Dang, THOSE came in big. Tropical Fish Unboxing

Another weekly shipment to our Tropical Fish store in Edmonds, Washington. Unfortunately we don't ship any of these fish. Only our lucky retail customers can buy them. However you can buy plants and dry goods on our website. Our Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTIJvh8Ft7NMxvXtudeQv2A Our Website: http://www.aquariumcoop.com

Dang, THOSE came in big. Tropical Fish Unboxing sentiment_very_dissatisfied 32

Discus 7 years ago 68,572 views

Another weekly shipment to our Tropical Fish store in Edmonds, Washington. Unfortunately we don't ship any of these fish. Only our lucky retail customers can buy them. However you can buy plants and dry goods on our website. Our Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTIJvh8Ft7NMxvXtudeQv2A Our Website: http://www.aquariumcoop.com

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Most popular comments
for Dang, THOSE came in big. Tropical Fish Unboxing

Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Have you missed our live streams lately? Need more Unboxings? Check out our new channel here : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTIJvh8Ft7NMxvXtudeQv2A
Jay10 Playz
Jay10 Playz - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op how can I order a black goldfish
Oliver Taylor-holmes
Oliver Taylor-holmes - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op u put wrong video on for yoyo loaches
vigilhammer - 7 years ago
Funny u mentioned it, cause in my geography book its columbia.
weird. but good to know.
fishlover 9
fishlover 9 - 7 years ago
What website did u order these from
Paola Norena
Paola Norena - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op
Love your videos, but please spell COLOMBIA correctly. You wrote Columbia and is spell COLOMBIA. Thanks
Chitownst1 Gaming
Chitownst1 Gaming - 7 years ago
miguel ramirez something fishy pets
miguel ramirez
miguel ramirez - 7 years ago
Chitownst1 Gaming. What's your lfs?
Lord Grim
Lord Grim - 7 years ago
Cory, that sultan pleco is 99% CB, since last year, the true grey sultan plecos are now illegal to import, info directly from our supplier at work, so might be able to breed it more likely.
Chitownst1 Gaming
Chitownst1 Gaming - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op where do you get your pea puffers from? I wanna tell my local fish store so they can order some because there in high demand over here?
abby theredwolf
abby theredwolf - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op great video I love unboxings
I have a quick question I got a plant that came in a pvp pipe should I take it out of the pipe or just keep it in
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Won't work on the app I believe.
Akvaryum Sever
Akvaryum Sever - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op Türkçe Alyazı Eklermısın
young spy baystars pv
young spy baystars pv - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op I can't open the link.
Danielle Regan
Danielle Regan - 7 years ago
im cinde of new to the freshwater fish isa beta fish a siamease fighter
GEORGE RANGO - 7 years ago
Why plecos have numbers
Nobody - 7 years ago
How old were you when you started breeding, currently I am thirteen and just starting up. I never knew fish supplies/shipping fish could be so expensive but it makes me extremely happy breeding guppies.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I believe I was 22 or so when my first mollies bred.
P Ark
P Ark - 7 years ago
I wonder what the hobby can do to minimize plastics use. It's ironic that the plastics that give fish life here in the hobby hand them their death in marine and fresh water ecosystems.
Patrick O'Connor
Patrick O'Connor - 7 years ago
Hi guys, have a 6g all in one nano tank that I want to plant and stock for my little girl. Was thinking 6 rummy tetras and 3 cherry shrimp. Q - do you think this is too much for this amount of water? will they coexist well?
Love your channel, thanks for all the videos.
VanillaSpoon - 7 years ago
those goldfish looked beat up
Courtney Brommer
Courtney Brommer - 7 years ago
i have dalmation mollies, really wish i would have gotten the black mollies though because they are so sleek looking. my dalmatian mollies are fun too, though. :)
Maddy Grabham
Maddy Grabham - 7 years ago
Weren't the first ones Kuhli loaches not yoyo?

10. comment for Dang, THOSE came in big. Tropical Fish Unboxing

Akhilesh Nahal
Akhilesh Nahal - 7 years ago
I love your unboxing video. I loved Those BLOODFIN TETRAS
Sylvia Bond
Sylvia Bond - 7 years ago
i what to get red cap oraneds form you
Samantha MacDonald
Samantha MacDonald - 7 years ago
Update on the chocolate orandas. the fins look horrible.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
At this point healed and sold through the store.
Tristan Lobo
Tristan Lobo - 7 years ago
0:32 R.I.P. rubber band
ajmoon plays
ajmoon plays - 7 years ago
wut sight do u order off of
tech teacher
tech teacher - 7 years ago
Show the fish on an aquarium after unboxing
Brandy Harrington
Brandy Harrington - 7 years ago
Those frogs are my favorite!!!! They are kinda hard to find!
Connor Bishop
Connor Bishop - 7 years ago
Could I keep Honey Gouramis in my community tank with Black Widows, Blue and Red Columbian Tetras, Serpae Tetras, Sword tails, Platies and Bristlenose
Connor Bishop
Connor Bishop - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op OK thanks, what would the ideal tank mates be please?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Seems like the tank mates are a bit boisterous for the honey gourami.
Michael Quinn
Michael Quinn - 7 years ago
Do you ship plants to Scotland uk & fish
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
We don't, can only ship inside the USA
Bridgette Carbino
Bridgette Carbino - 7 years ago
If u clean up and organize the garage u can have more room for the packaging station and u can have it as a unloading area and u might be able to put some more fish tank in it

20. comment for Dang, THOSE came in big. Tropical Fish Unboxing

YoBoyJohnny! - 7 years ago
Dude I like you so much, your videos and your fishes. Where can I send a tripod or a selfie stick. It bothers me how u hold the camera yenno
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+YoBoyJohnny! We have tried lots of styles, when I didn’t film this way the viewer ship didn’t enjoy it. There is a dedicated video person plus me, 2 microphones and 3 cameras being used to film these currently.
Mary Spencer
Mary Spencer - 7 years ago
Never saw this type of video, thanks!
dontask996 - 7 years ago
Those goldfish look like they have a heavy case of fin rot, or just overall damage. D: I hope you treated them for it
Lori Austin
Lori Austin - 7 years ago
Do the molly tank please!! I really want a big brackish molly tank but no idea how to maintain
R.Xristian Mazes
R.Xristian Mazes - 7 years ago
Where did you order your goldfish. Seeking an economical seller that will ship to California as I am on a budget and disabled an can go to pet store. Please Respond
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
This wholesaler only sells to retail stores, so they wouldn't be able to help you unfortunately.
APM Gaming
APM Gaming - 7 years ago
damn ...u shoot in 4k or wat...!!! superb quality ....
benn watching ur vids since 4-5 or more months love the content...
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
We are shooting in 1080.
Alexis-Marrie Phelan
Alexis-Marrie Phelan - 7 years ago
Hey i was wondeeing if u
Anyone knew where i can get koi bettas in canada. Im having such a hard time finding them.
Mike Fisher
Mike Fisher - 7 years ago
I love black mollies to but my favorites are the lyretails
rebecca durbin
rebecca durbin - 7 years ago
awesome plants, mine came to me died but i was great with it. as far as im concerned as long as you got the roots all plants can be revived.i put some extra care and its coming back to life, so im happy with my product. i dont think ppl realize that just because you have a plant that doesnt look 100 percent doesnt mean it aint no good. give it TLC. when you do come out with a salt water tank for molly be sure to make a video. ever since i got my molly from my classroom i been interested in that breed. the molly (named bully) is soon coming home with me. just deciding and no sure what else to put mollies with other than my african dwarfs frogs.
Alan Surgeoner
Alan Surgeoner - 7 years ago
Corey I know there are plenty of sellers who will gladly ship fish that you do not (at the moment) but would you not let us viewers know who you are getting them from , if that seller is willing. Reason being that folk would then know the standard and quality of the fish they are purchasing , even though they cannot buy direct from yourself. maybe the seller would give you a bonus in future orders or come to a reasonable agreement that benefits you both?
Alan Surgeoner
Alan Surgeoner - 7 years ago
No worries Corey, that's why I said if they were willing. Pity because you would get them a lot of business and at the same time it would have put you in a nice negotiating position for your own stock of them? Maybe furhter down the line , eh?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+Alan Surgeoner typically the opposite would happen. If I say who I am ordering from and here is how to contact them. They would no longer sell to me.

30. comment for Dang, THOSE came in big. Tropical Fish Unboxing

Mountainman Aquatics
Mountainman Aquatics - 7 years ago
Most important black kuhlii loaches = what nightmares are made of
Pleco Zone
Pleco Zone - 7 years ago
I first noticed there are blue eye ancistrus . I've never seen it in a Korean fish shop.
Pleco Zone
Pleco Zone - 7 years ago
ㅣ -264 l-066 I like pleco too much! I'm in love with Pleco
StoicAthos - 7 years ago
I love dropping in your store and checking everything out. The fish look well taken care of and the variety of plants can't be beat! Already wanting to get a second larger tank going.
Arden Pierce
Arden Pierce - 7 years ago
could you tell me a good online place to buy sunset honey gouramis I live in bay saint louis mississippi
Arden Pierce
Arden Pierce - 7 years ago
hes not doing so well..............................hes dead
Arden Pierce
Arden Pierce - 7 years ago
OMG i love yoyo loaches i have one in my 30 gallon he still pretty small but i love him!!!!!
Anthony Ragan
Anthony Ragan - 7 years ago
Several of my favorites in this one: bloodfins, borellis, pandas. :)
Chris Thomas
Chris Thomas - 7 years ago
Where can I order apisto's I've been looking around and not much luck. My lfs doesn't usually have them in
NebraskaSXHC - 7 years ago
Very nice tank shots after the bag shot, I enjoy this format!
kaseyleeful - 7 years ago
Showing them in the tank during the unboxing is awesome !
Vicky E
Vicky E - 7 years ago
Great video! How do you keep the bettas in the store? I've only ever seen them in cups.
Selena Hatler-Sancha
Selena Hatler-Sancha - 7 years ago
He's got them in community tanks
Dragon Killer
Dragon Killer - 7 years ago
Where did you order your fish from
YouTube News
YouTube News - 7 years ago
Since u r getting rid of most of ur aquariums is there any chance I can buy them from u?
Roger Dedham
Roger Dedham - 7 years ago
Them mudds channel just said Lamont and Jessica moved back to Seattle.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Yep, they've been here for a couple of months.
Triple 10 Tanks
Triple 10 Tanks - 7 years ago
Very nice mollies
Annmarie Campbell
Annmarie Campbell - 7 years ago
Any fish I could add to an angel fish set up?? Currently have 4 and 2 common plecos. In a 200 litre not sure what that is in USA gallons lol
Brandon Roche
Brandon Roche - 7 years ago
Cory with the storm that just hit my power is going to be out for the next 10 days. I have two battery powered bubblers going right now temperature is around 79 so that should be fine. Do you think I should do water changes to get rid of the ammonia and other stuff? If so how often should I do them considering I don't have power?
Brandon Roche
Brandon Roche - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op sounds good thanks for the response
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I would test the water, but if you don'tfeed, you shouldn't have ammonia build up.
Nova Spiderstorm
Nova Spiderstorm - 7 years ago
Zebra danios are my arch nemesis
Home Aquatics Hobby
Home Aquatics Hobby - 7 years ago
I gotta say that live fish unboxing is the best kind of videos, keep it up man!

50. comment for Dang, THOSE came in big. Tropical Fish Unboxing

andmat757 - 7 years ago
Hi Cory, thanks for the tips about the plants dying off and regrowing. I've been experiencing that with swords from my LFS but can see new growth and I'm no longer worried. Cheers!
Alluring Bettas
Alluring Bettas - 7 years ago
Cory, I just ordered IAL from you. I hope my notes weren't too confusing. LOL.
Anna Smith
Anna Smith - 7 years ago
Never stop the unboxing vids!
fishlover 9
fishlover 9 - 7 years ago
Where did he order these from?
fishlover 9
fishlover 9 - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op ahh I would of loved to get some
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
A tropical fish wholesaler.
VallejoVibes - 7 years ago
Just started watching your videos on my laptop, your new camera makes a huge difference! :)
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Glad you like it ;)
Petro Gonzalo
Petro Gonzalo - 7 years ago
The click-bait is strong with this one.
Victoria R
Victoria R - 7 years ago
is it bad that it's not an unreasonable thought for me to move to WA so I can shop at AC? those bloodfins are making me DROOL and I need them
COOPER'S CICHILDS - 7 years ago
Bundyburger09 - 7 years ago
Slight oops at the start talking about yoyo loaches then showing a kuhli in the tank
Deanne Sherriff
Deanne Sherriff - 7 years ago
Hi Cory, I really find your unboxings helpful. I'm new to the hobby and the way you show a clip of the fish in a tank after unpacking is excellent, then I put the name and the fish together, rather than just seeing a blurry image through the bag. Thanks for that.
Mals Aquaholics
Mals Aquaholics - 7 years ago
My cryps melted to nothing in 3 days ! Just a tiny root left . Ive planted it but not expecting to see any new growth . Do you think thats normal Corey ? I got them on ebay but they looked healthy
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
My guess is you got ones that were fully emersed. Also if you planted them too deep so that the crown wasn't exposed that could kill it off as well. So it might be normal from an ebay seller, but shouldn't be the norm from a store like us for example.
Jing Gutierrez
Jing Gutierrez - 7 years ago
that a lot oh other fish
graffic13 - 7 years ago
Black sailfin mollies would be awesome in a SW aquarium.. ... maybe with green scats and lots of gobys
Melvin versus Aquaescape
Melvin versus Aquaescape - 7 years ago
Cool and gorgeous fishes Cory
Patrick Goncalves
Patrick Goncalves - 7 years ago
Goldfish, Odessa Barbs, Sunset Honey Gourami's, Betta's, Paradise Fish, some cool Apistogramma's, Cardinal tetras, Bloodfin tetras, that's a cool video, who could ask for more?
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 7 years ago
I need the ricochet sound when the rubber band flys off please jimmy
Adam Till from Arctic Lights Aquatics
Adam Till from Arctic Lights Aquatics - 7 years ago
Spooky...we started talking about breeding nerites just before you talked about it. Do they have salinity boundaries?
Scott Mitchell
Scott Mitchell - 7 years ago
I love these unboxing videos
Yukki Katsuki
Yukki Katsuki - 7 years ago
looks like a nice gold oranda as well jealous I rarely get nice full golds at my lfs
David Bellman
David Bellman - 7 years ago
Omg I would so love to see a Molly aquarium like that we have a ton and I do mean a ton of Molly's it's pretty much the only fish we have with a few platys but really what's the difference I breed mollies now mainly to keep my aquariums full not to sell we just love all live bearers keep up the good work Cory and love watching your channel and I am not going to lie I am beyond jealous of your 800 my wife just gives me the look whenever I talk about getting something even half as big LOL
Nike Swoosh
Nike Swoosh - 7 years ago
Anyone else love the sounds of the plastic bags?
Pitou San
Pitou San - 7 years ago
Do you guy sell this in the store? I went to the store and did not see some of the fish
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
All of these fish go to the store yes. Some may still be in quarantine or sold out etc.
Damion Markham
Damion Markham - 7 years ago
Salt water is slippery slope chief
Shaikh Mubasheer
Shaikh Mubasheer - 7 years ago
Pedro Perez
Pedro Perez - 7 years ago
Gotta give a shoutout for the Ken Shoryuken sprite! Nice job
Isaiah Wachauf
Isaiah Wachauf - 7 years ago
You should start selling fish on you r website I think you would make some good money and I think you look and act like a trusting guy
Vicki K
Vicki K - 7 years ago
LOL@you horrible person hahahahahahahaha
Jessica Cloud
Jessica Cloud - 7 years ago
You can fix shredded fins? How?
"Black loaches. What bad dreams are made of!" Bwahaaaha!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
erythromycin and time.
BIGBALLER101 - 7 years ago
Where do you order your fish from?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
tropical fish wholesalers.
Scowling Wolf
Scowling Wolf - 7 years ago
thanks for info on plants ..loves unboxing ,,loves them goldfish
Brandon McKenzie
Brandon McKenzie - 7 years ago
I have to say I was also very happy to see those bettas in bags instead of little cups
Stephen FitzGerald
Stephen FitzGerald - 7 years ago
Cory, just wanted to say I really enjoy your unboxings. I love to see all the fish and your great off the cuff remarks. A lot of times I get some great ideas of what I will do when I start my next aquarium. So thanks and looking forward to your next unboxing!
smiler - 7 years ago
Yes! Set it all up for Mollys!! Youre channel is fantastic. You keep me interested in the fish.
Todd Rebhahn
Todd Rebhahn - 7 years ago
Thanks for the quick plant walk thru mid way in the unboxing.
MrMiggy66 - 7 years ago
I NEED a spade tail betta fish
ray taylor
ray taylor - 7 years ago
send me the betta cups? i need them to turn into filters
The Fish Life
The Fish Life - 7 years ago
Great video I loved the ryukin part
Dig Fhm
Dig Fhm - 7 years ago
The banded hilltrout, look interesting
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
Do you think a sponge filter in a ten gallon with a betta and mystery snail is good I have a betta and a mystery snail in a temporary holding tank but just wondering if that would be a good filter?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
that would be fine for a filter.
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
First one of your vids I've watched and the second I heard bettas and goldfish I subbed!
MinorSwing82 - 7 years ago
L066 are great! yes, king tiger pleco :)
Brug HD
Brug HD - 7 years ago
A 100 gallon tank filled with just black mollies and black kuhli loaches would be pretty cool imo
mpjopa tv
mpjopa tv - 7 years ago
Sayuri Kitsune
Sayuri Kitsune - 7 years ago
I love you unboxing video! ❤️
Those Apistogrammas are stunning!
Michael Kinion
Michael Kinion - 7 years ago
Where are you getting your fish from???
Jarod Boening
Jarod Boening - 7 years ago
I actually like getting new fish in a smaller size because I can experience the growth of the fish.
Franz von Köller
Franz von Köller - 7 years ago
I haven't seen you do anything with the more pond appropriate goldfish like comets, shubunkins etc..... is there a reason for that? Other than that, I love the fish and plants you usually order and keep PS: I totally see you setting the Saltwater molly tank up, sounds supper fun to me as well
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Well this is 1 of 4 shipments per week. So you just aren't seeing the shipments that have sarassa comets and shubunkins etc.
Pavilion End
Pavilion End - 7 years ago
I think I'm getting alittle bored with the unboxing vids
Max Rabago
Max Rabago - 7 years ago
You should order giant bettas
Official Gaming
Official Gaming - 7 years ago
Do you ever buy fish from Petco or anystore in person instead of ordering online all the time
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Well I own a retail store, so in general I don't buy from other retail stores.

100. comment for Dang, THOSE came in big. Tropical Fish Unboxing

Flynn's Fish Forum
Flynn's Fish Forum - 7 years ago
Great video!
MaxamillionGrey - 7 years ago
Cory has more molly's than a drug dealer.
Matarese28 - 7 years ago
You're HILARIOUS Cory, keep feeding the Cory pandas tacos
Balloon Molly Luv
Balloon Molly Luv - 7 years ago
I got my goldfish about two months ago and he is still the same size (2inches) is that normal? What could I do to help home grow?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
water changes typically speed up the growth.
johntsingis - 7 years ago
lol @Street Fighter reference
Matarese28 - 7 years ago
I love your titles
Bayrische Cichliden und L-Welse
Bayrische Cichliden und L-Welse - 7 years ago
I like the Geophagus Tapajos ; )
JD Aquatics
JD Aquatics - 7 years ago
Great video Cory, love the side tracking... Squirrel!
JD Aquatics
JD Aquatics - 7 years ago
For anyone who missed the reference, watch UP.
Jose Fontao
Jose Fontao - 7 years ago
Great content. Love watching these!
A M Madi
A M Madi - 7 years ago
Great vids u r making .......
Suyi Kiyohara
Suyi Kiyohara - 7 years ago
Paradise Fish are my favourite fish! I'm glad to see you have them! I know they are not hugely popular (at least where I live in scotland, I had to get them specially ordered in when I owned them) but they are super pretty and have a lot of character! You can train them to eat from your fingers like goldfish too ^^
Da Kina
Da Kina - 7 years ago
I like how you show the fish right after for people like myself that don't know what most species look like
Jenn Baker
Jenn Baker - 7 years ago
I love Wisteria it's my fav!
flamepeace - 7 years ago
blodfin tetras = in brazil is called "litlle nurse"
Caleb's Rc crawlers.
Caleb's Rc crawlers. - 7 years ago
A salt water molly tank, Cory do it, you'll love it.
The Fish Nerd
The Fish Nerd - 7 years ago
Ryu was my favorite street fighter.
The Fish Nerd
The Fish Nerd - 7 years ago
Totally awesome that you convert the plants to submersed growth before selling.
Garco Leopard
Garco Leopard - 7 years ago
Plant buyer: this plant sucks its not the plant I want
Haygaz - 7 years ago
Sean Ford
Sean Ford - 7 years ago
I need help I was thinking a bout getting a German blue ram but I heard they are hard to keep. Can you give me some other fish that get 3-4 inches.
Sean Ford
Sean Ford - 7 years ago
Preferably catfish.
Dana Williams
Dana Williams - 7 years ago
Did anyone cringe when he said rad ahah
Aquatics And furries
Aquatics And furries - 7 years ago
Do love your unboxing videos.
rurutu M
rurutu M - 7 years ago
I wants all your Ryukins
BoJo Ford
BoJo Ford - 7 years ago
What happened to the plant unboxings? Also, I have paradise fish and he is awsome. They have a lot of personality too.
Brittany Mason
Brittany Mason - 7 years ago
Do you get male and female honey gouramis in your shipment or do they only send you males? ive been having a hard time finding female honeys.
david w
david w - 7 years ago
so, wait does wisteria just look like water sprite?
Ronn Garibaldy
Ronn Garibaldy - 7 years ago
In the video appears a Khuli as a Yo yo Loach
DGSXINFINITY ! - 7 years ago
I have red and white orlanda
Calum Atkinson
Calum Atkinson - 7 years ago
Where does he order his fish from
John Zimm
John Zimm - 7 years ago
I've never had a Betta, but some of those looked really nice!
Expat Aquatics
Expat Aquatics - 7 years ago
SWhiskey Vision
SWhiskey Vision - 7 years ago
Old School Fish Guy
Old School Fish Guy - 7 years ago
Oh, oooohh, aahh - 50 hastatus in a tank would be awesome - I've had them before and love them!!!
Add in 50 cardinals & 30 otocinclus --- now that's what I was talking about --- small fish in a 125 gallon --- so cool
but I'm not ready yet and I'll probably change my mind 59 times before I'm ready LOL
Weenie Hut Jr's
Weenie Hut Jr's - 7 years ago
Sera bags are so stupid I know it's their logo but who was the German moron that thought it was a good idea to make it hard to see what's in the bag.
Shaun Puzon
Shaun Puzon - 7 years ago
When you mistakenly use "Your" in place of "You're"....
Hyuna A
Hyuna A - 7 years ago
when your ignorant..
McPick Deal
McPick Deal - 7 years ago
Weenie Hut Jr's LOL I don't like Sera bags either. Cobalt is another bag that's obnoxious. What he says makes sense though.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
They are actually made that way so the fish don't have to look at each other. Its designed purposefully that way.
Barnaby Tuckman
Barnaby Tuckman - 7 years ago
Would the plural of anubius be anubii
Money Team
Money Team - 7 years ago
Great video Cory keep it up
MasterAquatics - 7 years ago
You always unbox some of the coolest looking fish cory! I get so jealous of you sometime! Lol
shayna cope
shayna cope - 7 years ago
Good job on saving the bettas and I would love to setup a opal tank they look beautiful
Nathan Griffin
Nathan Griffin - 7 years ago
really like the new editting of showing the fish good idea
Ferox161 - 7 years ago
My guppies just had babies. What is the best food to feed the fry? Flakes don't sink fast enough and the cat fish pellets I have are too big for them
Summer Folster
Summer Folster - 7 years ago
I don't know how you can't love goldfish!
Aquatic Jack
Aquatic Jack - 7 years ago
Good stuff as always
Kaltrina Demiri
Kaltrina Demiri - 7 years ago
Where did this shipment come from? Website? Idk how you don't end up keeping all cause that would be me lol. Getting new fish is like Christmas for me hahaha
Debbie George
Debbie George - 7 years ago
awesome video so fun thanks for sharing
forfun212678 - 7 years ago
Hiya Cory
Not sure if you will get to read this or not but I have to say I enjoyed watching this unboxing compared to others due to you showing what the fish looks like in a tank after u show it in the bag. I think there is a lot of people that have no idea what the fish look like and it's hard to see in the bag when you show the fish in a tank after each bag then you get to really see how the fish looks and even better if you wait 24 hours so the fish can color up If you don't have any in stock at the time of unboxing.

Thanks for the awesome videos keep up the good work
Giulio Salvatori
Giulio Salvatori - 7 years ago
Hi Cory, I wanted to ask, do Corydoras eat snail eggs or tiny pond snails? I have a lot of baby pond snails and eggs, also need a cleaner for my tank, it's either a Cory or a otocinclus, it's a nano tank with a few shrimp
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I'm not sure if they'll eat the eggs or not specifically.
s_ r
s_ r - 7 years ago
Cory. why don't i ever see my plants perling?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Because they aren't saturating the aquarium with oxygen.
Kimsotus Orelius
Kimsotus Orelius - 7 years ago
Comment your favorite fish out of this unboxing.

Mine were the Panda Marigold Mollies at 14:07
s_ r
s_ r - 7 years ago
is is normal to like fish with natural colours
alexandre akkari
alexandre akkari - 7 years ago
hilarious ryukenxD
SWhiskey Vision
SWhiskey Vision - 7 years ago
:) It's super awesome
Bryan Black
Bryan Black - 7 years ago
Not sure if this will be helpful for you or not but there is a goldfish wholesaler in our area called Ozark Fisheries you might look them up and see what they offer.
Fishy Business
Fishy Business - 7 years ago
Could you try cross breeding mollies and guppies? I think that would be really cool if you could get the fry to survive
Fishy Business
Fishy Business - 7 years ago
Cody's Aquariums I didn't know they were infertile, I still think it would be cool to try out though!
Cody's Aquariums
Cody's Aquariums - 7 years ago
They are called muppies and are all infertile.
The Angry Fish Guy
The Angry Fish Guy - 7 years ago
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
I like your black plant organizers
Joe Lawson
Joe Lawson - 7 years ago
Who is Robert ? Pleas put him in a vid
Laura - 7 years ago
Joe Lawson Roberts made appearances in a few videos, off the top of my head I remember him being in the unboxing when a Betta lives from being out of water!
Joe Lawson
Joe Lawson - 7 years ago
Danny's Aquariums well I have never saw him and I've watched all of corys vids so I was confused
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 7 years ago
If I'm correct Robert is the store manager...?
ELR - 7 years ago
Is that fin rot on the goldfish or just trauma/nibbling by other fish?
El Dal-Cl
El Dal-Cl - 7 years ago
Do you guys carry Espei rasbora or Hengli? ps I made a salt with green sailfin mollies. It was incredible.
El Dal-Cl
El Dal-Cl - 7 years ago
Cool. I have a friend in Wash and will tell her to check with you guys. Worth waiting for quality fish if you are temp out of stock.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
we've carried both, in addition to the hets, depending on what is available.
ShortNanxious - 7 years ago
Cory Pandas that was awsome.
I'm happy you have appreciation for the Zebra Danio... you may have a benefit to being in Washington, when it comes to the Danio Rerio varieties because the university of Washington is a huge breeding facility for the Zebra Danio, tons of strains and pattern morphs are available to you, and they will recognise breeders strains in there program.
Janine Niedlich
Janine Niedlich - 7 years ago
I Love your unboxings
Ruben - 7 years ago
Love your unboxing video's Cory very exciting. Thanks
cat caty
cat caty - 7 years ago
Those yoyo loaches looked suspiciously similar to kuhlis, don't you think?! Almost as if, say, someone put the wrong footage there!
Teni Teni
Teni Teni - 7 years ago
Do you love butterfly telescope? What is your opinion about them ?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I wouldn't say I love them. I think they are a fine variety though.
Zingo89 - 7 years ago
nice unboxing, Its really great when u show how the fish looks in the tank and not only in the bag, gives a much better view :) Also really liked how u showed how the plant acclimation changes the leaf structures and such!
Joshua SYMINGTON - 7 years ago
Hmmm, i appear to be here earlier than normal, 7 hours earlier than normal.... hmmmm thinking

any tips on breeding goldfish and white cloud mountain minnows?
SaavY_ 46
SaavY_ 46 - 7 years ago
Goldfish'es quality is really bad..
SaavY_ 46
SaavY_ 46 - 7 years ago
Dhonnobaad Sir!
+ Winnie Hut Jr's _
Weenie Hut Jr's
Weenie Hut Jr's - 7 years ago
SaavY_ 46 pfft those are a step above what our horrific pet store sell. You wanna see bad quality goldfish, I'll tell you where to go.
Shogun Atomic
Shogun Atomic - 7 years ago
Cory, when doing your plant grow outs(warehouse)do you change the water or have a bubbler in there or just still water add nutrients when needed. Thank you for all of the help
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
There is water movement in there from the sump they are connected too.
MyHecticLifePets - 7 years ago
Hooray! I love your unboxing videos!
Sarah W
Sarah W - 7 years ago
What size tank do you suggest for the black kuhli loaches? They look awesome!
Selena Hatler-Sancha
Selena Hatler-Sancha - 7 years ago
They can get by pretty small, but are sensitive fish. They will be good in a 10ish-20ish, if thats what you can do, but i suggest over-filtration. Also keep in mind that they're scaleless, so watch the medications.
Candi Overhuls
Candi Overhuls - 7 years ago
Love as usual! Damn, if only I could get my hands on those apistos!!!!
Danielle Charles
Danielle Charles - 7 years ago
I am trying to breed mystery snails to sell to my local pet store. I went in last week on the day they get shipments in and I heard them complain that they can't get mystery snails to ship in alive. Hopefully I can fix that!
Martin k
Martin k - 7 years ago
Zebra danios and lots of corydoras , great fish imo
Kimsotus Orelius
Kimsotus Orelius - 7 years ago
#Martink ~ I find them to be intriguing as well. Zippy and quirky fish. #AquariumCo-Op
Zahirah RLB Elsayed
Zahirah RLB Elsayed - 7 years ago
I really like that you add in segments of the fish after they've been put into the tanks and settled so their colors show better.

I'm learning so much from your videos. Thanks so much!
Summer Folster
Summer Folster - 7 years ago
Zahirah RLB Elsayed loving it too. Glad he started it
V. Stag
V. Stag - 7 years ago
Awesome unboxing Thanks for sharing
Jackson G. Alford
Jackson G. Alford - 7 years ago
Anyone have any suggestions other then tetras or rasboras for stocking a 10 gallon tank?
Kimsotus Orelius
Kimsotus Orelius - 7 years ago
Zebra danios, guppies
Alex // Minecraft videos
Alex // Minecraft videos - 7 years ago
Jackson G. Alford 6 Pygmy cories and some chili Rasboras
Kala C TheNanoChick
Kala C TheNanoChick - 7 years ago
Jackson G. Alford cherry or green barbs maybe? They really color up in a planted tank
gannon kinser
gannon kinser - 7 years ago
love the vides
Lee Maisonet
Lee Maisonet - 7 years ago
how do you sex goldfish
Kiznish a
Kiznish a - 7 years ago
With that small nub between your legs.
Michael Weismann
Michael Weismann - 7 years ago
Goldfish? Wake me up when you get to something interesting.
Scowling Wolf
Scowling Wolf - 7 years ago
nowt wrong with goldies....
fishlover 9
fishlover 9 - 7 years ago
I'd love to unbox all them fish
Sh3lby - 7 years ago
Hey my name is Shelby Rhodes and I'm trying to come up with a name for my YouTube channel that I plan on starting up soon. I'm really into aquariums and fish as well as basketball. Any thoughts on a good name?? Please help if you can!
Sh3lby - 7 years ago
The Fish Nerd oh okay so what about something like SlamDunkAquatics
The Fish Nerd
The Fish Nerd - 7 years ago
Shelby Rhodes I would either stick with Shelby Rhodes or pick something easy to remember that reflects the type of videos you'll be making.
Sh3lby - 7 years ago
The Fish Nerd oh okay got you! Thank you!
The Fish Nerd
The Fish Nerd - 7 years ago
Shelby Rhodes thing is, if someone sees a video and just remembers it was Shelby, but they don't remember the 3, they can't find you later to watch more stuff. And people give up quick when they don't immediately find what they're looking for.
Sh3lby - 7 years ago
The Fish Nerd so not anything just like simple like Sh3lby?
The Fish Nerd
The Fish Nerd - 7 years ago
Shelby Rhodes I'd avoid using numbers in place of letters. Makes you harder to find because people can't remember how to spell it.
Not Smart
Not Smart - 7 years ago
Shelby Rhodes
your real name.
Sh3lby - 7 years ago
Kimsotus Orelius what do you think of just like Sh3lby??
Sh3lby - 7 years ago
Kimsotus Orelius dude that's great!!! Keep up with these suggestions guys this is awesome!
Kimsotus Orelius
Kimsotus Orelius - 7 years ago
✓Roadrunner Aquatics
✓Fork in the Road Aquariums
✓Rhodes Tanks
nerdcontrol22 - 7 years ago
Sh3lby - 7 years ago
Zahirah RLB Elsayed OOOOOO nice one nice one keep it coming guys! These are really good and helping out a lot!
Zahirah RLB Elsayed
Zahirah RLB Elsayed - 7 years ago
Shelby Rhodes how about SlamDunk Aquatics
Sh3lby - 7 years ago
Ej Bayabos not bad! What do you think of TheRealRhodes or does that just sound stupid?
Kuroi シャドー
Kuroi シャドー - 7 years ago
Shelby the Fish Dude xD
Fuerx - 7 years ago
On the yoyo loaches you showed video of kuhlis in the tank
XxVannah2000xX - 7 years ago
I literally said aloud to myself "those aren't yoyo loaches", so I'm glad I'm not the only one who caught that
Ronny Wilson
Ronny Wilson - 7 years ago
Crystal Rose He showed yoyo loaches in the bag! And Kuhli loaches in the tank.
Crystal Rose
Crystal Rose - 7 years ago
The yoyo loaches remind me of tiny water snake, scary
Kimsotus Orelius
Kimsotus Orelius - 7 years ago
I thought it was coolie. #seewhatididthere
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
I was going to comment on that too, but looks like someone beat me to it! ;)
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 7 years ago
Jimmy of Aquarium Coop saw that as well... do your job jimmy! Lol jk
Real Fish Talk
Real Fish Talk - 7 years ago
Dangit.. Sorry guys. Been really stagnant on stuff like this.. I apologize. Thanks for catching it Fuerx.
Dank Tanks
Dank Tanks - 7 years ago
Fuerx darn you jim!
Jose Martinez
Jose Martinez - 7 years ago
I like
Garco Leopard
Garco Leopard - 7 years ago
Your know what else came in big
Justin Jennings
Justin Jennings - 7 years ago
Not first but im definitely the best comment
Kuroi シャドー
Kuroi シャドー - 7 years ago
I really love Unboxing videos. Thanks for always sharing! :)
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 7 years ago
Whoohoo! Another unboxing video!
I love them! Thumbs up already! =)
Carolina Basto
Carolina Basto - 7 years ago
Love the unboxing videos!!
Twistted CoBra
Twistted CoBra - 7 years ago
Nice vid and also first like

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