Discus Aquariums

Cell phone video of a couple of my aquariums. These two contain discus. 125 gallon planted. Flourite substrate with tahitian moon sand mixed in. Live plants. DIY PVC overflow into ecosystems deluxe filter refugium with miracle mud. Danner mag 9.5 pump. Danner Pondmaster UV sterilizer. Marineland LED light fixtures (2 standard, 2 double bright). Fluval FX5 canister filter with BioMax media and filter fabric. Flourite tabs. Supplements include, fluorite excel, fluorite booster, discus trace. Reverse osmosis water. 84 degrees F. PH 6.8. Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate .25ppm, GH and KH 0, TDS 150. 55 gallon aquarium, similar parameters. T5 lighting, potted plants with plant substrate and root tabs. Bare bottom. Aquatop canister filter with 9W UV and bio max media. Ecosystems HOB refugium. ATO auto top offs on both systems. Live stock includes pigeonblood discus, super red melon discus, red pigeon discus, leopard discus, spotted leopard discus, trinidad pleco, albino sailfin pleco, albino cory cats.

Discus Aquariums sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Discus 12 years ago 10,838 views

Cell phone video of a couple of my aquariums. These two contain discus. 125 gallon planted. Flourite substrate with tahitian moon sand mixed in. Live plants. DIY PVC overflow into ecosystems deluxe filter refugium with miracle mud. Danner mag 9.5 pump. Danner Pondmaster UV sterilizer. Marineland LED light fixtures (2 standard, 2 double bright). Fluval FX5 canister filter with BioMax media and filter fabric. Flourite tabs. Supplements include, fluorite excel, fluorite booster, discus trace. Reverse osmosis water. 84 degrees F. PH 6.8. Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate .25ppm, GH and KH 0, TDS 150. 55 gallon aquarium, similar parameters. T5 lighting, potted plants with plant substrate and root tabs. Bare bottom. Aquatop canister filter with 9W UV and bio max media. Ecosystems HOB refugium. ATO auto top offs on both systems. Live stock includes pigeonblood discus, super red melon discus, red pigeon discus, leopard discus, spotted leopard discus, trinidad pleco, albino sailfin pleco, albino cory cats.

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Most popular comments
for Discus Aquariums

Jean A. Cadet
Jean A. Cadet - 11 years ago
andy cabrera
andy cabrera - 11 years ago
Very nice
tomas dx
tomas dx - 11 years ago
Thank you for the video. I'm new to discus and I wanted to ask you how do you treat your tap water, PH and Nitrates? I have a water tank outside for the water changes, so how could soften the water for the changes? Thank you again
Nate Logston
Nate Logston - 11 years ago
thanks for the filtration compliment. yes, admittedly, i don't have the prettiest tanks. i've taken the big one down and will be attempting a better aquascape. i'll post a new vid when i do.
mokre łapska
mokre łapska - 11 years ago
Man! I talk about filtration on my channel all the time and i recommend it but... U have a fuck of the filtration going on there! I would definelty bring You as an exaple how we want our tanks to be treated. Anyways Your tanks are sort of ugly :) Love the Discus but aquascaping is weird I would say. So what. Water treatment is a masterpiece.
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 11 years ago
i love those java ferns. one of my favorite plants
Nate Logston
Nate Logston - 11 years ago
i use a pondmaster on my 120 gallon. i also have a breeding setup (not shown in vid) for which i use an aqua ultraviolet. the latter is my favorite of the two. i feel it performs a little better. good luck!!
Nate Logston
Nate Logston - 11 years ago
thanks! i use small T5 bulbs. they came with the refugium purchase.
mrmagic2713 - 11 years ago
Also which uv sterilizer are you using? I ask because I am doing a setup not much different from yours. 90g, fx5, aqueon proflex 3 sump with planted refugium, tunze top off for the sump, and aquatic life t5 for main tank lighting.i hope to have the tank set up next month, and eventually house about 6 discus.

10. comment for Discus Aquariums

mrmagic2713 - 11 years ago
Awesome tank man! What type of lighting are you using on your refugiums?
Nate Logston
Nate Logston - 12 years ago
hello, thanks! i check my parameters every couple of weeks and although i hardly ever get results that would require a water change, i tend to do small (5-10% changes) every month-ish. yes, i use RO water and dose discus trace by seachem once a week. for me, the discus trace product replaces what some use tap water for, which is the extra elements needed for discus health that RO water removes. My tap water is so hard and high in PH, that it's not suitable for the discus. Yours may be better
aplacetohideaway - 12 years ago
Fascinating and beautiful, Nate.

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