Discus Fish from Kenny's May 2014 shipment

2 weeks out of QT, in the main tank and they are doing great. thank you everyone for watching, enjoy.
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Most popular comments
for Discus Fish from Kenny's May 2014 shipment

Ragnar Lothbrok
Ragnar Lothbrok - 6 years ago
Your red eagle has black peppering??
David Fisher
David Fisher - 8 years ago
is it as hard to keep discus as people say? yours look like someone painted them with a paint brush thats how perfect they look wow.
Nick Cat Le
Nick Cat Le - 8 years ago
+David Fisher It really is a chore if you have such a large tank like I did, changing out the water takes a lot of time. It requires a lot of dedication on your part. In a 55 gallon I would recommend no more than four discus (I keep four in a 92 gallon). They demand very clean water, so regular (at least weekly) partial water changes of 20-25% must be done. The water should be kept at 82-84 degrees, and while you need excellent filtration, make sure the current is not too strong.
Dav Aqua World
Dav Aqua World - 9 years ago
beautiful ☺
661Stephen - 9 years ago
Is Kenny in Chino Hills?
Nick Cat Le
Nick Cat Le - 9 years ago
+661Stephen No, Kenny is located in Daly City
Annabel - 9 years ago
Wow! Absolutely stunning!!
Anthony Monson
Anthony Monson - 10 years ago
love this tank great job
Marcos Vazquez
Marcos Vazquez - 10 years ago
Good vid I just placed an order for 2 super red melons from kenny, December stock. I am becoming more and more of a fan of kenny. I would love to see the farm where these guys are coming from.
Joe Amazon
Joe Amazon - 10 years ago
Is that a Kribinsis at 1:40?
Joe Amazon
Joe Amazon - 10 years ago
I've never seen those in any of my LFS. Their pretty rare for my area.
Nick Cat Le
Nick Cat Le - 10 years ago
+Joe Amazon sorry, you're right Joe its a male Apistogramma Triple Red but it never turn red. its tail colors are still yellow.
Joe Amazon
Joe Amazon - 10 years ago
Doesn't look like a ram from the solid black bar across the body and dorfin fins. Really?
Nick Cat Le
Nick Cat Le - 10 years ago
German blue rams and they are spawning like crazy!!
Leo My
Leo My - 10 years ago
What kind of plants are loading in the tank you have ?
Nick Cat Le
Nick Cat Le - 10 years ago
most Anubias, red and green Lotus, Java Fern, weeping moss and Wisteria.

10. comment for Discus Fish from Kenny's May 2014 shipment

Leo My
Leo My - 10 years ago
they re tunning.
Nick Cat Le
Nick Cat Le - 10 years ago
thank you
bob tamb
bob tamb - 10 years ago
Nick Cat Le
Nick Cat Le - 10 years ago
go to SimplyDiscusForum and scroll down the the market section and look for Kenny's Discus (Kenny Cheung). there you can see the pics that Kenny will post of all the strains of discus he got for that month shipment (he gets 1 shipment per month). you can either call him or shoot him an email of your order. 
P.S if there is a curtain size that you want that Kenny doesn't have, i would wait because he will eventually get the size you want. i learn that from past orders. good luck

Phone: 650-290-1283 (I can be best reached after noon PST on most days)
Email: kennysdiscus@gmail.com
More To Living
More To Living - 10 years ago
Am i seeing things or do you have a white with black zebra stripe angel fish in there? Never seen those before.
Nick Cat Le
Nick Cat Le - 10 years ago
lol no its just the lighting and they turn like that during spawning. they are 2 Phillipine Blue Angels.

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