Discus Fish Breeding Pair with Fry - Gwynnbrook Farm
Discus 9 years ago 2,701 views
Just a quick video of 1 of our discus breeding pairs with fry. The pigeon blood discus fry are almost 1 month old in the video. They should be available for sale around February 2016. This was a nice size spawn. They are lots of fun to watch when they are this size. Thanks for watching! Don't forget to subscribe! http://www.discushatchery.com https://www.facebook.com/GwynnbrookFarm
Wow, the water in the background makes your gph rate sound like niagra falls. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the replies.
It gives me a lot of free time on Sundays, this time of year.
I'm going to be doing a follow today, I hope.