Discus Aquariums
Discus 12 years ago 10,838 views
Cell phone video of a couple of my aquariums. These two contain discus. 125 gallon planted. Flourite substrate with tahitian moon sand mixed in. Live plants. DIY PVC overflow into ecosystems deluxe filter refugium with miracle mud. Danner mag 9.5 pump. Danner Pondmaster UV sterilizer. Marineland LED light fixtures (2 standard, 2 double bright). Fluval FX5 canister filter with BioMax media and filter fabric. Flourite tabs. Supplements include, fluorite excel, fluorite booster, discus trace. Reverse osmosis water. 84 degrees F. PH 6.8. Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate .25ppm, GH and KH 0, TDS 150. 55 gallon aquarium, similar parameters. T5 lighting, potted plants with plant substrate and root tabs. Bare bottom. Aquatop canister filter with 9W UV and bio max media. Ecosystems HOB refugium. ATO auto top offs on both systems. Live stock includes pigeonblood discus, super red melon discus, red pigeon discus, leopard discus, spotted leopard discus, trinidad pleco, albino sailfin pleco, albino cory cats.
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