Discus Fish Babies

Please visit us at http://www.canadianaquafarm.com At Canadian Aqua Farm we raise some of the friendliest discus around. Here is a small brood of week old discus trying to feed on my hand in the same way that they would feed on their parent's side. It's nice to see that they view their human parents in the same manner as their fishy parents :) Visit us at http://canadianaquafarm.com Tags: Tags: discus fish aquarium fish tank breeding Canada Canadian Aqua Farm brilliant blue turquoise tropical local raised tanks Pets hatchery breeding breeder symphsodon Water shipping south american america show quality high grade discus hatchery breeding shipping vancouver calgary edmonton regina saskatoon winnipeg ottawa toronto montreal halifax thunder bay st johns victoria prince george kamloops aquarium fish tank blue turquoise alenquer pigeon blood mercury panda ghost high body scorpion carnation diamond cobalt checkerboard bull dog bulldog snakeskin super flamingo red scribbelt stendker jack wattley red white gold golden tiger eruption maze leopard penang shooting star cheetah ring classic albino millennium snow wild discus red spotted green heckel solomon brown tefe xl jumbo giant

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Discus 14 years ago 4,608 views

Please visit us at http://www.canadianaquafarm.com At Canadian Aqua Farm we raise some of the friendliest discus around. Here is a small brood of week old discus trying to feed on my hand in the same way that they would feed on their parent's side. It's nice to see that they view their human parents in the same manner as their fishy parents :) Visit us at http://canadianaquafarm.com Tags: Tags: discus fish aquarium fish tank breeding Canada Canadian Aqua Farm brilliant blue turquoise tropical local raised tanks Pets hatchery breeding breeder symphsodon Water shipping south american america show quality high grade discus hatchery breeding shipping vancouver calgary edmonton regina saskatoon winnipeg ottawa toronto montreal halifax thunder bay st johns victoria prince george kamloops aquarium fish tank blue turquoise alenquer pigeon blood mercury panda ghost high body scorpion carnation diamond cobalt checkerboard bull dog bulldog snakeskin super flamingo red scribbelt stendker jack wattley red white gold golden tiger eruption maze leopard penang shooting star cheetah ring classic albino millennium snow wild discus red spotted green heckel solomon brown tefe xl jumbo giant

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Most popular comments
for Discus Fish Babies

nicuyliapco - 13 years ago
@CanadianAquaFarm yep they are a new pair, I'll try to upload the last vid that I took, if possible kindly assess it. Can't wait for your guide
Canadian Aqua Farm
Canadian Aqua Farm - 13 years ago
@nicuyliapco Is it a new pair? It can take them time to get it right. At least 95% of my discus are raised the natural way meaning they are left to feed from their parents side. Only in the case of certain difficult strains such as albinos will I resort to artificial means. I am working a video tutorial outlining the artifical method and will get it posted as soon as I have finished editing it.
nicuyliapco - 13 years ago
@CanadianAquaFarm sad thing is after they became wrigglers the parents ATE 'em!!! :( can you show me a link of how you farmed the wrigglers? what you fed them?
Canadian Aqua Farm
Canadian Aqua Farm - 13 years ago
@nicuyliapco 17 is a start. Over time pairs generally get better at raising.
nicuyliapco - 13 years ago
wow mine is just 3days old... but only less than 17 survived

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