Discus Fish Breeding Tip - Stopping Discus Pairs from Eating Fry

Are you tired of having your mated discus pairs eating their fry, spawn after spawn? Here's a simple solution that should stop most fighting, discus breeding pairs from eating their eggs, wrigglers or fry. Thanks for watching! Please comment, rate and subscribe! http://www.discushatchery.com Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GwynnbrookFarm

Discus Fish Breeding Tip - Stopping Discus Pairs from Eating Fry sentiment_very_dissatisfied 6

Discus 11 years ago 22,462 views

Are you tired of having your mated discus pairs eating their fry, spawn after spawn? Here's a simple solution that should stop most fighting, discus breeding pairs from eating their eggs, wrigglers or fry. Thanks for watching! Please comment, rate and subscribe! http://www.discushatchery.com Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GwynnbrookFarm

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Most popular comments
for Discus Fish Breeding Tip - Stopping Discus Pairs from Eating Fry

Corey's Discus
Corey's Discus - 7 years ago
my pair keep eating there eggs atm . there's only about 40 left that will hatch today I have a net around the cone but I still need to stop them from eating the eggs in future
umut kosmaz
umut kosmaz - 8 years ago
this wht exactly my pair doing. last 3 spawn thy keep eating the wigglers. next spawn I am gonna do wht u saying. thx for the video
Rickey Naidoo
Rickey Naidoo - 8 years ago
where you are from
Cringe videos CRINGE
Cringe videos CRINGE - 8 years ago
Samuel Limawan
Samuel Limawan - 10 years ago
Thanks for the tip.
Is it possible to separate the parents from the eggs. Does the egg need their parents to turn them become fry?
Estong Castillo
Estong Castillo - 6 years ago
I think they have to eat the slime of their parents pretty much like breast milk...dont know if separating them early will have better survival results
Janah - 11 years ago
My snail eaters attacks my diskus eggs and eats em all up , if they dont the other paired up discus always eats them
Rico Meijer
Rico Meijer - 11 years ago
I have a question what to do when both parents are still eating the eggs/larve when I already tried what you explained in the video.....I tried it with the male and with the female seperately .......they already raised some babies so I do not understand..... please can you help me with this
abad ABAD
abad ABAD - 11 years ago
For me since that this is my first time to start learning about Discus, what i read is very useful and easy understand all the information i've got. thank you very much.
DiscusMagic - 11 years ago
Great video : )

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