Caring for Discus! Talkin Discus Presented by KGTropicals!!
Discus 9 years ago 32,124 views
Join the Tank Talk Facebook Group! So you decided to start a Discus tank but you’re still not sure what’s involved in keeping them. That’s what we’re talking about coming up…. There are a few factors that are gonna contribute to answering this question. #1 is how many fish do you have in your tank. Someone who has a 100 gallon tank with 18 adult Discus in it along with 25 cardinal tetras is gonna need to do allot more work then someone who only has 8 adults in it. The more fish you have in the tank the more food your going to give them in each feeding. The more food you give them the more waste their gonna produce. The more waste they produce the dirtier the water gets. You see where I’m going with this…. That same 100 gallon with only 8 adult Discus in it is going to have much less food introduced into the tank, which means less waste, you get the idea…. #2 is your filtration. Is your filtration in your tank strong enough to handle the load from your fish? If it’s not you’ll be doing the work that a better filter would be doing for you. (Look over and John will yell “why’d you put Discus in a tank with a crappy filter?”. Look away for just a couple seconds then look back at the camera and shrug your shoulders) #3 is how big are your fish? Younger Discus will grow much faster with super clean water so if you’re gonna save a few dollars by buying smaller, younger Discus just understand you’re gonna be busier then you would be if you bought adults I don’t blame you for buying them small, the big ones ain’t cheap! #4 is how much are you feeding your fish? Like I said in episode 4 if you are one of these people that likes to throw food in the tank every time you walk by it you need to understand that you're doing more harm then good. The more food, the more waste, the more waste the more work you have to do to clean up after them. No matter what the circumstances are with your tank you can still expect to do a little more work on your Discus tank then you would if you kept Tetras but when you look at these gorgeous fish it’s totally worth it. These are some of the most unbelievable fish you will ever see in a home aquarium. If you want them, there’s a price to pay and that price is work but at the end of the day if you get to come home and look at these adorable faces and you know that you’re doing the right thing by them its ALL worth it. So here’s what I want from you experienced Discus keepers, put your maintenance schedule for your Discus in the comment section below, let me know how much work you put into your Discus tanks each week. Someone watching this who is on the fence about whether they wanna get them or not would probably love to see other people thoughts on this;-) @kgtropicals on Twitter kg_tropicals on instagram Music:
10. comment for Caring for Discus! Talkin Discus Presented by KGTropicals!!
for 4 discus? Would this work?
Discus love to be in groups, Six is a MIN!. They say one Discus per 10 gallons of water, BULL!!!! .I have one for every 5 gallons and all is well. We all know Discus are Cichlids and love to "face off" chase etc. The secret is CLEAN water. Most all Discus sold come from mid to high pH.(7.4/7.8) Consistency is the answer your fish will get use to higher or lower as long as you keep it the same. Ask your supplier the pH your Babies are coming from.
Juve's look good price wise but are the hardest Discus to keep. Pecking order. Do not waste your money on 2.5" fish just because of the price 3.5+ is a min !!! the larger the better
Discus get ths misinformation of being hard fish to keep for ONE reason, WATER QUALITY! Just keep it clean and your Discus will love you and thrive!!!
Discus Haven !!! The taller and deeper the tank, the more Discus like it, they only chase for about 6/7 "s.YOU CANNOT DO LESS with discus ! They need to be OVER FILTRATED , as they need Very clean water. What size is your tank ? My first batch of Discus fry was 38 years ago
P.S.Put some plants in "plant cups" for water quality. Float some as well. You can acctually get but with one W/C a week.
Come and join my group and you will get help from all over the world. Woody's Discus closed group (FB)
20. comment for Caring for Discus! Talkin Discus Presented by KGTropicals!!
so My question is is this a good start? Also I got some decoration in it too with a root also my tank is 54 liters, with white sand. Should I have something more because I also got Bio cleaner and a 7 day slow release fertilizer and a water water conditioner with the kit, is that all I need to start or do I need anything else. Also I'm about to buy fish soon because my tank needs the "Echo system" or what ever it is called, and I'm about to get a net. So again my question is do I need anything else to my aquarium tell me :)
Do they get along with other fish?
Can I just have one instead of a bunch like you guys have?
Are they easy to take care of if I have one dicus?
30. comment for Caring for Discus! Talkin Discus Presented by KGTropicals!!
And have some questions regarding this.
1. Where do the bacteria live exactly
2. will changing water affect my cycle , will it crash it
3.will changing my decor and customising my tank affect th cycle or disrupt in anyway , if this does , will I have to cycle it from the beginning
4.will rinsing my decor crash the cycle
5. What the ways of speeding up cycling
6.Does mixing the gravel up and water changing kill the bacteria
7.Does adding new fish affect the cycle
Pls help me out guys , I love fish and the whole hobby so I want to improve my self. Thanks guys
i personally cut down on my water changes as my discus got older. now that they are closer to adult i do 50% once a week with a good vacumming. and clean my filter pads every third week.
Your Discus are looking really great, thanks for sharing.
your maintenance schedule sounds like its the same that i do for my Frontosa colony.
when you say "work" i say "pleasure" , i actually really enjoy my maintenance days, I bet you do too, i can tell because your Aquarium is shiny clean.
Hey, hows John? we haven't seen him & his Africans in a while.
Thanks again