Discus Aquarium Sand Update
Discus 15 years ago 19,635 views
READ DISCRIPTION!!!!!!! here is a video of the new sand in my discus aquarium. It took 1 day to change all the sand and i only lost one fish during the process, Due to it jumping out its bucket. I have used silver sand and spent around 40 mins cleaning the sand so that when water was added crystal clear water was left on top. the whole process took around 7 hours also i got rid of all the snails left in the tank as i gave it a complete clean so it is free of algae. I kept around 60% of the water that was in the tank and did a 40% water change. To keep the sand i clean today i purchased some leopard corys and they are doing very well in the tank i also moved my continuously growing red tail shark in with them. After a few hours of swimming round like there is no tomorow she has calmed down and has found the spot she likes. I couldnt get very good shot of the corys as the discus scared them off and also my phone is no and i couldnt work out how to change the zoom whilst doing a video but they are very nice and helpful fish i'm going to make sure i keep moving the sand so bubles dont build up underneath and the fish are doing a good job of keeping it clean. I will be adding plants and stones so the fish can hide but unfortunatly yet again i have run out of money for them. The angels are for sale on ebay just type in breeding pair of angelfish and you will see a picture of the male gold marbles UK collection only thanks for watching
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