Discus Fish Diseases & Treatment I have been facing a huge problem since last two weeks with my Discus fishes getting sick. Most of them were lying down on their sides & slowly started developing white patches on their skin. Some of them even started losing their slime & started to peel of their skin & some were having drastic infection on their fins. Finally, after losing couple of my wonderful adult Discus fishes & learning a lot from the net I got the remedies to treat them with the right medication. This video is about that & hope this will help you guys too if you are facing any problems with your Discus. SUBSCRIBE . LIKE . COMMENT For more videos like this https://youtu.be/8wZ8sbfwL_I


Discus 8 years ago 22,073 views

Discus Fish Diseases & Treatment I have been facing a huge problem since last two weeks with my Discus fishes getting sick. Most of them were lying down on their sides & slowly started developing white patches on their skin. Some of them even started losing their slime & started to peel of their skin & some were having drastic infection on their fins. Finally, after losing couple of my wonderful adult Discus fishes & learning a lot from the net I got the remedies to treat them with the right medication. This video is about that & hope this will help you guys too if you are facing any problems with your Discus. SUBSCRIBE . LIKE . COMMENT For more videos like this https://youtu.be/8wZ8sbfwL_I

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Most popular comments

mundo microscopico acuario carrero
mundo microscopico acuario carrero - 6 years ago
Cheriachen Francis
Cheriachen Francis - 7 years ago
Was paragaurd effective with your fishes place help me out
Dj Neo
Dj Neo - 7 years ago
Yes Mr.Cherian. Paraguard was effective. But, please do take care of the dosage as per your aquarium size...
Cheriachen Francis
Cheriachen Francis - 7 years ago
Hey neo great video my discus fish has the same problem place help me out
iitz AllBoa
iitz AllBoa - 7 years ago
I have the same problem !
I lost 3 discus already. Now the skin looks a bit dry and have some white lines/scrapes on the skin. I was recommended metro+ to dust the blood worms in it and feed. Not sure if it's going to work or not but doing big water changes everyday too now.
iitz AllBoa
iitz AllBoa - 7 years ago
Murphylolz so ever since I started to medicate my tank with metro+ my discus have been bouncing back to good health. I did the tank treatment for 5days with daily 50% water changes, now I only medicate the food every feeding until I see no more sign of (clamp Fin, stress, staying in one spot, not shoaling). So now the 2 discus that were the most sick are swimming and eating again. So I have to say metro+ worked great.
Murphylolz - 7 years ago
iitz AllBoa how has that worked for you so far?
Sneha Adhi
Sneha Adhi - 7 years ago
What is the reason for the blue colour border like in the fins of a discus fish?
discus4thediscerning - 7 years ago
You're guessing...
patrick john quino
patrick john quino - 7 years ago
Very informative information mate.. thanks for the uploads!! keep it up..
A Fitness
A Fitness - 7 years ago
does bogwood, anubius nana and ceramic ring higher the ph level, ammonia, nitrate and nitrite?? plz help me. my fish are also sits like in side way. seems like they are sick.
Dj Neo
Dj Neo - 7 years ago
For Discus fish I don't keep any gravel. The only plant I have is also anubias with bogwood. That's it. It makes the water and aquarium easy to clean. Gravels produce more dirt and causes your ph, nitrite & nitrate levels to rise high. I would recommend you to clear the gravels...
A Fitness
A Fitness - 7 years ago
+Dj Neo (Nihar Mohamed) and one more thing i forgot to say that i have test my tank water and tap water by avi test kit. my tap water is all good in ph, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite but after changing water from my tank why it alwys shows high in ph, ammonia, nitrate and nitrite. i have gravels , anubius, bogwood, bio filter and ceramic ring in top filter??
A Fitness
A Fitness - 7 years ago
+Dj Neo (Nihar Mohamed) tysm sir for ur update. now i totally got it. i ll keep doing update.
A Fitness
A Fitness - 7 years ago
+Dj Neo (Nihar Mohamed) now i got it sir. i do water changes every 5days
Dj Neo
Dj Neo - 7 years ago
If you have only one or two fishes who are sick then you should keep them in another tank and change their water 50% every day...
Dj Neo
Dj Neo - 7 years ago
what is the consistency you are keeping for your water changes? do you change the water every week or every 2 days?
What I meant was, if you are changing the water every 2 days then you should keep that consistency. Do not change the water one day after 3 days or 4 days. This makes the fish stress...
A Fitness
A Fitness - 7 years ago
+Dj Neo (Nihar Mohamed) and sir not all fishes are sick since 1 week. should i keep those sick fish to another tank????
A Fitness
A Fitness - 7 years ago
+Dj Neo (Nihar Mohamed) sir i did not get u. u said do not keep chaning the duaration of water changes.
Dj Neo
Dj Neo - 7 years ago
Dear Amit, If your Discus fishes are sitting cornered then you should take utmost care. First & foremost take out all the gravel, bogwood or plants whatever you have in it. Secondly, please do a 50% water change every day. Keep a watch on them how they are reacting. Clean the glass corner to corner as any parasites can always hook onto any place in the aquarium. Do not use multiple sponges or cleaning material. If you are using one for one aquarium, do not use it for another aquarium. Try aquarium salt depending on the size of your aquarium.
Hope they get better soon. Please do keep updating. I will do my best to help you with the recovery.
The best way to keep your fish healthy is the consistency in your water change. Consistency means - If you change water every day, then you have to be consistent on that. If you change aquarium water every 3 days then you have to be consistent on that. Do not keep changing the duration of water changes. This stresses the fish to get sick easily...
igloois - 7 years ago
too many fish per tank
Dj Neo
Dj Neo - 7 years ago
igloois its Quarantine tank dude...


Stews Aquarium
Stews Aquarium - 8 years ago
Thanks mate for the good info.
Dj Neo
Dj Neo - 8 years ago
Stewart Mulligan , you are welcome mate.
Alexander Galban
Alexander Galban - 8 years ago
Aman Singhania
Aman Singhania - 8 years ago
Fоr аn ЕХTRА-STRЕNGТH tооenail fungus trеаtmеnt thаt can clear уоur nаils in 6-12 wееks go to https://twitter.com/c903839ed82be8bc0/status/804542873576214528 DISCUS FISH DISЕAАAASЕS PАRASITЕS FUNGUS BАCTERIA ТRЕАТМENТ

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