Dang, THOSE came in big. Tropical Fish Unboxing
Discus 7 years ago 68,572 views
Another weekly shipment to our Tropical Fish store in Edmonds, Washington. Unfortunately we don't ship any of these fish. Only our lucky retail customers can buy them. However you can buy plants and dry goods on our website. Our Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTIJvh8Ft7NMxvXtudeQv2A Our Website: http://www.aquariumcoop.com
weird. but good to know.
Love your videos, but please spell COLOMBIA correctly. You wrote Columbia and is spell COLOMBIA. Thanks
I have a quick question I got a plant that came in a pvp pipe should I take it out of the pipe or just keep it in
Love your channel, thanks for all the videos.
10. comment for Dang, THOSE came in big. Tropical Fish Unboxing
20. comment for Dang, THOSE came in big. Tropical Fish Unboxing
benn watching ur vids since 4-5 or more months love the content...
Anyone knew where i can get koi bettas in canada. Im having such a hard time finding them.
30. comment for Dang, THOSE came in big. Tropical Fish Unboxing
50. comment for Dang, THOSE came in big. Tropical Fish Unboxing
"Black loaches. What bad dreams are made of!" Bwahaaaha!
Those Apistogrammas are stunning!
100. comment for Dang, THOSE came in big. Tropical Fish Unboxing
Add in 50 cardinals & 30 otocinclus --- now that's what I was talking about --- small fish in a 125 gallon --- so cool
but I'm not ready yet and I'll probably change my mind 59 times before I'm ready LOL
Not sure if you will get to read this or not but I have to say I enjoyed watching this unboxing compared to others due to you showing what the fish looks like in a tank after u show it in the bag. I think there is a lot of people that have no idea what the fish look like and it's hard to see in the bag when you show the fish in a tank after each bag then you get to really see how the fish looks and even better if you wait 24 hours so the fish can color up If you don't have any in stock at the time of unboxing.
Thanks for the awesome videos keep up the good work
Mine were the Panda Marigold Mollies at 14:07
I'm happy you have appreciation for the Zebra Danio... you may have a benefit to being in Washington, when it comes to the Danio Rerio varieties because the university of Washington is a huge breeding facility for the Zebra Danio, tons of strains and pattern morphs are available to you, and they will recognise breeders strains in there program.
any tips on breeding goldfish and white cloud mountain minnows?
+ Winnie Hut Jr's _
I'm learning so much from your videos. Thanks so much!
your real name.
✓Fork in the Road Aquariums
✓Rhodes Tanks
I love them! Thumbs up already! =)