Discus Fish Secrets, Discus Fish Care And Breeding

Go To : http://tinyurl.com/discus-fish-special-offer for the healthiest discus fish full of bright colors and amazing confidence.. GUARANTEED

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Discus 11 years ago 66,617 views

Go To : http://tinyurl.com/discus-fish-special-offer for the healthiest discus fish full of bright colors and amazing confidence.. GUARANTEED

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Most popular comments
for Discus Fish Secrets, Discus Fish Care And Breeding

Alexander Hughes
Alexander Hughes - 8 years ago
their is a toyota dealership called arnold palmer toyota, does that have anything to do with you
MARTIN CARDOZA - 9 years ago
What kind of discus is the one with blue and yellow?... where can i get one?
Diana Prince
Diana Prince - 10 years ago
where the actual care? i didnt learn one thing..
FitForABetterRide - 10 years ago
Oh my... I want to get this book in the next couple days!!! Looks like just what I need!
I've just gotten 4 discus and have lots of questions.
Liz Peers
Liz Peers - 10 years ago
Thank you for the comments. He is still alive and seems to be a tiny bit better. I don't think he is opening his mouth properly. Certainly it doesn't have the range of movement of the other fish. He seems to have trouble swallowing but is still hungry and trying to eat. I wish I could hand feed him!
Liz Peers
Liz Peers - 10 years ago
Can anyone help with a strange problem I have with one of my discus fish.  He has lost weight and his colour has faded a little.  He isn’t eating although he is trying to.  He goes to the food and his mouth doesn’t open properly and then he attempts to eat but spits it out.  It is as though he can’t swallow.  I have tried him on discus flakes, pellets, beef heart, dried black worms and live blood worms.  I have also added salt to the tank.  Any ideas.  This poor fish is starving to death.
Mark Copley
Mark Copley - 8 years ago
dont buy one only
Mitchell Taylor
Mitchell Taylor - 8 years ago
how is you discus now? did you find the problem? I'm thinking of buying one
Burkeley Stinson
Burkeley Stinson - 10 years ago
Dont know how hes doing now but if he did not eat the blood worms than there could be something wrong. Is he new to the tank? I once had a snakeskin not eat for 2 1/2 weeks!!! Because he was new. It could be a parisite or his mouth could be bruised. If it is a parisite then you can treat it but a brused jaw could lead to death. Please update on condition! :)
Mantas Orlauskas
Mantas Orlauskas - 10 years ago
What exact name them with blue lines on face please ?
Travis Knapcik
Travis Knapcik - 11 years ago
no a 120 liter tank will not work they will die you need a 55 gallon or bigger i have 7 discus in a 75 gallon bow front these fish grow to 10" plus !! only use a 30 gallon tank if breeding them and just use a sponge filter and water changes every day i do water changes every 3 days on my discus tank 
Eimer 1234
Eimer 1234 - 11 years ago
woude a 120 liter be allright

10. comment for Discus Fish Secrets, Discus Fish Care And Breeding

Andrey Scripto
Andrey Scripto - 11 years ago
Wow.. I just bought this e-book. I am big Discus fan and this book is the best book about Discus. Great, Thanks
solstis21 - 11 years ago
what did u feem them?
Sarabjit Mann
Sarabjit Mann - 11 years ago
I want to switch to Discus, how hard is to take care of Discus? I have tetras in my aquarium and they look healthy and active, this is freshwater aquarium I have. Please sujjest
Sam Singh
Sam Singh - 11 years ago
Discuuusss, I have this fish and the best decision what I made is when I bought it
sam66781 - 11 years ago
Thanks for the book just reading it and I must say... wooowww, fantastic, excellent. The price should be much higher
John Singh
John Singh - 11 years ago
Love it, love this video
kings6678 - 11 years ago
Love it, love this video
sammysingh66 - 11 years ago
The most beautiful fish on the world
BeautifulHazelEyes Acosta
BeautifulHazelEyes Acosta - 11 years ago
Where is this located??

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