DISCUS FISH -Love/Hate 7 Reasons I Don't Keep Discus in My Aquariums

FRESHWATER AQUARIUM FISH: DISCUS, It's A Love Hate Relationship. Fishtank Video 103. In today's video, I discuss Discus! They are really beautiful fish, but I list off my 7 reasons why I don't keep DISCUS. Drop in the comments your thoughts. Hope you enjoy ;) Support Your Boy, check out our website! https://dustinsfishtanks.com/ Subscribe https://goo.gl/8Sa20Z Most Recent Video https://goo.gl/p4EUdq Most Popular Video https://goo.gl/ZU6YdC Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale: https://goo.gl/Bmmm4G Popular Video Playlists Below INSANE FISH ROOM TOURS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VDOnZdGE2A&list=PLnw3D5LLGih10emjTgmqODUG8LUfiRyTO SMALL FISH TANK SERIES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJipyQv-kEA&index=1&list=PLnw3D5LLGih2Of_h9-bSFkA9LU9XfVjJl TOP 5 Fish Videos (Funny :P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gK6Oirg39x0&index=2&list=PLnw3D5LLGih14KD64PUgEp2JiFOZ1-kZL No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cV6qqzZ7e3I&list=PLnw3D5LLGih3ry49t00hLjsktfBV-hG6f Sunday Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJipyQv-kEA&list=PLnw3D5LLGih0Wdi2wtp_CVsfd7QiSr6Gv Aquarium TIPS and Tricks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFd0_zyrVP0&index=1&list=PLnw3D5LLGih1KEuNq_Ir6US8Q7A2Fdu3S: aquascaping Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IneqJdh82UY&list=PLnw3D5LLGih1_R4_q_U2nTRfIWjOp_q0v INSANE German Fish Store https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXZXJYzp71o&list=PLnw3D5LLGih04oeax4uTCfc6buTlsh9aJ Koi and Pond Playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_5HcRFLxfk&list=PLnw3D5LLGih3ynaEMqIpJ4d7r8hmM78JI SPECIES SUNDAY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpAdLaqqCn4&list=PL2F4BE1931D73538C Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DustinsFishtanks Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dustinsfishtanks/

DISCUS FISH -Love/Hate 7 Reasons I Don't Keep Discus in My Aquariums sentiment_very_dissatisfied 232

Discus 6 years ago 59,639 views

FRESHWATER AQUARIUM FISH: DISCUS, It's A Love Hate Relationship. Fishtank Video 103. In today's video, I discuss Discus! They are really beautiful fish, but I list off my 7 reasons why I don't keep DISCUS. Drop in the comments your thoughts. Hope you enjoy ;) Support Your Boy, check out our website! https://dustinsfishtanks.com/ Subscribe https://goo.gl/8Sa20Z Most Recent Video https://goo.gl/p4EUdq Most Popular Video https://goo.gl/ZU6YdC Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale: https://goo.gl/Bmmm4G Popular Video Playlists Below INSANE FISH ROOM TOURS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VDOnZdGE2A&list=PLnw3D5LLGih10emjTgmqODUG8LUfiRyTO SMALL FISH TANK SERIES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJipyQv-kEA&index=1&list=PLnw3D5LLGih2Of_h9-bSFkA9LU9XfVjJl TOP 5 Fish Videos (Funny :P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gK6Oirg39x0&index=2&list=PLnw3D5LLGih14KD64PUgEp2JiFOZ1-kZL No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cV6qqzZ7e3I&list=PLnw3D5LLGih3ry49t00hLjsktfBV-hG6f Sunday Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJipyQv-kEA&list=PLnw3D5LLGih0Wdi2wtp_CVsfd7QiSr6Gv Aquarium TIPS and Tricks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFd0_zyrVP0&index=1&list=PLnw3D5LLGih1KEuNq_Ir6US8Q7A2Fdu3S: aquascaping Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IneqJdh82UY&list=PLnw3D5LLGih1_R4_q_U2nTRfIWjOp_q0v INSANE German Fish Store https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXZXJYzp71o&list=PLnw3D5LLGih04oeax4uTCfc6buTlsh9aJ Koi and Pond Playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_5HcRFLxfk&list=PLnw3D5LLGih3ynaEMqIpJ4d7r8hmM78JI SPECIES SUNDAY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpAdLaqqCn4&list=PL2F4BE1931D73538C Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DustinsFishtanks Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dustinsfishtanks/

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for DISCUS FISH -Love/Hate 7 Reasons I Don't Keep Discus in My Aquariums

Philthy Tanks
Philthy Tanks - 6 years ago
I’ve been considering pulling the trigger on a discus tank for a while now, this video swayed me back to saying, “nice fish, but not for me”
Appaziah Team
Appaziah Team - 6 years ago
Can you speak a little bit calmly?
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
This is how I talk
MYTHO Eco Living
MYTHO Eco Living - 6 years ago
haha...I like your list :-)
Thomas Lee
Thomas Lee - 6 years ago
You show a great enthusiasm without being so thirsty for views and attention
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Thanks! If I cared about views would have stopped awhile ago....I try to be real- thanks for this comment
Thomas Lee
Thomas Lee - 6 years ago
Dude. You got a sub with your intro track #wutang
Aamir Khan
Aamir Khan - 6 years ago
#8 they get their pine damage easily while change water or cleaning tank... and flip upside down... and die....
Audri Sampson
Audri Sampson - 6 years ago
So spot on! I was laughing through the entire video. Have kept fish for over 20 years have dropped tons of money on single fish but totally nope on Discus, Ill pass! :)
Gainesville Native
Gainesville Native - 6 years ago
i love discus. i have 2 right now lost 3 after a power outage during a storm a couple months ago. i plan on getting 4 more to replace them. i know expensive hobby. i keep my tank around 82 and i put bamboo in my tank as well. i have a video of them on my page.
chris parodi
chris parodi - 6 years ago
I dunno, I would say this were all true about discus, if it were 10-15+ years ago. Discus nowadays are much cheaper and have been tank bred for enough generations to be considered "adapted" to pretty average water conditions. True, temps should be 80plus, which is very easily achieved, but the days of having to use all RO water and sphagnum moss in filter bags for the tanins and whatnot are really only even considered if keeping wild caught or enticing four discus to breed. To me, discus are similar to keeping saltwater fish. IMHO, discus/clowns/angels/tangs have one thing in common especially.......once they are in your aquarium for a couple weeks and your water conditions are accepted.....they are much hardier then your average fish. The only reason I think people feel they aren't hardy is because when you lose a neon tetra (I lose them all the time....every few months I feel like I'm adding a few to the herd.....they get eaten, they jump out of the tank...they get stuck to the filter intake... etc etc) its no big deal, it cost under 2 bucks...When you lose a discus.....it can be a big deal, even a baby cost 20 bucks. People in the freshwater hobby arent used to spending this kind of money on a fish (with the rare exception to arowana, ray and L-cat keepers), so discus are kind of in a world of their own (with the aforementioned species). That said, if you want to talk about a difficult species of freshwater fish, appistogramma, to me, are tough. Lets see if 10 more years of tank bred strains will do the same for them as discus....after all they are from the same region and the same genus.

10. comment for DISCUS FISH -Love/Hate 7 Reasons I Don't Keep Discus in My Aquariums

Jim Lim
Jim Lim - 6 years ago
This was quite a funny and entertaining video, nice! =)
John Holifield
John Holifield - 6 years ago
All I've ever done since 1990 is have a sponge filter and a heater in the tanks and all my discus do very well. Nothing special at all. Very simple. Breed like maniacs
Hector Linares
Hector Linares - 6 years ago
Dustin Dustin u r alright in every aspect of your 7 reasons. I collect discus and there is not a single day when I see my tank that I don't find a new headache. Not to mention the amount of money I had spend in medicine. The only think I no longer do is feeding them with live worms, They are disease carriers even frozen. Sadly the money is already spent, and I am talking big money. Stupid enough I keep repeating, for a third time!!, the process the get more discus to replace the one who died. I wish I could sell them and get more satisfying and less problematic fish like gouramis for instance.
Paul Barrington-Heaven
Paul Barrington-Heaven - 6 years ago
Dustbin, who care’s about what you DON’T want to keep.
Concentrate on giving us info on what you do keep and what experience you have had with the fish you know a lot about like in some of your great videos you have done. This video was unhelpful to those wishing to keep beautiful discus. Expensive? Did you say you keep Koi???
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
I hear you. However based on the comments I must not be too far off. Frankly I thought this video was funny ;) Yes I keep koi But they are hardy carp-not discus ;) Tank on
Michael Brown
Michael Brown - 6 years ago
newport OG
newport OG - 6 years ago
dope vid dustin
Fx Brito
Fx Brito - 6 years ago
Discus keeper for 10 years + here. Most of it is true and some not so much,
I agree with:
- Wrong water at the tap, don't get them,
- Love plants and need water colder, don't get them.

I don't agree
- Challenging and fragile (or keep getting sick)? not true with the right set up and right food. I, for professional reasons, am away from home for weeks at the time and the tank is alright, no issues.
- Food? I don't feed any worms, live or frozen... maybe that's the reason they don't get sick? I feed good fresh shrimp, lean muscle (turkey and beef heart), vegetables when home and diverse pellet and flakes the rest of the time.
- Spooky? My tank is in my kitchen! busiest place in the house. not an issue at all. They come to get some food and say "hey, how your day man?!"
- Bare bottom? Not true again, I have substrate and drift wood covered in anubias. Changed the substrate once in 10 years from black to white sand.
-Crazy water changes? because of work travelling I probably do one WC every month, fish are active, bright colours, never hiding, come say hello when I get in the room. My WC is done with tap water at temperature, no chem's at all. not even resting. (I live in Europe, my tap water is good) Again, been doing that for 10 years now.

Discus were the second fish I started to keep and never changed.
The one thing I trust is to keep only discus, no community thank BS for me. Just plain healthy Discus.

Dustin has it real, Discus can be challenging if you are not prepared and there is around, a lot of people misleading, sharing the wrong info. Mostly because they breed and sell Discus. it's a business. Expensive fish that you are led to think is fragile that dies in your thank because you over do it and never let them in peace. Stress is a killer for the Discus. Don't get me wrong I had deaths and sick fishes. I had Discus that survived sick for months at my beginning and I managed to treat over time. They are though. With what I wrote above, I haven't had a death in years.
Keep it simple folks.
Captain Win
Captain Win - 6 years ago
Firstly, for easy fishkeeping, choose species that match your local tap water parameters. My water here in Scotland is soft and the PH is between 6.5 and 7.5 therefore South American is a great option for me. If I were going to keep Malawi or Tanganyika cichlids I'd need to address water hardness and Ph. Not a huge obstacle but still, an extra consideration.

Regarding the supposed difficulty of keeping discus, most discus are tank-bred for generations and so far removed from wild-caught the nonsense you need to do to keep wild fish isn't relevant. 10% water change a week is enough providing you have good filtration, have not overstocked and don't overfeed.
You don't need 30c (86F) temperatures either. In some biotopes in the wild, discus live at 25c which is 77F but they've been found between 25c and 31c which suggests an ability to tolerate differences. The main thing being as long as any change is gradual but that's the same with any fish.

I kept mine at 27c which is 80.6F, not a problem and two of them paired up and bred. I could grow plants at that temperature, I only did 10-20% water changes a week and didn't have to do anything to the water aside from using a dechlorinator and bringing it up to tank temperature before the change.

My discus ate anything you threw at them from flake to pellets to dried 'live' foods to live food. Also, it's not right when people say you need to feed them several times a day. There's a guy I'm subscribed to on Youtube and he has discus in his main tank. He went away on vacation for a week, he doesn't use auto-feeders or get people to feed his fish when he's away and when he came back, the fish were absolutely fine.

When you think about it, if any species was as delicate as some people make out, they'd never have survived as a species. So the basics are, try and keep things stable, good filtration, 10-20% water change a week and don't overstock or overfeed.
Casey Cushing
Casey Cushing - 6 years ago
I love how a lot of this sounds like a rap, but slower haha
Hung N
Hung N - 6 years ago
Freaking hilarious commentary by Dustin on his reasoning. I keep discus and they are rewarding when things go well. However, Dustin does hit some very good key points of why others don't keep this fish. Keeping it real Dustin and I respect that!

20. comment for DISCUS FISH -Love/Hate 7 Reasons I Don't Keep Discus in My Aquariums

icedwhite mocha
icedwhite mocha - 6 years ago
That tank looks overstocked
Marcus Roizen
Marcus Roizen - 6 years ago
I’ve actually found discus to be pretty easy to care for. From what I can see, most of what everybody says about discus isn’t true. I keep them at 79 degrees and they do fine. I hardly ever do water changes as I rely on bacteria to break nitrate and waste organics down, and plant growth to pull nutrients out of the water. I do keep them in pretty soft acidic water, but I’ve heard they do fine harder more alkaline water as long as you keep it stable. I haven’t really had them get sick on me, I imagine because I’m not stressing them out with daily 80% water changes.
Matt M
Matt M - 6 years ago
Ive seen bad results from discus. Other fish are way easier to care for.
Victoria Olender
Victoria Olender - 6 years ago
Astrologically not meant to keep discus, as a fellow Aquarius maybe I should listen to this wise man XD
bif24701 - 6 years ago
Discus are not difficult to keep. Very little decor, and plants is any. Just enough light, not too bright. Low flow filtration but effective. Lots of volume and tall tank. 10+ gallons per each. No tank mates.

Water changes, frequent, and large (80-90%).

Freeze dried black worms or very very high quality flake (beef heart or black worm) food.

Warm water, 82-86 degrees.

Never had the problems spoken about here.

Buy adults and they can more easily adapt to tap water.

I use a Python to remove water and add water from tap. I measure the temp of fresh water going in to match the old water temp.

Use Seachem Safe to remove chlorine and chloramines from tap water.

It’s really not that hard.
Moon Knight
Moon Knight - 6 years ago
I'll stick with my Oscars in my 300 gallon aquarium for my Chiclid collection.
I like fish with extreme personality and are Conan the Barbarian fish.
Discus are pretty but have the personality of lollipops on a rack at the gas station.
Too much work for a bunch of cotton candy colored sensitive snowflakes.
Steel balls
Steel balls - 6 years ago
quadzilla60 - 6 years ago
Monster fish r so sick tho, i love my oscar nd green t nd jack demps, they r little now but they will be huge!!!
Neal Black
Neal Black - 6 years ago
Funny vid, Big fan of Discus but i can't argue with any of your points
Tina Genovesi
Tina Genovesi - 6 years ago
LMFA off dude yes Aquarius in a constant water change loop

30. comment for DISCUS FISH -Love/Hate 7 Reasons I Don't Keep Discus in My Aquariums

Joricano - 6 years ago
lol your #1 reason is only when they are new to their tank. Once they are used to their tank they just like goldfish or flowerhorns. They will come to the front when they see you ad beg for food. Follow you as you walk towards he far end.
1213lifeguard - 6 years ago
Hahaha this 4 dollar Betta got more personality... got me cracking up
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
1213lifeguard that’s why we play the game
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
1213lifeguard that’s why we play the game
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
1213lifeguard that’s why we play the game
Luis Duffo
Luis Duffo - 6 years ago
Lmfao this is hysterical! But very true after 8 years and moving to a new house I lost them all :(
jonerik Peterson
jonerik Peterson - 6 years ago
As someone whos been keeping discus for like 5 years now and whos been fish keeping for 20 years.. I disagree with your 7 reasons and i disagree with the internet assumptions as a whole.

1. You do not need to feed them live food. My discus eat flakefood from tetramin... But they love frozen beefheart or bloodworms... Whats so hard about feeding them food you can buy in petsmart ?

2. They arent as picky with water perams as you think.. I used to keep my discus in temps like 82-86f like people said... I one day unpligged my 2 300w heaters in my 135g tank and the temps went to about 78f. All my discus are fine and not one has died.. none got sick.. In fact in the amazon there have recordings of them being in cooler waters. Also i have live plants like you do.. Name a plant you have that cant handle 80+ All plants will adapt over time.. You have nothing special in your 200g tank.. Mostly easy to grow plants that require nothing.. You dont need dirt for what you have either.. Telenthara renekie an easy to grow red plant.. mine thrived in 84f.. Java fern did fine in 84f. I had water lillies the size of my palm growing in 84f. Watersprite and anubias species as well as amazon swords. I havent had One damn issue with my plants in my 135g tank with temps at 84-86f

3. Again they can live in hard or soft water.. I live in Northern va.. i bet my water is much harder then yours. My ph is 8.4 my discus are fine. in fact we have tons of local breeders here who breed discus in tap water. You dont need to do RO and keep 100 gallon barrels in your house.

4. They only get spooled when they are new to your tank. All my discus swim right up to me when i walk in the room.. Flipping on or off lights does nothing to them.. They only did that when i first got them.

5. I will agree on diseases.. I had a discus whome i bought from petco who had the discus plague. He was fine.. wasnt sick.. never got sick.. the minute i took him out of quaruntine and put him in my main tank.. Within 3 days all my discus were sick.. in 5 days they all died. Ive also had issues where they suddenly just stop eating and waste away over a month period.. Nothing i did helped them BUT this problem only happened with juvies.

I stopped buying baby discus.. Its better to just buy the fully grown adults they usually never get sick and they can adapt pretty easily to water conditions and they usually arent pickey eaters like young discus.
jackson debbarma
jackson debbarma - 6 years ago
Buddy you are growing as a Youtuber
merijn van Tessel
merijn van Tessel - 6 years ago
@dustin I am a discus keeper for more than 10 years. I am breeding them since 4 years. I do not get why you are consistantly yelling the whole video.

However, discus are fish who definitely have personality, when I enter my discus room they are focussing on me (do we get food etc..), moreover you argue that discus are hiding in tanks. If a discus is hiding, he is not feeling well (eg. bad water quality), or discus are with a too small group (<6 pieces) .

Keeping discus requires more work than other fishes ( more food when they are young etc) that is partly true in my opinion. When discus are young you feed them a lot (>6 times a day and you clean the tank 1 time a day) when they become bigger (>10 cm) you can feed them less 3-4 times a day and clean less.

The higher costs of discus I do not fully agree. Of course when you go to a general aquarium store the price is high. When you go to a local discus breeder the prices for the own breed discus fish will be lower and the quality will be the same or higher than the discus you buy at a general auarium shop, if that local breeder is good.

And again: do not yell the whole video :-) my speakers are well.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Thanks for the feedback on discus. So about the yelling....I have found my videos do better when I yell. So this is me being quiet ;)
bronco2484 - 6 years ago
My discus aren't spooked easy and are friendly being a dr and a vet are two different things, good filters and 50 water change every week no big deal
Eddie Lo
Eddie Lo - 6 years ago
You talk way too much which is quite annoying .
Eddie Lo
Eddie Lo - 6 years ago
Dustin's Fish Tanks I dont upload content for people to watch. So it doesnt really matter if people are watching. I came across the video and found that you just talk a lot. Annoyingly lot. And also be aware that its not so hard as you mentioned to maintain discus. You may visit some professionals to tak3 advice.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Last time I checked I had 120,000 people who didn’t seem to mind. How many people are watching you Eddie?
Jared Wood
Jared Wood - 6 years ago
I always thought the Aquarius sign meant you were meant to make water changes.
Susan Smo
Susan Smo - 6 years ago
I love being a Discus keeper, it's only the water changes I have to do more often that is my problem. I live in the Omaha metro area and our water is very hard and poor quality. And I have no room for an RO system.
Poop Face
Poop Face - 6 years ago
Lol everything you said was on point. When I used to own Discus I had so many issues with them. Eventually I got so tired and frustrated so I decided to stop.
Fearbleeds - 6 years ago
So far I've lost 400 dollars worth of discus, but the last one that cost me 100 is still alive and well. He killed the rest of them because he was bigger, at least that's what I think happened to the others. Anyways he's my favorite fish. I have him with neon platies and a Betta with Corys in a planted tank. He swims to the front of the tank anytime I walk in begging for food. I love this guy I hope he lasts me 50 years lol
Fx Brito
Fx Brito - 6 years ago
+Fearbleeds I can understand that. If I were you I would try with smaller ones. A bunch of them. Discus don't kill each other. The can bully and stress which can be a problem and that is why you need more individuals to diluate the pain. Alone is usually leading to problems
Fearbleeds - 6 years ago
+Fx Brito I would, but hes pretty big now, so it would be expensive to give him friends. I don't have that kind of income
Fx Brito
Fx Brito - 6 years ago
Don't keep just on Discus, Give him friends. A few of them so he divide the beating!
オレンジ-フゥードゥゥー - 6 years ago
I just subscribed after seeing your review on one of favorite fish in the hobby.
Michael Lou
Michael Lou - 6 years ago
Discus is actually easier than you think. My water cones out at 7.4 and though I do daily water changes on my barebottom tank, I was able to get my blue diamond pair to spawn and raise their young to good size.
Discusmania English Español
Discusmania English Español - 6 years ago
I have discus and I agry with all but not with the last one
ada205mi - 6 years ago
Lol, great video, made me laugh! Re a few of you negatives.... Believe me, Discus don't spook easily
and aren't shy! Trust me they won't leave you alone when doing tank maintenance! They are so inquisitive. Put you hand fully into tank every feeding time and won't be long b4 you can catch any one with just your hand! Re your water, buy Stendker! They love hard water. I've kept Discus for nearly 30 years and today's fish as way easier to keep... all mine are at 27.5c so plenty of plant options too and if you think they still lack personality then add a few S.A dwarfs into their tank. The real trick with Discus is initial purchase. Buy healthy fish and as long as you have good basic knowledge of fish keeping and tank husbandry they are easy. I haven't had to worm or medicate a Discus fish in years. Try and buy from a good breeder, i personally have found the strongest fish tend to be from your average fish keeping enthusiast who's Discus have bred, and not the large commercial discus specialists. This also massively applies to gbr's.
You really should try them at some point in your fish keeping career, they are great fish.
Keep up the great vids and hi from the UK!
Discus Keeper
Discus Keeper - 6 years ago
I find with discus don’t keep them if you can meet there basic requirements or you will fail lol
Richard Portelli
Richard Portelli - 6 years ago
I would not bother with them, I would rather keep cichlids if I wanted a high bioload tank and they are better looking also.
KaijuDino 1235
KaijuDino 1235 - 6 years ago
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE discus, but I'll just stick to my angels. Less picky fish :).
newerafrican - 6 years ago
Yeah, I’ve met Sarah’s hot friend a few times. Never took her home, either!

50. comment for DISCUS FISH -Love/Hate 7 Reasons I Don't Keep Discus in My Aquariums

newerafrican - 6 years ago
Hopefully in 5 years or so we’ll see hardier discus from Asia.
Sykyia M
Sykyia M - 6 years ago
Yo! This was mad funny!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Sykyia M thanks - we try to be funny
rob lewis
rob lewis - 6 years ago
Nope, most of what you said is just wrong. I have four discus in a four foot tank. They greet me when I get near the tank, they eat frozen blood worm with vigour, the do eat dry food. I change 25% of water once a week. If you can keep Cardinals you can keep Discus. They let Appisto's bully them. They are the best large fish to keep in a community tank. Get them small and grow them out yourself, do not get adult fish as they suffer transplant shock and may never recover. Always have corries in with them as they will beak up the poop. I have found 27 C is ideal temperature, you know where they come from and you know how vile the water can get, they are not as fussy as made out.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Ray Webber my goal of this video was to get a reaction from people who have kept the fish- if you listen to the intro, you’ll here that. Thansk for the feedback- link up a video of your discuss tank ;)
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Just looking to insight a riot. Made for yt drama ;)
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Here are my TOP 5 Horniest FISH! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YV_ruXZ1gdA
Ryan Peh
Ryan Peh - 6 years ago
The angriest video about discus ever.
berjo ishkanian
berjo ishkanian - 6 years ago
Well...first of all thanks for the video but you are screaming A lot and that's annoying.
And about discus speaking from my experience, I have discus fish in a planted tank and they ate not challenging as everybody thinks they are.
I feed them once every two or three days and I make water changes about 75%every second or third week.
They always feed from my hand and they are living happy and I'm not having any problems .. I have my water temperature at 29°and I have plants that adjust to this temps.
Everyone says u got to feed them every them 3 times and change water every second day but that is not the case.
Again speaking from my experience.
Southern Belle
Southern Belle - 6 years ago
I have 1 Discus & want more. Anyone know of a reputable breeder in the South?? I've fallin in love with him/her. Greets me as soon as I walk up to the tank. Eats frozen food( bloodworms/ shrimp)and flake food. Water change aprox every 10 days. 75 gal sanded & planted tank shared with 3 angels whom I'm looking to rehome. Angels get mean because of breeding. Also amazon sword and anubias is doing well in 83 degrees. Doing fine in 7.6 PH although I'm going to start using discus buffer to lower PH.
CD 1
CD 1 - 6 years ago
Yes we have no discus.
Garry Mcgrath
Garry Mcgrath - 6 years ago
Garry Mcgrath
Garry Mcgrath - 6 years ago
Angels all the way for me they don't come with all the bulk crap that discus do
Melissa Courchesne
Melissa Courchesne - 6 years ago
I kept Discus for many years but now I returned my choice on… Goldfish! Why? Because even if I had good water conditions, they can be sick. The most old Discus I kept had 7 years. They not supposed to live 15 years? The other downside is the fact that I had a 125 gallons and the Discus don't take all the place… My tank looked empty!! Of course, Discus have a lot of personality, interesting behaviours but Goldfish too, my mine look like koi, that why I switched and I don't regret my choice!
Scott Bridgeforth
Scott Bridgeforth - 6 years ago
Jay - 6 years ago
Love your work Dustin but i make it a point of not taking advice about something from people who haven't had 1st hand experience. Its like taking fitness advice from an overweight person, just doesn't seem right, even if it may be true. Maybe get a few Discus and then make a progress video, they cant all be that bad?
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
I say that early on that I don’t know anything ;) I’m not keeping discus ;)
Emmanuel E Hernandez
Emmanuel E Hernandez - 6 years ago
How is your day dad!!! Lol
Crypto Lord
Crypto Lord - 6 years ago
:D his right. I bought my first 3 discus after 2 month > 2 died and the bigger one is still alive, why is the last one still alive ? Because I learn what to do, to keep that discus healthy. You need biological filtration. If you have 6 big discus on 55 gallon aquarium then you do 60% water change every week.
Sonicplasma - 6 years ago
Does Steve still have discus? or did he give up after them dying? Love your videos, sometimes you have too much energy to my taste. But still, I enjoy your videos and passion for the hobby.
Emg Geriak
Emg Geriak - 6 years ago
Lol....I had toyed with the idea of trying to keep discus. I've had great success with planted aquariums and have bred a few really nice batches of german blue rams. But...after watching your vid here Dustin.....haha....well....I've always sort of thought of angel fish as the poor man's discus because ..they're larger...pretty and come in many colors and varieties and the discus in my area cost well over 50$....angels ? ...around $10 depending on the variety. I think I'll stick with the easy keeping angels ;-D Thanks for the tips !! ...OH....I too am an Aquarius x-D
vikrant lalge
vikrant lalge - 6 years ago
Stop shouting!! :@ -_-
The Last Rebel Show
The Last Rebel Show - 6 years ago
Dustin's Fish Tanks BRO! I’m going for it! I just lost one of my two this morning and now I’m determined to keep discs and I don’t care what I gotta spend. I already have a grand or more into my 55 gal! I’ll let you know how it goes.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
if i have some discus great me like I am the man I'll buy them!
Przemyslaw Fras
Przemyslaw Fras - 6 years ago
Stan TheObserver
Stan TheObserver - 6 years ago
I had them off and on for years.. They would spawn in a planted tank..never got a single fry to survive. Then,like your Dr. friend I found once again,these fish need a diet we cant seem to find the answer..so they go from fat and healthy for a year or two,to wasting away trailing white feces for no reason..I changed nothing. Like you said,the biggest and best are only in breeders empty tanks..as much fun as watching a prisoner who cant talk in solitary confinement for life.
I used beefheart. tubiflex.. redworms..all that.
yep.Unless you want them in a bare breeder tank with the only lighting being a small window at the end of the room.Discus are probably not for very long term in a community tank.
I could be wrong, times change...but many Discus in the great youtube vids? I can spot the dark bars and thin build of a future typhoid Mary...
Kim Mcilwain
Kim Mcilwain - 6 years ago
One of them discus had hole in the head....!
binh le
binh le - 6 years ago
You funny!!
rmedinaw1 - 6 years ago
I just got some Stenker Discus from Hans Discus and they blow away those 7 reasons away. Super easy to keep and they will make those 7 reasons why "YOU SHOULD KEEP DISCUS". Love the video buddy
Seyoung Kim
Seyoung Kim - 6 years ago
I've got 5 ring leopards. Once a week water change in treated tap water. Eat anything i throw in there with the exception of garlic. Never done any prophylactic treatment.... such a ressiliant fish.
Jim Brown
Jim Brown - 6 years ago
I have a few discus they're actually my favorite type of fish. You made some good points. This type of fish isn't for a lazy fish keeper but in my opinion it's definitely worth the extra work. When it comes to freshwater fish discus are by far the most beautiful fish you can have.
Baloydi Lloydi
Baloydi Lloydi - 6 years ago
Which is better Discus or Angel fish??
Deidre Lattimer
Deidre Lattimer - 6 years ago
I was thinking of getting some discus but now I'm not so sure.
Naderz - 6 years ago
lmao i absolutely agree i love their apearence and thats all i love lol
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Audible Quest
Audible Quest - 6 years ago
This was fun to watch. But honestly it's not that hard. I just do 25% wc on my 125 gal every three day. Run an fx5 filter to do all the hard work. Feed them freeze dried black worms in replacement of BH so no mess. They eat out of my hand. Happy fish. Good fun video
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Audible Quest link up a video of them eating outta your hand ;)
Emilia Cann-Sagoe
Emilia Cann-Sagoe - 6 years ago
Discus remind me of cows... They just graze & hang around a lot... Personally i'm a big fan!! Defo need a lot more time with them than other fish but they are well worth it x
The One
The One - 6 years ago
You were very ridiculous on the cons of keeping this fish. Those were true cons ten years ago. I keep hard water discus and the only problem I've had is a couple of picky eaters. Finally got them trained to pellets and I treat with frozen twice a week if that. I have a 120 with eleven 5" discus, six 6" geo's, 9 pleco's, 4 big angels, a 4" Super blue severum, 3 4" bandits, 4 electric Blue rams, and 15 Cory's. I run a fx4, a eheim 4+ pro, and a Rena Mp4. I do a 50-70% water change once every 9 days and the fish are doing great. As a matter of fact, when I got decease in the tank, the geo's and the Cory's got sick and it didn't bother the discus. Chicago Discus and Han's Discus are the way to go. They eat a varried diet and come from hard water and they breed in hard water. Also, I use top notch biological media in my filters.
Chris Bartolotta
Chris Bartolotta - 6 years ago
It's not as hard as you people think I've had no problems so far you need to do more water changes that's all.
Mosiek - 6 years ago
I do not agree with the discus cons and I don't get why You have to talk like You're shouting but You have more personality than many youtubers so, I'm subscribing :)
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
TOP 5 MOST PISSED OFF TETRAS: Aquarium Fish That Need An Attitude Check
froglick28 - 6 years ago
There beautiful fish but tree broring
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
PISSED OFF SMALL AQUARIUM FISH: TOP 5 Most Pissed Off Petite Aquarium Fish
Ne Ne Zilla
Ne Ne Zilla - 6 years ago
You are hysterical, with a dry sense of humor. I get it, same here. Thank you for your videos!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
jiarealty - 6 years ago
7 reasons why I keep Discus  (1) I like a challenge. Kept other fish for many years, not challenged at all. (2) If kept well, Discus is not shy at all and will greet you for food. (3) Discus favorite food is Beefheart, which is cheaper to buy than any fish food on the market (4) Discus comes in so many different colors and patterns that just keeping discus alone can give you a beautiful tank (5) Discus is calm and peaceful. Watching other type of fish chasing each other around and attacking each other gives me stress  (6) Once acclimated, Discus water does not require special treatment (7) I like keeping Discus because of the WOW factor. Go big or go home.
Heng Heng
Heng Heng - 6 years ago
Totally agreed. Just too tedious to TLC them.
Derrick Wang
Derrick Wang - 6 years ago
U r funny
Gosh Gollie
Gosh Gollie - 6 years ago
Discus are also super boring
greennavy2006 - 6 years ago
you can have Discus with out the big water changes by doing 350 gallon tank and having a huge refugium with plants and and plenty of driftwood to bring the PH down? Easy Peasy using salt water techniches

100. comment for DISCUS FISH -Love/Hate 7 Reasons I Don't Keep Discus in My Aquariums

Venesh Pillay
Venesh Pillay - 6 years ago
Hi Dustin, why most people are not successful with discus they always buy the smallest which is usually the cheapest. Small discus require daily water changes to thrive and us ordinary people just can't to daily. My advice buy the big fish that are eating dry food already and don't feed beef heart mixes as this just fouls the water quicker. This is from my experience 2nd time round only doing weekly 50% water changes now.
Lori Dombroski
Lori Dombroski - 6 years ago
My Husband and I have been keeping Discus for over 30 years, We order ours from Gabe at Jack Watley Discus and they all have been healthy. We live in Florida and our Discus survived Hurricane Irma (18 days with out electricity and food). They greet me when I walk into the room, do not hide, eat from m hands and are beautiful. I do water changes of 25 gallons twice a week. I have a heavy planted tank (thanks Dustin- utilizing CO2) There tank makes are a large school of cardinal tetras, clown loaches rams algae eaters, panda cats and a bristle nose pleco) The rewards of keeping such magnificent fish out weighs the little bit of extra work to maintain them
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Living Fish Bowls
Living Fish Bowls - 6 years ago
Depends on where the discus came from. There is really only three sources I know of. You can get them wild, from some Asian farm, and the german "stendker". So your going to have some pretty different stories from different people because all of those sourced discus are so different.
Shari Bice
Shari Bice - 6 years ago
Best video yet Dustin... I was going to get Discus but....like you. I love planted tanks! I don’t want to be married to daily water changes and aging water in many fifty gallon blue bins everywhere.
Clint Parsons
Clint Parsons - 6 years ago
The daily 50% water changes are a deal breaker.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
randomness - 6 years ago
Yu gotta diss da disc
randomness - 6 years ago
He dissin the disc
randomness - 6 years ago
I just like fish tbh
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Vanesa Rufin
Vanesa Rufin - 6 years ago
You are so annoying bro, tone it down a bit
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Nope- this is my style- you don’t have to watch
Golden Discus
Golden Discus - 6 years ago
Its really not that hard
I am 12 and i am keeping discus for 3 years
Golden Discus
Golden Discus - 6 years ago
I have discus and i love them
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Ecartts - 6 years ago
I rather add Angelfish instead of Discus (they look cool when they grow bigger)

They are not the easiest either but easier than Discus ? I think yes.. But I also like how they look (the Angelfish I mean)

If you go Angelfish please bring diversity.. not aII Iooking fuII black or silver as an example :))
ArkTiger4c - 6 years ago
Totally agree this is why i dont keep them .....My Dicus are Angel fish
Andy Lee
Andy Lee - 6 years ago
Dustin, Dustin, Dustin.... You are all wet when it comes to discus. There are the old days when all we got were wild caught imports and we tried to keep them in the conditions they were used to and it was a pain. Nowdays, discus have been bred to where you don't have to keep them at a certain ph, you don't feed them live foods (pelleted food will do just fine and does away with many diseases), and they are not as skiddish as they once were. You also don't have to pay out the ying-yang for them as there are breeders here in the US that sell them for a reasonable price (probably local to you as well). I think you should rethink your position on Discus. Oh yea, there are lots of plants that live in high temp conditions like anubias, buces, etc. but I'm sure you know that.
rickyd454 - 6 years ago
Kelvin Young
The male of my breeding pair attacked my hand today while I was doing a water change lmao.
Kelvin Young
Kelvin Young - 6 years ago
Andy Lee You hit it on the head, I have kept discus off and on since the 80’s and back then they were very hard to keep alive for a long time. Today discus are nothing like that , they will meet you at the top of the aquarium at feeding time, water conditions Dnt have to be prefect, temperature Dnt have to be 80/85 . I keep my temperature at 79 the fish are in great health and the plants are thriving, plus they will eat dry flakes food but I still give them frozen blood worms....
slaughter lord
slaughter lord - 6 years ago
I agree,I have never had problems with Discus, my water ph is 8.2.
Amelia Shannon-Reasoner
Amelia Shannon-Reasoner - 6 years ago
I'm too lazy to keep discus. Lol. I said it. My water pH is 8. It comes from a limestone aquifer, so it can buffer itself. A week after water change with tons of driftwood in the tank... It's still at 8. So, I am too lazy to buy the massive amount of water I would have to buy for daily water changes and I really don't want to install an RO unit. They're pretty... But they just don't wow me. I think most of their wow factor is how difficult it is to keep them. That doesn't wow me.
Angus Wolff
Angus Wolff - 6 years ago
Astronomically not meant to keep discus, hahaha
Arturo Salgado
Arturo Salgado - 6 years ago
you remind of superspeedersrob. "in the know it all " sense
Duppy - 6 years ago
Gemini - 6 years ago
On point with all the points, especially #1. They get spooked when I go to feed them.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
DON'T DO THIS - No Maintenance Tank - I've Never Done This Before
Ritchie Newell
Ritchie Newell - 6 years ago
Most of what you said about discus being hard to keep simply isn't true.
I've kept and bred them in a community tank alongside a large 250 strong colony of black neons.
Most south American plants should be ok above 28°
Mine were kept in a planted tank and fed tetra prima as a staple and bloodworm once a week by hand.
Erika Blub blub
Erika Blub blub - 6 years ago
You just made my day.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
cool, wait till sundays video :)
Debbie Wilhelm
Debbie Wilhelm - 6 years ago
Joshua Frye
Joshua Frye - 6 years ago
Dusty's having some fun with the editing;)
vidocha - 6 years ago
I'm a Discus fish keeper and I laughed throughout the whole video. Dustin speaks the truth, Discus require work.
ThirstyRabbit Tanks2U
ThirstyRabbit Tanks2U - 6 years ago
Hi D im with you on this one except im a Scorpio. But my better half wants a discuss tank and i feel i have to get her a discuss tank set up because she has aloud me to have 14 tanks set up now with plans to have 22 set up. I think i have to get a dam discuss tank
profishkeeping - 6 years ago
discus look absolutely awesome, but they're bloody expensive and most of the time rip plants to shreds
atx0025 - 6 years ago
As an owner of Discus I have to disagree with personality. My school of Discus have a ton of personality and always greet people at the tank. They can be skiddish at first but generally calm down a lot after only a few weeks.
atx0025 - 6 years ago
Yeah mine always line up at the front of our tank basically assuming all visitors bring them snacks lol. It's fun to watch.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
atx0025 I am glad you are here to disagree ;). So they greet strangers as well?!
Mike Nguyen
Mike Nguyen - 6 years ago
Hey Dustin, I love your channel bro, been a fan for a while but I can prove you wrong with all 7 reason. Let me know if you ever want to hear and see why!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Make a video
Betta Blue
Betta Blue - 6 years ago
Loved the shout out to the Betta (the water puppy)!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
CHECK OUT MY 360 GREENHOUSE TOUR~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4D7-aL-0j24
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
CHECK OUT MY 360 GREENHOUSE TOUR~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4D7-aL-0j24
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
360° Aquarium Plant Unboxing: Greenhouse Aquatic Plants
Matt L
Matt L - 6 years ago
Dustin, you are the man! this video is so funny and informative... ""greets me like im Aerosmith" . . . "this Betta has more personality . . " so very true! I like this video alot and I have seen all your vids. . also, maybe i will lower all my temps. that could be my problem! 85 degree planted tanks. . algae city no matter what I do. stay cool!
sizigi13music - 6 years ago
Look better than any saltwater fish
Tan Bryan
Tan Bryan - 6 years ago
I've done discus in a planted tank years ago.Farm bred Turqs. It 's not as bad as you say. They will eat frozen and pellets. I did 50% water change once a week. Temperature at 80 is a good compromise between Discus and most plants. Only problem I had was aggression during pairing.
Ashok - 6 years ago
Haha all points agreed !!!
Jonathan Varney
Jonathan Varney - 6 years ago
Not as hard to keep as their reputation. Mine are interactive and not shy at all. The personality reminds me of a Oscar. Always ready to eat
Leslie Sockwell
Leslie Sockwell - 6 years ago
I think discus are beautiful but have never even tried to keep them due to their finicky nature & my laziness in general don't mix.
beau4269 - 6 years ago
before I put all that effort into Discus I would go Saltwater, and I have no plan on going saltwater.
Carrie Jedidiah
Carrie Jedidiah - 6 years ago
How discus raise their young is pretty cool.
Skyllie's fish tanks
Skyllie's fish tanks - 6 years ago
I think a lot of this info is false about discus I have discus and they are not nearly as sensitive as people say and they do not hide. As soon as I walk in the room my discus are at the top of my tank begging for food. I keep them in a planted tank water change 50% every 10-14 days and never had a problem with them. Just buy the discus at the 4 in range and they’re pretty strong fish
Jorge gurrusquieta
Jorge gurrusquieta - 6 years ago
Also when I do come in from work it's funny because they are right there greeting me lol
Jorge gurrusquieta
Jorge gurrusquieta - 6 years ago
Ya I can agree. Have 2 discus currently with an angel zebra fish and they get along pretty well. Have a 75 gallon tank and do 50% change every month. Had my discuss for about roughly 5 months.
Marcus Roizen
Marcus Roizen - 6 years ago
I agree completely.
jonerik Peterson
jonerik Peterson - 6 years ago
Dustin's Fish Tanks dustine.

my discus will let me pet them... I can stick my hands in the water and they wont run away.. When i walk in my bedroom all my discus come right to the glass.

In fact when i have company over my discus are peeping toms and my girl notices how they all come up to the glass and watch us. The only time discus run away and hide is when they are juvies and new to your tank.. aka the 25$ ones.. Buy an adult for 60$ and watch.. It wont run away once it gets acclimated.

I dunno if youll read my comment but im more then willing to make a video and show you how i can stick my hands in the tank and they wont run behind a rock
ZeusD85 - 6 years ago
Hi mate, im thinking of getting some i have 75 gallin community. people are insisting if i have 6 adult discus i need to do minimum 50% each week. I currently do that each forntight for the community tank, and would love to stick to that routine, can 50% a fortnight work on discus?
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Link up a video of them greeting you- thanks for the feedback
Ama Teur
Ama Teur - 6 years ago
Discus...hard, cold facts...like it... Cost and hiding...makes you wonder why people keep L series plecos... Tank on!
ThomasH - 6 years ago
Haha I agree Dustin. Same reasons I don't have them.
Kunal Roy
Kunal Roy - 6 years ago
Strongly agree with all those 7 facts and in our country THE BUSINESS MINDED sellers (actually too much) created HYPE...
Kristie Mowry
Kristie Mowry - 6 years ago
Never kept Discus, cause I've heard your 7 reasons so many times that they don't appeal to me. Like you, love growing plants; and fish pets. African cichlids, also don't seem to have the personality of South American cichlids, or even bettas and barbs, for that matter. Hobbiests evolve as they learn what really appeals to them. Am still learning....... You are one of the great u tube personalities. One can't help but enjoy your videos.
Adrian Castillo
Adrian Castillo - 6 years ago
I guess I don't see it as more work I see it as more of a challenge to keep them, however, you're running a business and I'm not. I have more time than you, great video though. It gives me a few things to think about!
Eric Sloan
Eric Sloan - 6 years ago
discus aren't that bad. yes they are sensitive. yes, they spook. but more time you spend at the tank more they learn you are the feeder. no matter where im at in the room i got my discus in they are on that side of the tank. they always follow me.
j c
j c - 6 years ago
God your funny. Kept discus. Over rated and underwhelming. Never again
Greg Giroux
Greg Giroux - 6 years ago
All fish spook easy lmao. Discus are not hard to keep just takes alot of patience and skill. I want to know where u are buying discus for 50 bucks.... I have eight that cost me almost 100 bucke each and they are only 3 inch. I will be breeding them in the near furure. I breed koi betta and angelfish along with a long list of other fish species.
Jamison Cheney
Jamison Cheney - 6 years ago
Discus are very easy,they make Discus seem difficult to drive up price
jon james
jon james - 6 years ago
Discus are awesome, I have three 350 liter tanks of them, one of those tanks has just the off spring of a wild brown pair, which I was given by a friend. I have not lost any discus, I bought a well known German, makers frozen, food they will not eat it so I have 4 kilos of it in the freezer,
but they love flake good and discus granule. They grow fast and the colours are intense. They come to the front of the tank to say hello, and beg for food. I live in a soft water area, with a low ph, so they live in that very happily', the babies of the wild ones which came from RO water. All my tanks are fully planted and kept at 84c. Sorry but I must tell it as I see it from my own discus experience. My other two 350 liter tanks are both Amazon fishes angles and such. I add catappa leaves to every tank.
Marcus Braun
Marcus Braun - 6 years ago
I don't like them. Very boring to me.
Garden Spider
Garden Spider - 6 years ago
If you take your cute discus to the bar with you, the stuck-up women will buy you a drink. And tell you a joke.
Discus need huge water changes
Great funny video
b bardy
b bardy - 6 years ago
Well downsides that they cost $80 dollars each for small ones were i live.
ada205mi - 6 years ago
James Wilson Totally agree. When I started with Discus back in the 80s lots of what's said is true, but today Stendker Discus will thrive in hard water and the bs about 50 water changes a day is probably killing more discus than helping as I doubt many people truly match the fresh water to old perfectly.
spongebobs moms house
spongebobs moms house - 6 years ago
just get angels, DISCount discus
dope sack
dope sack - 6 years ago
U right Dustin where you live it to cold to have discus that number one with discus warm water they never get sick or not eating if not warm enough it need to be hot 82 or higher is better .88 Is max
Bigsly Hoover
Bigsly Hoover - 6 years ago
Wow bru u may be rite I love my fish 2 come 2 me when I walk in the room just 2 let me that they are hunger lol u rite
World Wolf
World Wolf - 6 years ago
If Petco can do it so can you!
Tagnar - 6 years ago
I feel like "My boy Steve used to..." stories should become a meme.
Ashley Applebottom
Ashley Applebottom - 6 years ago
Are freshwater angelfish easy 2 keep?? I love them and have seriously considered starting an angelfish tank but would like 2 kno more about them 1st....any advice from u Dustin or any1 in the comments? I know they r temperamental but how hardy are they, are they finicky eaters, and do they so quite well? I have wsdter closer to the soft side, a little acidic, and ph is normally on the low end. I keep Cory cats, plecos and bettas and they all do amazing! But wanting 2 set up another tank...should I get angelfish?
Amanda Verma
Amanda Verma - 6 years ago
Exactly why Discus don't appeal to me either....
William Ramsey
William Ramsey - 6 years ago
Hilarious, but true!
Mickie Frial
Mickie Frial - 6 years ago
Dustin, you need to hit up Wes and Darwin and have them change your mind. I have 4 Discus from Uncle Sam's and they shoot to the front of the tank whenever I enter the room! Luckily I have really good tap water with almost no pH swing.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
If I were to get discus, those guys would be the first people I called ;)
Mary Adams
Mary Adams - 6 years ago
I think I’d have to go with a salt water tank for the children :) They are only little once.
maniatikoleal - 6 years ago
hahaha pretty fun to watch.
RunFaster011 - 6 years ago
"Sara lets get out of here"
T Holz Aquariums
T Holz Aquariums - 6 years ago
I love discus but I can’t keep them alive. I tried real hard but couldn’t do it.
Jon Leiend
Jon Leiend - 6 years ago
If a person wants to have 1 large, amazing tank that is a good choice. If you want to have more than one tank skip them.
Kyle Knudsen
Kyle Knudsen - 6 years ago
lol dusty you should do stand up
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
I never see anyone laugh- id love to
Deborah Marcatos
Deborah Marcatos - 6 years ago
Water parameters are specific. My water doesn't even come close and I refuse to use chemicals to keep up with any fish !!
Vincent Vader
Vincent Vader - 6 years ago
Ain't nobody got time fo discus.
fishybidnes - 6 years ago
Too expensive, too fragile, and hide too much. They're beautiful but not for me. I'd have to buy a rodi unit just to try to keep them.
Brads Tropics
Brads Tropics - 6 years ago
I did my time and tried them for a couple three years. NEVER again! All the reasons you stated and more.
Bexley75 - 6 years ago
Why so angry :p

My discuss greets me everyday and goes nuts till I feed him, he did of course kill the other discuss I put in with him, leaving only one other hat hasn’t grown at all...
nanoudge99 - 6 years ago
Consistent water is key, live food certainly isn't. The personality of the fish varies massively I have one discus that eats out of my hand and is constantly looking for attention and I have others that are more shy and skittish , from my experience they all behave very differently, your points are very true for some discus and very wrong for others I keep the the temperature in the mid 80s and 25% water change a week
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Appreciate the feedback - like I said - I’ve never tried discus- thanks!!
ryan helton
ryan helton - 6 years ago
You hit the nail on the head. Nearly everything you said is why I will never keep discus again.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
—-key words being “again” I must admit it was hard for me to make this video based on stuff I did not personally try with discus- but many people have my back with it ;)
Blake Sherman
Blake Sherman - 6 years ago
Wu tang is Forever
jerry ebner
jerry ebner - 6 years ago
Discus hide too much for my taste
Mickie Frial
Mickie Frial - 6 years ago
I keep discus and I can't keep them away from the front of my tank. I think the key is lots of decorations, and a good number of them. All six of mine are super social and a couple of them even let me pet them with feeding.
Truman - 6 years ago
Raw facts
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Truman the truth hurts!
FlipFlop FishFlake
FlipFlop FishFlake - 6 years ago
Dustin's gonna come out with his discus disstape, just you wait...
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Give me the mic- show me where the studios at ;)
Kevin’s Aquatics
Kevin’s Aquatics - 6 years ago
Hi Dustin! I got 3 Discuss and they are pretty cool they also with Angel fish. My fish are not shy at all and they eat anything. I believe since they see the angels eating very fast they jump in too.
D I E G O - 6 years ago
Don't keep discus and angels together.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Cool- how are U keeping the discus? Tank size, temp ext
Julian Gatica
Julian Gatica - 6 years ago
Big ups dirty d!! Mad support to u for doing what you love I've gotten into the planted tank hobby and look up to watching your channel for all the info I need!! I donated my first 5 gallon guppy tank to a less fortunate family their toddlers were blown away with it and I got it rolling w anubeus and tear grass thanks to you and your infinite love of the hobby! My own FAM and I are looking forward to my plans for a 75 gall for our new house you got me hooked and I'm getting my teens hooked, on dirting it g keep it up man I'm watching!!!!!
CRS Aquatics
CRS Aquatics - 6 years ago
I absolutely despise skittish fish.... I have zero interest in keeping fish I rarely get too see.
NYGOLD - 6 years ago
Fair points Dusty, fair points.
Donna Kate Morgan
Donna Kate Morgan - 6 years ago
From what I know about them the water parameters are Krazy and must be kept or they die ,I like fish that I can throw in my tank and enjoy afterwords .not something I have to take water parameters and adjust daily
Ricky Ranchu
Ricky Ranchu - 6 years ago
I think you hit every point D
Jessice Houser
Jessice Houser - 6 years ago
I've always wanted some but thanks for the info. I'll stick with my Cichlids.
Jason Fontaine
Jason Fontaine - 6 years ago
I love discus and still have a few right now, I had to recently downsize due to living conditions but I plan to expand again once we get our house. A few of your reasons are sound however a few I don't believe are. For example all my discus always meet me at the front of the tank when I'm near it. I haven't had much problem getting my discus to eat a variety of foods including store bought or homemade. And as far as water conditions unless you are trying to keep wilds they have become a much heartier and flexible fish than they were many years ago. Consistency in the water parameters is much more important than the ph or hardness. Just keep the water clean with regular water changes and they will be fine. Now if you want to keep wilds or try breeding then you may need to pay more attention to the water parameters. They are expensive though and not for everyone.
Lucy bettoschi
Lucy bettoschi - 6 years ago
they spook easy! but if they get to know your face, they follow you and they look for you!! they are really nice ❤
Lucy bettoschi
Lucy bettoschi - 6 years ago
Dustin's Fish Tanks well, i have pigeon, pigeon turquoise, red dragon, melon white face and white butterfly. cheapest kind is pigeon, variations are kinda expensive and prettier. Marlboro red its a beautiful kind to have btw!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Lucy bettoschi what kinda discus should I put in the 350? ;)
TheLovatt123 - 6 years ago
Yo Right !!!!
Ed Staart
Ed Staart - 6 years ago
Nr 8 could be the endless Discus(sions).
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Endless— discus-sion indeed!
SharkBAIT RUDY - 6 years ago
Discus aren't hard to keep dusty
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Show me ;) link up a video of yours!! ;)
Deacon Erin Kirk
Deacon Erin Kirk - 6 years ago
Lol those are good reasons
Kierans Fish
Kierans Fish - 6 years ago
‘It better greet me and ask me how my day was’ haha! Funny but a great point, there’s nothing better than your fish going mad when you approach the tank, instead of hiding
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Discus have never greeted me- if they did in a shop- I’d buy them!
Ed Staart
Ed Staart - 6 years ago
Hey hay D ,you being an Aquarius explains a lot, water all over the floor as much as possible and your passion for running with syphons is totally cleared up. It's written in the Stars the way you live your life. This is something important to share with your wife, most things you do are mend to be so you can't help it!! That will teach people who were laughing behind your back about the Syphon running. . Syphon On
Ed Staart
Ed Staart - 6 years ago
Your welcome
Jerry Mercado
Jerry Mercado - 6 years ago
Robbin Yahood
Robbin Yahood - 6 years ago
Discus are hard to keep but i think my dream tank would be a massive plantes tank with discus and angels. How dope would that be?
CroMuzzle - 6 years ago
Im 100% with you. Been messing with fish tanks for decades, love them, won't have them for same reasons. You're a responsible fish daddy.
AQUA FUNK W/ ANGEL FREAK - 6 years ago
Spoken like a true AngelFish Guy. I DIG THE VID. STAY FUNKY PLAY-BOY
Ed Staart
Ed Staart - 6 years ago
Dustin's Fish Tanks its logical when you know this: Angel - fish Heaven Stars Aquarius Dustin, that's it no discus sion.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
AQUA FUNK W/ ANGEL FREAK I’m thinking rza razor sharp huge angels in the 350
Jeff K
Jeff K - 6 years ago
Anglefish have sure gotten a lot better than when I was a kid for sure. There are some pretty cool looking line bred strains out there.
AQUA FUNK W/ ANGEL FREAK - 6 years ago
Dustin's Fish Tanks I know my brother, ANGELS AND WU 4EVER SON!!!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Anglerfish are my number one for sure!!
Shelly Sabin
Shelly Sabin - 6 years ago
I love discus. Keep the tank around 90 degrees and you don't have to worry about parasites. Put a little salt and driftwood in it and add a few angels. You have yourself a perfect tank.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Love it- glad to hear the info and. Temps you keep discus! Any other advice for people on discuss?
The Water Box
The Water Box - 6 years ago
I love Discus! Awesome fish. Little more maintenance but worth it to me :)
The Water Box
The Water Box - 6 years ago
Not yet but I I'm good for now. I went and got plants from somewhere else because work was pressuring me to get the tank set up. I'll hit you up again when I set up my next tank and plan ahead of time :)
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Look who it is?’ Did josh get with you on the RAP credit?
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Fish Tropic like I said- I could be wrong ;) thanks for sharing- link them up if you have a video
hash glass
hash glass - 6 years ago
i keep disus i must have A different kind than you was talking about
qn1010 - 6 years ago
I love discus (and have few)
Mickie Frial
Mickie Frial - 6 years ago
https://youtu.be/ugyfhKO9iEE They come right to the front of the tank walking into my office. I can get why people are turned off to them though because of the water changes alone.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Show us if you have a video link
Amanda Welch
Amanda Welch - 6 years ago
The way you delivered why you don't keep Dicus, makes me wonder how you'd deliver why you don't keep African Cichlids.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
....and thank you for my next video idea
LiQuiD SmoKe
LiQuiD SmoKe - 6 years ago
What up D, it's your boy JT. I love Discuss and have had many beautiful specimens in my tanks, but they always seem to die. I have a hunch my Angel murders them in the night, but unsure. I've always wanted to have a very large discus only tank but at $75 a piece it's hard.
Vladipiggy - 6 years ago
I don't know why, but I think discus are super ugly. To much going on with their patterns. Its like those people with the hot pink cheetah print shirts. Its just looks tacky. Also the finiky stuff my fish gotta be hardy I don't have lots of time for my fish and I want a weekly water change and the rest of my fish time should be looking at them.
Robert Dillon
Robert Dillon - 6 years ago
Love it!!!!!
Keith - 6 years ago
Love the way the beta is just chilling in the centre of the tank like "You know that, bro!"
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
He’s my man!
Darryl Moore
Darryl Moore - 6 years ago
I love them but will never keep them for the same seven reasons you just listed.
Me12342010 - 6 years ago
You are so fine. Love your videos.
Robert Lengemann
Robert Lengemann - 6 years ago
Yea I’m sorry but Half of what you said is wrong completely.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
That’s the point- it’s what I’ve heard but never experienced first hand- as you can see - others are speaking up. What’s your take on discus? (I’m also not all wrong as many others have said)
Ricardo Gutierrez
Ricardo Gutierrez - 6 years ago
I got back from Afghanistan in 2010? From what I had seen in your videos and other people like Jenny and the king of diy I started a discus tank never had a problem I had a few months ago and the rest I still have
Jeff K
Jeff K - 6 years ago
Whats your tap water like? Mine is incredibly hard, surprising it flows through pipes. Seriously mine plugs up faucets, coffee makers, and makes a mess of tea pots. African cichlids love it though.
Marks Shrimp Tanks
Marks Shrimp Tanks - 6 years ago
I love discus
Marks Shrimp Tanks
Marks Shrimp Tanks - 6 years ago
Because they are beautiful, If I ever get back into fish I would setup au a tank for them:D
TM Aquatics
TM Aquatics - 6 years ago
Marks Shrimp Tanks So do I, in other people’s tanks.....
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
There he is! Why do you love discus?
Caudopunk - 6 years ago
Discus are gorgeous but you won’t catch them in my tanks!
jay dee
jay dee - 6 years ago
Dustin I feed tubaflex worms, frozen blood worm and bug bites. And if your scared of the heat don’t be all my plants look better then when I had the water at a lower temp. My discus eat out of my hand. They greet me when I come up to the tank. With that being said your missing out on one of the best looking aquariums you could have.
jay dee
jay dee - 6 years ago
Dustin I’ve had the discus about a year and a half. And all I do is a water change every week and a half and I’m sure I can go longer. But you have all those water change systems down pat brother. But they do cost money your rite but I purchase all my fish about 4” smaller ones your not guaranteed good size. Tank on
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
I made this Discus video to get a response like this... How long have you had these discus and how much water changes do you do? and how often?
kevos fish&reptile room
kevos fish&reptile room - 6 years ago
Hay man i got like 5 off them and so far got 3 left i can't wait to getting them out of my home everything you said about them is right and if you want to get them you better spend a lot of money and get the good ones don't buy the cheap ones because they will definitely die and tey come with parasite and will affect your whole tank
Donnie Keay
Donnie Keay - 6 years ago
Curious as to how long you have had your Discus, if you don't mind me asking
MD Fish Tanks
MD Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
"Sarah, let's get out of here!" Hahaha
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Marc Davis hahaha- Sarah was a discus
REDNECK AQUATICS - 6 years ago
I agree too hard to keep them I live in South Texas and we got some majorly hard water so it'd be a lot of work so no discus for redneck Aquatics
Donnie Keay
Donnie Keay - 6 years ago
I'm not going to argue against anyone else's experience with Discus, but for me, I've found that some of the popular claims that people (and Dustin, in this video) make about Discus, aren't 100% true, at least not in my experience. I have had the same group of Discus in my tank for about 9 months without issue. I'll link my tank below. Here is my assessment on some of the claims people make about Discus:

1. 50% Daily water changes - I do about 25% water changes 3 or sometimes 4 times a week. The guys at my local fish store have a really nice planted Discus display tank with full size Discus, and they claim to only do 1 30-40% water change every week. The guy at the store says it's more about having an "established tank" than doing the water changes, and that Discus should only be put into a tank that's been up for at least 1.5 - 2 years.

2. Discus are skittish - I have found this to not really be true. Yes, they are skittish for the first couple of weeks, but mine are never hiding and always at the tank looking for food whenever anyone comes into the room. I even have a breeding pair of Kibs that probably shouldn't be in there with the Discus but they really don't seem to mind and will "fight back" against the Kribs if they are getting too aggressive.

3. Water too warm for planted tanks - Maybe this is true for some plants, but if you notice in my video linked below, plants are doing ok in my tank. I keep it at about 84 F.

4. Water parameters and PH - The PH in my city's tap water, the last time I checked, comes out at 8.0. I don't even check it anymore because it's so discouraging, lol. I don't do anything to the PH. The Discus, however, don't seem to mind for some reason. There are several fish stores in my city that have Discus, and the guys that I've talked to just run tap water like me. I have heard that the reason for this is that "modern" Discus have been bred in captivity for so long that they are now used to the higher PH, and that the "PH issue" is now kind of dated, but would probably still apply to wild Discus.

Other than that, I will say they are picky as hell eaters. Out of the 5 Discus I have, 2 will occasionally nibble on flakes, the others will only eat bloodworms. I haven't seen any parasites yet but I do keep an eye on that, and don't want to "knock on wood" there.

Anyways, just trying to maybe dispel some rumors...these rumors are the same ones that scared me away from keeping Discus for so long, so maybe if someone's reading this and is on the fence hopefully I can be of some help. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions, and of course, "tank on".

Thanks Dustin for another great video, you and your channel rock. Here is my tank:

Ed Staart
Ed Staart - 6 years ago
prolificbreed Only keep em in a pond if your first name is Steve
Stephen Andrade
Stephen Andrade - 6 years ago
Hey, Dustin Discus fish is not hard to keep anymore. As long as your water ph is consistent every time you do a water change there would be no problem. There are easier ways to feed discus now with my experience we have dry pellets, freeze-dried black worms which I believe is a key to getting discus to start eating dry food. But of course, I do feed them live black worms as well without worrying they would catch a parasite. I keep my aquarium at 82F and I have tons of plants in there without a problem. As for water changes, I do them once a week 50% !! Easy as keeping any other fish. You have to work with on what you have if your ph is high keep them in that ph consistent I kept discus before in ph of 8 without a problem.
Lucas De Ville
Lucas De Ville - 6 years ago
my discus dont spook.neither are they shy, they are very friendly when they get to know u.
Brooke Wright
Brooke Wright - 6 years ago
Hello "How the heck was your day Dad?!" From One Aquarius to another "Yes that fish better have personality & want to hear my jokes LOL"
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Brooke Wright haha- my fish walk up and are happy to see me! Discus aren’t doing this!!!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
We will sit down with a pen and think of another one like this ;)
Randy L
Randy L - 6 years ago
I've wanted to keep discuss since I was knee high to a lobster, but you've dissuaded me Dusty, as well as other commenters. I knew they were delicate and needy, but I didn't know they were that much trouble. At this point in my life, I don't want that much work with that much uncertainty.
Nick - 6 years ago
Captive bred are a LOT easier to keep.
Juan José Hernández Barquero
Juan José Hernández Barquero - 6 years ago
I really enjoyed the video. Nice way to talk about fish, easy explained and funny
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Check out US ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT DISCUS (still brought up some killer fish ) https://youtu.be/pJIe9x2PFUw
donalfredo arroyo
donalfredo arroyo - 6 years ago
Dustin's Fish Tanks i feel u my boy
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
donalfredo arroyo it just wasn’t meant to be ;) haha
Carla Rybicki
Carla Rybicki - 6 years ago
I agree 100% with you, Dustin. Beautiful to look at..... but not at my house
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Wanna see what happened to Steve’s discus??? (WE PUT HIS DISCUS IN HIS POND! Click here https://youtu.be/zNlWF9topGo
Ed Staart
Ed Staart - 6 years ago
Dustin's Fish Tanks Are they with Karen ?
Jeff K
Jeff K - 6 years ago
Yeah, but your $300 koi can easily be stolen by one of those bandit raccoons. Honestly its probably cheaper and easier to keep good looking saltwater fish, so long as you stay away from inverts.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Ed Staart long gone!
Ed Staart
Ed Staart - 6 years ago
Dustin's Fish Tanks cool are they still in there?
Steve Horton
Steve Horton - 6 years ago
I’ve never had them but if money wasn’t a problem I might do it just because it’s a challenge
TM Aquatics
TM Aquatics - 6 years ago
Kept them for years, then had enough. Got tired of how sensitive they are, the 50% daily water changes, etc. My discus were very active, never hid, and gorgeous fish. I miss them at times but have moved on to other things like plecos and shrimp. I started off buying small discus, but later started only buying big 5”+. The time and cost to grow out a small isn’t worth it. Just buy big and save yourself the headaches. Also got tired of the toxic people on simply discus forums. Some of the most self righteous people in the hobby. If you don’t keep in a bare bottom tank, the simply discus crowd will tar and feather you. It’s also getting a little ridiculous with all the new names breeders come up with for the same colors that have been out for years. Currently keep a group of 6 red severums with some electric blue acara in the 120. Combined they cost me less than one large discus. They have more personality and eat anything I toss in the tank.
Zante - 6 years ago
I used to make my own food for the discus, made with fish, fruit and veg and a few additives like spirulina, astaxantine and vitamins. About an hours' work and I had frozen food for six months, and came up cheaper than even flake or granules.
Zante - 6 years ago
I had discus in a... wait...
To any discus fanatic, sit down because this will shock you

I had discus in a community tank, with rummynoses, corys and ancistrus. Planted riparium it was too. Temperature? 27 Celsius (approx 80 Fahrenheit).
Did about 50% water changes once a month.


they successfully spawned in the community tank, and by successfully I mean I sold the little ones to the local fish shop.

I've grown to believe that discus are so delicate because of how they're kept by these fanatics: boring blank tanks, too hot with constant water changes.
jonerik Peterson
jonerik Peterson - 6 years ago
why are you doing 50% daily water changes... stop listening to the internet with these fish youre first mistake was going to discus forums and listening to the idiots on there who say BARE BOTTOM TANKS ONLY REVERSE OSMOSIS 100% DAILY WATER CHANGES 86F TEMPS ONLY.. Ive had discus for years.. I do biweekly water changes in my 135g planted tank... Guess what all 10 of my discus are 6+ inches in size and healthy and i have no heaters.. they are fine at 78f.. they eat flake food as well i stopped buying expensive beefheart.. it isnt needed Geesh
ada205mi - 6 years ago
TM Aquatics 50 percent water changes per day? Back in the 80s yes, but I'm sorry, statements like that are probably killing more discus than keeping alive. That's a massive amount of stress for the Discus and I doubt most doing such ridiculous maintenance routines truly match the new water to old properly. Back in the 80s I quickly learnt maintenance on discus tanks needed to be as unatrusive as possible to keep stress to a minimum. Daily 50% unless automated is to intrusive. The fact this sort of stuff is still spoken is crazy.. it stems from the 80s when many Fish were wild caught and equipment was far inferior to what we have today. Stendker Discus will happily live in hard water. Ensure fish are parasite free, and normal good tank husbandry is alls needed. People over complicating stuff and constantly adding new water and never allowing old to mature kills. The key with water is stability in values. I've discus that are 10 years old and not been wormed in the last 9 years.... these fish get one water change per week at 40%. Buy healthy stock, have good filtration, appropriate sized tank and Discus are easy nowadays. I agree with most you said though, and discus forums are full of dicks!
tuvalu - 6 years ago
it always depends on the specific character of your Oscar. They can be real killers or get along with other smaller fish. I have mine with a Firemouth that is way smaller than him and he doesn't bully him. However I had him first with Tiger Barbs, when we was really small and I thought he's too small to eat them and the barbs are quick. I was wrong unfortunately. He ate 4 barbs before I was able to evacuate the rest of the barbs. always good to have spare tanks...
Eric K
Eric K - 6 years ago
tuvalu well, hopefully this wont be an expensive failed experiment. Mbuna Marcus, who also keeps Oscars said he has been successful with severums and acaras. I’ll see how it goes....
tuvalu - 6 years ago
the oscar will eat the acaras as soon as it's big enough to see them as prey . severums are also more on the shy side which can also be an issue as mr oscar. in a large tank it might work though. I had my oscar with a pacu twice the size of him and he was biting him slowly to death. I pulled mr oscar out today and put him in an un-cycled new tank since pacu was left with almost no scales and I had to do something about is. this is the problem with big aggressive predator fish. you never know how badass your's will be.
Eric K
Eric K - 6 years ago
Dude, I’m totally setting up a 180 gallon tank for severums, acaras, and my Oscar (fingers crossed my Oscar will like them as tank mates). Glad to hear you like them
outdoors and mooresss
outdoors and mooresss - 6 years ago
Plus... my small discus are growing at an insane rate. I don’t think the time it took me would be worth the money.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Check out my how to grow White worms video https://youtu.be/yeyeyWDWawU
The Budget Aquarist
The Budget Aquarist - 6 years ago
100% agree...if I'm going to lose a fish it's going to be a 6 bucker not a 35 bucker and up!
andaleeb hassan
andaleeb hassan - 6 years ago
Want to see Steve
firstadam2k - 6 years ago
I did saltwater because it was easier so yes I agree on what you said.
Jeff K
Jeff K - 6 years ago
Yeah, you can get some very hardy good looking fish in saltwater. Just don't to a reef tank unless you want more hassle than discus.
s r
s r - 6 years ago
BBF ,big beutiful fish
Foracal Satoe
Foracal Satoe - 6 years ago
Haaa! And my betta greets me and my cats so a easy to spook fish? I am out
Jeff K
Jeff K - 6 years ago
Yeah, and my African peacocks bite my hand.
redneck fish keeper
redneck fish keeper - 6 years ago
My wife likes them and has been trying to get me to keep them, But I have the same thoughts about them as you. Beautiful fish, but expensive and not very active.
Paul Conway
Paul Conway - 6 years ago
Think you're spot on! Who needs the hassle expense and heartache. A thriving planted tank is my love, I enjoy seeing fish enjoying their leafy natural environment, but I'd rather have a hardy easy to keep happy fish that's right for my water parameters, than try to keep something on life support!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Paul Conway amen!
Chris Meredith
Chris Meredith - 6 years ago
You got a laugh outta me this morning D :) You were right on the $ with this. Though I`m sure a school of discus would be pretty sweet in the 350; I`m looking forward to whatever you do with it.
Dominik Figueroa
Dominik Figueroa - 6 years ago
My water isn't right for them but I have tried and I have failed miserably and lost a LOT of money trying to keep them
Dominik Figueroa
Dominik Figueroa - 6 years ago
Josh is a good dude very smart and dropped some great knowledge on aquatic plants especially Amazon swords. But the best part is he has no problem saying he doesn't know something instead of making up some crap
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Dominik Figueroa thanks- that’s what I’m saying my man! (Thanks for your comments to josh as well!
Lorenzo Villar
Lorenzo Villar - 6 years ago
Fishy Wishes
Fishy Wishes - 6 years ago
Discus are one fish I've never kept either. I think they're beautiful and would definitely love to keep them someday.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Check out my COLLECTING DISCUS VIDEO https://youtu.be/vKq3sSYRP3g
Orestis S
Orestis S - 6 years ago
Discus fish are amazing. Discus people, not so much. The get triggered easily. Lol
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Grandmaster haha- leave the discus people outta this! (We can bash discus fish only!)
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
bmickey712 I try to bring the pain ;) it’s so weird knowing people are laughing- but not being able to see them laugh!
jan truter
jan truter - 6 years ago
Angelfish thats all Im gonna say Angelfish.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
jan truter Giant Altum angelfish would be my move
walter otiepka
walter otiepka - 6 years ago
Kept discus for four years got sick of 75% wc every other day you will find some discus keepers that do that everyday you r right they are light on personality just too much work
Fx Brito
Fx Brito - 6 years ago
75% is a lot of work and expense and total BS. I keep Discus for 10+ years and do that... at all.
World Wolf
World Wolf - 6 years ago
walter otiepka A 75% wc every other day doesn't sit right at all, they must be doing something wrong. But then again a lot of people rely on only sponge filters for these fish , which is bare-bone filtration.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
walter otiepka I can’t fathom that kinda work for fish that don’t love me- and I am in the biz of waterchanges!!! No thanks discuss!
Bass Player
Bass Player - 6 years ago
I keep Discus and have kept them so long that I have no problems with them except I have to make their food about once every three months.
I feed the them real lean beef tips with garlic and spirulina all ran through a meat grinder then rolled flat in one gallon freezer bags.
My fish don't hide...
Fields fish
Fields fish - 6 years ago
I personally keep discus but if I ever buy more more discus I would definitely buy a full grown discus they are less finicky than juvenile discus
Fields fish
Fields fish - 6 years ago
Yea. And keeping them in a bare bottom and doing daily water changes
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Fields fish did you raise up your discuss from small?
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Jack Puffer sounds like too much work and low ph for me and discus fish!!
David Knight
David Knight - 6 years ago
I like big fish and I cannot lie
Jeff K
Jeff K - 6 years ago
I do agree Koi in a pond are the best large fish though.
Judge POng
Judge POng - 6 years ago
I had a discus that has personality, he hated my finger... He died of course... They'd eat really well and all of the sudden everything goes downhill... Within hours they could die from the time you noticed them not feeling well... But i love them...
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Judge POng thank you for seconding everything steve told me about keeping discuss.... I can’t handle that kind of flip to death
cascade ghost
cascade ghost - 6 years ago
They're beautiful fish, I've thought about keeping them. However dislike the acid ph they prefer and they hide. Thinking about vejia zonatus
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Preston Shearer all day long- koi money goes way further, longer and cooler than discus money !
Patrick Deyhle
Patrick Deyhle - 6 years ago
Discus are beautiful fish (the wild form not the farm created coulours) but they are quite boring
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Patrick Deyhle I just don’t like how discus don’t come out!!!
Mithras - 6 years ago
Weww more edited videosss
Mithras - 6 years ago
Dustin's Fish Tanks awesome hahahaha
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Mithras less daily videos with more - better content- well edited videos ;)
yorkitea - 6 years ago
yorkitea - 6 years ago
has he gone camera shy still a great video with his help i guess he no longer keeps them
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
yorkitea I have tried - he gave me the tips on this discus video!!!
Amanda Brooks
Amanda Brooks - 6 years ago
My dad had and loved them.. but they’re not for me.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Amanda Brooks why are discus not for you?! (Everyone has the reason- I am wondering your reason for not keeping discuss)
Janet Whittenburg-batchelor
Janet Whittenburg-batchelor - 6 years ago
They are beautiful.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
DISCUS PEOPLE! Drop me a comment on what I have right or wrong on this!? Should I do them in the 350?!
Will Kwan
Will Kwan - 6 years ago
Dustin's Fish Tanks, discus are not hard to keep at all. Your points in the video are common misconception about discus keeping.

Discus are not picky eater. All my discus are fed frozen food, such as mysis shrimp and beef heart mixture.

Discus are not picky about ph and hardness. They will do well as long as the water is clean. You just need to accumate them to your tap water and they will be fine.

Algae problem can be solve by daily water change.

Discus are not shy at all. They only hide when they are sick. My discus actually swim up and try to see if I feed them anything. They are some curious fish.

The discus that does not survive a week a likely from some questionable fish farm. They have been living in medicine fill water all their lives and the shipping and such weaken them and then they just die and it is not even the new owner's fault.

There are plenty of medicine for every kind of discus disease as they just use the same medicine for other fishes. For example, your local fish store should carry medicine that treat internal parasites and that would work for discus as well.

Hope my information helps. I would like to see you and others try to keep discus. The whole "discus is hard to keep" myth is because of those bad quality fish from questionable fish farms. Get your hand on ones that are healthy and you should have success. Your best bet would be getting your fish from your local breeder.

Once you get the hang of keeping discus, it is actually one of the easiest fish to keep. I actually found it harder to keep neon tetra alive lol.
colinbarsby - 6 years ago
JUST LOVED THIS VIDEO!!!!!...……. Sooo much......
Very hard to come out and say, but Discus are a bit boring too.
Can be super colourful, and I kind of like them, but all those 7 reasons sum it up for me too. Not a fish high on my list.
Sir Pineapple
Sir Pineapple - 6 years ago
Dustin's Fish Tanks just about all of it, discus are pains im arse, plus if your going to go to the effort of keeping might as well set up a salt tank, both tanks will require the same effort, have similar problems but atleast personally I find salt water fish are way more colourful each to there own, personally I wouldn’t unless I could get some really nice wild caught ones but even then cbf too much effort
Ritchie Newell
Ritchie Newell - 6 years ago
They really aren't that hard.
Wilds are harder than commercially bred varieties.
Mine were kept in treated tap water. Water changes once a week of approximately 40% they do require mega filtration though. It's all about water quality and quality fish.
Ed Staart
Ed Staart - 6 years ago
I know two things that goes for the Discus: they will not get stuck easily in the 6 way Syphon, and you can throw them very far, you must know about this with your history Drs Diploma: on the first olympics in Athens( Greece) they were throwing Discus.
Ed Staart
Ed Staart - 6 years ago
Johnny Bravo you can always put them in a pond I just saw that. Syphon On
Johnny Bravo
Johnny Bravo - 6 years ago
Ed Staart lol...no more discus(sion) just do it !!!!!
Ed Staart
Ed Staart - 6 years ago
Johnny Bravo hai there ,the amount is always on Discus(sion)
Johnny Bravo
Johnny Bravo - 6 years ago
go for 6 discuss in 350g...take it as a challenge :D
Jeff K
Jeff K - 6 years ago
Hmm, a planted 350G tank with a very light fish load of discus might not be to bad to maintain water quality. Don't ask me though I don't know discus. They do make for the most spectacular inhabitants for a planted tank.
Tjjj Wjjnn
Tjjj Wjjnn - 6 years ago
Dustin's Fish Tanks They are too high maintenance. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. But everything you said is spot on.
Daxton Kidd
Daxton Kidd - 6 years ago
I’ve been wanting some lately
Weedturtle - 6 years ago

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