Creating a discus aquarium that is easy to maintai

We wanted to create a low maintenance aquarium to house our discus. We didn`t have a lot of space so we settled on a 60x45x45cm 100litre aquarium filtered with a Hamburg Matten Filter. Its inhabitant

Creating a discus aquarium that is easy to maintai sentiment_very_dissatisfied 25

Discus 11 years ago 85,421 views

We wanted to create a low maintenance aquarium to house our discus. We didn`t have a lot of space so we settled on a 60x45x45cm 100litre aquarium filtered with a Hamburg Matten Filter. Its inhabitant

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Most popular comments
for Creating a discus aquarium that is easy to maintai

Andrija Milojevic
Andrija Milojevic - 8 years ago
is ancistrus a good choice to pair with discus?
Andrija Milojevic
Andrija Milojevic - 8 years ago
Well i guess they just go natural together
So long no problems have ocurred.
Thanks anyways
Fish2WaterNZ - 8 years ago
I have never kept those fish together and cant really validate the ?. I think in this situation google is your friend.
Sean Sevasta
Sean Sevasta - 8 years ago
Discus are a schooling fish. You really should be keeping a minimum of six discus. With that in mind this tank is too small for a school of discus. You could keep the tank and then use it when a pair develops but until then your fish won't be very happy and you'll have aggression issues with only two discus in the aquarium. Good luck
Fish2WaterNZ - 8 years ago
+Sean Sevasta Thanks fore the feedback. Its great to know that there are so many enthusiastic fishkeepers out there. The tank in question was setup for a breeding pair. They enjoyed it for a while, laying eggs regularly and providing a food source for the tetras. Totally agree with the spreading aggression over as large a group as possible. Check out our other video of a discus aquarium that fits with your teaching model.
T-Zay - 9 years ago
I laughed at the sudden reference to very awkward white water rafting XD
Fish2WaterNZ - 8 years ago
+tazia hall Thanks for the reply, that awkward moment was in one of my favorite white water features, called the Bad Place, on the White Nile.
Azie L.
Azie L. - 10 years ago
Beautiful, i sub u..
Fish2WaterNZ - 10 years ago
Check out the update video of this tank. which now holds Whiptail catfish and Tetras.

Nitrates sit at zero to 5ppm. The secret is a well designed aquarium with a Hamburg Matten filter.
HalfMan HalfCichlid
HalfMan HalfCichlid - 10 years ago
It would appear to me that the sponge material on the bottom of the tank (the blue) would serve as a magnet for detritus, and contribute towards nitrates and other organics in the water.  The Matten Filter will not have this problem because of the water flow through that sponge material.  I would have gone with less gravel and the rocks and driftwood lying directly on the bottom of the tank.  One other thing, I do not believe a low maintenance topic with discus is complete without addressing water changes as part of the overall strategy to reduce maintenance.
Fish2WaterNZ - 10 years ago
Thanks for your feedback John, as the water has a constant flow through the sponge on the floor of the tank there is a level of de-nitrification occurring. If I had to remove the foam sheets it would be purple in color denoting anaerobic activity. I totally agree with the idea of water changes and with discus I recommend frequent and large changes not just to affect nitrates but also to remove hormones. Low maintenance refers more to the non cleaning of filters and the ease of removing of detritus. The sand compacts nicely to form a base not unsimilar to a bare bottom tank.
Janssen Garcia Santos
Janssen Garcia Santos - 10 years ago
wow what a lovely but simple tank! I definitely subscribed I'm probably getting discus tommorow or Friday! I'll subscribe and maybe can you subscribe back and I'll post videos of my discus tank and see what you think of it thanks!
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 10 years ago
Oh wow awesome, does the foam substrate ever need cleaning? or only the foam by the filter? Oh & you guys earned a sub :)
Smiley J
Smiley J - 10 years ago
I would absolutely love some more info/how to vid on that hamburg matten filter PLEASE!!
Fish2WaterNZ - 10 years ago
We are currently working on an in depth video on HMF`s.
In the mean time check out for more information of how we setup these filters.

10. comment for Creating a discus aquarium that is easy to maintai

Min Ki Hwang
Min Ki Hwang - 10 years ago
This looks like a great set up idea! You sir are talented. How does the foam for the hamburg matten filter stay in the corner? It looks like it's held together by 2 piece of acrylic. But in the finished set up the acrylic doesn't seem to be there. How does it stay? Also you say it's powered by airpump. Are you talking about and L shaped tube and airlift? If not how does the water flow? Is it quiet?

Do you find that food and waste gets stuck in that corner foam and breaks down and produce nitrates
Fish2WaterNZ - 10 years ago
The foam sheet is held in place with 2 glass strips siliconed in place. The filter is run with an air pump and some rigid piping forming a 90degree bend.
I use a very quiet air pump and as long as the out let pipe is half in and half out the water it only has a gurgling water sound.

Honestly what ever you form of filtration there will always be nitrates. Water changes are essential as opening up a window on a hot stuffy room.

Check out the update video of this tank. which now holds Whiptail catfish and Tetras
Min Ki Hwang
Min Ki Hwang - 10 years ago
How big is this tank?
Fish2WaterNZ - 10 years ago
100liter. 600x450x450mm

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