Discus Medication - Internal Parasites

Some of my discus are showing signs of internal parasites or infection. In this video I went ahead and treated with API General Cure for internal parasites. I treat the entire tank (240G and 75G) to make sure all inhabitants are medicated. Medication Used: API General Cure for internal parasites: http://amzn.to/2r7OCZ7 Epsom Salt (laxative): http://amzn.to/2r7PDQU Other Medication: Maracyn-2 Antibiotic for internal bacterial infections: http://amzn.to/2qb0xQV

Discus Medication - Internal Parasites sentiment_very_dissatisfied 10

Discus 7 years ago 27,891 views

Some of my discus are showing signs of internal parasites or infection. In this video I went ahead and treated with API General Cure for internal parasites. I treat the entire tank (240G and 75G) to make sure all inhabitants are medicated. Medication Used: API General Cure for internal parasites: http://amzn.to/2r7OCZ7 Epsom Salt (laxative): http://amzn.to/2r7PDQU Other Medication: Maracyn-2 Antibiotic for internal bacterial infections: http://amzn.to/2qb0xQV

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Most popular comments
for Discus Medication - Internal Parasites

Christopher Gruenwald
Christopher Gruenwald - 5 years ago
I have been fighting similar symptoms since my order of discus showed up 5 months ago. I’ve tried general cure multiple times with no lasting results. I’m at odd of what to do anymore. Last night when I was cleaning the tank I see one had died and gotten sucked into the filter.
Super Man
Super Man - 6 years ago
I strongly recommend that you to medicate their food to treat for internal worms. There was a scientific study done at University of Florida that compared treatments for internal worms and a medicated water bath was found to have the IDENTICAL effect as simple water changes in reducing, but not completely eliminating, an internal worm infection. Only when medication was added to their food were internal worms completely eliminated. It’s very easy to medicate their food, even pellets, and pre-medicated food is readily available. It’s also very easy to make your own medicated food. It seems that it’s common for discus in the trade to maintain a low-level internal worm infection that can become overwhelming when they become stressed - be it from poor water quality, substandard water changes, bullying, etc. - and they can then quickly develop an secondary internal bacterial infection that can be the cause of their demise. (Google ‘A Comparison of Metronidazole Treatments for Hexamitiasis in Angelfish’ for the reference). Great video, BTW!
Salvador Velasquez
Salvador Velasquez - 6 years ago
Awesome video boss, I've just started my wife's journey for Discus, and this is a very explained knowledge that I've required, thank you for this video, from Houston TX
Melanie Lizz
Melanie Lizz - 6 years ago
Do you suggest medicating the food also? Im on day 4 of the treatment on my discus tank and i still see 2 with white poop.
Prathamesh Bhalerao
Prathamesh Bhalerao - 6 years ago
Do you use heater in discus if yes , How come your plants survive
HCBCHEMISTRYoCOM - 6 years ago
They can live In warmer water. Some do better in planted pots outside too.
Raul Harris
Raul Harris - 6 years ago
really appreciate your advice,
matin isaqzada
matin isaqzada - 6 years ago
I bought a discus about 2 weeks ago and doesn’t eat anything. It seems like it has skinny belly by its tail. Others are active and eating well but this one dosnt eats anything since last 2 weeks. but at the first day I saw that it has eating but next day everything changed.
Any help would be appreciated....Thamks
jonerik Peterson
jonerik Peterson - 6 years ago
Also when discus have those pinched looking bellies it means they arent eating or havebt eatin ina couple days.
jonerik Peterson
jonerik Peterson - 6 years ago
Where did you get the latge container for general cure ? i have the large furan 2 from api but all i can find online are those tiny ass packets for general cure with metronidizol

10. comment for Discus Medication - Internal Parasites

Fishda Productions
Fishda Productions - 6 years ago
Manila for the win! Nice video!
Anirban Chatterjee
Anirban Chatterjee - 6 years ago
Thanks from India your video really helped me save my discus. ...
Biswajit Bhattacharya
Biswajit Bhattacharya - 6 years ago
J Squared
J Squared - 6 years ago
Thanks so much for the video, it was a very big help! I like your tank set up.
Teshan Sadesh
Teshan Sadesh - 6 years ago
Please tell me what are these medicine are? Where can i Bay there?
yungstahotmail - 6 years ago
Hey my discus is bloated and breathing heavy , I used prazipro and the belly has gone down but the breathing is still heavy . What to do ?
Duane vH
Duane vH - 6 years ago
I had a discus that I thought was treated succesfully for hexamita with metroplex (was eating and pooping normally again) removed from hospital tank but soon became sick again, treated again but seemed resistant to metroplex I didnt know what to do, saw this video tried the API general cure my discus had what looked to be long tapeworms come out. I then decided to treat my whole tank with API and almost all of them had tapeworms. I read prazi works good for tapeworm only.wondering if discus can have multiple worms at same time?
Currently I have a blue diamond in hospital tank that pooped a huge pea size greyish black ball that broke apart after into what looks like tiny snail shells? is it possible to have snails as a internal parasite?
Virat Baweja
Virat Baweja - 7 years ago
I bought a discus about 2 weeks ago and doesn’t eat anything. Goes for bloodworms but spits it out same time. It seems like it has skinny belly by its tail. Other guy is active and eating well but this one like to hide and hasn’t eaten anything since last 2 weeks. Any help would be appreciated....Thx
Biswajit Bhattacharya
Biswajit Bhattacharya - 7 years ago
New video. Update please
Huey Lu
Huey Lu - 7 years ago
Do you remove any poly filter or pad in the filter before medicating? And did you see any effect of API general cure on beneficial bacteria? Just curious, thanks!

20. comment for Discus Medication - Internal Parasites

Paulie Romano
Paulie Romano - 7 years ago
Thank you. We have 12 discus, 2 died one after another in a span on 2 weeks and we see another one sick - all showing the same signs, bloated stomach, rapid breathing, not social and doesn't want to eat. We will isolate and introduce the epsom salt and hopefully that will work :/ thank you for this video!
Ray-an ragucos
Ray-an ragucos - 7 years ago
Love your videos kuya! You always explain stuff clearly. BTW, can I use prazi pro as a substitute to General Cure?
Rick T. Foster
Rick T. Foster - 7 years ago
How often should I dose epsom salt?
ГОРАН GORAN - 7 years ago
Great video mate
Does it affect bio filter?
Martin Burren
Martin Burren - 7 years ago
Do think general cure can kill the good bacterias in the tank? Thank you for the video by the way! =)
fjrboy - 7 years ago
Great,what dosage of salts do you use
Dominic Chavez Alarcon
Dominic Chavez Alarcon - 7 years ago
a query, could you tell me the specifications of your lamps?
Munir Tchaitchian
Munir Tchaitchian - 7 years ago
before you treat your fish you need to know what you are treating. Get a microscope and start taking samples ;)
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Munir Tchaitchian
We wont be able to see intestinal parasites with a microscope :)
Michael Mitchell
Michael Mitchell - 7 years ago
I'm treating my juvenile tiger turqs with general cure now... only one day in so far...I love discus... favorite fish.... angels r second....have you seen the pariba angelfish?.....beautiful fish man!
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thanks! I haven't kept angelfish, but I can certainly start!
David Blubaugh
David Blubaugh - 7 years ago
Love the videos... Have you ever used potassium permanganate on discus? Does it work?
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
They recovered pretty well...no casualties!
David Blubaugh
David Blubaugh - 7 years ago
How are the Discus doing after treatment? I'm doing the same treatment but also added API Erythromycin... My discus have the white poop also.
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
I haven't used Potassium permanganate, but I've seen it done on youtube. I think it is used as a dip and works for external diseases.

30. comment for Discus Medication - Internal Parasites

AquaWoman - 7 years ago
PlantedDiscusFishTank I'm happy to say, my Discus were 100% Cured using a combination of Rapid Cure by Kordon and Furan-2. It took about 15 days to cure but I was doing 75% water changes every morning then adding aquarium salt during the day, then in the evening I'd do another 90% water change then add both medications. This gave the Discus a break from the meds every day. The salt helps with healing and soothing their tattered fins and any open sores from the Ich. According to the University of Florida (who tested this) the Ich Protozoa can only be killed when they are in the water column and that happens at night. So that's why I only medicated at night. My Discus had previously been through a very difficult bout of Columnaris so I was very careful and conservative with my treatment of Ich. For healthy Discus that contract Ich in its early stages I'd recommend treating as per the medications directions. Under normal conditions you should be able to knock out Ich in just a few days. Come see my Discus on my channel. AquaWoman
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thanks AquaWoman! The discus are doing well...hope your ich problems get resolved...what medication are you using?
Bizzyfakka - 7 years ago
the thing is, every discus i am seeing in shops has these, i am ordering from a hatchery and if they are having holes in their heads i am f-ed..
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
I found that local fish stores here also have poor quality discus. Dedicated discus importers/hatcheries are the best way to do it.
Bizzyfakka - 7 years ago
are you experiencing the issue with discus having holes in their heads?
i wanted to finally get some discus since i am wishing for some for 10+ years
but those holes are frightening me the shyt out...
Maria Ortiz
Maria Ortiz - 7 years ago
I have a discus with hole in the head. I treat it and It looks good but 2 weeks later It just keeps coming back.
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
I haven't had to deal with hole in the head disease, and it is not common with discus, so don't be afraid...we have this whole discus community to help you deal with any issues!
Edwin Garcia
Edwin Garcia - 7 years ago
Kailangan ko ng API General Cure and Epsom salt. Kaso walang ganyan dito sa probinsya :(
Edwin Garcia
Edwin Garcia - 7 years ago
Thanks a lot man. This video really helps. Keep it up.
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
If API General Cure is not available, see if they have Metroplex (Metronidizole) and Prazipro (Praziquantel). Epsom salt should be available at other grocery or department stores.
Edwin Garcia
Edwin Garcia - 7 years ago
I'm from Bulacan. And it's a 4 hour drive to get to Cartimar where they have those and everytime I go there it's not available. I lost a lot of juvi discus coz of it.
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Sorry to hear that, Edwin. What province are you in?
azam khan
azam khan - 7 years ago
Okay so medications can kill benefical bacteria. So how do you treat your sick fish. Thanks
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Azam, the API general cure is safe on beneficial bacteria. The Maracyn-2 antibiotic can kill beneficial bacteria and here is my approach to that concern....https://youtu.be/_mIQ6aVW7i0?t=42s
I'm on my 5th day with Maracyn-2 and so far, I haven't had any ammonia spikes. I think the plants definitely helped absorb any added ammonia.
Jadren Aquatics
Jadren Aquatics - 7 years ago
Great stuff thanks for sharing, subbed to see more!
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Jonathan Stewart
Jonathan Stewart - 7 years ago
What is the dosage of Epson Salts per gallon, I am not sure if I missed that in the video. Great informative video btw! :)
Rick T. Foster
Rick T. Foster - 7 years ago
PlantedDiscusFishTank haha was just gonna ask this question too. I assume you dose both times with the API General Cure, yes?
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Jonathan, the Epsom salt dosage is 1 Tablespoon (3 teaspoons) per 10 gallons...I guess I forgot to add that in the video. Thanks!
marianne8ate - 7 years ago
Would this be safe to use if you had shrimp and snails and plecos in the tank with discus?
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Marianne, I have plecos in my tanks and they are doing well with the API General Cure. I don't have any shrimp or snails in my medicated tanks, but the consensus online is that shrimp and snails are not negatively affected by API General Cure. So you should be fine if you want to use this product. Thanks!
Big Paydrow
Big Paydrow - 7 years ago
Do u hand feed them n not wash your hands between tanks? Cross contamination is a risk
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Yes I do hand feed and try to keep it clean and it was definitely cross contamination. Most likely the new cardinals were the carriers.
The cardinals were quarantined for a few weeks, but I did not deworm them (my mistake there). I happens to the best of us even when we are careful. We just have to be prepared with meds readily available. Thanks!
Desmond Barnes
Desmond Barnes - 7 years ago
How often do you feed them?
Desmond Barnes
Desmond Barnes - 7 years ago
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
While on Meds, I feed the adults once a day. And the 3" inch juvies twice a day.
Desmond Barnes
Desmond Barnes - 7 years ago
thanks for the info. Love your videos. Who made the song and the name of it that you're playing on your video?
Desmond Barnes
Desmond Barnes - 7 years ago
Thanks for your reply.
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Desmond, the first song is "Hip Hop Rap Instrumental" by Chris Morrow and the second song is "Spring Light" by Joakim Karud. Thanks!
Andrew Meyer
Andrew Meyer - 7 years ago
New to your channel. I breed mostly angles but I going to try discus soon. Thanks for all your info. Ps. Been to the book store and saw that beautiful tank in Baltimore. Keep the videos coming
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thanks Andrew!
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 7 years ago
Our club just went there Saturday. nice. We stopped by Discus Hans on the way. . check out the video.
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thanks! I'll look for that system in your channel!
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 7 years ago
PlantedDiscusFishTank I'm a big fan of your system and it's automatic change set up. I'm planning one for my reef system based on your system
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Great video Dee. I've bought some discus from Hans before...very nice guy. In fact my avatar is a Stendker discus from Hans.
Prajyoth S
Prajyoth S - 7 years ago
won't the antibiotics kill the beneficial bacteria? if yes how will u cycle the tank again.?
Prajyoth S
Prajyoth S - 7 years ago
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Good point...in the past, I've had to transfer the k1 biomedia to my other fish rack in the back room so that it keeps its nitrifying bacteria. I will have to be very careful with making sure the water parameters are steady after the treatment. There will be lots of water changes after the treatment.
I can also transfer the fish out to a quarantine tank, but that can also stress the discus out and there is more chance of an ammonia spike there with the antibiotic as the smaller water volume.
Craig Stacey
Craig Stacey - 7 years ago
Great video, cannot get the API general cure in the UK, but found some on Amazon which will ship. Love the videos, very educational, looking forward to your aquascape of 75 gallon and unboxing video. Keep up the good work from Tam :)
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
thank you Craig! Hello to Tam, UK!
Demandradify - 7 years ago
thank you for sharing your pation. It really help me for my big jump into discuss playground.
see you late
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
thank you for watching!
Cindy O'Hara
Cindy O'Hara - 7 years ago
Thanks!!! I'll save this video - I'll look for these symptoms, and add these meds to my fish cabinet.
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Hi Cindy, thanks again for tuning in!
Eric K
Eric K - 7 years ago
Careful with the antibiotic. Most antibiotics put in the water column can kill the beneficial bacteria in the tank.
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Good point...its always a conundrum when using antibiotics. Will have to transfer the k1 biomedia before I dose.
Eric K
Eric K - 7 years ago
You think they dose and add CO2 to that tank?

50. comment for Discus Medication - Internal Parasites

fish tank noob
fish tank noob - 7 years ago
hey!! congrats on the subs.....glad the treatment is working and the "dragon driftwood" look amazing by itself i cant imagine when done.....looking forward to it....have a nice week PDFT!!!!!
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
You too, thanks!
Tony Canniffe
Tony Canniffe - 7 years ago
Glad the treatment is working. Congrats on 2k!
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thanks Tony!
yave4algeria - 7 years ago
I pressed a like before i start watching the video
Jim Hanley
Jim Hanley - 7 years ago
Really enjoy your videos. You do a great job and info is always super informative. Can't wait to see your next one.
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thanks again Jim!
Alexis Tamayo
Alexis Tamayo - 7 years ago
Can't wait for another unboxing woot!
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thanks...coming soon!

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