Discus Planted Community Aquarium 150 Gallon Love is in the Air

Breeding time and Love is in the air..err water! A lot of mate searching, territory disputing, egg laying and of course...dancing Discus community aquarium 7 months after setup. 9 discus, 1 angel fish, 4 clown loaches, 26 cardinal tetras, 6 corydoras, 1 bristlenose pleco, 3 SAE, 4 oto cats and 2 bolivian rams Eheim 2180 and Fluval fx5 Filters

Discus Planted Community Aquarium 150 Gallon Love is in the Air sentiment_very_dissatisfied 14

Discus 13 years ago 165,306 views

Breeding time and Love is in the air..err water! A lot of mate searching, territory disputing, egg laying and of course...dancing Discus community aquarium 7 months after setup. 9 discus, 1 angel fish, 4 clown loaches, 26 cardinal tetras, 6 corydoras, 1 bristlenose pleco, 3 SAE, 4 oto cats and 2 bolivian rams Eheim 2180 and Fluval fx5 Filters

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Most popular comments
for Discus Planted Community Aquarium 150 Gallon Love is in the Air

Discus Fish Planted tank
Discus Fish Planted tank - 7 years ago
قناة اسمك الزينه
قناة اسمك الزينه - 8 years ago
Fernando Velasco
Fernando Velasco - 9 years ago
You have one of the best and unique pigeon mix. Really nice white with yellow.
Do you still have it?
Pavol Kulanda
Pavol Kulanda - 10 years ago
amazing setup. very healthy, well balanced and clean tank. the fact that your fish are spawning says it all. I am planning 110 gallon planted discus tank. What lighting are you using? I have 4 x 36W T8s tubes which I think its too low.
Discus Fish Planted tank
Discus Fish Planted tank - 7 years ago
K00L VIDEOS - 10 years ago
amazing setup and choice of fish
son ledo
son ledo - 10 years ago
really rely nice tank ! your fish looks also great and health well done !
Raed Jaber
Raed Jaber - 10 years ago
I cannot stop watching this again and again and again <3 
It is really awesome 
Martin F.
Martin F. - 11 years ago
Really nice, have a look at my Discus tank,- its called:
My Planted Discus Tank - 470 ltr.
Jhonatã Gabriel
Jhonatã Gabriel - 11 years ago

10. comment for Discus Planted Community Aquarium 150 Gallon Love is in the Air

ada deh
ada deh - 11 years ago
nice set up... how about the temperature for your tank?
Stefan O'Brien
Stefan O'Brien - 11 years ago
Really nice setup!
Yeng Xiong
Yeng Xiong - 11 years ago
What kind of white substrate are u using?
nasir al zaai
nasir al zaai - 11 years ago
Jeffrey Forrest
Jeffrey Forrest - 11 years ago
Beautiful Aquarium.
DeviousCuttlefish - 11 years ago
Very beautiful! I love the nice, simple layout with the white sand. Really makes those colors POP against the green background.
Thyjoker Nguyen
Thyjoker Nguyen - 11 years ago
very nice tank bro
ramprashad29 - 11 years ago
dear god what a beautiful tank
Leandro Neme
Leandro Neme - 11 years ago
What is this song?
Santino Buonincontro
Santino Buonincontro - 11 years ago
Amazing :D

20. comment for Discus Planted Community Aquarium 150 Gallon Love is in the Air

unamogdog - 11 years ago
marilynrjl - 11 years ago
so nice aquarium....
stephen brown
stephen brown - 11 years ago
Magnificent...but get that angelfish out of there Never put angelfish and discus together...for several good reasons.
Duane fishbreeder
Duane fishbreeder - 11 years ago
gorgeous i love it .keep it up bro
MEATSOMBRERO - 11 years ago
john alex
john alex - 11 years ago
fantastrid - 11 years ago
Ahw such a nice and happy video!
rattyismyrat - 11 years ago
Oh and is your substrate simply sand? Did you layer it over anything else? Do you use plant fertilizers?
rattyismyrat - 11 years ago
Hi! What kind of lights are you running on your tank? Your plants obviously love the conditions!
Alden Fish
Alden Fish - 11 years ago
i dont even want to know how much money you have into this amazing tank but it is amazing!!!!!!

30. comment for Discus Planted Community Aquarium 150 Gallon Love is in the Air

Emilee M
Emilee M - 11 years ago
Those Discus are gorgeous!!!
Ogie Gallardo
Ogie Gallardo - 11 years ago
can you really place tetras with discus? the tetras never get eaten?
James Shaw
James Shaw - 11 years ago
Beautiful tank. It's one of the best on you tube. Where did u get ur drift wood? I love to have that in my tank.
Cameron Gillman
Cameron Gillman - 11 years ago
Everything about that tank is amazing! What type of Discus is the white and yellow? and what are the short plants to the right in the front?
ZildjianGuy90 - 11 years ago
Beautiful aquarium!
tly3 - 11 years ago
This tank makes my heart sing!
KINGC0LLIER - 11 years ago
Hi what fish are these.
GoldfishRsoDelicious - 11 years ago
love to see your other equipment, do u use co2 or liquid ferts, uv etc.
GoldfishRsoDelicious - 11 years ago
sand, plants, discus all in one tank... very stunning and challenging combined
stephen whitehead
stephen whitehead - 11 years ago
Your Discus are so healthy. Great set up.
chatelain daniele
chatelain daniele - 11 years ago
Chinmoy Roy
Chinmoy Roy - 11 years ago
PK Douangdara
PK Douangdara - 11 years ago
Nice tank! Real plants?
smileycracker99 - 11 years ago
thanks fro making me jealous :) lol
Leah Hayden Roberts
Leah Hayden Roberts - 11 years ago
such a gorgeous tank! all your discus are so beautiful, and I'm especially fond of the little bolivian rams (:
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 11 years ago
Yes, a few actually. At the moment I have 3 pairs that lay eggs every week!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 11 years ago
Ha so do I! I wish they would swim up in front more, but they are frightened by the large discus
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 11 years ago
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 11 years ago
Thank you for the unique comment
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 11 years ago
Hi! Vallisneria spirallis, Giant Anubias (Barteri), Java fern, aponogeton helferi, pogostemon helferi, cryptocoryne, cabomba, echinodorus tornado, crinum...just to name few of the top of my head. If you like any specific one let me know, and I will let you know what it is :)

50. comment for Discus Planted Community Aquarium 150 Gallon Love is in the Air

Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 11 years ago
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 11 years ago
The fx5 has great mechanical filtering, and the eheim excellent biological filtering. I feed lots of heavy food because of the discus, and its always a good idea to have 2 filters in case one malfunctions ;) Also less cleaning of the filters when you have 2.
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 11 years ago
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 11 years ago
obrigado! que custa cerca de 1500 €, todos juntos, se é isso que você quis dizer. '' Google'' traduzem
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 11 years ago
hjaha amano essere riconosciuti! :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 11 years ago
Tony Tan discus malaysia :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 11 years ago
Hello, and sorry for the wait! I clean the bottom with every water change (once a week - 30%). My Ph is 8.0 and I don't use R/O, Co2, peat or buffers. Its a good thing you know not to over feed..I feed all the fish in the large aquarium 1teaspoon of frozen food + 2 teaspoons of dry food every day, split up into 4 small meals. My advice to anyone dealing with discus is clean water and stable water parameters ( don't worry too much about ph and hardness, just keep it stable and clean)
Lucas vincius xavier
Lucas vincius xavier - 12 years ago
Amazonic Style!
Cronon Watcher
Cronon Watcher - 12 years ago
What a radiant tank!
KING - 12 years ago
PersonaG31 - 12 years ago
where the hell u get discus at ?lol
ichisuke ryu
ichisuke ryu - 12 years ago
hi, i wonder how do you clean their poop and how often do you feed them? can give me advise with that, just want to know what amount of food do you feed them so i don't overfeed and less maintenance in changing water. how often you change the water and what ph? are you running RO unit? sorry too much questions. just intrigue. you tank is the bomb!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Ha! thanx. The cats always appreciate it when they are noticed :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hi! thanx. The dimensions are 180x60x65cm, and I don't run co2. Imagine if I did :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank YOU!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hello! I only had one angel fish in the large tank ( he is dead now from old age). He got along great with the discus. Never had the slightest problem myself although I have heard others complain sometimes about some aggression between the two species. However, I never ever had a problem. They actually seemed very friendly...
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
yes, exactly!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
No I don't..imagine the jungle if I did :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thanx! Got the driftwood after scouting out a few fish stores...
niki123133 - 12 years ago
Beautifull good job and cute cats
Tommy Jackson
Tommy Jackson - 12 years ago
Great setup!! Is that a 150 tall? Do you run CO2?
dvdfrnzwbr - 12 years ago
They sure are not swimmers.
MsWhitekanna - 12 years ago
Hey I see you have an Angelfish with your Discus. How many Angelfish do you have in there and how do they get along with Discus? Will be good to know from you. Thanks
punchmau - 12 years ago
Do you use CO2?
REKPVids604 - 12 years ago
One word: wow
Jacob Costa
Jacob Costa - 12 years ago
awesome tank. where did you get that peice of wood from? it so cool
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Wow! excellent comment. Thank you so much.
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thanx man!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
small portions-as much as they will eat in a couple of minutes- 2-3 times a day. This will help you maintain clean water. (If they were juveniles and growing you might want to feed more times a day). Good luck with your tank!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
My main advice would be Clean water. Do as many water changes as you feel comfortable with, and be consistent about it. It is very good that all your discus are eating so quickly..they can be fussy eaters some times. However don't feed them the same thing everyday. Some variety in their food is better for them, and for you. If they get used to bloodworms everyday, they may not eat anything else later. Also isnce they are adults, and fully grown, they don't need very much food. Feed them...
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hello and thank you! My PH is 7.8- 8.0 and I do nothing to change it. Dont worry too much about the PH, if it is not off the scale you're fine. Discus love clean water, and stable conditions. Its much better to have a stable PH of 8.0, rather than having the PH fluxuate between 7 and 7.5 constantly. I would strongly advise against PH buffers, exactly because of this reason. I absolutely have to lower the PH, do it with peat. Still you have to be very careful for the parameters to be stable...
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you! Great comment
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Actually the tannis in the driftwood is good for the fish, but if you want to remove the ''murkyness'' and yellow coloration,. you can boil the wood for a few hours, and then let it sit in clean water for a few days. That usually removes the tannis and you will have clear water.
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you so much, I hope the same!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hello. The wood is tied to the top of the tank with transparent fish line :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Ha, great comment!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hi! Yeah my discus fry gets eaten all the time by other fish also..I you want to breed, its best to keep the pair separate from other fish!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you! Once a week (30%)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hi, and thank you! I clean the sand once a week during the water change (30%)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hi! the dimensions are 180x60x65cm. I have seen a few tall discus tanks and they look great. However I have never heard that discus require any special height. Just enough living room :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you Guppy!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
To tell you the truth I have never thought about that. If the rock doesn't have limestone or anything else in that would affect the PH and hardness, I think it would be fine
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hi, ask for ''roots''.
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you, the discus' health is my main concern!
lovelithops - 12 years ago
Absolutely lovely!!!
nicole avital
nicole avital - 12 years ago
Wow it was just a pleasure to watch this clip..... what an amazing aquarium, how clean, how peaceful- keep up the great job, you are a wonderful aquarist! I ususally never comment on youtube but you just deserved it.

100. comment for Discus Planted Community Aquarium 150 Gallon Love is in the Air

Angelo Stella
Angelo Stella - 12 years ago
Beautiful! How often do you do water changes on this aquarium?
Mark Weinstein
Mark Weinstein - 12 years ago
What is the pH? and do you add anything to maintain it? How do you do your water changes.. Sorry to pepper you with questions...but it's only because I am in awe at the beauty of your tank.. I got 5 discus yesterday....9 inch adults... they are eating and stay right in front... so far just have fed frozen bloodworms.. Also have about 100 small tetras and 3 silverline sharks.. Anxiously awaiting your response
akalegs - 12 years ago
The tank is amazing. That is the wildest driftwood I ever saw. I've recently become a discus fan and a tank like yours really shows them off.
kricket15000 - 12 years ago
does anyone have the secret on maintaining clear water with driftwood in the tank? it makes the water murky
kricket15000 - 12 years ago
yeah my tank is complete today! I have 2 pigeon blood discus and 7 neon tetras having a beautiful tank is a labor of love! im so happy that I don't have to deal with mean aggressive fish anymore...bye bye African cichlids!
Joey Dumper
Joey Dumper - 12 years ago
Can you check out my tank let me know what I should do to make it better its in my uploads
katjaworld100 - 12 years ago
Hello, your tank is amazing!I want to know on which way the driftwood is on the top of the tank++++
DiamondwolfArt - 12 years ago
5 years ago i had a 10 galons aquarium fill with discus and other fish.One night two discus breed and lay their eggs on the filter.Unfortunately my sanitary fish eat all the egg of my discus pair.After 3 months all my fish die becouse i had a problem with my oxigen maker.Now i have two bettas in 5 galons aquarium and i try to breed them.My male has finish his bubble nest.I hope thay will breed soon.
andywhufcno1 - 12 years ago
Stunning! What are the dimensions of you're tank? I always thought discus needed height too the tank?? Never the less! Still a stunning piece of work
Guppykid540 - 12 years ago
really nice tank setup!
rico alferez
rico alferez - 12 years ago
Amazing setup and discus looks so fab, Nice job
mike thomas
mike thomas - 12 years ago
hi stunning looking tank and fish was thinking of adding ocean rock to my tank not live of course do you think this will be safe for my discus thanks
Chance Knapton
Chance Knapton - 12 years ago
where did you get your driftwood that comes down from the top of the tank? most places seem to only sell large chunks of wood or tree trunks lol.
lolytard5000 - 12 years ago
Healthiest discus i've ever seen. Good work!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hi, I have tied most of the driftwood to the top of the tank with fishing line...A good way to remove the tannis is boiling the driftwood for a few hours...However most fish love it.
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
No prob. The ones in front are pogostemon helferi. I love them too. The ''lilly ones'' I think what you mean... are the Anubias Barteri ( giant anubias)
Will Sweeney
Will Sweeney - 12 years ago
What did you do to your driftwood to keep it from staining the water? It seems that no matter what I do my driftwood always leached tanic acids and discolored my take
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you! The substrate is sand white quartz 0,1 - 0,3mm and fert tablets fro the plants. The plants are so many that I wouldn't know where to start. Vallisneria spirallis, Giant Anubias (Barteri), Java fern, aponogeton helferi, pogostemon helferi, cryptocoryne, cabomba, echinodorus tornado, crinum...just to name few of the top of my head. If you like any specific one let me know, and I will let you know what it is :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you so much! The dimensions are 180cmx60cmx65cm (LxDxH). The brand is ''Anubias''. They are a Juwel ''ripoff''. From what I know they are made in the same Chinese factory as Juwel, but the difference is that they don't get inspected by the Germans before they go out.
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Haha. Hey, if we all liked exactly the same things life would be pretty boring. Cheers
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you! On the angelfish thing...it depends on a number of factors
Andy Pearson
Andy Pearson - 12 years ago
I am a very honest person and if theirs one word that describes your tank and that is stunning. This is the best and most beutiful i have seen ever. Well done mate. Wiked. If you dont mindme asking, where did you get your tank and what is the dimensions??
juan david Espinosa
juan david Espinosa - 12 years ago
with all respect i dont like the pleco
Damjan Gomez
Damjan Gomez - 12 years ago
The tank is just amazing. But everyone says that angelfish should not be kept with discus.
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you so much. The driftwood is just normal store-bought and I tied it to the top of the aquarium with transparent fishing line :)
Candace Winn
Candace Winn - 12 years ago
I love ur tank! Absolutely beautiful! How did u get driftwood roots like that? Did u find them? Buy them? How did u get them suspended like that?!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you! At most times you are completely right, however check out my new video (Punk discus), and you may change your mind:)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
I like the eheim also, although it has given me a bit of mechanical trouble. The eheim can hold lots of biological material for bacteria growth, but the fluval fx5 has 6 large sponges for mechanical filtering, so thats why I have both. Also the fluval is alot cheaper :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Well the filters have the option to reduce flow, and I did in the beginning, but I soon realized that the discus don't have a real problem with the flow, and learn to swim in it quickly. Provided that you have some calm parts in the aquarium...
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Luis carlos
Luis carlos - 12 years ago
o acara bandera estragou
Oleg Gavrylenko
Oleg Gavrylenko - 12 years ago
How can you reduce flow from 2 such a powerful filters?
Oleg Gavrylenko
Oleg Gavrylenko - 12 years ago
I have 450 litters tank , 7 diskus and Ehiem 2180,what kind of filter will I add,prefer Ehiem
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thanx and good luck with your setup!
teonguyen1 - 12 years ago
beautiful tank mate:) I can't wait to set up my 180G
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you! I tied the driftwood to the top of the tank with transparent fishing line
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hi, I always say that a second filter is a good idea. Not only does it keep the water cleaner, and less maintenance for both filters, but what if one filter malfunctions on saturday night?..its good to have a backup ;)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hi, any stone that doesn't have limestone in it is fine. The ones I have are normal decorative aquarium stones. Good luck man
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
No, the tank is low tech
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thanx, that was the plan..as many colors as possible!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank's! I appreciate it
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Haha, never heard that before
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thanx! Discus are not that hard if you are consistent with the maintenance ;)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hi, its sand 0.1-0.3mm
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you for the wonderful comment. To answer your question, I introduced a second angel fish to the tank at some point, and the first angel fish was so aggressive that I had to separate them after a week...he was quite happy on his own :)
Salvo Smith
Salvo Smith - 12 years ago
Awsome aquarium. The best of you tube. I see sometimes awfull aquariums on youtube, i mean it seems like some people are happy only with a tank, water in it and fishes, without decorations and plants, i cannot understand that, although i know anyone has his tastes. Yours is really beautifull and youf fishes are so healthy looking. I only wonder why the angel fish has not a mate
Salvo Smith
Salvo Smith - 12 years ago
How come only an angel fish? He would be happier with a mate i guess
Carson Gunderson
Carson Gunderson - 12 years ago
hello, im new to having fish... whats at the bottom, sand or gravle?
Mandatory Possession
Mandatory Possession - 12 years ago
Awesome community tank. Check mine out, it's pretty badass too!
vwdiesel101 - 12 years ago
beautiful tank man, love seeing healthy fish. kudos to you
bdarnell1966 - 12 years ago
Beautiful tank I just got started with Discus, check out my video if you have the time. I personally like the mixed up colors.
FishAntsPlantsAndDave - 12 years ago
look at some WILD discus tanks...those are the artistic ones...this one looks like crap with all the random colored fish..
jpjoeyjp2 - 12 years ago
nice aquarium one of my favourite i have seen yet think im gonna build a similiar setting like yours wich stone do you got in there if you don't mind i'm asking.
Oleg Gavrylenko
Oleg Gavrylenko - 12 years ago
Hi,very nice set up,I have 450 liters tank,ehiem 2180, 9 month,planted,few discus,using osmos water,will I add 1 more filter?
Joseph Jozwik
Joseph Jozwik - 12 years ago
Hey your tank looks sweet, How do you have that drift wood hanging from the top?
xyoojj - 12 years ago
Your tank is gorgeous.
guapodidier - 12 years ago
El pez blanco con amarillo esta muy chingon, y el tanke también esta bien perron y muy bien decorado
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
The tank + stand 700euros. 2 large filters 500 euros. extras: thermostats, pumps ( for WC), nets, airstone, etc 200 euros. So I guess..roughly around 1400-1500 euros minus fish and decorations. Good luck man! ( girlfriends usually love aquariums, as long as you don't ask them for help with the maintenance :) )
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Ha thanx man! I got 2 large filters. The eheim 2180 and the fluval fx5. Combined the tank gets great biological and mechanical filtration since the eheim holds a great deal of material, and the fluval has massive sponges and great water flow.
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you so much! Comments like yours keep me posting new videos...
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
thanx mate!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
My PH is 8.0. I was worried in the beginning also, but not anymore :)
njw1383 - 12 years ago
Your tank looks superb mate! You should be really proud of this. I've subscribed to your channel. Hope you can sub me back
Владислав Леонтьев
Владислав Леонтьев - 12 years ago
Ivan Cortés
Ivan Cortés - 12 years ago
The most pretty fishtank am seen in you tube good job ....
bdarnell1966 - 12 years ago
Very nice job, a dream tank.
Joseph O'Halloran
Joseph O'Halloran - 12 years ago
how did you manage to get the bog wood to stay in that position?
Naïm Septimus
Naïm Septimus - 12 years ago
C'est magnifique !!!
Jamesy ツ
Jamesy ツ - 12 years ago
Yeah I know but it's not their job to find out every YouTubers PH. :)
Sanghoon Han
Sanghoon Han - 12 years ago
Fry from that egg thrive after their hatching? Quite amazing tank! beautiful.
Jamesy ツ
Jamesy ツ - 12 years ago
What is your problem? What? It's your job to find out every YouTubers tanks PH? Fuck off...
sunboy1000 - 12 years ago
great tank, wonderful fish, ive been thinking about getting discus but i'm worried about ph etc
Scucca1 - 12 years ago
the white-orange one is the best
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hi and thank you! I have only ever put one angel in with the discus and I have had no problems whatsoever...
Meg Boberg
Meg Boberg - 12 years ago
Oh I see you did add more discus -- haha awesome. Beautiful tank. And have you had good luck combining discus with angels?
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hi, I don't use co2, and the ph is 7.8 - 8.0
pkool79 - 12 years ago
I also would like to know if your using co2 & what the ph is.
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you. The sand is white quartz 0,3-0,1mm, and I add fert tablets where needed.
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hi, it is true that some times plecos bother discus...once they taste the discus' slime coating, they will never stop nibbling :)..that's why it is recommended that only small plecos ''go'' with discus. If the pleco is small, it won't have the guts to approach the bigger discus. Very few plecos remain small in size, the most common small pleco is the ancistrus pleco AKA ''bush nosed'' pleco. There are a few more like the ''golden nugget'' pleco, ''sunshine pleco'' etc...
pkool79 - 12 years ago
I've heard that plecos bother discus, I was wondering if this has happened. Nice driftwood also nice find
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you, and the answer is that 2 different strains are mating in my tank, since I don't have any two same-strain discus :)
AdWaTeR - 12 years ago
Im just starting my Discus tank and wanna know since yours are breeding, is it the same strain of discus mating or is it 2 different strains mating? by the way rally nice tank
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
wow thank you!
Ronny S
Ronny S - 12 years ago
Beautiful Setup... One of the nicest I've seen online in awhile
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you for the great comment! Check out my new videos and let me know what you think of the tanks evolution...
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
No problem and Thank you, you should check out my latest video and see how the plants have filled in...
randomsubscriber - 12 years ago
thanks so much, I am in the middle of trying to decide how I'd like to plant a tank for angels, and this is just gorgeous.
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hi, I have had absolutely no problems between the two...just that the angelfish is such a greedy little thing that he eats waaaay too much of the discus's food, and became really fat. :)
Andrew Price
Andrew Price - 12 years ago
Have you had any trouble between the Discus and the Angelfish?
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hi and thank you. I tied the driftwood to the top of the tank with transparent fishing line and tried to interweave the different pieces between them at the same time :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hi again! The price really varies depending on the size and strain, but I always try and choose the best quality. The most I've payed for a juvenile discus is around 50pounds...I live in Greece and always buy from the same specialized shop that imports Malaysian discus from Tony Tan.
randomsubscriber - 12 years ago
Hi. I really like this set up. How did you do that with the wood/vines??
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thanx! If you want check out the newest video, it has changed a bit since then :)
orobori - 12 years ago
really nice setup pretty much perfect tbh
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thanx man! it means alot when coming from the best of the best :)
Curtis Berchtold
Curtis Berchtold - 12 years ago
Wow!!! Nice tank ;)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
cool channel and vids man!
captainhelmet69 - 12 years ago
really nice set up i kije please check out my account if possible peeps
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thanx, check out my latest video, it has changed quite a bit since then...the size is 180x60x65 cm, or 150gallons
Patty Slocumb
Patty Slocumb - 12 years ago
Absolutely stunning! What size tank is that?
coleofishing - 12 years ago
no problem. i love the video. also you could have not picked better music :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
This makes me happy, and inspires me to keep making videos and being active in the aquarium community. thanx
coleofishing - 12 years ago
i find myself watching this vid about twice a week
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thanx, and I did check out your tank. Really cool plants and aquascape, cheers!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
njw1383 - 12 years ago
Very nice! Discus are one of my fav fish. I wold keep them again but they like very high water temp and i don't think my other fish would like that. Check out my vids
Ginellemanu - 12 years ago
Beautiful! ^_^
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Generally, you shouldn't have big algae problems after your tank has cycled and matured. If you have continuing algae problems after 4-5 months of your new setup, something is out of balance. You may be feeding too much, have a weak filter, not do enough water changes, have too much light...there are a number of reasons. If however your tank is relatively new (and you have been doing everything right) it is quite normal to have algae problems. In the first 2-3 months my tank was algae-crazy :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hi, I have very few algae problems..mostly at the few parts where the water is still. Usually I will clean it off with my hand or a brush, or if I can't reach, I use some H2O2 ( Hydrogen peroxide). This kills all algae in a few minutes, but you must be careful with the amount and frequency of it. I might use 50ml every 2-3 months at places where my hand can't reach. Also some of the ''brush algae'' that grows on the wood, I like, so I leave it :)
jason bergendahl
jason bergendahl - 12 years ago
how do you battle algae? or don't you have any problems? any tips will be appreciated. thanks.
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
The room/decorations is an equilibrium. You need to give the fish enough room to swim around, but also they love/need the security of the hiding places and shade provided by the decorations. Because of my aquascape, healthy fish never hide, and weak fish always have a hiding place for them to recover.
acer hdmi
acer hdmi - 12 years ago
if you give a bit room for the fish to swim around i think much better. i think the decorations is great, the space for the fish is not enough
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Wow!..this is way beyond my expectations. I am so happy that I have inspired you to create your own aquarium set up! You know, I might be your inspiration, but You inspire me to keep it up. People like you keep me posting videos and active in the aquarium community. Thank you so much and lots of love from Greece!
Geeshmagee - 12 years ago
Your video is truly my inspiration in aquaculture! Once I watched this video, I set myself a goal of having a planted discus habitat similar to this. I grew up with aquariums, but never owned one. I went and bought a nice 30 gallon to get myself acquainted with it. Have two snakeskin discus and a few tetras, and tons of plants! Loving it!!! Thank you for your inspiration, your tank is truly magnificent! Much Love from California <3
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
dziękuję! :)
borhanus - 12 years ago
wonderful setup. you should remove your angel .one parasite attack & your discus will start to fall
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Space Vixen
Space Vixen - 12 years ago
did you buy thoses discus online??? if not where?
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thanx! Well the large fish ( discus, angel) usually try and eat anything that fits in their mouth, so I bought the cardinal tetras pretty large from the beginning and I keep everyone well fed. Also the small cardinals have lots and lots of hidding places :)
acornjen - 12 years ago
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thanx man, No the driftwood isn't floating, it is tied to the top of the aquarium with transparent fishing line ;)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you and Tony Tan from Malaysia that I get the discus from :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you! check out my new video and let me know how you like the way it has evolved :)
Ad Leonard
Ad Leonard - 12 years ago
BEEEEEUTIFUL tank! tell me, are you floating your driftwood??
coleofishing - 12 years ago
this tank is awesome. best discus i've ever seen
Daymo02 - 12 years ago
Nice discus as well as the music.
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
1,8mx60cmx65cm 150gallon
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hello, the answer is that I don't lower the ph :) My ph is 8.0 here in Athens Greece, and the discus are fine. I told myself years ago, when I first started with discus, that I will not use RO or Buffers, and if the discus don't like my high ph, I simply won't have them in my aquarium. However they never seemed to have a problem with it..so here we are :)
WolleytheMonster - 12 years ago
Nice tank man can i ask you how you lower your ph?
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thanx man! check out my new vid and let me know if you like how it has evolved since then
Stoneymofo - 12 years ago
What a lovely tank very well done !!!!!!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Greatest comment! :)You should check out the tank now on my new video..it has changed alot since then..hope you still like it
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
I bought it as an ''emperor discus''., but I'm not sure about the strain..maybe some calico breed
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you! check out my new video and let me know what you think of the tank now...the plants have grown ALOT
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
I tried once and my angelfish bullied the other one almost to death...maybe I should try again though..thanx for reminding me!
DasKurzschluss - 12 years ago
you need to find a date for your angelfish :D
scarhbar23 - 12 years ago
at 0:25 what strain is that??
Matt Bryant
Matt Bryant - 13 years ago
Best tank I have seen !! Amazing layout and awesome fish !! Well done !
reaperferno - 13 years ago
good stuff
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
Thank you!!
Yeshia Lin
Yeshia Lin - 13 years ago
greatest discuss tank on youtube
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@fishbonsaicars123 Hi, I bought the discus at a specialized Discus store. Some fish radically change color and pattern as they grow, but you can usually tell if the fish is going to be a good one from the 4th-5th month. If it is sufficiently large for its age, has a nice round shape and fairly intense pattern and color, and has a healthy appetite, it will probably grow up to be a nice colored and shaped adult, even if the color and pattern changes over time...
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@lilit1231 Hi, I use nothing except fertilizer tablets and consistent water changes..I also researched the plants so that they are ok with my water parameters and fish
lilit1231 - 13 years ago
how do you maintain your plants? do you use c02, plant fertilizer etc?
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@NaineshIndulkar Hi! I would be honored to inspire someone elses tank:) the wood is normal store-bought driftwood ( from fish/aquarium store) and I tied some to the top of the tank with transparent fishing line...good luck with your setup
NunzyY - 13 years ago
Hi mate i am very much impressed... such a lovely setup man.have downloaded this video and trying to steal few ideas of urs.LOL.. JKJK.. k just a question about those woods.. what are those and how will get them?
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@tomnepi Hello, the tank is 180x60x65 :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@pidy411 Thank you for the reciprocally inspiring comment :)
stuart humphrey
stuart humphrey - 13 years ago
64 sry lol
stuart humphrey
stuart humphrey - 13 years ago
just lovely my friend im getting my new 63galen tank soon and am having it planted and u have inspired me to what stock i would like to keep tyvm:) just awsome:)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@natelogston Your comments are also inspiring...great cycle :). I've left the original sponges in both filters and for media I used sera siporax and fluval biomax. I can see no difference between the two. Any filter media brand will be fine in my opinion, provided that the amount and proportions are correct.
Nate Logston
Nate Logston - 13 years ago
this is so inspiring as a fishkeeper. what media do you use in your fx5 and eheim?
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@FCxBarcelona23 its 2 pieces that I have tied to the top of the aquarium with fishing line
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
unfortunately my water is quite hard and the eggs don't hatch..but that doesn't stop the fish from trying again, and again..and again :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@thezooprincess Thank you for the excellent comment :) I hope to continue and improve...
mudnreo - 13 years ago
Hi, would a couple discus work in a 29 gal high tank?
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@mudnreo My tank thanks you!
mudnreo - 13 years ago
WOW Beautiful tank
John Breeson
John Breeson - 13 years ago
@whybenorman Thank you so much for the help! Exited to get it up and running! Would the Rena Filstar XP2 be good for a canister filter? Thanks for the tips!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@MrJbree13 correction - 1 discus per 10 gallon rule :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@MrJbree13 ...not the best tank mates, however I have never had problems with mine and I know a few people which keep have discus with angel fish with no problems. Go for it, but just keep an eye out for aggression and/or disease.Also, if your discus don't grow too much, you could probably go for a fifth...some say even more, but I like sticking close to the 1 discus (or discus sized fish) per gallon rule. Especially if you plan to feed them alot ( thus dirtying the water).Good luck
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@MrJbree13 More than one filter is a good idea for few reasons,1st better filtering (obviously), 2nd if one should break down, you have a back up, and 3rd its handy for cycling a new tank (like if you need a hospital tank at some point). If you keep plants, and run 2 filters one water change (30-40%) a week should be enough, but the more, the better. I do once a week. I clean the sand every week during water change. 4 discus and an angel should be fine, angel fish are supposedly...
John Breeson
John Breeson - 13 years ago
hey, I was hoping to get a 65 gallon disucs tank up and ready! Is it a good idea to get more then 1 filter going? how often do you do water changes as well? How often do you clean that white sand? do yo think it'd be okay if I fit in 4 disucs with an angle with some tetras? thank you!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@itsjustmom52 Thanx, it rarely seems like work, (although a couple of filter problems, and fish diseases have made me think of kicking the damn thing till it works properly ha) has but I do fuss over the tank alot:) usually Ricky will have a slightly elongated and ''pointy'' dorsal fin at the end when compared to Lucy, but many times the difference is so minute that even experts can't tell the difference till they see which one lays the eggs and which one fertilizes them
AngelofPluto - 13 years ago
@whybenorman Thanks for the tip!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@AngelofPluto Thank you for the comment! I have experimented with a few different types of light..I found that a combination of red bulbs (6000K) and white bulbs (10000K) are best for bringing out colors of fish and plants. The only sort of drawback is that the 10000K white bulbs emit a white light that is not as natural looking as the 6700K white bulbs that are more yellow and resemble sunlight. It comes down to what you prefer when it comes to white...the red ones are a 'must' for color :)
AngelofPluto - 13 years ago
Hey, what type of lighting do you use? I have discus too, but the colours don't pop on mine like they seem to on yours. And the predominently blue snakeskin type discus with the dark vertical stripes (seen 1:09-1:17) is STUNNING. Lovely fish. Thanks for sharing
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@guppybreedernl Ha! you're the first person to comment on the cat..cheers!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@roadrunnerpxs I've really gained respect for these fish..especially since I thought they were kinda boring before I got them. They might not be the prettiest fish in the tank, but they are extremely hardy, good workers, fearless and have great behavior schooling and solitary. I love watching them!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@roadrunnerpxs I know! The have been ''stealing'' beefheart from the discus and have become fat! one of them in particular (the best thief) is humangus. He looks like a miniature great white! He spends alot of time resting on rocks and plants....they are on a diet now and are abit slimmer. However they never stopped eating algae :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@fishforme2 :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@apulia75 Thank you for that!
Gaetano Caminiti
Gaetano Caminiti - 13 years ago
Wonderful chiclids tank with colours of rare beauty, well done! You did a great job so thumbs up ^--^
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@jfrost2114 :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@fishforme2 Thank you, that's my goal :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@jfrost2114 I did pour work into it, but it is one of those things that doesn't feel like 'work' and is quite rewarding! :) Also one of my friends that is an amateur cinematographer wants to capture the aquarium with a HD camera and film underwater, so you might have an even better view soon! thanx for the comment!
jfrost2114 - 13 years ago
@whybenorman id like to be able to see that in person....bet its even more breathtaking...looks like you really poured a lot of work into it....
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@Tristansfishcrazy Ha! one of the best comments ever! thanx
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@jfrost2114 I agree :) thanx!
jfrost2114 - 13 years ago
Beautiful !
iKyle95 - 13 years ago
@whybenorman You can check out my channel at - ThatFishTankMan63
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@iKyle95 Thanx man, I will! ;)
iKyle95 - 13 years ago
Thats an awsome tank! Keep up the good work!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@DAgosto5 Not really. With the electric pump its a breeze. The hard/ boring part is the gravel siphoning, it generally takes me 1 hour to clean gravel and change the water
DAgosto5 - 13 years ago
is hard to do water changes on a 150 gallon tank?
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@mannydisculovers Thank you for the comment, I do my best to keep the little bugers happy :)
Emanuel Nunes
Emanuel Nunes - 13 years ago
Nice that's a great looking discus, really nice tank... They look very happy. Well done!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@0AqUa0903 Thank you..I got them from a specialized discus shop here in Greece. discus.gr
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@VeryBadReputation Its fun for people to watch, but the rest of the fish have their 'ball's busted a bit , since the pairs are quite protective of their eggs and chase anyone that comes close to them. Its very interesting to observe these behaviors and relationships between fish...
VeryBadReputation - 13 years ago
@4.00 Flirting... mmm.... So how is it having a pair (pairs?) in a community tank?

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