Can you keep DISCUS with ANGELFISH?
Discus 7 years ago 15,178 views
I have been getting this question a lot, and wanted to share my experience with keeping discus with angelfish. Check out the video to learn more. Don't forget to comment, like, and subscribe. Thank you for all the support!
10. comment for Can you keep DISCUS with ANGELFISH?
This why I don't keep gouramis anymore. They are fine for few months and then start wasting away. I know about dwarf gourami disease but if they all get it I don't see the point. I had a couple like yours so I hope yours stay healthy.
20. comment for Can you keep DISCUS with ANGELFISH?
,They all aren't yellow with bold white or electric blue they can be browns and grays.
30. comment for Can you keep DISCUS with ANGELFISH?
The long white poop your other discus had where parasites.
It's hard to get rid of because most anti parasitic medications are in food form and they wont eat it because they have parasites!