Discus Fish Classification: Wild Discus - Aquatics Live 2012 pt.12

FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV PAGE: http://definiteaquascape.tv First part of the mini-series about Discus Fish Exhibition made by UK Discus Club and Federation of British Aquatic Societies. Altogether about 50 aquariums were displayed. Two of them were large aquarium kits - they were stocked with wild discus fish Symphysodon aequifasciatus Brown and Green. The rest of the aquariums were Tetra aquarium kits, with standard aquarium lighting and Tetra internal filters and heaters. These aquariums were stocked with domestic varietes of discus. In this part of the report I show the classificiation of discus fish, based on Polish standards (because I find these standards to be the most accurate and the most clear), and wild discus displayed at the exhibition. Following videos will be about domestic varieties of discus. Enjoy! :)

Discus Fish Classification: Wild Discus - Aquatics Live 2012 pt.12 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

Discus 12 years ago 14,601 views

FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV PAGE: http://definiteaquascape.tv First part of the mini-series about Discus Fish Exhibition made by UK Discus Club and Federation of British Aquatic Societies. Altogether about 50 aquariums were displayed. Two of them were large aquarium kits - they were stocked with wild discus fish Symphysodon aequifasciatus Brown and Green. The rest of the aquariums were Tetra aquarium kits, with standard aquarium lighting and Tetra internal filters and heaters. These aquariums were stocked with domestic varietes of discus. In this part of the report I show the classificiation of discus fish, based on Polish standards (because I find these standards to be the most accurate and the most clear), and wild discus displayed at the exhibition. Following videos will be about domestic varieties of discus. Enjoy! :)

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Most popular comments
for Discus Fish Classification: Wild Discus - Aquatics Live 2012 pt.12

Doryan Duvyan
Doryan Duvyan - 6 years ago
I think this is very informative but, please just make it in Spanish next time...
Doryan Duvyan
Doryan Duvyan - 6 years ago
Sorry, I guess with your beautiful accent I assumed you spoke Latin, sorry :-[]
Doryan Duvyan
Doryan Duvyan - 6 years ago
well you must speak something better than English that's for sure!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 6 years ago
Doryan Duvyan Unfortunately, I can't speak Spanish... ;)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
These videos are already shared - I published them here on YouTube long time ago :) Check my videos about ZooBotanica 2011 and 2012, there are some Tanganyikan setups :)
ashy waters
ashy waters - 11 years ago
u said u a comment lower down u have filmed hardscapes like moslty tangayikan set ups?? so share with us
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
My tanganyikan setups? I don't have any tangayikan setup :)
ashy waters
ashy waters - 11 years ago
Put up some videos ov ur tanganyikan setups this would be good
ashy waters
ashy waters - 11 years ago
I agree I would like to see some hard scapes l
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
It's possible... :)
Don Craven Jr
Don Craven Jr - 11 years ago
I think maybe the water was too cold as they were staying close to the heat bar.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
As far as I know, there are still some debates going on about the "separate species or not"-topic, but I'm not an expert on discus fish :) Thanks a lot for the input! :)

10. comment for Discus Fish Classification: Wild Discus - Aquatics Live 2012 pt.12

CEFishEssentials - 11 years ago
In fact it is very rare to find aquatic plants in Discus habitats. More-so floating plants and dense wood where they like to take shelter between the branches.
CEFishEssentials - 11 years ago
The problem with this aquarium was that it was not properly oxygenated. This allowed the speedy manifestation of reverse nitrogen cycle. Advice was offered by myself to the team who quickly rectified the problem with one of our spare air pumps and a partial water change. Soon after the fish were much happier.
CEFishEssentials - 11 years ago
Many thanks for this fantastic approach to Discus and the Aquatics Live event. If I may offer a correction, the brown discus shown are Symphysodon Haraldi. The Green discus are Symphysodon Aequifasciatus. Both 'Brown' and 'Blue' discus are in fact the same species.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
I specialize in all kind of interesting aquariums - not only planted tanks. If I come across an interesting hardscape, or marine aquarium, I film it as well. I have some hardscapes filmed already, mostly Tangayikan layouts - but they are not "art" hardscaping, just a pile of stones thrown into the aquarium. There are also videos with some interesting biotope aquariums, without any plants - but I'm not sure if you'd call these layouts "hardscapes" :)
Smiley J
Smiley J - 12 years ago
I know you specialize in aquascapes, but do you ever come across any nice hardscapes? Possibly a side vid if so?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Either lights, or water, who knows?
Swarnendu Sen
Swarnendu Sen - 12 years ago
The greens in the last tank really seemed stressed! Probably the bright lights were bothering them.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Well, it's up to you guys to make it happen :) You are the ones who can organize such events in Australia, no one else :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Thanks! :) That's the idea of my work - to let people who were not able to visit such shows see how the shows looked like :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Yeah, wild discus are really cool :)

20. comment for Discus Fish Classification: Wild Discus - Aquatics Live 2012 pt.12

gravexchannel - 12 years ago
Jose Orozco
Jose Orozco - 12 years ago
Thanks for showing us these beautiful examples, and give us access to exhibitions. Good job.
rudarkshadow - 12 years ago
Amazing video of syn. Discus these fish are very highly regarded. There has always been issues with water parameters and diet with this stunning cichlid species
Mustafa Gümüş
Mustafa Gümüş - 12 years ago
pls less explain next time
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Thank you! :) Next discus video should be ready tomorrow, or on Sunday :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Hehe, no worries, I know exactly what you mean :) And I totally agree with that - discus are not enjoyable for everyone, they are somewhat calm, maybe even too calm. Personally, I like watching shoal of danios or barbs, chasing eachother all the time, there is always some action :) It's like rush hour in the city ;) Whereas discus seem to be more like a zen meditation. Both are fun, but various people like different things :)
leann lewis
leann lewis - 12 years ago
Discus are a funny fish I think. I find they are beautiful & graceful. But the funny part is how they scare easily & then freeze in place like if they hold still, you won't bother them. I enjoy laughing with them. But more seriously they are beautiful & so colorful. I am looking forward to the continuation of your presentation. Thanks
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Boring??? Discus are beautiful, majestic, colorful fish, I love especially the wild ones of the brown variety (not these in the video, but I saw some of them elsewhere, and they are really amazing :) ). There is hardly something more inspiring as black water biotope aquarium with wild brown discus :) (not to mention that some of discus cost several hundreds Euros, if not more :) )

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