selling Java Moss, Java Fern, Amazon Swords, Azolla, Anubias & African Water Fern. I have a 10 tank setup but looking to add 4-5 more tanks. What would you recommend species wise as the best path forward to add something complimentary to my offering...
Also why does noone buy fish in the summer? I would expect they dont buy in the winter, but supply is low in the winter because shipping is less reliable.
so guess the initial first trips are building the relationship ,
truly a labor of love
Thanks for making this series. It's interesting to see how the world of breeding fish works. It's also convinced me that I have zero interest in doing all of that work for such little return. I'll stick to my single ten gallon tank. :D
100. comment for Breeding Fish For Profit Part 2 / How to make your first $1000 Breeding Fish. Real Fish Talk