Discus Fish Care and Information

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Discus 7 years ago 3,161 views

I hope you found this video helpful! Feel free to share any comments, questions or input in the comment section below OR on any of the following Social Media Outlets: -Instagram (Preferred/Most Active) : Myaquariuminfo -Snapchat: Myaquariuminfo -Facebook: Myaquariuminfo -Email: myaquariuminfo@gmail.com -Official Website: www.myaquariuminfo.com WANT MORE VIDEOS LIKE THIS? Want to choose what video Myaquariuminfo creates? Want to be a part of the Myaquariuminfo community and help it grow? AWESOME! Here’s How! Myaquariuminfo needs all the help it can get! Thanks to the support of its viewers, Myaquariuminfo has produced over 100 Informational Videos about the Aquarium Hobby. Be a part of the Myaquariuminfo Community and make a pledge to support its growth! Please consider pledging to ensure the future of this channel that has provided info for Aquarium keepers from all around the world! As a thank you to all of Myaquariuminfo’s pledgers, there are now some pretty cool rewards available for Myaquariuminfo’s Patreon Pledgers! Pledge here: https://www.patreon.com/myaquariuminfo **SENT IN A COMMENT, QUESTION OR INPUT? READ HERE FOR RESPONSE TIMES!!** I want to help EVERYONE that reaches out to me in a timely manner, however; THERE ARE TONS OF SUBMISSIONS sent daily. I have found that the most efficient way to get back to everyone is by setting aside some time (usually an hour or so) to sit down and reply to your submissions back to back rather than to reply one at a time. As of April 2018, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays (No specific time) will be dedicated for replying to comments, questions or concerns submitted to Myaquariuminfo whether on YouTube or any social media outlets will receive a response. Thank you for your patience! Discus Fish Care and Information

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Most popular comments
for Discus Fish Care and Information

Young Tank
Young Tank - 7 years ago
Awesome video I’ve been keeping fish for a few years now and discus was the one fish that I couldn’t keep alive there’s so much information out there I don’t know which way to go I tried regular tapwater next time I’ll try RO water
JumpyBug123 - 7 years ago
I saw a price; does that mean you have a store?
Mr Pinky the Flowerhorn
Mr Pinky the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
Cuase it would be fun
Mr Pinky the Flowerhorn
Mr Pinky the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
Do the frontosa
George Calderon
George Calderon - 7 years ago
is not all about the subscribers is the passion we we have as fish hobbies ,,I heard this a while back,,that we have the biggest luxury by having a piece of nature in our homes ✌
Sean Ford
Sean Ford - 7 years ago
my male red tail shark is not very active and his tail is not very red is there a problem?
aqua bros
aqua bros - 7 years ago
awesome video for food check out sera o-nips my angles love them and they could be for your soon to come fry

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