Cycling a Planted Aquarium Biological Filter
Discus 8 years ago 50,442 views
In this episode of Plants 101 we talk about cycling a planted aquarium using plants as the biological Filter. Using this Organic Setup, often you won't see nitrite or nitrate spikes because the plants themselves are consuming it. Support us by buying here: Playlists: Fish Room Tours: Breeding Fish For Profit: Fish Room Updates: How to Quarantine Fish: How to Build a Fish Room: DIY Videos: Fish and Plant Profiles: Listen to our Live streams and other Content in Podcast Form: Website: Itunes: Android: Facebook:
So, should I just put some plants in? Is there any major risks to the fish? The substrate is well established both with bacteria, and waste, so it seems that a root based plant would have a field day. I'm really unclear on CO2 issues with plants, if an injector is required or not, etc.
It seems like worst case would be the plants just didn't grow, but from what I'm understanding is that even in that case I wouldnt be putting the fish in any major danger.
Is that kind of right?
10. comment for Cycling a Planted Aquarium Biological Filter
and if i could get away with just a PH and Ammonia kit,
i can also go every week/two week to get my water tested at my pet store :)
so is it if the plants are growing really fast its good to stick a fish into it?
of coarse i'd do weekly water changes, but would it work just with a betta, so not to much bio load for the tank, Thanks :)
My questions are, are the plants competing with the biomax for filtration? I wish I'd seen this video a long time ago and I would have gotten more plants and less filtration. Should I alter the filter somehow? And, the anachris is dying or melting/turning transparent. I read it does better in cooler temps. Should I just take it out and get something else like wisteria or moneywort, or should I give it a chance? If it continues to decompose will this mess up the cycle? I'm reading .25 ammonia and 0 nitrates/nitrites. Thank you for everything you do!
Will start dosing the fertilizer as soon as it arrives.
20. comment for Cycling a Planted Aquarium Biological Filter
30. comment for Cycling a Planted Aquarium Biological Filter
I set my tank up with a 2" base of Eco Complete, topped with about 3/4" of fine black sand, and a heavily planted aquascape. I added a full 4 oz. bottle of TopFin Readistart Bacteria Starter on that 1st day.
4 days later the water was very cloudy, but began to clear on the 6th day.
10 days after the initial set-up, the water was crystal clear and some of the plants were already showing some new growth. I then performed a 20% water change and the next day I added 10 neon tetras. I lost one of them, but the others thrived. 3 days after that, I added 2 small Cory Cats and they thrived.
My new aquarium is now a living, breathing ecosystem and all my family and friends are awestruck by its beauty.
Thanks for all your help!
50. comment for Cycling a Planted Aquarium Biological Filter
Thanks for the response!
where do water changesand washing filter sponge fit in in an aged aquarium?
Periodically I would like to check perimeters with my API test kit.
How long should I wait after using EASY GREEN, to test; our does it not make any difference.
I understand what you said about tanks being balanced. I'm using the test kit to check the effects of tap water, dead animals, uneaten food, dead plant leaves etc.
Glad you have posted this video. Eased my sanity in cycling my new aquascape tank.
Thanks a loy for sharing your knowledge and experience.
100. comment for Cycling a Planted Aquarium Biological Filter
Should I medicate, add all my fish over time, then add plants ?
I've heard the people running hi tech planted tanks with pressurized C02 that they need to have set on a timer to turn off at night because plants do not need C02 at night and give off its own C02 etc.
If I have a fully stocked tank with plants covering every inch of my small 29 gallon aquarium, In a closed loop system such as a fish tank, why don't people with a lot of plants need to worry about all those plants giving off tons of C02 on their own that might harm your fish even when external pressurized C02 is already off.
Nobody ever talks about too many plants harming your fish, is it possible?
We are hooked on Aquarium Co-Op
Well,I got questions for you,hope you can spent some time and unsver when you can,cos thats important for me and my fish,But I will understand if you cant-world is very bussy today..well,My aquarium is 120l,it has 1 Betta,6 Danios,10 neons,5 Black Widow tetras and 5 ottos...I was thinking of getting and adding a couple of Peacock gobys,and some guppies(maybe 10-15)..
Well so my first question is in youre opinnion am I adding to much fish in that aquarium?(should I rethink No. of guppies or something?Right now tank looks quite empty,literally feels like it has life but need more ... Fish I have and want to get is tiny,so I dont know,how to count ammount of fish for that goes? how more or less calculate? How you do it?(Maybe you cud make video on it,so not only me get educated in that,just like idea,for videos...)
Second question,dont know even how to explane or formulate it well,but will see,the aquarium I have is planted,but I dont like it the way it is anymore,so Im getting ready to redo-replant-remake it all(before getting more fish),was thinking one day just get fish out,drain water,get all out and redo,replant-get more plants and so on...what I wanted to know,is if I do so how is the best? just do and thats ok no matter how I do it,or now that I will replant and ad new water will have to recycle? Maybe I should save,a bucked of old watter?or with whats inside of exterior filter(bacteria) will be ok,if I do all in same day,maybe bacteria wont die of so fast? well,sorry for retarded questions,but Im just a begguiner in this and truly love it,and it brakes my heart when something goes wrong with fish(In fight with algae at the begguinning of all,fallowing many wrong advices,was lettal,for some of my fish,so I just want to do the best for them,not torture them,cos of my ignorance and literaly wish to create best life for them possible....So please,please,please if you can unsver-I dont expect or demand it,but have noticed youre trully nice guy and give advices and you trully know a lot abbout fish,hoby and industry it self.. All I can say,is I wish I would have seen this video year ago and would have done better,And aguen TY so MUCH for all you tell us,its very important and very good info you got there,so keep sharring..(And buy the way,sorry for long and bad writen text,its hard to express one self in not own language..And TY ahuead,for taking time to inform us,show us how things should be done) Best luck in all ;)
TY a LOT!!!!! OK,then I will leave those peackock gobies for now,Will get those guppies and some shrimp and some moss and will check how they added function with what I allready got,will fallow youre advices and se if I can get fish room to;) trully apreaciate all youre advice ;)
And I allready bought rocks and more of good soil,wanted to remake hardscape more than nothing,wanted to try soemthing beautiful,try hand in espectacular....and now after seeing all those videos,i got hooked as you imagine...done research on plants,already dreeming...ufff..I feel I will need to get other tank..TY a lot Cory,I think I will fallow youre advice and wont do that then so as I had planed to do and do better..will set up atleast one other-smaller aquarium and when that is cycled will put fish there and then will do rescape the big one..when that will be cycled fish can return to homeThat sounds like better plan,and what kind a hobyist I would be with just 1 tank?LOL-Im starting to think,thats how everyone gets second tank...LOL...well,Cory,TY for all,Have a grate day,sell a crazy bunch of tanks,fishes,plants and make us more good videos!!! God bless
What kind of turnover rate does the system need to have? I plan on building an overflow since the tank isn't drilled and I don't have a diamond hole saw. Estimated flow through the drain is 600 gph and return is going to be in the neighborhood of 400 gph. Is this too much, not enough???
Would plants be mostly for those who are diligent in using fertilizer though as they need more than just nitrates? Would this mean lower amounts of bacteria and risk of a mini cycle if your plants died off (e.g from missing fert dosing)? Sorry dont keep any plants except anubias
Now I understand that isn't possible, but still can't understand how to start up a tank, I don't have anyone to give me gravel or a filter media from an established tank. I am starting from scratch.
People on forums suggest buying pure ammonia and dosing 5 ppm if nothing is in there everyday, or 1-2 ppm if I have plants.I am nervous doing it this way.
After watching your video, I am still confused, so you are suggesting to get a bunch of plants in a tank and dosing liquid fertilizers? If I see growth after a week or two, then add fish? Do I slowly add 3-5 fish if I see it? Then if plants keep growing, keep adding more?
I really need help on every step to setup a tank that will support fish. Can someone please help me? I keep searching on the internet but can't seem to find answers.
I also don't want to have fish suffer through the cycle. The only other thing they recommended was dosing ammonia but they had no idea how to do it and suggested to research it.
I understand you are busy and apologize with the questions I have asked.
I get mixed opinions on this matter across the the internet, on youtube, forums, websites, etc.
I hear people saying adding plants and then either ammonia or fertz won't work or takes too long. Then some people say use a fish cycle and change the water every day 50%.
Some people say use 5 ppm pure ammonia everyday. But don't specify how adding fish or plants to that works.
I just get confused. So you personally suggest add all the plants I want, then if I see growth add 3-5 fish in the first week. Then if I see growth add another 3-5 fish, and so on?
You didn't specify and elaborate how to exactly cycle a tank. At least I didn't see it.
I guess I will be stumped on this important topic for a while.
Cycling A Planted Aquarium or
Cycling and Planted Aquariums
Good vid
Speaking of which, I've done loads of research, but you've had experience, like you said in the video. So is there a "best" or are there some good food supplements for them if they don't get enough algae and things from the tank itself? I tried two different kinds of algae wafers for my snail and shrimp at one point, but neither of the two types on animals even touched either types. Would they eat the wafers if they were hungry enough? Did they have enough food from the tank already? I just want to be prepared so the little guys have the best I can possibly give.