Discus Fish

My Discus in 480 litres aquarium!
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Most popular comments
for Discus Fish

captainhelmet69 - 12 years ago
Some nice fish here check out my channel peeps and hopefully u will like them
Emanuel Nunes
Emanuel Nunes - 13 years ago
Nice that's a great looking discus, really nice tank...
Praveen501 - 13 years ago
huh, 1 looser dislikes this??!!
sadlra - 14 years ago
poisondekara - 14 years ago
They look very happy. Well done!
noob rider
noob rider - 14 years ago
@sloppi1234 No, stressed fish will be skitish or all huddeled up in a corner trying to hide form the light.
Alexander Leonard
Alexander Leonard - 14 years ago
hi, what kind of the red discus in the first video? marlboro ? thx u for your reply
Rotten Brain
Rotten Brain - 14 years ago
hi, very nice tank , will the discuss be happy in 8.0 pH water with fake plants??
Rayanne Beby
Rayanne Beby - 15 years ago
Lovin This Music....

10. comment for Discus Fish

sloppi1234 - 15 years ago
40lenght 40depth 30wide (cm)
Hannah’s Herps
Hannah’s Herps - 15 years ago
@motor999 do u mean how many litres it is or how much space it takes up?... cuz idk the litres, but space wise (well, u may aswell get a 15 gal, cuz sippan66 said "should have", so u wont a bit more so it has room) wich would prob be less than 20 in. (i think)
Sippan66 - 15 years ago
They get a bit stressed with large water changes. And I had just done this before I made the movie.
Sippan66 - 15 years ago
Lol, yes! It's probably because they are still
Sippan66 - 15 years ago
Hi! Every discus should have 13 gallon water :)
Sippan66 - 15 years ago
Glad to hear that. Thank you!
johnherrera305 - 15 years ago
The background music has all the discus relaxed and chilling...lol.
Sippan66 - 15 years ago
Thanks very much!
Sippan66 - 15 years ago
Hi! The blue discus are Royal Blue Discus. I can't tell you why your discus are fighting with each other. It is usual that a discus can be bullied by the other discus. Unfortunately you can not do much about it.
Sippan66 - 15 years ago
Hi! I haven't much stuff in the tank, just some roots. But in the movie they are little stressful because I changed the water just before I made the movie.

20. comment for Discus Fish

sloppi1234 - 15 years ago
nice . but i was told that when discuses dont move theyre stressed or pissed off . IS THAT TRUE?
Alexander Leonard
Alexander Leonard - 15 years ago
what is the name of the 2 blue discus there with stripped on there body? i have one like those & 1 pigeon blood, my pigeon blood chase and bite it everyday... i don't know why, my pigeon blood is older than the blue one. It has happened the first time i put my blue discus into my aquarium. do u have any suggestions? thx u very much -leo-
Sippan66 - 15 years ago
Thanks! Yes, it is wonderful to sit and look at them.
Sippan66 - 15 years ago
Thanks! :)
Sippan66 - 15 years ago
Hi! The driftwood is real but the background is fake. I think its good with driftswood where fishes may feel they can hide when it's messy and I also think it is good to lower the pH value of water.
NgoHoe - 15 years ago
hey is that fake driftwood or real driftwood? because im planning to get a fake one but i dont know if its good for them??? and is there even fake driftwood?
Sippan66 - 15 years ago
Oh, thanks wirfill!
Santi Guillén
Santi Guillén - 15 years ago
Nice tanks and fish. Congratulations!
Sippan66 - 15 years ago
Lol! I haven't see yours? Do you have a video or picture on yours here somewhere?
Sippan66 - 15 years ago
Thanks sirbpure! :)

30. comment for Discus Fish

Sippan66 - 15 years ago
Thanks! It was nice said of you :)
TQ - 15 years ago
Sorry, I had to watch it five times to admire your fish :-) Very beautiful!
Sippan66 - 15 years ago
Hi and thanks! I live in Sweden. I have bought the fishes here but I don't know where they come from.
Sippan66 - 15 years ago
Thanks again!
majkskys - 15 years ago
Impressive Tank! Love how you decorated and you have Lovely fish!
Sippan66 - 16 years ago
Thank you FlyingFisches 2009!
Sippan66 - 16 years ago
Hi and thanks! It depends if the tank contains sand, and other stuff, or if it's empty. In a tank without anything but water it's easier to keep clean and you can have more discus. How many discus you can have in your tank depends also how often you change water. I have 16 discus in my 480 litres tank now, but I have no other fishes, sand or other stuff in it right now. I change much water every other day.
Sippan66 - 16 years ago
Sorry, I don't understand your question!
Sippan66 - 16 years ago
No, they are not agressive and don't eat other fishes :)
robdawg300 - 16 years ago
r they agressive and eat other fish?
Sippan66 - 16 years ago
Thank you :)
Sippan66 - 16 years ago
From a pet store in southern Sweden, and some of the other from a pet store in north Sweden. I don't know where they get the fishes from. They are pretty amazing, aren't they? :)
Sippan66 - 16 years ago
Thank you!
Sippan66 - 16 years ago
Hi and thanks for your comments! The Discus fish from left and right is: Checkerboard pigeon, Royal blue, Royal blue, Golden candle (behind the royal blue), Golden melon, Super red melon, Leopard (above super red melon), Super blue diamond (above Leopard), Rose red. The music is just a midi-file I have, with the name Nativeamericanflute. I wish you good luck with the Discus and the tank building. I have built my own tank and it is so fun! Kind regards/ Sivan
Sippan66 - 16 years ago
Thank you very much! You make me glad! I have answered your e-mail :)
Sippan66 - 16 years ago
Thank you! It makes me really happy to hear. I am so proud of my Discus-fishes and I love them so much! Kind regards / Sivan

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