Discus, Angel fish, and German Blue Rams. Welcome To The Beast Tank
Discus 10 years ago 134,049 views
This video shows my Discus, Angel fish, and German Blue Rams. Whilst filming this my Angel fish started to lay eggs. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "420 Gallon Reef aka The Wife Week 3: Let's Relax" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWXvx1pQQOM -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-
I raised Discus and Angels 37 years ago. Never had them in the same tank. Angels eat much faster and can be aggressive . Used a piece of slate for my Angels and raised them in a mason jar with an air stone and some Methelyne blue. Discus i did natural. GET Discus again, no juv's 3 plus "
10. comment for Discus, Angel fish, and German Blue Rams. Welcome To The Beast Tank
I raised Discus and Angels 37 years ago. Never had them in the same tank. Angels eat much faster and can be aggressive . Used a piece of slate for my Angels and raised them in a mason jar with an air stone and some Methelyne blue. Discus i did natural. GET Discus again, no juv's 3 plus "
Thank you for the support. Glad I was able to inspire you to breed angels. What kind of angelfish are you breeding? I've never had discus but would like to own a few in the near future. But for right now, I'm going to stick with the angels.
20. comment for Discus, Angel fish, and German Blue Rams. Welcome To The Beast Tank
Can I use videos in the channel?
So can I keep two discus?
30. comment for Discus, Angel fish, and German Blue Rams. Welcome To The Beast Tank
50. comment for Discus, Angel fish, and German Blue Rams. Welcome To The Beast Tank
What temperature do you maintain this tank?
When it comes to aggression Discus and Angelfish have very similar personalities and I think they mix very well. People don't seam to realise Discus can be very aggressive as and sometimes worse than Angels.