Dead Discus! Goldfish and Murphy Camera #Daily Dose 30

Lost 4 discus due to a mishap with the air supply system. We look and move around some goldfish. I also got the Murphy cam added to the website. Support us by buying here: Playlists: Fish Room Tours: Breeding Fish For Profit: Fish Room Updates: How to Quarantine Fish: How to Build a Fish Room: DIY Videos: Fish and Plant Profiles: Listen to our Live streams and other Content in Podcast Form: Website: Itunes: Android: Facebook:

Dead Discus! Goldfish and Murphy Camera #Daily Dose 30 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 44

Discus 8 years ago 91,539 views

Lost 4 discus due to a mishap with the air supply system. We look and move around some goldfish. I also got the Murphy cam added to the website. Support us by buying here: Playlists: Fish Room Tours: Breeding Fish For Profit: Fish Room Updates: How to Quarantine Fish: How to Build a Fish Room: DIY Videos: Fish and Plant Profiles: Listen to our Live streams and other Content in Podcast Form: Website: Itunes: Android: Facebook:

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Most popular comments
for Dead Discus! Goldfish and Murphy Camera #Daily Dose 30

Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Support us by buying on our online store:
Robin Currin
Robin Currin - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op this is off topic but I need information and haven't been able to find any we lost our goldfish the other day. I don't know really what happened I think he might of had ick at the end of his life cause it was just two days ago that I saw some thing on his side and he died before I could get the meds for him. My question is. How do I clean the tank. Make sure it's safe for maybe a new fish. I do have a plant in it. When would be a good time. Thank you for any help
Ken Satoshi
Ken Satoshi - 6 years ago
13:19 Look Cory got himself a pet green rabbit
Kim Brooks
Kim Brooks - 6 years ago
I know this is an old video, but how much do you charge for your discus or do you not sell them anymore
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
We only sell them in the retail store
JessieTanks Aquatic Cave
JessieTanks Aquatic Cave - 6 years ago
Bro, I can fit a whole cheeseburger in my mouth.
First Name
First Name - 6 years ago
I read the title as dead discus, goldfish, and Murphy
crystal harrison
crystal harrison - 6 years ago
Epsom salt bath will help with swim bladder
krausekidz6 krause
krausekidz6 krause - 6 years ago
Use a small needle and deflate his swim bladder I've done it and my fish have done just fine
Happy grower Chris
Happy grower Chris - 7 years ago
Get a small needle and pop his swim blater they swim to the bottom and it will seal up on its own work good
RedTail Mania
RedTail Mania - 7 years ago
i read the title and thought that murphy died!!!! thank god she did not.

10. comment for Dead Discus! Goldfish and Murphy Camera #Daily Dose 30

Xtreme Pro Exotics
Xtreme Pro Exotics - 7 years ago
what species is at 16:50???
Aquatic Keeper
Aquatic Keeper - 7 years ago
great video
Tyler Steier
Tyler Steier - 7 years ago
You almost went super saiyan with that sneeze.
The Gecko 29
The Gecko 29 - 7 years ago
Actually peas don't help unless the goldfish is constipated
Stephen Rowley
Stephen Rowley - 7 years ago
Problem of depending one single system for the entire set means one point of failure could wipe out every tank.
Derrick - 7 years ago
Hi iam starting my first tank here in Perth WA had molys 7 years ago
Romeo Vashishth
Romeo Vashishth - 7 years ago
What do you do to dispose of your dead fish.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Freeze them and then put them in the garbage on trash day.
Shoman Blues
Shoman Blues - 7 years ago
Why do you not puncture to remove air. I've done that for years.
Nutty 16
Nutty 16 - 7 years ago
The swimblader goldfish looks like a clown fish XD
Sean Ford
Sean Ford - 7 years ago
this video got me thinking about putting a snail in my 29 gallon because I have algae and the otocinclus is not eating it yet.

20. comment for Dead Discus! Goldfish and Murphy Camera #Daily Dose 30

Sean Ford
Sean Ford - 7 years ago
can goldfish live in warm water for there whole life?
Bowser from Sonic
Bowser from Sonic - 7 years ago
I have a question
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 7 years ago
Ask it maybe we can awnser it!
Michael - 7 years ago
That sucks! Onwards and upwards!
cscott - 7 years ago
Hey! Just a quick question! Where do you buy your tanks? I'd imagine they'd be cheaper for you since you have a store. Thanks! :D
cscott - 7 years ago
Do they sell tanks wholesale? Thanks for replying by the way.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Petco is pretty much the best.
Tanner M
Tanner M - 7 years ago
what a good snail that want attack (aka eat), sword and other plants also have fox tail floating
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Malaysian Trumpet Snails
yvonne stowers
yvonne stowers - 7 years ago
the soda bottle what is it used for
moussaemad - 7 years ago
Is it possible that the fish will die simply 'overnight'? I thought it takes a bit longer than that to be oxygen deprived or ammonia poisoned.
moussaemad - 7 years ago
Erm, I see! That's a bit worrying! Gotta get my hands on a battery operated air pump then!! I do only fancy goldfish BTW.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Could be within minutes actually. all depends on how oxygen devoid the water is.
Jerome Saverimuttu
Jerome Saverimuttu - 7 years ago
I think the upside down goldfish is cute.
mike peluso
mike peluso - 7 years ago
R.I.P dicus
Upside town diy
Upside town diy - 8 years ago
Rewarding hobby. Luckily they breed very well for your stock . Keeps prices low for such a shop . you should find a swimming pool . and do what you can to out door light .

30. comment for Dead Discus! Goldfish and Murphy Camera #Daily Dose 30

Micah Klassen
Micah Klassen - 8 years ago
What do those bubblers do exactly in all of the tanks? Are they bubblers to give the fish more oxygen?
100000SQUIRRELS - 8 years ago
hey do you ever breed gouramis
Noah Engvall
Noah Engvall - 8 years ago
what type of barrels do you use for the goldfish?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
I use 275 gallon "IBC" totes.
Libesh Balakrishnan
Libesh Balakrishnan - 8 years ago
hey, sponge filters come with a tube, those are needed for it's efficient working ..... without it, the water won't flow through the sponge....
Sergio Contreras
Sergio Contreras - 8 years ago
where do you buy your fish? I cant find a wholesale place.
Reese The cat lover
Reese The cat lover - 8 years ago
Catherine Kennedy
Catherine Kennedy - 8 years ago
I can't put snails in my tank presently because my koi devour them! Have to wait until I get them in their new bigger tank and do something else with the 29 gal. I have a lot of ideas thanks to you and others that I watch on YouTube. Slowly getting things together for that. Sorry about your discus! I'd be devistated! They are expencive fish, or can be. Glad you found the reason for it and it was solved pretty easily.
Devin mufasa BOY
Devin mufasa BOY - 8 years ago
wear can we buy fishes from u man? and can i get that gold fish with that fat body
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
We no longer sell fish online. In our retail store only.
MK Soul
MK Soul - 8 years ago
For the air hose barbs, use a small zip tie on the out side of the air line to help prevent them from popping off by accident. Used to use this trick on vacuum lines on turbo charged engines, and it also works for air pump hoses!
Shrimp Society
Shrimp Society - 8 years ago
12:00 what type of lid/ greenhouse panel is that because i want to make kids out of that plastic sheets but i don't know what they are called
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Here is a video I did on how to make it :)
Carlos Varela
Carlos Varela - 8 years ago
How many gallons is this discus tank?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
40 gallons
jonas martin
jonas martin - 8 years ago
you can try frozen peas. I've heard that works
LOLWUT? - 8 years ago
Lol, you have fish as workers.
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga - 8 years ago
Great video. Why do some of your tanks have algae and some don't?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga depends whether they have algae eaters or how they have been setup etc.
Todd T
Todd T - 8 years ago
too bad I can't attach a picture here, this vid just saved my fish,i decided to check my airflow after viewing. it was nill, i just replaced the diaphragm on this pump , so I opened it up and one of the valve units the diapgragm conects to is cracked , you can see through it, thanx cory, you saved me
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Todd T awesome.
Todd T
Todd T - 8 years ago
great vid, i love seeing all those sponge filters, since watching your filter upgrade vid, i put sponges instead of cartridges, now I only do water every 3 weeks instead of weekly
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Todd T awesome. Glad it helps.
gradevoir - 8 years ago
hey i have 60 gallon brackish tank with a green spotted puffer is there a large snail that i could get that wont get eaten andwill survive
gradevoir - 8 years ago
ok thanks
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
I don't think so, brackish makes it tough, plus puffers typically hunt snails.
Brian Gwilliam
Brian Gwilliam - 8 years ago
What are the air pumps shown at 3:20?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Brian Gwilliam linear air piston pumps from
Nancy Marcus
Nancy Marcus - 8 years ago
can you give me 1 Aquarium and 1 of the striped fish with food deliver to over look street third house to the right address is 1936 by the 30th of november
Andrei Dones
Andrei Dones - 8 years ago
Can you try and get a centered mic? I hear too much voice in the left ear, making headphone listeners sound a little off balanced

50. comment for Dead Discus! Goldfish and Murphy Camera #Daily Dose 30

Rachael Dolezal
Rachael Dolezal - 8 years ago
Sorry Cory, I was like quit talking and get those remaining discus some air already!
francisco Hermosillo
francisco Hermosillo - 8 years ago
My bristle-noses don't eat my sword plants I have a flame red and regular Amazon swords I never seen Them ever eat none of my plants that why I got that species from what I learned is that they don't hurt plants. They like wood to eat on so I made sure to put some good pieces for them.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
I can only go off my experience and the experience of my thousands of customers. Most have problems with Bristlenose and swords.
francisco Hermosillo
francisco Hermosillo - 8 years ago
Epsom salt bath will fix its swim bladder
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Only if it was constipated, the belly was sunk in as it hadn't eaten in weeks.
Jonathan Ford
Jonathan Ford - 8 years ago
Thanks for preaching that snails are great cleaners! I don't understand how people hate them. I have never had to clean the algae off my walls in my tanks because of MTS, Ramhorns and Mystery snails!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
I think the internet has just been able to brainwash people on things when it comes to aquariums. Snails are bad, they must die!
Austins Turbos garage!!
Austins Turbos garage!! - 8 years ago
I love the videos!!!!
David Knauss
David Knauss - 8 years ago
zip ties around the air hose barbs
Bugalete Mircea
Bugalete Mircea - 8 years ago
Hi. Could you recommend some snails that the goldfish wouldn't eat them and they're good algae eaters? Cheers
Bugalete Mircea
Bugalete Mircea - 8 years ago
Ok. I'll give them a try. Cheers for that.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Depends on the size of the goldfish, but Large nerite snails work well and sometimes Japanese Trapdoor snails depending on the temp the tank is running at.
Mark Guitars
Mark Guitars - 8 years ago
great work Cory, you"re the hardest workin' man in the fish tank business!
COOPER'S CICHILDS - 8 years ago
Mari Kurokawa
Mari Kurokawa - 8 years ago
try feeding frozen peas to goldfish when they have swim bladder it helps them digest quicker
Thuddy Waters
Thuddy Waters - 8 years ago
I had the same problem with Italian Val. It was multiplying like crazy, but the plants were only getting two to three inches tall. My Corkscrew Val is doing much better, growing all the way to the top of my 40 breeder, and it looks much cooler than Italian Val. I recommend Corkscrew Val. It takes longer to get going, but once it does it really takes off!
Paul Chippington
Paul Chippington - 8 years ago
I know what you mean, some times we just dont hear or see what is right in front of our faces. Sorry about the Discus fish.
Backyard Hobbiez
Backyard Hobbiez - 8 years ago
Pea puffer in a 5.5 gal?
Marks Shrimp Tanks
Marks Shrimp Tanks - 8 years ago
Sucks to lose fish ...
Pit Dawg
Pit Dawg - 8 years ago
what was that plant in the beta tank that was being held down with the filter?
Floyd Conrad
Floyd Conrad - 8 years ago
sorry about all the bad luck Cory that's a lot to take in all one day
Caitlynn kruppa
Caitlynn kruppa - 8 years ago
I really do suggest feeding the swim bladder fish some pieces of peas. It really does help.
Chelsee Parsons
Chelsee Parsons - 8 years ago
Hey! I love your videos! Especially because they touch base on so many different species of fish! I would love to learn more about each species! Wouldn't it be cool if he did different species videos!? Just one type of fish at a time! Anyway just a thought! Love what you do!
Liga Skirbauska
Liga Skirbauska - 8 years ago
aww..that moment you restarted video in shop and I saw youre eyes I knew its looked like after crying..I cry for each and any fish I lose....I supose to you its not for 1 fish,but whole discus tank is really painfull-i feel youre pain and Im sorry Cory...I know you will recover that discus tank soon and probably it will be even better.. I wanna thank you for showing problems to,not only good gives realism and informs people like me..You know what-I would love if you,when ever get sick fish would film it,show us how that looks and what you do,how you deal with it,even when it ends bad(you know its better to learn from mistakes of others than on own)..and well,there is no video series of fish health..I supose some people dont want to show it,so people think they never get fish ill or something like it...and you know-we the newbies tend to kill fish with our care overmedicating fish,or just medicating with wrong thing(so yes,series about illneses and how its healed would be more than awesome..cos you know,I hear names of illneses but how that really looks and what to do the best,I dont know(and I supose many others to)so yee,if you cud make series for newbies-guide for dumies-like for kids,jusyt show us perfect exsample of something and how its to treat tank with exterior filter?and so on..well,you got lots of aquariums,and I bet from time to time someone gets really bad and you have to fight a bit for saving all you need to do is just record it,all you do,and show if we see fish with something like that-we can fallow steps easy...and thats really needed thing-cos even on forums suposetube of people who know really well,same thing one calls one way and says do this,and other says other thing and the end I start to think pros just dont want to even show that sometimes they get ill fish,or just dont have time for us..and you know,the issue,that we dont know enought,i think is reason there is no more hobyists...and I think everyone after starting in some moment,when problems start,gets in fase,why I even started aquarium,if I dont have enought knowledge? Why Im even trying? and many then just sell of aquarium,and get of hoby and not cos they are lazy,dont want to learn,are not searching info,but cos info is not that easy to find to newbie-who dont even recognize most of fish..So,something like that Cory,hope you understand,and can make us this big favour I know many will be very gratefull about...dont show only good parts,all what goes us mistakes to,so we know,things sometimes go wrong,even to best,the question is how we gonna learn from it..How maximum quantity of people can learn from 1 mistake...and if you will check on youtube,there is no info about this issue...just some very superficial videos made by kids who dont know them self what they are doing...there is some info,but clearly and understandably,so we can se and recognize issue,there is not..and I think thats most important part of all...when we will know what to do and how this or that looks,atleast we wont be in darkness,like idiots bying all meds in row and experimenting on fish,and still not getting to understanding what we did wrong and what we did wright and had to keep doing..So yee,Cory,TY for sharing this pain of yours and keep sharing all you know,keep educating us for wellbeeing of our fishes and us,TY ahuead and back ;)
lenny0813 - 8 years ago
What's the reason you donwanna put pleco in diskus tank, eats plants ?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Bristlenose eat sword plants, yes.
Cambodia Paul's Organic Farming
Cambodia Paul's Organic Farming - 8 years ago
Cory, don't you find the sponge filters would move more water through them if you were to install the lift tubes to the top of the filters that don't have them, currently? My father was a masonry contractor for most of his life. He knew how to build fireplaces. Tall flues would draw air like mad. That's what I thought of, while watching this video and noticing so many of your sponges that didn't have the lift tubes on them. Give those bubbles more tube length to lift through and they will move more water.

(Yes, I realize this may not be much of an issue. But, for some folks I feel it could be? Your thoughts?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
My thoughts are, I don't use sponges for mechanical filtration, so less draw is better. If you were using it for mechanical, sure.
Pennie Wyatt
Pennie Wyatt - 8 years ago
I was just binge watching border security and you have a twin on that show! American Canadian border. Love your channel.
Amers 1957
Amers 1957 - 8 years ago
To fix swim bladder, have them eat a frozen pea... That's supposed to help
MANUP - 8 years ago
Cory. You should put a dab of hot glue or crazy glue or locktite on the top of the hose to the valve to prevent this from happening again and vibrations shaking lose the line. If you need to replace line you can just then unscrew the valve from main pvc and replace
Aquarium Lover
Aquarium Lover - 8 years ago
what do you do with extra guppy fry
Aquarium Lover
Aquarium Lover - 8 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op so lucky. I'm breeding guppies for experience and knowledge to have a bigger batch. do you have tips for traping and keeping the parents from eating them thanks
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
I mostly sell all I produce which is lucky :)
TheNeers71 - 8 years ago
The Murphy cam is great! I'll definitely have it up whenever I study!
macuss87 - 8 years ago
So the last video with Murphy I said something about a Murphy cam live stream and here it is!
Steenfott Aquatics
Steenfott Aquatics - 8 years ago
I am glad the cam is back live, i use to watch it live all the time at work. R.I.P. Discus =(
Kazz - 8 years ago
How's the storm? Any power outages yet?
Kazz - 8 years ago
+Aquarium Co-Op That's good! Did all of the fish make it?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Kazz store was only out for 1 hour. Got lucky.
Cory of all Trades
Cory of all Trades - 8 years ago
Where did you get your saulosi I am having major problems finding a good supply? No local non-box stores :(
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Cory Cooper the wet spot tropical fish.
Ryan Kinslow
Ryan Kinslow - 8 years ago
Are those foam filters all you are using for filtration?
olivia casciano
olivia casciano - 8 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op my black telescope goldfish does that
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Correct yes.
Patrick Ang
Patrick Ang - 8 years ago
you keep goldfish with corys?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Typically not.
Paul Withey
Paul Withey - 8 years ago
Hi Cory, what fish were in the tank with the rabbit snail?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Cyprichromis Leptosoma and sterbai corydoras.
ray taylor
ray taylor - 8 years ago
i would name that goldfish derpy.
Flynn's Fish Forum
Flynn's Fish Forum - 8 years ago
I love the Murphy cam! Would you ever consider adding a live chat to the website? I think that would be fun.Great video!!
Flynn's Fish Forum
Flynn's Fish Forum - 8 years ago
I signed up. seems like a pretty cool page
Steenfott Aquatics
Steenfott Aquatics - 8 years ago
A live chat would be neat, you could also come hang out with Cory and I here on this live chat.
AndrewL - 8 years ago
The live camera is an awesome idea! I'm checking it out right now.
nem_jeff_destroyer_5 - 8 years ago
build the goldfish with swim bladder issues a stryrofoam floating contraption, sort of like a wheel chair, that would get a lot of views! Saw you on the murphy cam btw.
Chubby Dragon
Chubby Dragon - 8 years ago
Maybe you could build some sort of like a life jacket for the upside down goldfish?
AngelMega1 - 8 years ago
ThePinkKitty97 - 8 years ago
Male and female guppies please
Samuel Delonge
Samuel Delonge - 8 years ago
God bless you for the sneeze!
ThePinkKitty97 - 8 years ago
Where are you located at
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Edmonds, Washington near Seattle.
ThePinkKitty97 - 8 years ago
Can you send me some fish for the $10 dollars for surprise don't care what whatever is $10 but more then 2
Ivan Lolwing
Ivan Lolwing - 8 years ago
cory if you want to grow goldfish fast i saw a video about goldfish realeased in the wild and they are able to eat other creatures so feed them protein
Epic Tyson
Epic Tyson - 8 years ago
Life is complete, Murphy cam
mitchell bolsover
mitchell bolsover - 8 years ago
Great Video!! I will most likely watch Murphy cam all the time I really want to get a MBU Puffer but I only have a 15 gallon tank
s r
s r - 8 years ago
cory if you dont want plants like duckweed or something can you ship it to me...i am yonung and i try to maintain my small aqurium by my own money i cant afford lots of plants
Nolan McEachern
Nolan McEachern - 8 years ago
are you planning on raising the African cichlid babies from the female african cichlid.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
If they spit in the tank sure, but not really planning on stripping fry at the moment.
gutsanglory1 - 8 years ago
Ahhh man,,,,sorry to hear about your Discus, proves that even you are human, and can miss stuff. Thanks for sharing your fails, as well as the many many wins.
Looks like your camera is "out of action" ??
Oliver Ansell
Oliver Ansell - 8 years ago
U can use a needle to take the air out of the goldfish and fix the swimblader that way

100. comment for Dead Discus! Goldfish and Murphy Camera #Daily Dose 30

s r
s r - 8 years ago
forse feed the gold fish some smashes shelled pea
Kinion Sober
Kinion Sober - 8 years ago
give the swim bladder frozen thawed peas!
heatherwanderer777 - 8 years ago
Looks like you got something going on with your left eye Cory, hope it gets better quick. Nothing freaks me out more then when something goes wrong with one of mine!! eeek/shudder!
Jillian Leigh
Jillian Leigh - 8 years ago
I wish you shipped plecos, I was wanting a couple or the small variety to put in my two tanks the only place i can go to for fish is Petco or Petsmart they have horrible selection and I feel horrible giving them money when they don't take very good care of their animals. the closest aquatics store is over 2 hours away from me :(
Jillian Leigh
Jillian Leigh - 8 years ago
Cool, thanks!
Steenfott Aquatics
Steenfott Aquatics - 8 years ago
you could try if you are in the US. They ship a ton of fish and get a lot of good reviews. Plus they generally have a ton of plecos.
Jillian Leigh
Jillian Leigh - 8 years ago
Even worse, the close one, even though it's called an Aquatics store, sells Puppies, and kittens, which doesn't sit well with me.
Момчил Божинов
Момчил Божинов - 8 years ago
I hope your spy cams that you have just opened up to the world are not on the same network as the computer in the store
harrisshelton1 - 8 years ago
made a typo in the description says "Murphy came" instead of "Murphy cam".
matthew smith
matthew smith - 8 years ago
Awesome stuff as usual Cory. Bit of a question that will probably show my ignorance on the subject but, in terms of dirtyness, how do mbunas compare to fancy goldfish? I just see stocking suggestions to over stock on mbunas yet goldies need 30 gallons plus per fish, I see you touched upon this in the video, made me curious
matthew smith
matthew smith - 8 years ago
Yeah, I'm that guy who replies to his own messages.

While I'm on one about fish stocking I see lots of hydroponics setups with; jade perch, silver perch, tilapia and goldfish with the fish kept in sealed drums, often not huge in diameter,and stocked in much larger quantities than I've ever seen any fishtuber advocate. Where do you come down on this?
Zack Chapman
Zack Chapman - 8 years ago
should those air lines be zip tied on to the nozzles just to make sure they don't blow off?
henry webb
henry webb - 8 years ago
Can you do a video on all your display tanks?
M. Yates
M. Yates - 8 years ago
Maybe try feeding de-shelled peas, heard it helps a lot with swim bladder disorder. Good luck!
P and P Aquatics
P and P Aquatics - 8 years ago
Ok cory  just try frozen peas before you get rid of the fish wih swimbladder issues
doug ross
doug ross - 8 years ago
can you use pen to deflate blader like they do deep sea fishing
amcluesent - 8 years ago
Definitely need to move the cam for a better view of Murphy
JCCF Tropicals
JCCF Tropicals - 8 years ago
Sorry for your loss. Thats never fun. But on a brighter note. Everything else looks great.
Robert treboR
Robert treboR - 8 years ago
Anyone have any tricks to keep suction cups to hold better? I have a power head that falls and slides quite a bit. And it can make a huge mess I have sand and plant. Thanks

I was thinking Hot glue a magnet on the back and have a magnet on the out side of the tank. Of course with some type of fabric some something not to damage the glass.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
I recommend zoo med's mag clips.
Catfish Cave
Catfish Cave - 8 years ago
Bushynose vs Snails!! Can't wait for the results. How do snails do in the soft Seattle water? No problem with shell erosion?
mitchell bolsover
mitchell bolsover - 8 years ago
How do i help Gourami's they are very shy so how do I make them less shyand ineract with me?
and i have 4 in a 15 gallon is that ok
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
There are definitely problems. Its one of the reasons all the tanks have crushed coral in them to help.
kerry riley
kerry riley - 8 years ago
thanks for the Murphy cam!!! I subscribed to laments channel when he had 25 subscribers. it is very interesting!
Rich's Fishes
Rich's Fishes - 8 years ago
dude...I cry a little anytime I see or hear about a dead discus =(
Steenfott Aquatics
Steenfott Aquatics - 8 years ago
I just saw them too =(
Josh Booth
Josh Booth - 8 years ago
I want a fish room like this so bad!....
Sam O'keefe
Sam O'keefe - 8 years ago
give the goldfish peas
D Man
D Man - 8 years ago
give the goldfish some peas in 2 Minn s it good
Eddie Ooi
Eddie Ooi - 8 years ago
feed the goldfish peas in a separate tank .
Eddie Ooi
Eddie Ooi - 8 years ago
the one with swim bladder*
Eugene Lee
Eugene Lee - 8 years ago
Best think i could think of would be try to vent the goldfish but that is a high risk procedure involving a hypodermic needle to let some gas out of it's swim bladder.
A Fish Guy
A Fish Guy - 8 years ago
the pressure is so high as it is. it blows them off!
j.r.d.l - 8 years ago
what do you think about dwarf hair grass
j.r.d.l - 8 years ago
cant you just give the fish peas for the bladder problem
Stef Styl
Stef Styl - 8 years ago
2:00 feed his peas !!!!
orlando kong
orlando kong - 8 years ago
Now is your wife's tank? Can you do an update
Jason Bourne
Jason Bourne - 8 years ago
Nice Videos as always ;) do u now whitch snails i could set in my tank witch Look Nice and for 100% Don t Eat shrimp? Thanks
Jason Bourne
Jason Bourne - 8 years ago
j.r.d.l - 8 years ago
but for multiplication its the mystery snail but they grow big
j.r.d.l - 8 years ago
nerite snails are awsome
Jason Bourne
Jason Bourne - 8 years ago
And multiply
GB İs awesome
GB İs awesome - 8 years ago
hey cory how can i a freshater puffer like murphy
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Order one up at your local fish store once you have an appropriate size tank and have done the research.
Nathan C.
Nathan C. - 8 years ago
Ok thanks!
The Water Box
The Water Box - 8 years ago
RIP Discus :(
MANUP - 8 years ago
Cory, you need to take a break from your daily dose. I/We can see the energy being drained out of you ,and when you are tired from being overworked, videos are that much less fun. Also, as a small business owner who used to sell singles, then dozens, then hundreds of orders a day... quantity does not mean more happiness or more income, it just means more work (more emails, more invoices, more shipping etc). Keep up the good work and I look forward to your videos.
Donnalee Pisanii
Donnalee Pisanii - 8 years ago
MANUP yuuuklpp

nbb. vy90mju7ggul
Jacob Wyrick
Jacob Wyrick - 8 years ago
Hey Corey, I am looking to get into keeping some of the plecos I find interesting. What size of tank would you recommend?
Jacob Wyrick
Jacob Wyrick - 8 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op Awesome I was wanting to start keeping some and have been trying to do research on the different strands of them. Do you have any suggestions on where to look?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Depends on species, at least a 40 breeder.
The Angry Fish Guy
The Angry Fish Guy - 8 years ago
yay Murphy cam!
ShortNanxious - 8 years ago
Great daily dose... Glad I'm not the only fish keeper who messes up and kills fish sometimes... always a bummer
Matt B
Matt B - 8 years ago
Any idea when the next one tank at a time will be up?
THE KIWIKID - 8 years ago
+Aquarium Co-Op I have a vid on my channel THE KIWIKID that I made yesterday could you please put it up on your channel
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
not sure.
laura sutton
laura sutton - 8 years ago
you can use mini hose clamps so the tubes doint come off agin that sucks
Tanner M
Tanner M - 7 years ago
It's really late but twist ties and zip ties work great also
adam - 8 years ago
laura sutton
laura sutton - 8 years ago
i would put the gold fish out of his missery
Name Unavailable.
Name Unavailable. - 8 years ago
hey Cory. do you ever euthanize the hopeless fish? if so what is your preferred method?
Alberto Ramos
Alberto Ramos - 8 years ago
Sorry for your's never good to loose a fish, specially a expensive one. Just a tip... I've have my air Iines come off before too. Way I fixed that was to use small zip ties at the line connection and done deal.
Luis Franco
Luis Franco - 8 years ago
you should do a video just on guppies and make sure you name them both at the store and at home
Grumpy Santa
Grumpy Santa - 8 years ago
how about a turtle egg update...or did I miss it?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Theres no update really. They are sitting in their incubator for the next 2+ months.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Linear Air Piston Pumps.
Justin S
Justin S - 8 years ago
Idk if you thought about it but when you hook up the second pump on the opposite side of the room it would make a difference.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
If you build an air loop correctly it should make no difference as it's a pressurized system. And since it's in a loop there is no pressure loss down one of the race ways.
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 8 years ago
Great Cory! I love the Murphy cam! I subbed to the man!
neilhy - 8 years ago
Another great video Cory. 2 things though .....
1). Can you put a Plec in with the goldfish? Isn't that a tropical into coldwater scenario?
2). Be careful with that shop camera re customer privacy. Some would prefer not to be broadcast across the internet!
Keep up the good work and best wishes from the UK.
Rich's Fishes
Rich's Fishes - 8 years ago
wow very interesting. Basically in NY (not sure if that goes for the entire US) if you're in a place where you would not feel comfortable enough to undress then you can be filmed.....that includes being in front of a window in your own home that doesn't have the shades drawn shut.
neilhy - 8 years ago
Rich's Fishes Yeah, you have to have a license to film any public area. Like if you have CCTV on your house you're not allowed to film the pavement in front of your house!! Mad rules!
Rich's Fishes
Rich's Fishes - 8 years ago
not sure if its different in the UK......but if you're in a public space you really have no reason to expect privacy; but I know Cory typically goes out of his way to not film his customers.
Mir Sadek
Mir Sadek - 8 years ago
neilhy some plecos are okay because they can stand cooler temps,and its ok to kind of raise the temps to around 72-76 degrees so its balances out since the goldfish can also take a little warmer water
Jean-luc Chessher
Jean-luc Chessher - 8 years ago
uv grows algy
Will Deasy
Will Deasy - 8 years ago
Hard subject and haven't' seen any knowledgable videos on the the topic, but would be extremely helpful to explain the best way to put down a fish humanely.
smiler - 7 years ago
Will Deasy two bricks.
Hillariat 21
Hillariat 21 - 7 years ago
Will Deasy sedate with excess clove oil. then overdose with clove oil and leave it for 30min-1hr to ensure its 100% dead from overdose.
Paul Sam
Paul Sam - 8 years ago
Rich's Fishes after your sure the fish is asleep and theres a way to tell 2oz of white alcohol (Vodka or Gin) 1 oz at a time waiting 15
minutes in between . make sure the fish is sleeping because its a terrible sight to see if hes not.
google how to tell when a fish is asleep for sure.
Rich's Fishes
Rich's Fishes - 8 years ago
Not sure if there is anything to agree or disagree with there.  But, if time is really the only factor then quick physical "decapitation" might be the best choice......but likely the hardest for most fish keepers.  Plus, I've seen debates on whether a fish in clove oil dies in seconds, or if it sort of gets put to sleep in seconds and then takes some time to really die.  Who knows if/what it can feel in the interim.  Kind of like sophie's choice i suppose.  Ever read or see "Johnny Got His Gun" (and/or know the Metallica song "One"?)....story about a soldier who lost all his limbs in battle and is essentially in a coma where the drs assume hes not feeling any pain; but his brain is fully functioning and he desperately tries to communicate with a nurse asking her to end his life (I Think I'm recalling that correct anyway!)
Will Deasy
Will Deasy - 8 years ago
I don't agree. We can make an educated guess. Clove oil takes seconds, freezer takes much longer so the pain is much longer. Absolutely agree though, we all have the best intent, it's just experience shows us the best way
Rich's Fishes
Rich's Fishes - 8 years ago
wow bob, that is pretty interesting. But you're right....i'm sure you can find studies saying just the opposite! Fact of the matter is it sucks having to do it no matter what route you choose. The fact that any of us at least contemplate the most humane way to do it at least speaks volumes of our intent and its really a choice between the lesser of two (or many more) evils. We'll never know for sure until a dead fish comes back to life and tells us whats up lol!
Will Deasy
Will Deasy - 8 years ago
Cruel. Killing a fish is not the same as putting down. RSPCA has a good guide
MANUP - 8 years ago
What about tonic soda water
Will Deasy
Will Deasy - 8 years ago
Totally agree. Freezer is horrific way for a fish to go. Clove oil is the best way, I've used it myself. But this is why I think a video would really help. To explain when to put a fish down and the best method.
Steenfott Aquatics
Steenfott Aquatics - 8 years ago
Hey Rich, i recently was reading about a study that came out showing that putting fish in a freezer is extremely painful. I forget what University did it, but they compared putting cold blooded animals in the freezer to putting warm blooded animals in an oven. They said cold blooded animals would feel like they are burning as they start to freeze. It was very interesting, but you know, for every study that says one thing you can find another study that says the opposite. I just thought it was interesting.
neilhy - 8 years ago
Will Deasy When I had a nearly dead large Koi I put it in the freezer. Thought that was the best way for it to go.
Rich's Fishes
Rich's Fishes - 8 years ago
As already mentioned clove oil works quickly sedates the fish and eventually deprives it of oxygen. Placing the fish into a freezer is also considered humane. As rough as it sounds, a quick chop with a knife can also be pretty humane as it gets it over and done with almost instantly.
Rahul Kaushik
Rahul Kaushik - 8 years ago
Will Deasy use clove oil
ramming_robbo - 8 years ago
hi corey i am getting a second tank it is going to be a 60 litre a 2 foot tank i would like to make it a shrimp tank with a couple of guppies do you think these will be fine with 10 shrimp and 4 guppies
scott Hipkiss
scott Hipkiss - 8 years ago
ramming_robbo I would just stick to shrimp then
ramming_robbo - 8 years ago
Thanks i have had abad experince with a snail i had in a smaller tank with 2 gold fish it laid eggs the eggs didnt hatch the 2 gold fish died we had for 2 +years and then the snail floated for a day wich i was told they may do and the i picked it up and it was all like rooten
scott Hipkiss
scott Hipkiss - 8 years ago
ramming_robbo I wouldn't use any bottom dwellers with shrimp I would suggest snails with shrimp as the majority of bottom dwellings would eat your shrimp
ramming_robbo - 8 years ago
Okay thanks would you have any other ideas for a smaller cleaning fish i have 2 generic catfish and a khulio loach any other ideas
scott Hipkiss
scott Hipkiss - 8 years ago
ramming_robbo I would imagine that a clown loach would eat the shrimp
ramming_robbo - 8 years ago
+Tengu3000 in my other tank i have over stocked a little bit so just wanted to double check also do you think that a clown loach would be good a small one
Tengu3000 - 8 years ago
I'm not corey, but that's plenty of space for that bio-load
ramming_robbo - 8 years ago
and maybe 6 or so tetras
Black_Blue - 8 years ago
sad. :( man
PINOY FISH TANKS - 8 years ago
try to care for a flowerhorn
PINOY FISH TANKS - 8 years ago

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