DIY Aquarium Lights: Setting up new Aquarium Lighting
Discus 13 years ago 11,285 views
In this video I talk about setting up aquarium lighting using high output t5 aquarium light bulbs and how to light your aquarium. Subscribe Most Recent Video My Most Popular Video GET AN AWESOME TANK! Aquarium Lighting Tips: Are you afraid of the dark? Fish Tank Room Tour. Only wanted to show the 75 but figured I'd share more. T5 lights on 75 How to Avoid Algae With New Lights In Your Aquarium DIY High output T5 bulbs in my home made canopy. Part 4- I s I am jacked about getting another tank up in the basement, wife, not so much. I am extra excited about this impulse buy at Home Depot. Doing HOT5 bulbs for the first time. Because the 55 will be newly dirted, i'm not gonna up the high lights on it, but my 75 can have some fun with 4 bulbs. Never done the HO T5s. We shall see. Any comments on what you use bulb wise would be great Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Support your boy! Check out my Aquarium Plants and Aquarium Stuff for sale! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Fish Tank People Social Community
my lights i have 38 wats 2 lights ONe blue/white one red IS the red even doing something ?
on my Aponogeton ulvaceus it seems to be working okay but my java fern seems to be dying
whats better 2 blue lights or one red one blue ?
its kinda driving me insane XD some plants seem to do better in blue they bend and aponogeton seems to like red and my anubias seems to like blue =[
im confused and never really see red lights in the netherlands they all say you need them but do you ?
Just bought his book last night and haven't got that far yet…
Does anyone remember the name of that youtube video where he recommends the lighting amount as in 6500??
Just bought a 55 Gallon. And want to buy some lights for it that work great!
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