Discus Fish Tank Care - Overrated and Expensive

https://amzn.to/2QWWMjp - Aquarium discus fish tank care can be pretty hard at times. Make sure your filtration is up to par. Get yourself a Fluval fx4 canister filter. They are one of the best in the industry. Here is a link: Fluval FX4 Filter: https://amzn.to/2QWWMjp More off topic fish tank talk: They may feel a little pain, but I'd rather freeze them than slam my fish on the counter or cut its head off. How sick. People get butt hurt for doing minor things but can stomach brutally killing your fish. I put my fish who got an eye infection that went to the brain and started having seizures into the freezer. Sorry, I'm not gonna slam my 8 year old oscar into the floor who I hand fed since I was a kid. I dont care what AVMA says. They say "most people" they don't know so I'm going to do it as I seem fit. There is people out there that cant even kill an animal for hunting if they had to. Let them put it in the freezer, and dont shame them for it. It's hard as it is for them since their pet is dying. I mean, one could also use clove oil as an alternative to freezing since it is more humane, assuming a responsible pet owner would have clove oil on hand for any unforeseen illness that requires euthanization. The freezer method is an “out of sight out of mind” outdated method, where there is clearly a more humane option. To be clear, there’s a difference between shaming and educating. I have little tolerance for people advocating the freeze method, and who continue to freeze their fish when there is a better more humane alternative (clove oil). *edit: I know in this particular case the original poster does not have clove oil on hand, but the point I’m making is that anyone still advocating the freezer method really needs to stop because it’s not humane. It’s like when people drop their dying dogs off at the vet to get euthanized and then leave because the “can’t bear to watch.” Sometimes being humane can hurt or cause you pain, but people really need to put the animals best interest before their own regarding euthanasia, it’s the least they could do. Help please! Not strictly betta related, but one of my Pygmy corys got sucked face first into my filter - luckily it has a sponge on it to shrimp proof it, but somehow this little guy still got stuck I turned the filter off and he zoomed out, but his eyes look pretty swollen to me and maybe his back a little funny. Is there anything you can suggest to help him recover? I just did a half dose of kanaplex to the tank (10 gal) for my betta, so I’m hoping that’ll help stave off any infections for this guy. Poor little dude. Some of mine have. They also lodge their selves in the lower plants sometimes . but most prefer upper spots. Mine backs himself into a plant, uses his hammock leaf or sleeps in his castle. So a mixture of a little top and bottom for him. Yep... dude has been nearly flushed several times cause he wasn't moving until we had him IN the net (poking around with the net did nothing to wake him lol). Sometimes on the gravel, sometimes he sleeps in/on one of his plants and very occasionally he snoozes on his leaf hammock. Although I don’t know whether that last one will continue, he laid on it for the first time yesterday and seemed to like it, went on it a few times but then he sat on it and it fell off and I laughed and called him a little fatty - he’s swum round it a few times since I put it back up but not actually laid on it again. I have had great luck in my tanks, except one male that was imported from Thailand. He eats everything that basically moves. But the rest of my tanks the ghost shrimp do really well. I had them in my sorority. Three girls that never cared to bother the shrimp. It also helps to have them on white sand! Makes it hard for the fish to see them, and then throw a couple of pieces of driftwood and wallah! You'll be fine. I had 5 ghost shrimp in with my male beta, two died but as far as I can tell it was some natural causes (they were intact and uneaten). He will go after them occasionally but with the weight of his fins it's not likely. I have them in all 7 of my tanks. All my tanks are heavily planted which gives the shrimp more of a chance. Honestly I have pretty chill betta fish. They only flare at the hand that feeds them....me. I’m wanting to add live plants to my 5.5g tank! I’ve had the same fish for almost 2 years now and I want to try a more natural look for the tank. Can all you lovely people please recommend me a combination of plants that would be easy to start out with? Along with any special requirements/tips for those plants that you’ve had experience with? Thanks so much! I have a amazon sword in my tank and my betta loves it! It’s like a natural betta hammock for him. He has become more active since I put the plant in a few months ago.

Discus Fish Tank Care - Overrated and Expensive sentiment_very_dissatisfied 11

Discus 6 years ago 2,206 views

https://amzn.to/2QWWMjp - Aquarium discus fish tank care can be pretty hard at times. Make sure your filtration is up to par. Get yourself a Fluval fx4 canister filter. They are one of the best in the industry. Here is a link: Fluval FX4 Filter: https://amzn.to/2QWWMjp More off topic fish tank talk: They may feel a little pain, but I'd rather freeze them than slam my fish on the counter or cut its head off. How sick. People get butt hurt for doing minor things but can stomach brutally killing your fish. I put my fish who got an eye infection that went to the brain and started having seizures into the freezer. Sorry, I'm not gonna slam my 8 year old oscar into the floor who I hand fed since I was a kid. I dont care what AVMA says. They say "most people" they don't know so I'm going to do it as I seem fit. There is people out there that cant even kill an animal for hunting if they had to. Let them put it in the freezer, and dont shame them for it. It's hard as it is for them since their pet is dying. I mean, one could also use clove oil as an alternative to freezing since it is more humane, assuming a responsible pet owner would have clove oil on hand for any unforeseen illness that requires euthanization. The freezer method is an “out of sight out of mind” outdated method, where there is clearly a more humane option. To be clear, there’s a difference between shaming and educating. I have little tolerance for people advocating the freeze method, and who continue to freeze their fish when there is a better more humane alternative (clove oil). *edit: I know in this particular case the original poster does not have clove oil on hand, but the point I’m making is that anyone still advocating the freezer method really needs to stop because it’s not humane. It’s like when people drop their dying dogs off at the vet to get euthanized and then leave because the “can’t bear to watch.” Sometimes being humane can hurt or cause you pain, but people really need to put the animals best interest before their own regarding euthanasia, it’s the least they could do. Help please! Not strictly betta related, but one of my Pygmy corys got sucked face first into my filter - luckily it has a sponge on it to shrimp proof it, but somehow this little guy still got stuck I turned the filter off and he zoomed out, but his eyes look pretty swollen to me and maybe his back a little funny. Is there anything you can suggest to help him recover? I just did a half dose of kanaplex to the tank (10 gal) for my betta, so I’m hoping that’ll help stave off any infections for this guy. Poor little dude. Some of mine have. They also lodge their selves in the lower plants sometimes . but most prefer upper spots. Mine backs himself into a plant, uses his hammock leaf or sleeps in his castle. So a mixture of a little top and bottom for him. Yep... dude has been nearly flushed several times cause he wasn't moving until we had him IN the net (poking around with the net did nothing to wake him lol). Sometimes on the gravel, sometimes he sleeps in/on one of his plants and very occasionally he snoozes on his leaf hammock. Although I don’t know whether that last one will continue, he laid on it for the first time yesterday and seemed to like it, went on it a few times but then he sat on it and it fell off and I laughed and called him a little fatty - he’s swum round it a few times since I put it back up but not actually laid on it again. I have had great luck in my tanks, except one male that was imported from Thailand. He eats everything that basically moves. But the rest of my tanks the ghost shrimp do really well. I had them in my sorority. Three girls that never cared to bother the shrimp. It also helps to have them on white sand! Makes it hard for the fish to see them, and then throw a couple of pieces of driftwood and wallah! You'll be fine. I had 5 ghost shrimp in with my male beta, two died but as far as I can tell it was some natural causes (they were intact and uneaten). He will go after them occasionally but with the weight of his fins it's not likely. I have them in all 7 of my tanks. All my tanks are heavily planted which gives the shrimp more of a chance. Honestly I have pretty chill betta fish. They only flare at the hand that feeds them....me. I’m wanting to add live plants to my 5.5g tank! I’ve had the same fish for almost 2 years now and I want to try a more natural look for the tank. Can all you lovely people please recommend me a combination of plants that would be easy to start out with? Along with any special requirements/tips for those plants that you’ve had experience with? Thanks so much! I have a amazon sword in my tank and my betta loves it! It’s like a natural betta hammock for him. He has become more active since I put the plant in a few months ago.

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Most popular comments
for Discus Fish Tank Care - Overrated and Expensive

Christopher Frazier
Christopher Frazier - 6 years ago
All my tanks are Saltwater now, accept my one large predator 150-gallon tank that is largely South America. My coral, anemones, sea stars and less sturdy fish are still 10 times easier than Discus and more fun. I also get more intense colors in Saltwater than any Discus can offer with less work and pain. So yes that is right, a Saltwater reef system is easier to care for than Discus.
Norman Robitaille
Norman Robitaille - 6 years ago
U r so wrong you have no idea what you’re talking about
Tox927 - 6 years ago
Types of bio media
Sonder Cichlids
Sonder Cichlids - 6 years ago
And trust me if they were your passion you'd find the skills to keep them. I'm a big cichlid guy, that's my passion so if it weren't for the money I wouldn't keep them. I just grow out a select few to help with the upkeep of my tank buster aquariums. Discus keepers do think they're the shit, almost as bigger snobs as reefers lol. Discus are the No1 ungrateful fish. The problem is genetics that's why o only mess with wilds. They're the only fish I'm embarrassed to keep, not because of the fish but your typical discus snobs. Another problem is most now are bred in r-0 or an r-o mix so when you take them home in tap water they don't do well if at all. Btw people always bash on UaruJoey , it's tough at the top lol. I like him
Sonder Cichlids
Sonder Cichlids - 6 years ago
Imo you're right about water changes. I do 25% weekly on most tanks. Your filter keeps the water clean, you just need to remove t.d.s and nitrates. The bacteria in the filter needs to able to take nutrients from the water. I think the appeal is the same as fancy aros and plecs I.e show fish
Sonder Cichlids
Sonder Cichlids - 6 years ago
Discus are the only fish I keep to breed for profit. I have 2 pairs. I hate them. Anyone who knows anything about discus knows planted tanks are a no no due to gas pocket build ups. I use bare bottom 2' tanks with a simple porcelains spawning cone. They're a f*cking nightmare
Lime Boy Fish
Lime Boy Fish - 6 years ago
Agreed dude....I think they are one of the prettiest fish but they are nothing but work/problems. Not worth it in my opinion.
Susan Briggs
Susan Briggs - 6 years ago
Good video on discus. Yes, beautiful but nothing but a headache. Very fragile. Give me a hardy cichlid any day!
wyzemann - 6 years ago
I don't think the answer to successfully keeping discus can be found from listening to random failures or successes. Perhaps reading enough quality books solely dedicated to Discus & buying them from superior breeders will render better results. I'm dismayed at how many fish keeping YouTubers fail at Discus and yet they never seem to recommend any good books or articles to guide the rest of us.

10. comment for Discus Fish Tank Care - Overrated and Expensive

jon james
jon james - 6 years ago
I have been keeping discus for 10 years, I have 4 x 450 liter tanks 3 tanks are first generation wild, 1 tank are the coloured fancy types they long lives I have only lost 4 in those years other than a time an heater went mad. I love Rainbow fish also and have two 300 liters tanks of those. I also have dwarf, South Americans. I would never keep a fish that requires me to feed other fish to it. The DIY bloke seems to be killing all the fish he touches.
Tanarion Aquatic’s
Tanarion Aquatic’s - 6 years ago
No even gonna watch the whole video but you are very biased on a lot of your videos when talking about fish. Just because he don’t like or have had a bad experience with a certain product or fish doesn’t mean you should just go and make a video telling people not to buy that item and saying false things based of your experience.
Tanarion Aquatic’s
Tanarion Aquatic’s - 6 years ago
Palmer Aquatics OK
Top Secret Aquatics
Top Secret Aquatics - 6 years ago
At first you was saying that you don't want to do crazy water changes or even often ones, but then at about 18:24 You went back through and said you don't like them because you have to do frequent water changes.. I don't understand bud???
Palmer Aquatics
Palmer Aquatics - 6 years ago
Top Secret Aquatics - I’m confused.. discus takes LOTS of water changes and I don’t want to do those
Dylamos - 6 years ago
I love discus haha, I've always been successful. I honestly think African cichlids are more expensive long term because you need so damn many. I've been a discus keeper for over 10 years, I think a lot of the discus failures are the ones who tend to do things typically unconventional anyway or aren't willing to do weekly water changes or raising anything smaller than 5 inches. There are a few things people need to understand that you also misunderstand. Believe me, I do understand the frustrations and I'm not saying you're wrong for telling people to stay away, but you're coming from the wrong place and telling people to back off for the wrong reasons.

First off, farmed discus are not what you want. You want proper breeders, I recommend stendker for the European lines or professional hunters in Asia like Forrest. If you want wilds, think about it. There are MONTHS of setup before you can actually take care of them in the way you're advertising wilds. They cannot just join any tank, RO/DI water is almost required for the first few months unless you've got a great tap source(which btw I feel is a topic no one emphases enough, How good or bad someone's local tap water actually is and what it means to them)
Secondly, YOUNG discus is not what a beginner should take care of. A lot of people are tempted by those 2.5-3.5 inch discus that tends to get sick. They require A LOT of work before you can get on autopilot mode but they get lured in because they're cheap. Adult discus are very easy to take care of, once a week of water changes or even bi-weekly.
Temperature, I keep my adults around 80-82 degrees, MOST aquarium fish that I'm interested in require your tank to be around 78-82 degrees anyway, so I really don't know where you get your data from.
A lot of that comes from people who try their hand for the first time with discus that are small and weak. Yes, the younger discus are weak, but adults, if you raise them right, are like any other aquarium fish. Now if your argument was they're expensive and hard to raise as babies, I'd say yeah, but if you're talking about adults. You've done the process wrong, to begin with. I think GBR's are harder to take care of than discus.
Food, First off high-quality food? No, my friend. Beef heart is used for only one reason. GROWING the discus, you don't need to feed them that if they're already fully grown. All those "high-quality foods" Are about 2 things, color enhancing, or growing babies.

Keep in mind, your experience is just anecdotal in terms of evidence. You're very arrogant for blanketing this over so many people. It's just not something the hobby needs, your rant could be a detractor for people getting into the hobby and your business. You think discus keepers are elitist but if you sift through the 90% of the content, most of that is from people who care deeply about their fish and will do more than you are willing to for fish. I know a lot of people will shill for you because they're your fans and don't get me wrong. I have a lot of respect for you but you need to do these things in a more productive way

Palmer Aquatics
Palmer Aquatics - 6 years ago
Dylamos - very good points! Thanks for watching!
TM Aquatics
TM Aquatics - 6 years ago
Kept discus for years. Even though captive bred Asian and Euro discus are more ph tolerant, they are still a weak fish. Nothing but problems. I kept 16 fish, and there was always 1-2 fish that would be having issues at any given time. They’ve been inbred and line bred so much that I feel they have become genetically weaker. They are also kept and bred in such pristine water, I feel their immune system has become weak. Any fish that needs 50% daily water changes, and kept in bare bottom tanks isn’t worth keeping. If I ever do discus again, it will be wilds in a SA Biotope.
Palmer Aquatics
Palmer Aquatics - 6 years ago
TM Aquatics - this comment made my day! Your channel is getting a shout out next livestream!
Eddy Edwards
Eddy Edwards - 6 years ago
I’ve only seen a few pet shops have them and yes they are expensive. I don’t get why. They look cool and I would get them but not for $59 ( and they are the size of a quarter). I don’t know if it’s the state I live in now, ( Nevada) but there is a lot of fish I’ve never seen in pet shops but I do remember seeing and having when I lived in NJ.
Cody Ruthrauff
Cody Ruthrauff - 6 years ago
They are so boring for the price. Look at Joey's discus , they are always just sitting there.
Kevin V
Kevin V - 6 years ago
I have Discus fish 3 of them. They are expensive when medium or large size. I got my locally breed so they are more hardy with the water and temps. They have cool colors and they are not shy like some people told me. Picky with food yes but they do need over filter water 100%. Great vids bro I so look forward learning more about all kinds of fish on your channel.
Kirsty Chapman
Kirsty Chapman - 6 years ago
I am missing all these live streams, I think I need a catch up day.
nsane992002 - 6 years ago
I keep hearing the same thing about German blue rams but then I'll see another person being SUPER successful with them, and just say "Oh super clean tank, steady water parameters, driftwood and you're all set" lol. And to be honest, GBR are a fish I've ALWAYS wanted to keep, I'm just super hesitant to.
Susan Briggs
Susan Briggs - 6 years ago
GBR are over breed and very fragile fish with weak immune systems. Need low gH, low TDS and pH below 6.5. If you want to try them, buy through a breeder who specializes in them. I have low pH soft water, but I still had problems keeping them alive longer than a year.
nsane992002 - 6 years ago
Here comes the big question, would he be ok by himself in a well maintained 55 gallon when he is an adult?
nsane992002 - 6 years ago
Thanks man! You totally confirmed what I was thinking. It's just going to be a single guy, well filtered and well maintained and I'm definitely not bailing on the bigger tank. It's a serious pet peeve of mine to see big fish in too small of a tank or a million of them crammed into a big tank even. I'm planning on keeping this guy alone just as a pet. He may be ugly as sin when he grows up because they are F1 hybrids between a blood parrot and what looked to me like a blue Texas if there is such a thing. But I will still love him. I love their attitudes and hardiness.
Cody Ruthrauff
Cody Ruthrauff - 6 years ago
+nsane992002 sure if it's short term. I have grown out plenty of big fish while small in small tanks. He will grow fast though and I wouldn't keep one in a 20 any longer than 4" by itself and that's pushing it. Just don't bail on the idea of a bigger tank. If you are keeping multiple than 3" max until a bigger tank is needed.
nsane992002 - 6 years ago
Damn it boy.... See that's why I'm not even making the jump to keep GBRs anytime soon, if ever. Hey I am getting a really small (1"-2") red Texas next week, and I'm planning to grow this little guy out in a 20 tall before moving him to a larger and permanent tank. Can you give me any info on if that's ok? Kinda my first try at big cichlids in literally years and years.
Cody Ruthrauff
Cody Ruthrauff - 6 years ago
I've kept fish for a long time, specifically cichlids. I decided to try a GBR in a tank with a betta and the fish lasted maybe 10 days. I know how to keep fish.. there was nothing I could do, this thing was destined to die lol. And at 20 bucks for 1 ram..no thanks. I'll stick to my Africans
Justin R Varga
Justin R Varga - 6 years ago
Yes. I will get into discus later and not amazon import. European and local breeders are more ph flexible.

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